Friday, June 9, 1950 THE SOUTHERN JEWISH WEEKLY Page Five Wisconsin Launches Campaign To PLAIN TALK NOTED LEADERS TO ADDRESS UJ A CONFERENCE IN CHICAGO Eliminate Discrimination in (Continued from Page One) speak before the Anti-Defamation Hotel Industry League, the League said No, it Resort : wouldn't allow him to speak be- /¦ MILWAUKEE. (JTA)—Acting tourist home owners, reminding fore it. Apparently its officials sa&MMHh MM 4 'tmmm&mm under an 1895 anti-discrimination them of the state’s anti-discrimi- had read advance copies of his - . '.j;*'_ • Sareff , x? law, the state of Wisconsin has nation law and calling for com- speech handed press. launched a campaign to eliminate pliance with it. The resort divi- out to the all religious and racial discrimi- sion of the State Conservation The Anti-Defamation League iiisL mi nation from its largest industry—- Commission has at the same time couldn't agree with what he was the resort business. A special re- declined to circulate any resort going to say. Therefore, B'nai sort committee of the Governor’s literature containing discrimina- lilfafc JjfflSM iz&SjsßM}:. B'rith members weren't to be HHLmM-,. llitli Commission on Human Rights has tion phrases. All Wisconsin maps mmm iifiii permitted to listen to it or read it been set up to start the drive by will hereafter include the legend in the press. removing all “Gentiles only” and that state law “guarantees full Mr. Buttenwieser practically : A “restricted clientele” signs from and equal enjoyment of all places JHH JjJlillliiliiM was tossed out on his neck in the resort hotels. of public accommodation or Anti-Defamation League which The committee addressed a amusement alike to all persons of of old was dedicated by B’nai communication to 6.400 hotel and every race or color.” Distinguished leaders of American B’rith to the tolerance that says: and Israel Jewry will address the “We demand tolerance for our- National Report Conference of the selves and are ever ready to yield United Jewish Appeal to be held dur- Bth ISRAEL ADOPTS NEW POLICY tolerance to all other decent ing the four-day period from June * through 11th the Palmer men.” 'jlHilllllli June at House in Chicago. Among the out- jxgmmk left) Mr. Buttenweiser who W v standing speakers willbe (top FOR IMMIGRANTS should gmZ&jt • ' ’'" YOUNG iilWlM W*rmt7W*'' know the current Germany bet- Mrs. Golda Myerson, Israel’s Minister of Labor; (top right) Aubrey Eban, (JTA) —The Jewish Agency this week announced ter than the Anti-Defamation JERUSALEM \ newly named Israel Ambassador to a new plan for the absorption and resettlement of young immigrants. League possibly can was going to Tjjß the United States; (bottom left) Dr. In the future all physically fit, unmarried men and women from 17 call for a spirit of forgiveness to Joseph J. Schwartz, Director General to 35 years of age willnot be accepted in immigrant reception camps, make effective "our assistance to of the Joint Distribution Committee. Conference will survey but will be sent to a special reception camp in Haifa. There they Germans of liberal mind, pro- The National the progress of 1950 community cam- joining gressive energies and public will be given a choice of entering a work camp or a collective paigns on behalf of the United Jewish or semi-collective settlement. ¦ - ¦ " 1 ¦ spirit" toward achieving a demo- Appeal, which provides for the pro- cratic grams Another warning that the Israel JEWISH BROTHER reorientation. of the JDC, the United Pales- He was to say that the Ameri- tine Appeal and the United Service Government alone cannot cope for New Americans. with the problem of immigrants’ OF A NAZI can Government has done an absorption, but that an all-out honest job to punish the guilty pioneering effort is needed was BY NATHAN ZIPRIN among the Nazis, had made an ISRAEL MINISTER URGES PRIVATE given by Premier David Ben honest distinction between the A brother of Nazi Field Mar- Gurion. The Premier spoke at nationalism which in its proper INVESTMENT IN JEWISH STATE Kiryat Chaim at a convention of shal, von Mannstein, recently sense represented pride in one’s Mapai Party workers in agricul- sentenced to a long prison term country and “National Socialism BOSTON, (JTA)—A plea for Questioned about the Israel tural settlements. by with all its lethal doctrines.” as war criminal, was a Jew to make private in- Government’s policy regarding Mr. Ben Gurion criticized per- Because this wasn't the Anti- Americans conversion. .Authority for the was made capital investment, Mrs. Myerson sons who felt that Socialism Defamation League's line, the vestments in Israel Is- pointed out that the Israel parlia- could only be “realized through story is eighty-year-old Profes- League wouldn'e let Mr. Butten- here by Mrs. Golda Myerson, the ment has approved a bill en- the seizure of power." Israel will sor H. Levi now chief beadle of weiser make himself heard before rael’s Labor Minister, at 27th couraging foreign investments. not go "this way," he stated, add- “Shaarei Zion” synagogue at the membership. "An apologia national convention of the Labor the the government ing that "our method is based on for the limited job that has been Zionist Organization of America. The policy of Tel Aviv. .Levi was a townmate equal to voluntary effort and pioneering done to denazify Germany," the Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chair- guarantees opportunity of the Mannstein’s. .As a young enterprise." League called his speech. man of the Jewish Agency’s individual and cooperative enter- boy staged a Biblical pag- prises, Levi As a member of B’nai B’rith of American section, called for an she said. Colored Property eant depicting the life of the Jews old standing I must say that such alliance between the “progres- List it with ms in their ancient homeland intolerance violates the traditions sive, constructive and liberal type Du ra I ite buyers waiting' I them of General Zionism and Labor I have Mannstein’s brother, then a boy of B’nai B’rith—as know INSIDE AND OUTSIDE F. HENRY WILLIAMS of ten. participated in the specta- —and the professions of the Anti- Zionism as a basis for a real part- Registered Real Estate Broker cle with the result that he was Defamation League. (One is in nership between the Zionist Points St. Phone 4-Wdß IIP Broad . no of Is- drawn to Judaism. .So serious position to demand tolerance movement and the state CAPITOL was his attachment to the faith for himself if he denies it to any rael.” Dr. James G. Heller, of Paint now admired that, while pre- other.) Cincinnati, told the 1,000 conven- Store he 1803 Main St. Phone 4-3427 BECKER'S paring for a teaching career, he It is an alarming symptom, not tion delegates Jews are now com- KOSHER MARKET & nevertheless found time to make at all Jewish to those who cherish ing to Israel from the East, “but DELICATESSEN history, of a that is the must be of a deep study of Jewish the concept Judaism the spirit of land GREETINGS Jewish practices, customs, tradi- democratic and grants to all the the West.” tions and folklore. .He was al- speak and the right to listen. On Mrs. Myerson said that is im- LAWRENCE W. •MW ready a married man when he what meat does this our Anti- portant to establish new plants BARRETT on entering the fold. Defamation League feed to come firstly, Broad St. Phone 4*4416 decided in Israel for two reasons: Plumbing & Heating 209 joined the to such arrogance? And the young wife because Israel must produce some 2422 Atlantic Blvd. husband in his new path. .In Like all arrogance it is also of the things that the Jewish Phone 9-1811 time, Levi relates, Mannstein be- foolish—foolish enough to think state must now import and in WISHES . BEST came an extremely pious Jew. that because the Anti-Defamation that way save foreign currency & White Wrapped in a talith, he would League wouldn’t let Mr. Butten- and, secondly, because Israel must Thompson - nights days over wieser give his speech he was as em- COOL QUIET Station spend and sac- create permanent places of Service in the synagogue. good as throttled and his ideas TEXACO PRODUCTS red tracts ployment for new immigrants. LOW COST - day Wheel Balancing; Brake Work And frequently he would lash out suppressed. Well, the next Front End Alignment deviating he was allowed to speak it before 660 Riverside at Gilmore against liberal Jews for Phone 7-4100 from ancient customs and tradi- the Foreign Policy Association JACKSONVILLE, FLA. where it had a much wider audi- tions. .Later Mannstein became ence than the Anti-Defamation C. H. Meredith an instructor of mathematics at Plumbing and Heating rose League could have provided him. Wuertzburg. .When Hitler •022 RIDGE BLVD. TUCSON to power Mannstein was not Now, as for what Mr. Butten- PHONE 6-4569 touched by the foul Nazi hands. wieser said, it is my opinion that Summer Gamp They dared not touch a brother as one who calls for merciful con- people the June Ist to Sept 30th of a Field Marshal. .Mannstein sideration even for of to the former enemy he stands as a (or shorter periods) however was too sensitive NEON figure of a than the Henderson for Boys and Girls 6 to 18 agonies and indignities to which nobler Jew CHAS. HENDERSON Anti-Defamation League. i] In all of sunny Arizona there’s his adopted brethren were sub- Designers and Manufacturers v place than Brandes 1 no finer jected by the Nazi regime.
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