Holy Rollers Plan Dance • The Glenville. Mercury ~ Student Newspaper GLENVU.LE STATE COLLEGE Published Weekly Vol. XXII. No. 2.4. GJ~nville, W. Va., Tuesday May 1, 1951 ----loCent~ Copy 600 High School Seniors Are Expected Here Today • Annual 'Senior Day' Program Will Open Annual Spring With Assembly; Collegians to Perform Members of the arrangements committee for the Holy By William A. Harper RoUer Court BaU, show above, work on plans for the annual Formal Dance Approximately 600 high school seniors from North Cen­ event. They ue, sitting, left to right, Bob Walker, BiU Sur­ tral West Virginia will visit Glenville today as t he college ber, Pledge Otis Westfall, and Joe Herman. Standing, left to observes its fourth annual "Senior Day" program, Registrar right, are Jack Lilly and Judge Curtis Kiddy. Michael E. Posey, chairman, has announced. Set by Court Students from around 25 schools of the area will tour the campus and view a college education. plant at work dur­ Beckley Orchestra To ----'---------•ing t he day-long visitation HEFLIN LAUDS _FACULTY, STUDENTS Provide Musical Pace Seniors Welcomed program. Program for the event "VI'ill geC. ~ BWBonm underway early 1n the morrJ.ng The outstandi!lg social event of when the students begin to arrive IN 'STATE OF COLLEGE' ADDRESS the season will take place this Fri­ or. the campus, with an assembly Faculty and .student achieve- •------------ day nl.g.l-tt m the Glenville state to open t.he a.ffair. ments were lauded by President a ud1torh!.ru when the Holy RoUer President Harry B . He.Oin and I . Court presfnts its annual spring Harry B. Rerun when he delivered Registrar Posey will weloome the hl< annual "State of the College" Sctcnre,.,. Club formal. seniors to the campus in behal( of addres.> In aio.sembll' Thursday A larg~ crowd or students and the adm1nistra.t1on, While Studeni. faculty rr..embers i" expected to at­ Council President Bob Arnold will mo~~flln reviewed the •chieve- To Hear Talk tend the annual aJfair which wUl welcome them for the GSC st.uden~ ments of the inter-fraternity feature de~cing to the music of body. the Royal Kings of Beckley from 9 Special . music a.t the assembly "":'ell ..o:t::; o1envtue state By WVU Prof : lUI. will be provlded by Brent C ool'a faculty member achievements. The Royal Kmgs are a n out­ ''Collegians" and the college choir. President Heflin emphasizE.Q t.be Dr. VirgU Greene Lilly, professor standing: 6-piece combination that 1\lusical Phase has galned widesprea.C recognition The musical phase will be rol­ Yarlous state educational offices <.! Phy.~:!ology at West Virginia uni­ held by faculty members and stated in the southern ~rt of Ute :;tate, lcwed by a panel of college stu­ that our -,ercentage of degrees held vesity, will speak at the' May 7 according to Holy Roller Court dents. '\J,ho will inform the vislton compares favorably witll any meeting Jl ~he Glenvllle Stale Sci­ Judge Curtis Kiddy. ot extra-curricular activities on t.he other college in the state. ence club, W1lllam I ce, president, 'l'ickets On Sa1e campus. Among tJl1s group wW be Tickets for U1e d!lnce are on sale the course the address, representatives ot fratemitles, ath­ :.n ot has announeed. for $2.50 stag or drag and can be letic organizatioos. church groups, Ple.sklent Heflln also briefly re­ Doctor Lill) v.-Ul touch upon the purchased from any Court member v!eved the year's progress of the nnd all other orgamzations having following topics, "Fungi and In­ o:- pled~e- Invitations and compli­ tu do wit."-1 campus activities. e&mpus dormJtortes, Ute library, mental) tickets have been sent to a.uditon.um, college farm, and gave dustry," "Alcoholic Fennentation Posey said t.he assembly will all Holy Roller Cou:t charter mem­ tc·uch ott a round or s tudent-con­ reports on operating costS, the and t.he P!'oduction of Organic Ac­ hers. A :a.rge number of Courl. budget, t.he curriculum and de· ducted tours through the various ~ds," and ''The Production of Antl­ aiumni .ue exp£.Cted to atteud the classrooms and <buildings on the ~elopment.s to oome 1n the ne:r:t lbiotlc Drugs.'' onnual ev£nt a!6o. year. c:lmpus. Acoor1.i.ng t.o Pr ~sicien t Ice, Dr. The gym.aasium wUi. be decorated At. 11 :30 p. rn. luncl) will be Preceding President Heflin's ad­ Lilly h.a.s collaborated with Dr. H . in traditic.nal Holy Roller Court sPrved at Kanawha hall, after dress. the Pioneer Good W!.ll Tour L Barnet;:. of the universt:..y in colors, bl11ck :md white. Addit onal To High Schooi Seniors: which the tours wUl continue untU Team presented various musical wr!tlng :1 book on the physia1ogy of (Continued on Page 4 ) GlenvtUe St.ate College welcomes early atte.rnoon when a special features. the· fungi, which wUl be p ~1bl.ashed you •to our fourth senior day. Each physical educaUon program will be Prof. Max 'Liptrap, director of this summer. fall it has been our pleasure to see held, probably in front of Verona t.he tour, acted as master ot cere­ -t:ce saJd the meeting wUl be open Elizabeth Boyce many or these spring visitors back Mapel hall. monies and presented two plano to the public. en the campus as regular students. There will be a baseball game numbers. Other acts presented Named President ---- I t. is our hope that you will take a~ 3:30 p. m. at Rohrbow.gh field, to were two voc::al trios by COroUne Of SCA Group this opportunity to fully !\CQUalnt whleh all visitors are lnvited. 'Boy~ Myron Mason and Donald Two Foreign yourselves with our campus. our 'Guides for the day will include Arbogast; a vocal solo by Don Stltdents Are Elizabeth Boyce, '53, Blandville, program, and our staff. All build- members ot the three fraternltie.&: Arbogast; two trumpet trios by was elected president of the Stu­ jngs and classrooms a.rc open for Sigma. Tau Gamma, William Bar­ Brent Cool, Myron Mason and Don GSC Residents dent Chnstlan Association at a re­ your inspectk>n. P lease feel free to !Pfl", Ronald Miller, Charles Marks, Arbogast; and trumpet solo by cent meeting of that organization. c.sk quest.ions ot students and fac- William RadcUU, Chru'les Dodrill Brent Cool Glenvillo! State college has num­ Other l)fficers elected at that -ulty. and Tony Megna; Holy (Roller Prot. Llptrap a.Lso reviewed the bered among its studmt body a. time were: v!ce-pres!d.ent, Helen We are proud ot our buildings, c ourt, Ronald Mil..ls, William SUr­ t..ra vels of the group to the area Hung:ulan youth nnd a. Puelto Brammer, '53, Beru; Run; secretary, our student body representmg all ber, Holt Gray, Robert Allen, Rob­ t-...igh -schools and explained the Rican resident. V:rglni3. Phillips, '54, HarrlsvUle; parts of West Virginia and from .ert Wine and Larry Gainer. Kappa purpose ot the trips. They are Alexander Jokay, Hun­ treasurer, Joan Sturm. '54, Mt. Zi­ ~djoining states, a. faculty prepared ~ig guide.; were not available at gary. and Rafael Munoz. Peurto on. in the nation's best universities, press time. Kennedy's Rural Rico. Retiring officers are: president, and the splendid support given by -----'-- Jokay began his second ye-ar at Gerald Beckner; vlce-president, c.ur community to all 1projects at­ Education Class Glem•ille State in 1950. Dunng his Charles Marks; seeretary, Maxine tempted by the college. Student-Faculty two years at the Pioneer school he El!ifol.; tre:asurer, Oeorge:uma MC· Many of your teachers and neigh­ Conducts Survey l~a.s learned to speak the English Cullough. bors are former Glenville State Spring Revue tongue fluently, and has risen to a The newly-Plected officers wJl students, so you are already aware Members of the class in "Prob­ high place among students scho­ attend an officers trainlng school of the friendly attitude that pre­ To Be Presented lems oi Rural Education" lnter­ lastically and socially. in Clarksburg, April 28. vails on our campus. We wish for By J oan Person l·iewed 26 families at Gilmer as a The Puerto Rican, Munoz, came you a day that will recall pleasant The Gilbert and Sullivan operet­ .:;n.rt of their class work, Or. Eddie to Glenvllle last fall and has at­ Seniors Are Interviewed memories and associ:l.tions when­ ta, ''H. M. s . Pinafore, ·• 'Which was Kennedy, instructor, reported. tained a considerable measure of ever the name Glenville state Col­ to be presented by Glenville State Families lnt~rviewed were those popularity mong college students. Mr. Craddock, assistant Euperln­ lege is heard. college, has been cancelled because ol pupUs 1n t.he tlrst to slxt.h grades H~ Js studying to be a. teacher since ttndent of Logan county school. Sincerely yours, of lack of time for practice and at Gilmer school, and they were his father is a superintendent of interviewed GSC seniors on campus Harry B . Heflin t11e delayed arrival of the scripts. a.sked what they thought of the schools in Puerto 1R~eo . le.st v. ee.k. President A Spring Revue will be presented present education system. dn its place on May 24. The revue. 'Members of the class are Eugene !Under the direction ot Professor Hall, Betty Hill, Jean Adams. Mrs. Max E. Liptrap, will be divided Thomas Richmond, and Emma Hanlin Named Kappa Sigma President .into three production numbers.
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