MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, March 17, 2021 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM Join Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/93768682146?pwd=Z1RSQ3pUZTNnNjNSM3V1WW9rZlowQT09 Meeting ID: 937 6868 2146 Password: 352212 One tap mobile: +16699006833,,93768682146#,,1#,352212# US (San Jose) The Contra Costa Clean Water Program will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities that are planning to participate. Please call at 925-313-2000 at least 48 hours in advance to ensure accommodation. VOTING MEMBERS (authorized members on file) City of Antioch Phil Hoffmeister City of Brentwood Meghan Laporta/ Allen Baquilar/ Nouae Vue City of Clayton Laura Hoffmeister/ Scott Alman City of Concord Bruce Davis/ Kevin Marstall/ Frank Kennedy Contra Costa County Michele Mancuso (Chair)/ Tim Jensen/ Allison Knapp CCC Flood Control & Water Conservation District Tim Jensen/ Michele Mancuso/ Allison Knapp Town of Danville Bob Russell/ Steve Jones/ Mark Rusch City of El Cerrito Will Provost/ Stephen Prée/ Maria Sanders/ Yvetteh Ortiz City of Hercules Mike Roberts/ Jeff Brown/ Jose Pacheco/ Nai Saelee City of Lafayette Matt Luttropp/ Donna Feehan City of Martinez Khalil Yowakim/ Scott Alman Town of Moraga Frank- AJ Kennedy/ Shawn Knapp/ Bret Swain/ Mark Summers City of Oakley Billilee Saengcalern/ Frank Kennedy/ Andrew Kennedy City of Orinda Scott Christie/ Jason Chen/ Kevin McCourt City of Pinole Tamara Miller/ Frank Kennedy City of Pittsburg Jolan Longway (Vice-Chair)/ Fritz McKinley City of Pleasant Hill Ananthan Kanagasundaram/ Frank Kennedy City of Richmond Joanne Le/ Ryan Smith City of San Pablo Amanda Booth/ Karineh Samkian/ Jill Mercurio City of San Ramon Robin Bartlett/ Maria Fierner City of Walnut Creek Lucile Paquette/ Neil Mock/ Steve Waymire PROGRAM STAFF AND CONSULTANTS Courtney Riddle, Program Manager Andrea Bullock, Administrative Analyst Karin Graves, Sr. Watershed Planning Specialist Kristine Corneillie, LWA Dan Cloak, Consultant Mitch Avalon, Consultant Khalil Abusaba, Wood Michael Burger, Clerk NEXT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 1:30 PM Contra Costa Clean Water Program MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, March 17, 2021 AGENDA Introductions/Announcements/Changes to the Agenda: 1:30 Public Comments: Any member of the general public may address the Management Committee on a subject within their jurisdiction and not listed on the agenda. Remarks should not exceed three (3) minutes. Regional Water Quality Control Board Staff Comments/Reports: 1:35 Consent Calendar: 1:40 All matters listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine and can be acted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a member of the Management Committee or a member of the public prior to the time the Management Committee votes on the motion to adopt. A. APPROVE Management Committee Meeting Summary (Chair) 1) February 17, 2021 Management Committee Meeting Summary B. ACCEPT the Following Subcommittee Meeting Summaries into the Management Committee Record: (Chair) 1) Administrative Committee • February 2, 2021 2) Monitoring Committee • January 11, 2021 3) Municipal Operations Committee • January 19, 2021 4) Development Committee • January 27, 2021 Presentations: 1:45 A. Submittal of Final UCMR to the Regional Board and Monitoring Data to CEDEN (K. Abusaba) a. See staff report for background information B. Final Draft FY 21/22 Budget (M. Avalon/A. Bullock) a. See staff report for background information C. Process to Respond to the MRP 3.0 Administrative Draft (M. Avalon) a. See staff report for background information b. Decide on process to approve comment letter to the Regional Board Actions: 3:00 A. APPROVE submittal of the Urban Creeks Monitoring Report to the Regional Water Quality Control Board, AUTHORIZE the acting Program Manager to sign the transmittal letter, and AUTHORIZE the acting Program Manager to transmit the monitoring data to the California Environmental Data Exchange Network. 2 B. APPROVE the Contra Costa Clean Water Program Budget for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. Reports: 3:05 A. Assembly Bill 377 (M. Avalon) Updates: 3:15 A. Personnel Update (A. Knapp) a. Staffing changes (K. Graves) B. BASMAA Board of Directors meeting (K. Graves) C. Select Committee (M. Avalon) D. GIS update, cleanup, training (K. Corneillie) Information: 3:25 A. Resolutions setting annual permittee Equivalent Runoff Unit rate. B. Finalized Response to Comments memo and attachment Old/New Business: Adjournment: Approximately 3:30 p.m. Attachments Consent Items 1. Management Committee Meeting Summary February 17, 2021 2. Administrative Committee Meeting Summary February 2, 2021 3. Monitoring Committee Meeting Summary January 11, 2021 4. Municipal Operations Committee Meeting Summary January 19, 2021 5. Development Committee Meeting Summary January 27, 2021 Presentations 6. Staff Report on Urban Creeks Monitoring Report 7. Final Urban Creeks Monitoring Report 8. UCMR Submittal Letter to the Regional Board 9. CEDEN Data Transmittal Letter 10. Staff Report on Final Draft FY 21/22 Budget 11. FY 21/22 Administrative/Personnel budget detail 12. FY 21/22 Final Draft Budget spreadsheet 13. MRP 3.0 Work in FY 21/22 14. Staff Report on MRP 3.0 Administrative Draft 15. Administrative Draft Review Calendar 16. Administrative Draft Review Assignments 17. List of Policy issues Reports 18. Assembly Bill 377 Information 19. Response to Comments memo (final) 20. Response to Comments memo attachment (final) 3 UPCOMING CCCWP MEETINGS All meetings will not be held at 255 Glacier Drive, Martinez, CA 94553, but will be held virtually April 6, 2021 Administrative and PIP Committee Meeting 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon 1st Tuesday April 12, 2021 Monitoring Committee Meeting, 10am – 12 noon 2nd Monday March 24, 2021 Development Committee Meeting, 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. 4th Wednesday April 20, 2021 Municipal Operations Committee Meeting, 10am-12 noon 3rd Tuesday April 21, 2021 Management Committee Meeting, 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. 3rd Wednesday BASMAA SUBCOMMITTEE/ MRP 3.0 MEETINGS Times for the BASMAA Subcommittee meetings are subject to change. March 23, 2021 MRP 3.0 Steering Committee Meeting, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 1st Thursday Development Committee, 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. (even months) 1st Wednesday Monitoring/POCs Committee, 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (odd months) 4th Wednesday Public Information/Participation Committee, 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. (1st month each quarter) 4th Tuesday Trash Subcommittee, 9:30 a.m.-12 noon (even month) 4 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 2-17-2021 Attendance: MUNICIPALITY ATTENDED ABSENT City of Antioch Phil Hoffmeister City of Brentwood Nouae Vue City of Clayton Laura Hoffmeister City of Concord Bruce Davis Town of Danville Bob Russell City of El Cerrito Stephen Prée City of Hercules Nai Saelee City of Lafayette Matt Luttropp, Tim Clark City of Martinez Khalil Yowakim Town of Moraga Frank Kennedy City of Oakley Frank Kennedy City of Orinda Scott Christie City of Pinole Tamara Miller City of Pittsburg Jolan Longway City of Pleasant Hill Frank Kennedy City of Richmond Joanne Le City of San Pablo Amanda Booth City of San Ramon Robin Bartlett City of Walnut Creek Lucile Paquette Contra Costa County Michele Mancuso (Chair) CCC Flood Control & Water Tim Jensen Program Staff: Andrea Bullock, Michael Burger Program Consultants: Mitch Avalon, Kristine Corneillie, Dan Cloak Members of the Public/Others/Guests: Allison Knapp Introductions/Announcements/Changes to Agenda: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting was conducted by video-conference call. Public Comments: No members of the public called in. Regional Water Quality Control Board Staff Comments/Reports: Regional Board staff did not call in. 1. Roll call was taken and the meeting was convened by the Chair at 1:30 pm 2. Changes to the Agenda: The Chair asked for changes to the agenda. Mitch Avalon noted that Allison Knapp would not be available until 2:30 and suggested that discussion on the Request for Comments memo should be addressed later. Stephen Prée (El Cerrito) noted that he attended a presentation for green infrastructure given by the Green Infrastructure Center. He relayed that he had information available for those interested. He also asked how many permittees had a streambed alteration agreement with the Department of Fish and Wildlife. He requested information regarding the program personnel and whether other permittees maintained their agreements for maintenance purposes. Jolan Longway (Pittsburg) suggested that El Cerrito file for an extension. She relayed information regarding changes to the agreement. Amanda Booth (San Pablo) noted that San Pablo had a similar experience and there were changes to the requirements for the permit. She also noted the potential lead time on receiving a new permit. 3. Consent Calendar: a. APPROVE Management Committee Meeting Summary (Chair) b. ACCEPT the Following Subcommittee Meeting Summaries into the Management Committee Record (Chair) The Chair asked for any changes. Mitch Avalon noted there were some typographical errors. Laura Hoffmeister (Clayton) motioned to approve with changes noted, Lucile Paquette (Walnut Creek) seconded. The Chair called for a vote. The vote passed unanimously and the motion carried. 4. Presentations: a. County Overhead Rates (Mitch Avalon): Mitch Avalon described concerns regarding the County overhead charges. The Program overhead is split into three parts: division, department, and outside overhead. He noted that he had received comments regarding overhead calculations. He described the breakdown of the CCCWP staff overhead and showed examples of two different arrangements of staffing and their total overhead. The 19/20 overhead was $483,513. He further described the current overhead generated by the Program with the total overhead need listed as $200,085 with an effective rate of 41%. This was lower than the budgeted amount. The division overhead was over budget with $76k collected and $87k budgeted (a 16% overage). It was noted that the budget should cover overhead, but shouldn’t be much larger. The Finance Division had been contacted by Mitch Avalon and that there will be changes in the rates for next year.
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