Two Extra Pages Readers Prefer* The Sta7 In This Edition The Star’s afternoon and evening circulation is more than double that Late news and sports are covered on of any other Washington Pages 1-X and 2-X of this edition of newspaper. Its total circulation in The Star, supplementing the news of Washington far exceeds that of of its the regular home delivered edition. any contem- poraries in the morning or on Sunday. Closing N. Y. Morkets—Soles. Page 12. 040 Means Associated Press. 90th YEAR. No. Washington TTIDrP PTTVTQ Uwwhen 35,804. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1942 and Suburb* J- ilJti-LiJu V, -L O Five Cent* ^WDULDiftYOuX YOU'D BETTE? LET \ LJKETo USETHIS 1 \us USf TH|S ONE.-IT CUTS Gas Registration Nazi Attack in Crimea ONE? IT CUTS V 0FF M0*E BUT ,T WESNT J Big-Scale V^DEEPER ) \HUKT ASMUa^/ Is Crushed Starts Today at Reported by Russians; Schools Here Chinese Beat Japs Back to Burma Rationing Cards V--— !• To Be Issued to Battle Going On SOVIET RUSSIA Heavy Fighting A-to-L Group For Four Days, Continues With (Picture on Page A-5.) Hitler Declares THUMBNAIL GUIDE on what you Enemy Remnants need to know about gasoline ra- tioning. Page B-l By the Associated Press. By the Associated Press. A third of the 125.000 automo- Russia’s Armies were reported 12.—The CHUNGKING, May bile owners eligible for registra- today to have crushed a big-scale main force of a Japanese inva- — tion under the gas rationing pro- German attack in the Crimea, sion which struck deep Morgenthau column, gram in Washington and vicinity frustrating a Nazi drive toward into China’s Yunnan Province, will go to public schools today to the great Caucasus oil fields after has been driven back to the list their fuel needs and to re- four days of heavy fighting. Burma frontier at Wanting, but ceive cards entitling them to said the Ger- continues with Soviet dispatches heavy fighting what the Federal Government to mans apparently were trying remnants of the shattered enemy thinks 1942 they will require during a develop their first full-fledged in the Chefang-Mengshih area, offensive. 47-day period beginning Friday. a said today. ijailitary spokesman The A bulletin from Adolf Hitler's field If fighting still is progressing in three-day registration, open today only to persons whose last headquarters said German and the Mangshih area, the Japanese names with letters from Rumanian troops, supported by remnants are still 55 miles within begin A to L. started this in some strong Nazi air force units, opened China on the Burma road. Mang- morning of the areas. at the attack on the Kerch Peninsula shih lies 30 miles beyond Chefang. nearby Registrars 28 schools In the District will be on last Friday. Other Chinese forces which had duty from 3 pm. to 8 pm. “The battle since then has been been by-passed in Central Burma Legislators Seek X Cards. In full swing,” Hitler’s headquarters continued their advance in which The Little Fellow Will Be if Don't Both In the rotunda of the Capitol a 6ald. captured Maymyo and drove Lucky They Use they stall of 15 public school teachers, to the outskirts of ruined Man- A Berlin broadcast quoted a Ger- issuing cards to members of Con- northeastward in an man military spokesman as sayinq dalay, moving gress. reported that most of the action was “the effort to block the Japanese retreat. the Crimean great Born members were asking for and re- offensive since the winter The spokesman said the Japanese Blackout to Give Area Only Triplets operation Water Curtailment ceiving X cards for unlimited sup- reached 145 miles defensive.” had Kalewa, To British plies of gasoline on certification after a Couple “Hell Let Loose.” northwest of Mandalay, that the vehicles were used fdr northwesterly advance from Man- Taste of Real Raid official business. While a Soviet midday com- Expecting Quads Faces District Area, dalay. He said the Japanese were At the munique reported that “nothing im- By the Associated Presa. George Washington High attempting to encircle Chinese School in Alexandria portant occurred last night,” indi- ABINGDON, England, May 300 persons troops in that section. were waiting in a line that extended cating that the German assault had Problems 12—Shucks, they were only McCarran Warns On the Salween River front in Tonight for stopped at least temporarily, a Ber- I triplets! more than 150 yards away from the Shan states of Eastern Burma the when the lin military spokesman declared: After getting half of England building doors wersf another force of Chinese which Drill Slated Federal to “Hell has been let loose over the Emergency all excited on the basis of med- Expansion opened registrants at 9 am. A struck out from near Loilem was of these Bolshevik positions in the Kerch For Sometime Between ical reports and having neigh- majority revealed that they facing the Japanese across the river. Blamed Senator for used their cars peinsula.” bors knit layettes for quin- by in connection with All these Central Burma forces are their business "Squadron after squadron of Ger- TO P.M. and 2 A.M. tuplets—or quadruplets at least Increased and would ask for SPRING COMES TO THE RUSSIAN on the commanded Lt. Gen. Joseph W. Consumption extra man planes is racing over the Bol- FRONT—Activity by —three children were born to- allotments. One of them esti- where Junkers 87s are southern StilweU, U. S. A. mated he consumed shevik front, Russian front between Kharkov and Kerch (1), where The Metropolitan Area’s black- day to Mrs. Emily Woodley, 28, Warning of the possibility of 5,000 gallons of out dive-bombing attacks.” The government spokesman said gasoline a year in his carrying spring has firmed the terrain, was essayed today as out practice tonight—some time and her soldier-husband, Pvt. water curtailment here was regular work, preliminary he applauded Prime Minister almost 100 German sappers and infantry between 10 and 2 a.m.—will Arthur Woodley. gallons a week. to a long-heralded German offensive attempt. Primary object Churchill’s to p.m. given today by Chairman Mc- were said to have landed behind warning Germany “It's a boy” in B Cards Predominate. was to be the closest this area has yet triplicate. Carran of the Senate District Russian lines under fierce fire. conquer Crimea, open the way to the oil-rich Caucasus against the use of poison gas and In the actual condi- Arlington County, Va„ regis- Berlin acknowl- and to flank the British in Iran. The drive failed. said China might invoke a similar approached Committee. He gave as potential military quarters attempt trars reported that “B” cards were the Kerch to China has tions of an air raid, preparations reasons rate of edged the importance of London reported the Russians had driven back German warning Japan. pre- present consump- being Issued almost today indicated entirely. There front but shied at describing the viously charged that the Japanese today. tion, a were divisions on the Kerch Peninsula. The of Meet proportionately higher a few “X” and “A” cards re- a port Sevastopol also The time Goering May new action as the start of Ger- have both exact at which the employed poison gas and city rate expected during the summer quested, they said. man offensive.” held out. On the northern front (2) the Russians said ex- bacterial warfare will be thrown into darkness for a “spring they against their months and an increase neces- A half hour will not traveling salesman, who was .Nazi casualties pected a new drive on Leningrad. —A. P. Wirephoto. armies. be determined Heavy. With Petain and sitated by Federal orginally issued a "B-3” Beaten until the last minute, civilian de- Laval; expansion. card, told Military advices reaching London Back 30 Miles. the chief fense officials said. ‘‘Already indications are that the registrar at one of the gaid the German onslaught col- He said the deepest Japanese schools Unlike the last that he might as well have the Red stub- penetration into Yunnan Province total blackout use of water will be curtailed this lapsed against Army’s no gasoline as to have 57 was practice, when chiefs of emergency 5. Break gallons a to a U. born defense and that counterat- 3 British point 12 miles northwest of Expected summer,’* said Senator McCarran. month. He Destroyers Allied Airmen Blast defense services were advised ahead was told that he could tacking Russian troops drove the LungUng, but that the invaders were of time to meet Defense Co-ordi- “And while it is true that such cur- apply for an "X” card if he invaders back into their original beaten back 30 miles in the Chinese came nator Young at the District control Swiss Quarters Hear tailment can be attributed in gen- under one of the classifications lines with heavy casualties. counteroffensive. eral to seasonal Sunk Nazi Bombs 3 More of center at a certain time, the chiefs demand, yet the listed. German infantrymen still held an by Ships At present, Chinese forces from Decisions Will Be Made increased use of water the Fed- will not be notified tonight until the by Twenty-five persons were advanced point in one sector, it was the north and south are trying to eral both in the Dis- in waiting signal for the yellow warning, pre- Government, line an hour and a half said, but now are being fiercely at- encircle the and the At Session Tomorrow before Japanese Japa- the trict and nearby Maryland and registration tacked the Russians.
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