VOLLEYBALL Varsity “M” Recipients Coaches and Yearly Team Record Assistant Coaches Captains Match Scores Year-by-Year Statistical Leaders (Since 1999) Conference Results All-Conference Selections Records VARSITY LETTER RECIPIENTS PROGRAM #1 PROGRAM #2 Initial Season of Awards: 1972 Initial Season of Awards: 1999 Final Season of Awards: 1983 Most Recent Season Included: 2006 Allman, Lindsay M. ’09, 2005, 06 Brown, Debra L. ’85, 1983 Armstrong, Amanda M. ’10, 2006 Brownewell, Teresa ’78, 1974, 75 Arnold, Sharon E. ’74, 1974 Carver, Kristi E. ’01, 1999, 00 Baker, Christine R. ’86, 1982, 83 Carver, Tricia A. ’04, 2000 Barker, Susan J. ’80, 1976 Castle, Maureen A. ’82, 1979 Blazewicz, Barbara V. ’85, 1982, 83 Chabot, Justine L. ’07, 2003, 04, 05, 06 Boyer, Kim L. ’79, 1975, 76, 77, 78 Chase, Deborah A. ’76, 1972 Brautigan, Denise C. ’87, 1983 Christensen, Kamma R. ’82, 1979, 80, 81 Brooker, Amanda M. ’03, 1999 Cole, Christina L. ’01, 1999 Brown, Asa D. ’87, 1983 Collins, Jane E. ’85, 1983 2001 BLACK BEARS Maine had one of its best teams in 2001 as the Black Bears advanced, for the first time, to the championship match of the America East Conference. Left to right: Asst. Coach Jennifer Rohlwing, Asst. Coach Joy Nakaischi, Cheryl Elliott, Randi Olin, Lori Maloney, Co-Capt. Adrienne Poplawski, Marina Ivankovic, Brittany Howe, Co-Capt. Leah Voss, Claire Poliquin, Alaina Kleparek, Amber Sammons, Michelle Wheeler, and Coach Sue Medley. Absent: Carmen Gabriel. Volleyball 38.1 Connacher, Jody K. ’07, 2003, 04, 05, 06 Howe, Brittany L. ’05, 2002, 03, 04 Cummings, Barbara M. ’79, 1975, 76, 77, 78 Ivankovic, Marina ’04, 2001, 02, 04 Daughtery, Christy L. ’81, 1978 Jordan, Kalli ’06, 2002, 03, 04, 05 Debruyckere, Lisa A. ’84, 1979, 80, 81 Kaczor, Linda M. ’84, 1979, 80, 81, 82 Deighton, Renea P. ’79, 1976, 77 Karkos, Theresa M. ’78, 1975, 76, 77 Desroches, Elizabeth A. ’77, 1974, 75, 76 Khan, Heather E. ’85, 1981, 82 Desroches, Pamela ’84, 1980, 81, 82, 83 Kiehl, Brittany A. ’09, 2005, 06 Domer, Jennifer S. ’10, 2006 Kleparek, Alaina K. ’04, 2000, 01, 02, 03 Dommermuth, Dawn M. ’04, 2000 Krebs, Louann M. ’76, 1972, 73, 74 Dowding, Tanya J. ’00, 1999 Lawson, Amy M. ’09, 2005, 06 Dunham, Barbara H. ’81, 1977 Linn, Kellyann ’84, 1980, 81, 82, 83 Elliott, Cheryl S. ’04, 2000, 01 Maloney, Lori ’04, 2001, 02 Etter, Katherine S. ’80, 1976, 77, 78, 79 McCarthy, Kim C. ’81, 1977 Farrington, Wendy L. ’81, 1978, 80 Megquier, Kathy J. ’87, 1983 Flewelling, Heidi S. ’85, 1981, 82, 83 Michaud, Maxine D. ’74, 1972, 73 Fotter, Shannan M. ’06, 2003, 04, 05 Moores, Jaimie S. ’01, 1999 Froding, Joy A. ’86, 1983 Morin, Patricia A. ’86, 1980 Fruehauf, Katrina E. ’09, 2005, 06 Morin, Patricia L. ’77, 1974 Gabriel, Carmen ’05, 2001, 02, 03, 04 Mosher, Jean A. ’74, 1972, 73 Gaedt-Lindsay, Sabine K. ’80, 1978, 79 Mountford, Ann C. ’75, 1972, 73, 74 Gilbertson, Martha S. ’81, 1977, 78 Nitschke, Beth A. ’82, 1980, 81 Goettsch, Laura V. ’09, 2006 Olin, Randi J. ’04, 2000, 01, 02 Greaves, Laura ’79, 1976, 77 Page, Margaret S. ’09, 2005, 06 Guidinger, Leah ’06, 2002, 03, 04, 05 Pelletier, Dawn M. ’78, 1974 Haeger, Dana L. ’03, 1999 Perry, Pamela S. ’77, 1974, 75 Hamilton, Patricia L. ’77, 1973, 74, 75, 76 Peterson, Karen J. ’81, 1976, 77, 78, 79 Haney, Sara K. ’03, 1999 Poliquin, Claire ’04, 2000, 01, 02 Hearty, Lynn A. ’87, 1983 Poplawski, Adrienne S. ’02, 2000, 01 Hicks, Carolyn A. ’84, 1981 Reilly, Karen L. ’76, 1973 Higgins, Nickolette A. ’78, 1973, 74, 75, 76 Reyes, Cathie E. ’83, 1979, 80 MAINE’S FIRST VOLLEYBALL TEAM Maine’s first formal volleyball team appeared on the scene in the fall of 1972 and established a winning tradition right from the start. Coach Janet Anderson’s Bears won all 13 of their matches. Members of the historic team were, seated, left to right: Deb Chase, Nancy Stetson, Capt. Sally Stone, Maxine Michaud, and Victoria Vrona. Standing, left to right: Louann Krebs, Deb Westman, Ann Mountford, and Jean Mosher. Absent: Coach Janet Anderson. 38.2 Volleyball Ryan, Mary J. ’81, 1977, 78, 79, 80 Ulwick, Lisa M. ’83, 1979 Sammons, Amber R. ’03, 2001, 02 Vollmer, Jennifer ’04, 2000 Scibilia, Linda S. ’82, 1978, 79, 80, 81 Voss, Leah J. ’02, 2000, 01 Seipp, Shelly K. ’07, 2003, 04, 05, 06 Vrona, Victoria ’73, 1972 Shannon, Kathy L. ’83, 1980 Westman, Deborah L. ’75, 1972, 73, 74 Smith, Linda C. ’80, 1977, 78, 79 Westman, Dianne L. ’77, 1973, 74, 75, 76 Stetson, Nancy L. ’73, 1972 Williams, Gwyn L. ’85, 1981 Stevens, Julie B. ’81, 1978 Wise, Carol R. ’81, 1978, 79, 80 Stone, Sally L. ’73, 1972 Wolfenden, Jessica E. ’09, 2005, 06 Truong, Mai B. ’07, 2003, 04 Wright, Ashlee M. ’09, 2005, 06 Yeck, Kristy D. ’04, 2000 1978 BLACK BEARS Maine’s winning tradition continued in 1978 as the Black Bears posted a 20-6 record. Standing, left to right: Co-Capt. Barb Cummings, Carol Wise, Linda Scibilia, Co-Capt. Kim Boyer, Martha Gilbertson, and Sabine Gaedt-Lindsay. Seated, from bottom to top and left to right: Mary Jane Ryan, Linda Smith, Wendy Farrington, Kathy Etter, Julie Stevens, Christy Daugherty, and Karen Peterson. Absent: Coach Janet Anderson. Volleyball 38.3 HEAD COACHES AND YEARLY TEAM RECORD Coach W L T Pct. 1972 Janet R. Anderson 13 0 0 1.000 1973 Janet R. Anderson 13 2 0 .867 1974 Janet R. Anderson 16 1 0 .941 1975 Janet R. Anderson 20 3 1 .854 1976 Janet R. Anderson 22 3 0 .880 1977 Janet R. Anderson 15 9 0 .625 1978 Janet R. Anderson 20 6 0 .769 1979 Janet R. Anderson 17 9 0 .654 1980 Janet R. Anderson 11 11 0 .500 1981 Janet R. Anderson 20 9 0 .690 1982 Janet R. Anderson 18 9 0 .667 1983 Laurie L. Osgood 16 6 0 .727 1999 Sue Medley 0 21 0 .000 2000 Sue Medley 12 18 0 .400 2001 Sue Medley 17 12 0 .586 2002 Sue Medley 9 21 0 .300 2003 Sue Medley 14 20 0 .412 2004 Lynn T. Atherley 17 11 0 .607 2005 Lynn T. Atherley 11 13 0 .458 2006 Lynn T. Atherley 6 20 0 .231 287 204 1 .584 2004 UM VOLLEYBALL SQUAD For the second time in three seasons, Maine advanced to the championship game of the America East Conference. Front Row, left to right: Kalli Jordan, Justine Chabot, Shelly Seipp, Mai Truong, and Judy Connacher. Back Row, left to right: Coach Lynn Atherley, Shannan Fotter, Co-Capts. Marina Ivankovic and Brittany Howe, Carmen Gabriel, Leah Gunninger, and Asst. Coach Amy Schreiber. 38.4 Volleyball ASSISTANT COACHES Hall, Angela (2002) Kaczor, Linda (1983) Schreiber, Amy (2004-06) Nakaishi, Joy (2001) Bernier, Leah (2005) Rohlwing, Jennifer (2001) Dudley, Chris (2000) CAPTAINS Boyer, Kim L. (1978) Kaczor, Linda M. (1982) Carver, Kristi E. (2000) Karkos, Theresa M. (1977) Chabot, Justine L.(2006) Kleparek, Alaina K. (2003) Christensen, Kamma R. (1981) Krebs, Louann M. (1973) Cummings, Barbara M. (1977, 78) Linn, Kellyann (1983) Desroches, Elizabeth A. (1976) Mountford, Ann C. (1974) Desroches, Pamela (1982-83) Peterson, Karen J. (1979) Farrington, Wendy L. (1980) Poplawski, Adrienne S. (2001) Gabriel, Carman (2002, 04) Ryan, Mary J. (1980) Guidinger, Leah (2005) Scibilia, Linda S.(1981) Hamilton, Patricia L. (1975, 76) Seipp, Shelly K. (2006) Higgins, Nickolette A. (1976) Smith, Linda C. (1979) Howe, Brittany L. (2004) Stone, Sally L. (1972) Ivankovic, Marina (2004) Voss, Leah J.(2001) Jordan, Kalli (2005) Westman, Deborah L. (1973, 74, 76) 1983 BLACK BEARS Laurie Osgood succeeded Janet Anderson as Maine’s volleyball coach prior to the start of the 1983 season, but the winning tradition continued as the Bears won 16 of 20 matches. Front Row, left to right: Christine Baker, Kathy Megquier, Asa Brown, Debra Brown, Heidi Flewelling, and Jane Collins. Middle Row, left to right: Mgr. Lorraine Stymiest, Coach Osgood, and Asst. Coach Linda Kaczor. Standing, left to right: Lynn Hearty, Co-Capt. Kellyann Linn, Joy Froding, Denise Brautigan, Co-Capt. Pam Desroches, and Barbara Blazewicz. Volleyball 38.5 YEAR-BY-YEAR MATCH SCORES Volleyball’s first tenure as a varsity sport began in 1972 and ended in 1983. The second tenure began in 1999 and continues today. Although the seasonal records (13-0 and 13-2) of the 1972 and 1973 teams are accurate, an exhaustive search failed to provide scores of individual matches. The schedules of both seasons consisted primarily of matches vs. in-state opponents UMFK, UMM, UMF, UMA, UMPG, UMPI, Bates, and Westbrook Colleges. Scores of most matches in 1976 also could not be located, although the seasonal record is accurate. 1974 (16-1) 1976 (cont.) 1978 (cont.) 0 New Hampshire 2 W UMPI L 2 Bates 0 2 Ricker 0 L Rhode Island W 2 New Hampshire 0 2 UMFK 0 W New Hampshire L 1 Boston U. 2 2 UMPI 0 W Bridgewater State L 2 Vermont 0 2 UMPI 0 W UMM L 2 New Hampshire 1 2 UMFK 0 L Massachusetts W 0 Springfield 2 2 Bates 0 W Bates L 0 Delaware 2 2 UMPI 0 W UMF L 2 Vermont 0 2 UMPI 1 W UMPI L 2 Cent. Connecticut 1 2 UMM 0 WUMM L 1 Yale 2 2 UMM 0 3 Connecticut 2 2 UMM 0 2 Rhode Island 0 W UMPI L 2 UMF 0 2 UMFK 0 W UMF L 2 Husson 0 2 UMA 0 L New Brunswick W 2 UMPI 3 2 UMPI 0 W Bates L 2 UMPI 0 2 Ricker 0 WUMPI L 2 Bates 0 2 Bates 0 W UMM L 0 Massachusetts 2 W UMF L 2 Boston U.
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