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Eastern Ave. Third Floor City State Zip Las Vegas, NV 89119 Phone 702 737·7133 Co NTENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FEATU RES D EPA R T ME N T S ALOHA FROM CALENDAR POSTER SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REVISED AND READY TO U SE, b y Aloha J oe . ..•. .. .... ..•..••...••.13 JUST UNDO STAP LE S. pg 20 CALENDAR .. 6 FEBRUARY - PEPElUAll MARCH - MAlAKI CLASSIFIED .39 VALENTINE'S DAY A SHORT HISTORY 5 FROM THE EDITOR ............ .4 UNDERSTANDING GASA-GASA GOSS I P OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS 14 by Steven LUI11 .......9 FOND MEMORIES Join Hawaii's television $29.95 each iincludes shipping & handling) OF '70s IN HAWAI'I HAWAIIAN MUSIC REVIEW personality, Emme Tomimbang, send check or money order to: EMME INC. l< iKU TElEBI & KIKAIDER 15 by Aloha J oe .. • .... .. 12 as she brings you the music, cia Christine Biaggi CHINESE-AMERICANS the people and the culture that makes P.O. Box 90024 ' Henderson, Nevada 89009 ISLAND HOPPING. .10 ema il: emmeine@lava .n et' 1·702·565·4388 - LINUS CHAO - AN ARTIST Hawai'i unique and special. 'payable to EMME INC. WITH MANY TALENTS 16 LAS VEGAS: WHAT'S NEW & HOT - FEBRUARY 16TH - BEGINS by D eke Castleman .....• .. .30 YEAR Of THE RABBIT 18 , ------------------------------------------, - PRESERVING THE CULTURE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ..• . 7 THROUGH LI ON DANCE 22 - I<AUAI'S CHINESE NINTH ISLAND BUSINESSES .38 " PAVILION OF HAPPINESS" 24 - A TRIBUTE TO I<AUAIANS 26 The mission of the Japanese Anlericall National MUSeUI11 is to 1l1ake known HAWAIIAN EVENTS I N SAN FR ANC ISCO AREA 27 the Japanese Anlerican experience as an integral part of our nation's he ritage SIX GENERATIONS Of MISAJONS BUILD I SLE FILIPINO L EGACY 28 to improve understa nding a nd appreciati o n LAS VEGAS for Ameri ca's ethnic a nd culturClI diverSity. - WINNING POKER STRATEG IE S 31 - POTPOURRI 35 isLE CLASS REUNIONS IN LV M U SeUl11 ( Japanese Ameri ca n National - LAHAINAlUNA HIGH 32 369 East First Street Los Angeles, C A 900 12 - HILO HIGH 33 phon" 213·625-04 14 The New ExpanSion Pavilion [s Now Open wcb :-itL': http:// \N,",V\v .jC'll1m .org WORD SEARCH PUZZLE 34 IN THE NEXT ISSUE: FrOll1 Corer IIlustraTioll hy Linus Chao A TRI BUTE TO H AWA IIA N A _ © 199R. See ,\"lOry ahout lIrtist Oil page C U LTURAL EV ENTS, CLU BS. PEO PLE, P U6L1C SER VICE ANN OUNCE M ENT / 6 & 17 alit! 1II0l'e of his Nell' Year's AND MANY OTHE R STOR I ES. arllv(} rk Oil pages 18 & 19. " T o « ElP Y o u IN TOUCH ". 2 'O HANA PEPElUAlI / MA lAKI1 9 99 3 A Note from the Editor ___________'OHANA(family) ® VO LUME 3 ISSUE 4 MEL OZEKJ , PH.D. Publi sher I Editor Mel Ozeki, Ph.D. Associate Publisher • Revised 1999 Calendar. Please & Editor I Accounts Emi ly Ozeki take the new calendar o ut of the cen­ Art Di rector I Design Diana Barclay-C rane terfold by opening the cente r-stitc h Graphic Art ist I Design Ka th y Miya-Revuelto stapl es. The previous cale ndar had WaIentine's cgay Marketin g Ch ri stine Bi aggi so me dates and notati ons th at were incorrect. M o re event s are A SHORT HISTORY Account Executive Sann Wright also li sted in thi s revis io n. 'Of/ANA (family)® welco mes b.y Lo'W 're/1/'(' Clfllll;lIgbrnJl, PbD, UJ/;V('1·:f;f.JI of lVotre Dffme A ccountant Stephanie Gota events to be li sted in th e July thro ug h December cal endar. Co ntributin g Writers Aloha Joe Seiter Deadline is April I. Every February 14, millions of America ns se nd valentines to people they love. Deke Castleman Rita De Silva But. as with many customs, the origin of SI. Val entine's Day is shrouded in mystery. Mitch Fox • A Special Mahalo to Anne Yerd iro me. w ho li ves he re in Las Who was Saint Val entine? Kimberl y Fu Vegas with her hu sband and daughte r. He r parents, Gerry and Archaeologists have unea rthed a Roman ca tacomb an d an ancient church dedicated Mina Hall Edie Anderson, li ve in Molokai and publi s h The Dispatch, a Palrick Ka'ano 'j weekly newspaper. to Saint Val entine. But they are not ce rtain if there was one Va lentine or two. Hal Kop Ancient accounts tell the tales of two martyrs named Val entine who were executed Steven Lurn They co mbined to write a huge fro nt- page feature about Pal Morita 'Of/ANA ifamily)® magazine in the December 3. issue of Th e on February 14 sometime during the third ce ntury. O ne was a Roman priest. Michael PCIT)' Dispatch. The lead was delightful - A nne says th at she imme­ the other was the Bishop of Terni, a ci ty about 50 miles away from Rome. Emme Tom imbang diately felt "so much at home" whe n she vis it ed 'Of/ANA and Leil ehua Yucn Valentine's Day and Romance read the pl acard , "Please remove shoes·· o n the front door. Pholngwphy Brian Janis! Phototechnik Scholars have two main theories to explain how February 14 (For folks not rai sed in th e Is lands - it · s a common is land cul­ Roy Ogala tural tradition to remove one's foo twear a ft er ente ring a home. became associated with romance. Co mputer Co nsultant Jason Aqui. Aloha Joe Seiter To not do so is rude.) Th eory I Fi lm Ou tpul l Printer Southwest Color Graphics Th e middle of February was the time of the ancient Roman Feast of Luperca lia, \Veb p ~l ge : • Featuring cultural groups. W e'd love to hear from you - Email: ohanamag@ email, letter, fax - about our v ig ne tt es on di fferent ethnic a pagan fe rtility celebration. Maidens would write love notes and deposit them 'ONANA lj'alllify)® (lSSN 1090-5 189) fo r in a large urn. Th e men of Rome would picR notes from the urn Fchurary I March 1999. Published bi-month ly (s ix groups. (Addresses to cont act us, are in column to the left). til11c ~ per year) by 'OHANA klagazill e. 4573 and then court the girls whose messages they had drawn. • Three new mega-cas inos make their debut in 1999. POrladown Lane. Las Vegas. NV 89 12 1-5756. Ph Theory II 702-.. 0-1-0544: Fax 702-435-8561 . Annual sub­ Mandalay Bay opens o n March 2, fo ll owed by the Venetian ~c ription ~ are $20.00. POSTi\'lASTER: please and Pari s. But even more spectacular, the 12 1.000 rooms fo r People bega n se nding love notes on Valentine's Day in the late Middle As;ies. :-.c nd addrc:-.s c h a n gc~ to '0I11"1NA . 4573 PortildoWIl Lane. La s Vegas. NV 89 12 1-5756. New Year's Eve 2000 won' t be suffic ie nt for that occasion! Medieval Europeans believed that birds began to mate on February 14 \,VRITE .. INS: Matcrial s sent ror considcrati on or Four casinos are already taking reserva ti o ns. each requiring a and wished to emulate them. publicati o n must in c lude SASE. All materials sub­ minimum of fo ur- ni ght stays, startin g at $2.000 per night. The Both theo ri es blend fac t and fancy. ject to edit ing. SUnSC RII>TION: Personal check ot her mega-casin os are pl ayi ng a "wait and see". claiming that or mO ll cy order on ly. Adverti sing Rates and ot her th e market will bear th eir prices. so it is imposs ible to separate them. We Rnow the first paper valentines informatiun . please ca ll Bu sin css o rri ce. All t: hangc or addrc s~cs ~ h o uld be rece ived by Sepl. date bacR to the 1500s and enterprising Ya nRees 10 . Nov. 10. etc. Sub:-.c riptions recicved artcfl:UI ­ • Subscriber growth for 1998 ove r 1997 double d! A ··Tip o f soon were maRin g money se lling va lentines. olT dale will receivc fi rst magazine in the fo ll owing th e Coconut Papale·' to everyone w ho s upporte d ' Of/ANA . flO day~. un less an addi ti onul $2 is included for Esth er A. Howland . To 11 0t offend fo lks O r advertisers beca use all can no t be li st­ fi rst- c.:lu s:-.
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