,A NI) T. Established June 23,1862. I’ol. 7. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, FFBRLARA 21, 1868. Terms $8.00 per annum, in advance. rORTLAN!) DAILY is d BUSINESS THE PRESS i.uhilBb* CARDS. BEAL ESTATE. REMOVAL®. MISCELLANEOUS. The secretary looks thin and worn, and were Mb. Biblusg ames Mission’.—A letter to ai. So. ] Printer*1 every ‘lay, (4and»y excepted,> X in hi* place the would break Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. DAILY PKESS. meeting up a New York paper, dated at Pekin, Nov. 25i and the lie out at nine o'clock N. A. 1 For Sale. It E >1 O t A L No. lights put reg- FOSTKB,Pbompbio*. DANA k ularly. explains the circumstances attending Mr. Djllsrs* in advance. FULLER, FITZ, anil Lot no C."> Park htret. Pon e In AV. AV. Jv„ PORTLAND. Teems:—Eight year THOMAS, the I must not omit as ambassador HOUSEtro.» i or ^r. furnished with Bath Boom and Among receptions Burlingame’s appointment ST" Slrgio cot ics 4 cr: Is. iws'OUiiitH ssr Gas, LA111 S MIL54 SlilLlBga OH A',TOR. mention plcnt* 01 so’t and *i»rd water. Eli, of those of Mrs Buel, though scarce- from the Chinese government to the treaty is ai U.e Also Lot of Land on hi-fi 120x100. Has removed to No 24 Ext linage fit., Thom* s Bu«lfl- are TUI’: MAIN •: SI VTfc pu’ ijgh^l Sr, Friday Mormi-g, 21, 1863. ly diplomatic ones, ior certainly they very The tt *-•00 a IRON, STEEL. •M’P y to li. 0. CON over Merchant’* dfm February powers. correspondent says: p .nie i-Lice every Tbursdry morning year, | ANT. ing, Excnange. ! pleasant indeed. In the first place there is a in aivauce. No If1 .'I Commercial Ft. Uuiiiplirejr’s liouiflcopalliic Specifics, The these: Mr. Invariably TI J\ PLATES, house lull of young ladle*, hut were there no lac is of tiie ease are briefly his oflice in this PROVED, from llie Most ample c V)'fai- Who Are the Eioiiumhhf other ladies present Mr* Buel would entertain Burlingame, atUr holding Rates of Advfrtisi* g.-Oiih in* li in H E O A a of-space, SHEET IKON, For I V L HAVEence, entire em Simple—Prompt- Etii- of visitors capital through the of twr Pies- nt con-ldutcfla ‘‘i-qu ire.” $3,500 a room tull herself, and semi them greater part length cwlumn, uiciit, Rud Reliable. Tlun are the culv Medicines The disposition evinced by the Republicans idential became anxious to mingle Si 50 per rquaic doi y first week. 75 rents per AND NT ETAL8 ! of a now iwo and a haY story resi- rjer nd to with her—ar.d themselves, terms, tetly pted j»op;dn- use—dion'e that away delighted once three insertions, or 31.* 0; connnu- ONE-HALF the JtN O -* in the National and in the tjtate more in the scenes of American week after; l<ws, o|‘ f | Toisiak'c cannot b.s iuac .a ih* to; co linmiless LcchUture-, which Utter is no small art; in eonversa'lon exciting c-' wilier ntier first w< DO edit*. cout t^n finished room?, al1 in 1 1 1 .p cry day ek, duin<4 complete oide-, Lufkin & bo Horn nu>l •. < i. ro be al- poti'ics, in which his talents as an orator had — Gray j |roc danger. to reduce and taxation to he is and her II Ui ihiee inseriiwn* or less, .5 cents: one marble mant 1 in uood cellar, cistern. <ve Perry, I expenditure the singularly interesting graceful, square, 11© Aorili »St., ! parlor, wav'reliable. 'J hey hr v« raise The liigh^vt eoin- won him distinguished laurels. With this of of the 31 00; 50 cents per w eek a«tcr. H«him? piped for gas. Thu* properly is oil rod :»t a Manufacturers and Jobber? \ icndation tr<»iu and .* limits with several modern lan- wrtek, all, tcIM v**?$ render satisioc- lowest possible compatible with due familiarity about a Unde head o( *‘Ami 32.00 J >\v fiafu-ft end piyments, a the cwne«- is ah mi a is view, fortnight ago, he sig- seuknts,” per square Ul't liil fOR 8A1.K easy ion. guage..* giving her voice flexibility which suddenly r three insert! na or 61.50, the Sta e. to observance of all the nation’s taken uilied to the Chinese his do- pc week; less, leaving Apply Cts, contracts, in the extreme. The widow of a Government Notices, 5 nr Ofr.O. B. DAVIS & charming SpaoiAL $1. per square the first Bob Betined Phv Iron, 'J in Platen, CD., No. 1 Cures •errr*. t «.»,£, dm. Inttnuiatlo!.*, 25 in connection with thp fact thut has temiinatfon to his post and return to and 25 cents mr Denier? in Keal Estate. Fiti#s, indisputable to Mrs Buel -pent resign timer, ishlTdtw Mats, < ion, per t-quare each sub-se- Caps, 2 Wojto »■. v missionary Greece, ) I ceps, Hands and Scrolls, i* me Plates f.»r Booting, i \\ n \u it, Oolfr, 23 his native in obedience to he insertion. 3 •» an is evinced fifteen Is as lamtliar with country win*, quent Plato. An.lv and i In.11 and Amo Dm sheet t or hingot b.ian s, '.5 exactly opp >-Re, disposition by years abroad, and Advertisements inserted in Erg ! And Straw Goi-dsl *• believed to he a call of duty. The announce- ibe “MainkSiatk it!vet Swarf 4 f>iur* Iiu'ii M c »«tr. n or adult 23 the old world as wlih the new. which is no lit- Iron, Iron, Iron, House Lots. 11 DatnuciaU and wben Pbk*hm (will li has a ciuManon in » always ereryir/ute they ment was received with large every part Bolt linsma and RG In n HAVE Dysentery. <>ri ; illd>n Colie, 25 tle in sem- profound regret by Iron, Spike .rati, Sheet on near Stata and removed to their new store in ** 4* big, capital conversation. The female oi the State) for 6*.Co per equate ior first insertion fp\VO Congress Ft:eel, eight t'ho'.fin* torlco attain to official interfere* the Chinese who, m of the slnpnnd Railroad jm.talionandPreuchpoi- ! i on an 1 ^ '.aPKen,Vro3v*ili?ij?.25 positions, seriously oi Ministry, many nnd 60 cents for each iusor Spikes, lots Enierv, Lewis Thomas streets, tor THE 1 4‘ • inary which she is X imbesitat- per square nubs-q-ient oval,md halt round iron, Gbe 1 she t Iron, ©UgllSj UlyV« Ilit *, 7", principal, trials Incident to their weakness and t'on. stile by W. IL NTEPliFNSON, 44 *4 with the sohemes of tbs ever inexper- j 11 uis< Na IVe«|i-a!gl», To tfm-!:c. VuceccUe 2o proselyting Copper- intly pronounce one ol the best tint, sho-Shapes, 1h, Galvanized Sheet l'O.u, 1\ fj 1SC5.-U’ At 2d Haul*. j ** J* 44 ience had learned him as to a na- 10, National llcHi'::i< came under niv to look to :iU<l Swedes iron Sheet Go| and Z lie, Woodman ? i. -Header'll, VeiCjJQ,25 head It their whole case. observation—ami I consider Norway per Block, ** 10 party. spoils tional blend for aid and ann Shapes, Banca, S waits & l In. **> -!»« *•», Hi ;.us S.oimicli, 25 a of temale In- counsel. Beaming Eng Farm ft»r Sale. 11 44 concede been myself judge seminaries. I RtJSIHEtfS CA«»W. Nail Bra^ Corner of middle KapiMikM if Oi t-ah lul 25 They virtually that they have that he had not been aud was not Norway Rods, CopperBjitomsand and Pearl Streets. 4* Teiiodr, tend w thev superseded, In Ui»*co. A farm cenhdn- “12 Winirk »• » sending my hen ^ good prri‘s>* ejuv.lfc, 2'» to daughters^there recalled b\ his ^|onl everyde-criptloo, Kettles, Fob 17-fl&wiw 44 unlaithful truth, justice and progress dur- are old to Government, they eudeavored Iron Wire, &c &e. Jug about St) Hi res U good early 1- 4 roup, Ceaifi. o'dtfcu’i Tbuuh ng, 25 enough educate. Tinraon'sfunilsh’ggood-, ** * K*is to dissuade him Irom his purpose. The ef- SK r * lanjl, one third fenced I y Thom; s ii t. henu»,Ei I cl s. Eruptions, 25 ing many years, by maintaining a 4 profound and New Hair Dress Saloon. ABo for’ Hie sale of Pond,nhriwi :*f»0 rods o» stone wall, Removal. 15 fCbcittuAt itiu. Ubeum dio 25 fort was unavailing, Prince Kung Invited agents 4* l*aln.«, A Plcasiam ng • sll?nee in to the war and the events Country lo l.ire in. ivlded luio tillage, pasturage and !C l-'cVkirE Ag.ie, oiilVver, Aluc. 5b regard him to a farewell entertainment, it was In “17 I*iiee. t* in t er woodland; is bihia'ed on a goon, are’el road, ING M eding, 59 that I*, and that attended its We are to the all the members of Saylor <€• Co.’s Cast leased for a term ofyears the buildingsb preceded prog- | permitted publbb following princelv style, and tbo H. Steel, loadin? to Vtyr.' a'»ics Fall*, onemi’e and a lia’I trom 13 4? pi bit I my, ond'•.re or weak eye*, .0 WILLIAM TANNERS, HAVat the 44 rt council tor affairs were In- ( tnsca Village, holt a mile from school and i 19 C rente unless irritated into ill-natured extracts frotu a private letter, written by » foreign present. house, *•’ atarrh, loimvJiUiueiua,;^ making Muniz's Yellow Metal Sheathing, a co.vl ncighboi hood. Tli land is and “29 M l cluding lit.- Presidents of the Board ot Civil SHAVING early, good Head Jlohs hooping ou^UjVioiiUi, Coughs.oP disclaimers by the suggestion of those Portlander, who recently went .South under easy to cultivate, an I will cot about twelve tons of of ,n’s Wharf, “21 A'll o-a, Opy.rrs en Breatmnsr, 50 topics Oficc, the Board of Kevenue and the Wax February 18.
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