twnm the Cardinal to fcrniat them these buTl«- up with cushions and with a over bin knew, J rag K) 8 to 1. It will be seen that all the runner* were BISIJVKSS OPPOKTIINITIKH, tuiH, tor tin- pnrpose of . ransmiiting thein K> their very ebeery, but evidently is no enw for a valk ooiu. The following ih a snmraaip ol the race RACING in ENGLAND, or A YOUNG MAN DESIRES TO ENGAGE IN B0KI respective monarch*; but they met w;tl< a courte¬ round the lagyle of Tiik Two Thousand (jimnica htakbk 100 mov. J\ ness PIUS Raphael half lja with a well established boiye or good reputa¬ IX, ous each, forfeit, for three-year-olds lbs., tion; brokerage or commission refusal. TUB POPS'! AFAMMBNTS. 200jjcoltshovm. out of preferred: is wiiiiu* to in¬ fillies 117 lbs; the second received vert $r>.<M) In the business IT properly secured. Applyy u; KKW&rAFKH V1KW8 OP TUB TOPB'B I1.1.NE8R. My informant, whose official position gives him The Two the stakes and the third saved Itis make. K. M. (1 JOHN I. BROWN A son, 28goreenwich street. It i* a tonrce ol no little amusement to rend In ndr(* to the Vatican, telle me that be is irequently Thousand Guineas.- rniie 17 jraras). 71 subs. Mr. *. k Crawford's ch. c. Gang Forward, toy * 19 YKAR8 ESTABLISHED BROADWAY BI'HINRg^ Fictions About the Koman journal* the various accounts of the na- received in tbe which is at ¦ V s man with to Facts and the 1'ope's private study, Overthrow of the Favorites. Stock well. Lady Mary 1 require* $1.1,(«' take the place of n tare and c-ause of the Pope's illness. it is a the Fame time fur¬ Mr. retiring partner. ELLIS A BBINC'KERHOFF, gen- his bedroom, an apartment 11. Havlle's b. c. Kaiser, by Skirmisher.Ke. 4H Broad street Pontiffs Illness. eraily accredited belief ia liberal newspaper cir- nished in tbe There is no Klna 2 simplest possible stile. Mr. F. (1return's of the A small IB den that the illness has been exaggerated on tne defence for to. c. Suleiman, by Knight FSBBON WITH CAPITAL offered pur- carpet the brick lloor, and only The of the and Prince Orescent.Queen of Prussia 3 -V an established manufacturing busineas, where the pnseiy by the clerical party for the purpose of the Pontiff's feet against t tie cold is a while wool- Xing Belgians Christian Lord Auglesea's tor. c. Somerset o article is staple, soils lor cash and the. profits large. for the Mr. J. Ross ch. c. Lord 0 LLOYD, 29 Broadway. inducing sympathy sufferer, anil hoping ten rug nnder tbe writing table, at which be Present.Curious Doings in Begird to M- Brace's Mayo SENSATIONAL PRESS ES ROME. thuH to cause a U. Delamarre'a to. «. Boiard 0 A N ELEGANT LARGE NEW HOTEL KOR KENT. THE postponement of the discussions usually sits with candies and a crucifix before him of the Public.Tri¬ Lord o Flageolet.Disgust Falmouth's ch. e. Andred - V Splendid location; a rare chance to make uioucv; cu the Religious Corporations bill. In well-in¬ and with his back to the wan. I speak, of course, of M. Lefevre's hue. Trombone o owner would boanl with tenant. Addruse U. W. formed clerical circles it ia averted of his babltual mode of wben in good umph Oang forward.Ihe M. Leievre's ch. e. Flageolet 0 Holmes, orange, N. i. confidently receiving rr^'B ®'L c* o that the discussion on this btll are also a Id the Winnings Over HitVictory. u l>oncaster A BARE will be postponed health. There couple of chairs at thr start..76 to 40 against Kaiser CHANCE. FOB SALE, AN OLD BRTAB- How the Father Receives until Moventiter, and then sine in¬ room and a small circular 30 J\ llshed munutacturinK and importing L/ice House, Holy ate. It way also table before the window, «2S150 Flageolet (t); 7 to 1 agaitixt il«nn« a good business; only about $8,000 cash needed. terest you to know what the various Roman on which are tbe which ills Holi¬ » 8 t0 1 against Somerset <t); 10 Address A B box 0.198 Post ofllce. at the Vatican. placed journals London, May 1, 1673. lo to Visitors journals of laat or health- ness is fond of /?». <£?»B.oUr! (t) i l agulust Suleiman evening say the rope's perusing every morning. The Two Thousand Guineas, the ilrst ei" our great DoncMter M ! L<*» to 8 against PARTNER WANTED.WITH $600 CASH, IN A From these reports yon may perhaps (?) gathc r a Jn one corner of the apartment is a screen, llordMayo (tj?1"1 A long established and profitable business; hnslues* three-year-old races, was run at Newmarket yes¬ will bear investigation. For interview call on MOODY A clear idea of his present state. The Journal Ut which conceals the Pontiff's an iron one, ia^t<,« the fla* fell toabeantlfnl ' (JO 1S1 bed, terday, and resulted in the success of a horse who, start, and Trombone rushed to the , Broadway. Rome says nmail and of simple construction, but which I am Immediatelyfor MIS GUARDS AND THE RHEUMATISM. from his position in tbe betting and the smallness froUm » % runniug his stable compan¬ PARTNER WANTED.WITH HAVE "The condition of the Is informed His Holiness has to retain in ion, Flageolet. He was soon clear or $1,000; CAM Pope very serious. lie is preferred of the field, might be styled correctly an "out¬ Forward and Kaiser. Gang A a halt interest in a light, profitable rash manufac¬ considered as The news¬ use tbe whole of illness. Doncaster, while heliiud there came turing business, without risk; article staple; unlimited approaching his end. during period hlq recent sider.'* The attendance was much smaller Suleiman and Flageolet, the next demand; re-idy sales ami returns; and ont of For the of rank general toeing Boiard and quick samples papers, respect to the Holy Father, endeavor reception personages of royal than usual, even though we never look for a great Somerset. Lerd Mayo hopelessly settled before lull particular* at 9ft Liberty street, room -4. the Circles Best to conceal matters as as but the the out as far as his three hundred yards bad been run. Ho Alarm in Informed mnch possible, Pope gets private library, on the Heath, bat the fact was no doubt to Trombone was SELDOM OFFERED.A LONO E8TAB- in a gathering compelled retire when they had reached the truth is, they consider recovery impossible. The which large and handsome room opposite to due to the which was and his was ACflANCF.lishe.l licht manufacturing business; carried on suc¬ weather, cold, gray and cheer- bushes, example soon followed bv cessfully for :« years; articles staple; in daily use; will of the Pope's Condition. physicians.are always very uneasy, notwithstand¬ bis bedroom, and In which It ia etiquette for lea*. Nearly all tbe notabilities of tbe turf, how- Somerset and Andred. Kaiser now assumed the bear investigation. H. I'ATTBEKQ, 199% Broadway. ing the little stated the sovereigns or royal to enter unattended lead, and was closely pursued down the "hill" into improvement by papers. princes fever, were present, and among the company w as the Abingdon mile bottom If the weather becomes very fine the august, ut to the Pope's presence, only introducing the mem¬ by Gar.g Forward, who SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE IN THE CITY OF paut the lay on his whip hand, while Flageolet improved his A Brooklyn.No ready cash; only g»od security re¬ may live the U the weather bers of their suite after themselves have en¬ XINO OP THB and drew to the quired. Call on or address U. D. CAREY, 766 Broadway. through Stiuimor; but, they BELGIANS, position up Suleiman, pair going New York. * AMERICAN MISSIONS. becomes rainv, a is to bo feared. An joyed a KU^Artete with Hi9 Holiness. who Is now in this on a visit to Her Ma- on third and fourth with Doncaster about a neck catastrophe country behind them. When they had got down extreme agitation continues to prevail among tho The Dude of Edinburgh waB received In tbis man¬ j«Hty, and could not forbear the gratification of the hali-way MODERATE CAPITAL, WITH INTERESTED BER- hill tne back ere or Flageolet were horrified to A vices. can be judiciously invested in a remunerative members of the Sacred College. Despatches have ner on Sunday morning. witnessing one of our greatest races. Be travelled And that Fordham was hard at work specialty; eligible to ladies or gentlemen; examination bees sent la every direction to warn the foreigu THH FIRST BRCBPTJON down In the morning with Prince who with the whip. From this point Kaiser solicited. 6!M Sixth avenue, up one flight. Spending New York Money in Romt Which Christian, and Gang Forward drew away clear of Cardinals to be ready to repair to Home at the first given by the Pope after the crisis of his malarly is not often seen 0n a racecourse, but who, at the Suleiman, and for a few strides the pair KROrillNOIIAM A COMPANY, 113 AND was over was to AliEXANDER114 Broadway, secure capital lor incorporated com Right be Better Used in the Five Points. notice." the French spiritual Ambassador, request of the Queen, accompanied her royal guest. ran so closely together that It was Impossible pan less, manufacturers, merchants, mines. Our register The capitate is determined that the shall M.
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