S276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2013 life kinder and better for countless oth- Russ stayed on at the committee Somehow, Russ spent months juggling ers in East St. Louis and St. Clair when I became chairman in 2001. work, AJ’s medical condition, and the County. Through his proven abilities, he was needs of his other boys. I will never Besides helping people, Joe’s other promoted to the staff director of my know where he found the time and en- great joy in life is eating good meals team in 2004. ergy to have all these bases covered so with good friends in small, locally During the past 8 years, Russ led the well. But AJ’s condition wavered, and owned restaurants. On Saturday, about Finance Committee staff to pass major there were complications. AJ passed 400 of Joe’s friends will gather at one of bills that give real help to families away in July. Joe’s favorites, Fischer’s Restaurant in across the country. We cut taxes for There was an outpouring of support Belleville, to celebrate his retirement middle-class families and small busi- for Russ and his family. Russ’s friends as head of CUP. More than that, they nesses. We defended Social Security and colleagues wanted to show him the will celebrate Joe’s unconditional love from privatization. We opened new same kind of caring and support he al- and unbreakable faith. I want to add markets to U.S. exports to create more ways shows others. my thanks to theirs. jobs here at home. We passed health re- Russ continues to mentor and help In closing, I would like to read a form to bring top-notch, affordable young people, and he is still changing short editorial about Joe that ran in care to millions of Americans. And we lives. He helped found the Capital Area this past Sunday’s Belleville News- are currently at work on a plan to REACH program, an organization dedi- Democrat. modernize the U.S. tax code to reinvig- cated to helping young people find suc- Martin Luther King Jr. would have consid- orate the economy and create jobs. cess. ered Joe Hubbard a kindred spirit. King and True to his style, Russ did all this REACH connects students with job Hubbard both spent their careers cham- without a hint of partisanship. He training, internships, tutors and schol- pioning the cause of social justice. King fo- maintained a laser-like focus on solu- arships. Some of these kids come from cused on the spirit while Hubbard helped pro- tions. That focus made the Finance tough backgrounds. But REACH helps vide for people’s physical needs in East St. them find a pathway toward a stable Louis and throughout the metro-east. Hub- Committee more productive, and it bard is retiring after leading Catholic Urban strengthened the bills we passed. and successful life. Programs for 40 years. I know there are many people here— In the spirit of extending the same King considered service to others to be a including my colleagues in the Sen- opportunities he had early in his ca- measure of greatness: ‘‘You don’t have to ate—who share my deep respect for reer, Russ started a program for in- have a college degree to serve. You only Russ. Senator REID once called Russ terns, law clerks and fellows to serve need a heart full of grace. A soul generated ‘‘instrumental’’ and a ‘‘problem-solv- on the Finance Committee. It now has by love.’’ er.’’ hundreds of alumni who got their first Hubbard has the sort of heart and soul that King envisioned. Even in retirement, we Former Senator Blanche Lincoln shot at work in Congress thanks to have no doubt that he will continue his life once said, ‘‘We could not do our job Russ. of service to the poor of our area. without him,’’ and boy, is she right. That includes a large number of peo- Thank you to Hubbard. May the rest of us Russ has earned the trust of his col- ple who have moved up the ladder on learn from his example. leagues and the admiration of his staff. my staff. Russ fostered a culture where f People who meet with Russ are often hard work gets the recognition it de- surprised to see his desk tucked be- TRIBUTE TO RUSS SULLIVAN serves. tween filing cabinets and boxes right Like any great staffer, Russ would Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, Ben- alongside interns, assistants and law not leave me without an ace replace- jamin Franklin once said: clerks. Russ is a true team player. ment to take on his role. We have a The noblest question in the world is, It would be impossible to honor Russ deep bench on the Finance Committee, ‘‘What good may I do in it?’’ without recognizing his public service and I am thrilled to have Amber Cottle I rise today to honor the service of off of Capitol Hill. In his life outside as my new Staff Director. She has been Russ Sullivan, who was a distinguished the Senate, Russ truly embodies the on my staff for 6 years, most recently member of my staff for more than a question of ‘‘What good may I do?’’ For as my Chief Trade Counsel. Amber is a decade until his departure earlier this many years, he has been a mentor to pro. She is whip-smart. And she is a month. young people, making a difference in master negotiator. Most of us come to the Senate be- hundreds of lives. Russ leaves some big shoes to fill. cause it is a place where, despite the Several years ago, Russ became a fos- But Amber is more than capable and, many challenges, there remains a ca- ter parent and legal guardian to help as she likes to say, her shoes are much pacity to do great good. And too often teenage boys secure a better future. more stylish. I know without a doubt people forget that. But Russ Sullivan Since then, he has been a legal or des- that she will do a great job. never did. Every day he came to work ignated guardian for 18 teenage boys. There is one more thing I would like in the Senate and for the Finance Com- Thirteen are currently in college, and to say about Russ. Rule number one in mittee, Russ led by asking our staff several more have already earned de- my office is to remember the people we how can we do good here? And how can grees. One of Russ’s sons, Abu Kamara, serve. They are hard-working people we make this country and the world a spoke to the Arkansas Democrat-Ga- back in Montana and around the coun- better place? zette when it profiled Russ in 2010. Abu try, and it is our job to help them out. Russ’s leadership proves that by said, ‘‘[Russ] kept telling me, keep Russ never forgot that. A southern boy, working to do good and working to- your head up.’ He got people to tutor Russ adopted Montana as his home gether to find solutions we can get me because my grades weren’t good. He State. He thinks of the people of Mon- things done. kept me focused and made sure I was tana as his neighbors. And Russ always Russ is well known here on Capitol doing the right thing. He’s the reason I rolled up his sleeves and got results. I Hill. He has earned the respect and ad- graduated from high school.’’ truly appreciate all he has done. miration of Senators and staff on both Abu is the first person from his fam- I know I am not alone in saying: sides of the aisle. ily to go to college. And there are sev- thank you, Russ, for all your service Russ’s political career started early. eral other young men who could tell all your hard work over the years. You He was twice elected Student Body you similar stories. did good, Russ. President—once at McClellan High Last summer, Russ lost one of his f School and again at Baylor University. sons in a tragic incident. AJ Hassan, He had his sights set on a life of public who was a student at the University of REMEMBERING THEODORE service in Washington. In 1995, he be- West Virginia, was assaulted one night GARDNER came tax counsel and Legislative Di- and suffered a brain injury. Russ ∑ Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, today rector to Senator Bob Graham. In 1999, rushed to be at AJ’s side, but AJ soon I wish to honor the life of Theodore he moved to the Finance Committee slipped into a coma. ‘‘Ted’’ Harbison Gardner. He was a de- staff to serve as Chief Tax Counsel to Washington was in the midst of a voted husband, father, a proud veteran Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. contentious deficit reduction debate. of the U.S. Navy and a consummate VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:18 Jan 25, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24JA6.072 S24JAPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with January 24, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S277 community volunteer whose contribu- Veterans Back to Work Act of 2013 will and documents from Federal employees tions will have long lasting impacts in ensure we provide them with much and agencies in order to carry out in- the Greater Cincinnati community, needed support. vestigations related to USERRA. and beyond. This legislation would reauthorize Mr.
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