DOCUMENT RESUME ED 073 925 SE 015 803 AUTHOR Overby, 011e, Ed. TITLE Educational Research in Sweden 1971-72. INSTITUTION National Library for Psychology and Education, Stockholm (Sweden).; National Swedish Boardof Education, Stockholm. PUB FATE [72] NOTE 148p. EERS PRICE ME-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Curriculum; *Educational Research; Instruction; Learning; *Research; *Research Projects IDENTIFIERS *Sweden ABSTRACT One hundred eight Swedish educational research projects in all fields are 'summarized.Project title, location, project leader, number of researchers andother personnel, starting and completion dates, financialsources, background and aims, scope, methods, main findings, and-bibliographicreferences are listed for each project. ,0)10 CONTENTS Introduction Page Department of EducationalRe'searc Gothenburg Schoolof Education Institute of Education, University of Gothenburg 11 Department of EducationalResearch, Linkoping School ofEducation Institute of Education, University of Lund Department of Educational andPsychological l:Research, Malmb School ofEducation Department of Educational and PsychologicalResearch, Stockholm School ofEducation 55 Institute of Education, University of Stockholm 72 Pedagogical Centrein Stockholm 73 Department of Psychology, University of Stockholm 79 Department of Education, University of Lime& and Lima, Schoolof Education Department of Sociology University of lime& 109 Department of PoliticalScience, University of Umea 111 Department ofEducational Research, Uppsala School ofEducation 112 Institute of Education, University of Uppsala 129 Subject Index 141 Index of Researchers 144 INTRO') TION The Council of Europe's ad hoc Committee'or Educational Research, which was set up by the Council for CulturalCo-operation in 1968, has the task of promoting information on, co-ordinationof, and co-operation in educationalresearch at the European level. Under the guidance of tne Committee, the DocumentationCentre for Education in Europe carried out and published EuropeanSurveys on Educational Research at two-year intervals. The Firstiurvey was conducted in 1968 and published in 1969 (Thuncil ofEurope - Educational Research, European survey 1968. Straebourg,Documentation Centre for Education in Europe, 4 vols., 1969). TheSecond 'Survey was carried out in 1970 and published in 1971 (Councilof Europe - Educational Research, European Survey 1170. Strasbourg-Documentation Centre for Education inEurope, 5 vols., 1971). The present survey is the result of a common projectundertaken by member governments in the framework of the Council f Europe and on the basis of a common questionnaire which was elaboratedby the ad hoc Committed forEducational Research. The collection of data has been made incoeoperation between the National Swedish Board ofEducation, the Office of the of the Swedish Universities, Chancellor the Social Science ResearchCouncil and the National Library for Psychology andEducation. The collection of data was completedan June 1, 1972. The research institutes are listed in alphabetical orderaccording to the town in which they are situated. The research ofeach institute is listed in alphabetical order according to thename of the principal researcher. A subject index is given on page 141 forthe benefit of those requiring information on particular sectors ofresearch. An index of participating researchers is given onpage 144. It should be made clear that the findings ofseveral of the projects are of a preliminary character so that in any cases the reports issued cannot be expected to provide definite conclusionsfor the practical work in the educationsystem. As a rule the results of research have to be followedup by means of educational development workin order to be convertedinto practi- cally applicable conclusionsand results. Additional copies this survey can be obtainedfrom The National Board ofEducation Bureau L 31 5 -106 42 Stockholm SWEDEN or from The National Library forPsychology and Education P.O. BOX 23099 S-104 35 Stockholm 23 SWEDEN 011e Overby Editor ect title: Self-teaching Special Edueation (Project SISU) Carried out at: The Department of Educational Research,Gothenburg School of Education, Ovre Husargatan 34, S-413 14 Gdteborg Project leader: Ulla-Britt Bladiri Number of researchers: Other personnel: 5 Starting date: 1967 Date of completion: 1973 Source of finance: The National Board of Education Background. A starting point for the SISUproject is the experience that and aims: pupils with learning difficultiesneed, if they are to aquire basic proficiencies, well constructed,systematically drawn up exercises which have beentried out on the clientble for whom they are intended. A body ofmaterial of this sort, adapted to special circumstances andin addition self-teaching and self- correcting, is necessary to maintainadequately individualized Instruction. Scope: The project has constructed about90 prototypes in Swedish and arithemetic, which have been triedout in about 100 special classes and remedial clinics during1971-72. Methods: The evaluation consists of effectmeasures of learning, pupil and teacher attitudes, pupiland teacher observations anda special study of arithmetic (multiplication). Main findings: Preliminary findings show learningeffects, positive pupil and teacher attitudes and a high degree of pupil selfactivity. Reports during 1972-73 willdescribe the results in detail. Bibliographic references: All reports are in Swedish. Bladini, Plla -Britt .Milbeskrivni dmnet svenska a 1* stadiet. (Goal descriptionsin Swedish instruction, primary levWT. GothenburgSchool of Education, 1968, 111p. Olsson, Hans & Osterberg IngaMalbeskrivni r dmnet matesia ik lit staddet. (Goaldescriptions in mathematics primary level c thenburg School of EduCatIon,1969, 149 p. bsterborg-Karlason, Inga Konsonantens tecki efter kort yokel. Gothenburg SchooLof Education,1970, 5P + Map- Bladini, Ulla-Britt -tens fe kor kal. Gothenburg School of Education,1971, P + aPP- 2. Project title. Micro-teaching Carried out at: The Department of Educational Research,Gothenburg School of Education, Ovre Husargatan 34, S-413 14Obteborg Project leader: Christer Brusling, Karl-GustafStukat Number of researchers: 2 Otter personnel: Starting date: 1970 Date of completion: 1973 Source of finance: The National Board ofEducation Background and aims: l croteaching is a rel&tively well defined conceptin the sphere of student teaching in teacher training. Thetechnique is char- acterized by being goal directed, reduced in termsof complexity of teaching, usingCCTV as a means of as a means of providing presenting objectives and feedback of the resultsof the twining. The aims of the project are to test experimentallythe effec- tiveness of different variations of the techniqueand to test models for implementation of effective proceduresinto regular teacher education. Soope: In 1970-71 a laboratory experiment was conductedusing 48 sub- jects. A more extensiveexperiment with implementation is planned in 1972 -73. character Methods: The above mentioned laboratory experimentwas designed as a factorial experiment. The evaluation of resultswas done mainly by coding of observations of videaotaped studentteachers' practices. Statistical analysis was done mainlyby analysis of covariance, unt- andmultivariate. Main findings: One of the factors of the experimentmay be called the factor of modelling. It appeared at three levels:no model at all, a model with contiguous auditiva cues atdemonstrations of goal- related behavior anda model without such helps. of a model yielded The presence positive effects but thetype of model made no difference. The immediateeffects of selfconfrontation to be positive but seemed changed later on intonegative effects. The proven gains after the laboratory-like trainingof two hours largely disappeared two months later when thestudent teachers were observed in regular classrooms.. The studentteachers held very positive attitudes toward the usedvariants of microteaching Bibliographic references: School Research Newsletter 1971:4, Stockholm,National Board of Education, 1971, 10p. Brusling, ChristerEffects of rocedures and sslf7confrontation in a micro - teaching settit aimed a developing non-verbal behavior. Paper presented at the International Micro Teaching Symposium, Universitiit TUbi West Germany 1972. Gothenburg School of Education, 1972. (In English, available from the author) Tingsell, Jan-Gunnar Beteendeobservationer med mekanisk're- gistrerutrustping (Observations of behavior by means of a mechanical recorder). Gothenburg School of'Education, 1972, 24 p # app. 3 Project title: Literature in the comprehensive school (Project LIGRU) Carried out at: The Department of Educational Research, Gothenburg School of Education, Ovre Husargatan 34, S-413 14Goteborg Project leader: GOte Klingberg Number of researchers: 3 Other personnel: 1 Starting date: 1969 Date of completion 1973 (1976) Source of finance: The National Board of Education Background and aims: The aim is to analyse the objectives of literary instruction in the Comprehensive school and to test the application of a goal-referenced instruction in this area through a co-ordination of objectives with instructional procedures and evaluative criteria. Scope: Methods: Goal analyses have been carried out through an empirical goal document analysis and a requirement analysis. Both analyses have been accomplished with the help of a newly constructed goal taxonomy; the requirement analysis also on the basis of the goal document analysis. The theoretical problems involved
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