Try THE'WEATHER TH1 HILLSIDE TIMES Fair today an* tomorrow. For Your Next Order Of PRINTING >T,. XIII, N o. 649 h i l l s w f ,, n . j , F r i d a y , a p r i t . an, 1037 OFFICIAL NGWBPAPKK r the rowwsHrr or nre.iss PRICE FIVE CENTS Youth Week Audit Lacking HEAD-ON COLLISION Don’t Mention Committee Splits 3 - Vote NARROWLY AVERTED Rap Adults In Suggestions A ;head-on collision between* a pas­ School Body On Lapp For Assessor,Board senger car and a loaded coal 'truck It was narrowly averted M . 2 :56 a. m., For Failing John D. Lapp Jr,, of 119 doe ave­ beaches at-high-school baseball g.ames, yesterday, on'Rout© 29 near'Bl<jy street, ^ycek provides some funny 00' No Recommendations of A n y nue, was appointed 'Wednesday night pointing out a 'boy aan“o^ly_eseaped Gprneil Johnson, 30, colored, >of s7 • .one Junior offioial was Gives Ideas by'.the Township Committee fork three tp" jtojjucy * wli0n a ball’. Jbit Importance In Annual . Oi'esCofi ‘ toblcb, toy,' sihool BKobklyn, dftiyer,' o|.' ' jibru^c,, To A id Youth .year term on the General ^ a rd Of Im- hipi. Ohalrraany GeQr^e'. Steuerwald .Report to Committee said the car was' heading, low tod "him tlis, should ootafi to toe holder provement .Assessment Oommlssloners suggested action to urge the scliool on the wrong side of the highway and tu3_nnh Youth Week-Body.-Qppuses UincO' asied for her opinion b<^ Yuung" People Charter They Early Classes, Favors Patterson, incumbent. at, Calvin Coolldge School, but" no ae-, olsm and even suggestions for improved self to avoid the. collision. A slight im. Are Xot Adequately Pre­ Better Lunchroom Lapp ’was supported by the present Won was .taken. Thomas Oreengrove, ;ecord keeping, the report of the T936 pact did' occur, as .the, oaf, - driven *by •stie-«»eil»dol-------'■■I-'— 1 -theoretdoal-majority of ^ commitfceer juinjor--guWid afPaira~^fi3E^nnaii, ob-‘ audlirof-the township’s books was re­ Andrew Gergely, 38, of l3 ‘(pakland pared to Face Life 1 1 don't kllOW.^lf‘"ljawrd!o,"sslc "CKairmah Geovge W. ffirlicEr Gom- NEW BASEBALL FIELD tained approval for lights on the east- ceived Wednesday night by the Town­ avenue, Union, struck the .^ver-hang- ther about that!” mitteemanJRobert o! Thompson and side o f-North Broad street. ship Committee- from WHght, Long ing rear portion of the truck at'an SCORE DOMINATION ALSO RECOMMENDED Arthur T. i*e. Thgppson nominated Reject Motorcycle and Company, auditors for Hiilsidie. angle. 7 "\T~ _p ovld Wrio^, member of jjfta Lapp and Lee seenniiftri thft noiiDlnatinhi -Tischproposed^addihg-a-third-motor^ The , three^ecommexidations offered —Both—driver-s-^xhade^^ statemi&nts-at^ OF SOME PARENTS Week executive pommittee, |cffl Need for better and more sanitary Previous to Lapp’s nonainahbh, ©om- are of slight concern. They are: Thp,t cycle .to-those in service 1n the police police headquarters. Neither suffered . "Youthful Speakers struck out at axt rt.-d" in. Monday night be- .lunchroom faoiliilee'.ia the high sehpol mitteeman Harry.3 . Vogel had pro- department! to. cope better with the; ex-- the, unexpended balance of. authoriza­ injuries; The truck was proceeding K^-1unior- Board, of. Eduoadori.' and discontent wlrh the i^iilrftmgnt fff; .posed1-theLxeturn-.ofi Pd-tt^pson, backed: shortcomings ih adults’ assistance to. •-# - speeders; Steuerwald argued tions . on - completed improvements be east on the. highway and Gergely was youiig poopte in * preparing them for rtTT^iv ihev BuggeBted-vfce board by Committeeman Hkrr^^ Schnabel. ___ yas a needless expense and that cancelled: "that- the costs .on improve^ driving west. Patrolman HaToid Me- conquer Oie'sd'visabmty-of-haVf ra. were -the-ieaClng—topics d1 oj^dtecus^ Pattefsoh : namS^^^ m oAder-llfs4h=ft: paiAeLdisoussionT-ii¥outhr^--- sdbut carsTtre "bettfer than -motorcycles. men1s"'staTted~a“"numbear“of year- ago' •bfidrlnv^tlgatetL Steps«0utr included as part of Youth jys and" girls--in high school-la- sion -Monday -night by a set- -of high tlian- a-^year ago to' ^S t^e^^^ y The commiti;ee'Shh!ally voted1’down" 1ffie butnot oomplebed: be charged off agaiimt school students serving as a junior •eated by the resignation of Alexander Week, at thm Tuesday evening meet- « ce (schools. proposal, 4. .to 1, the,only sign of any the reserve for the township’s share of teg ssHhe- Sfehool FarenVPeach- f t No!" one board member was Board of Education for Youth Week. J. Falk when lie moved tb Union.* The difference of.' opinion on the junior costs; and that the undaimed balances e r Association- to exclaim in ft hurry. The. topic Florence MoOlure, who served as term expired last Thursday, .April 22, board, of retained percentages and accrued Seek Another Speakers on.the various topios were':" ot- discussed... chairman of the attendanoej health and Lapp is a member of the Republican assessors, engineering and" legal fees Tisch had been informed in Miriam Marantz and Mrs. Raymond T. ' •loiisiy. ssetatt that 'the board bad transportation committee, pushed the county committee from the twelfth dis- afternoon by -Thompson while inspect- be cancelled. JDavis.Jhe h ome: Lois McMahon and xt of Shool prooleS^ to thrash need for a tadreSaintaryand .equipped been W PA Project ffig the police department, that a” third “ The committee also received a report Township Committee Chairman George le-had offered-tha suggestion that Cafeteria, pointing out lunches are. now nitely aligned, at any time during the. motorcycle was. to be added shortly, of the audit of the Police and Fire­ W . Herlich, the community; June How­ grace classes he reatraJaged go eaten In the auditorium) which is also past year with either faction in and was told* he 'could announce the men’s- Pension Fund, from February 29, The Township Committee Monday lett and Rev. George M. Runner, the •hildrer. Ill the three sections of used' as a -study hall. Louise Bowne; committee.' . f&’ct in his capacity as public safety 1936, to March 31, 1937, showing total night voted to ask the WPA for church; William . and Township serving, as chairman of the sites and The appointment-was the only Eirtlp would not have to wallt rman. The motorcycle, however, is assets had jumped from $87,589.77 to mediate aproval o f a temportoy bfo4 Oommifcteernan Harry R. Vogel, govern­ one part to another for school.: new buildings committee, crltlolzed thy tivity of the Township Committee Wed*? old. one, and had been .laid up for $99,493.67. Included in the 1937 assets ject until a . permanent road. ’ repair ment; Gladys Hill an<THugo 8 . Gensel, fas advised “it's good for ohll- lack -of provlslcn for a cafeteria in nesday night other than to confirm all repairs through the winter. are $15,000 bonds of the Jersey Title schedule is approved-in—Wsgshingtoh; presiaentyof th'e^Board of Education, 1 BaaMnsWi jfaik a cquhIb of miles acts of the five Junior members who plans for the, proposed new "high sahooil Besides Steuerwald, TLsch and Green. apd-. Mortgage : Guarantee Company, prevent* the laying off of’W PA wbrk* education. • ihool. The board reached no definite decision took • their, places - as part of Youth :ove, the junior committee was. com­ which defaulted on payment for the 5. between projects now expiring and _ idX came back quickly: “It’s Week. Herlich congratu^'ted the junior Domineering Parents what might be done to improvejtoe posed. of’the “Misses- Gladys' Hill and bonds* last year, y?hen they matured, the road work. It was stated WPA of­ thful to get up early in the mom- lunchroom situation. officials on their efficient handling^ of Janice Howlett. inasmuch as -the company is now in Miss Marantz charged that too many ficial? have, power to allow tempor parents try‘to domineer children’s lives, •' tpol-’ She board had just decided Action Not Confirmed township’s business, including the hands of the State Department of- projects to prevent returning men as not good for seniors* sleep. to James Dwyer, who took the place of Banking and. Insurance. choose their friends and companions Janet Perrine, chairmantof the rentals relief rolls between projects. '' - , and pick their future occupations, that telM tip-early to get to a 7:40 and janitors committee, led the - rest Township Glerk Howard J*. Bloy. Hf The committee also authorized I class. • said many portions-^ .township busi- .-iJoje-home^shoffid-be- a-vital- center in— of the board into a long, discussion' of Cranley Seen ecutlon of a new project. to contliiue' every, child's life. Mrs. Davis declared the early rising necessary- for upper­ ‘involve phraseology with .which the WPA sewing room under, new rules Students are not familiar. that with shorter working hours, and” lybe "the high school students who' classmen who have to be In school at Elks To Honor effective tomorrow.- - The federal modern mechanical devices, the family pituted for the- members of the 40 for two classes. The Board passed Confirm Assessments Running ^Again eminent will step out-of th e picture, has more leisure time to be together nship Committee Wednesday night motion to allow no classes to be held With the junior officials acting, tomorrow, with the state now requir­ and more common interests-than form­ more courage than their seniors.- store 8 a. m,. HoweVer, It did not ap? >rdinance amending; the poolroom . ---------- ^ . : " Bbars Leader ing the township to pay $4 -per month erly. Gladys jfil* Junior member, de- pear that* the motion was taken, too regulation ordinance was passed Rumor of Lee As Freeholder for* each woman in the project, but Miss McMahon declared that while I a larger and.
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