Distr. RESTRICTED E/CEPAL/R« 298/Rev,1 15 February 1982 ENGLISH ORIGINAL: SPANISH C E P A L Economic Commission for Latin America ir ; \ < v. MANUAL FOR THE APPLICATION OF THE TIR CONVENTION Provisional text, subject to changes in substance and style. 82-1-89 - 1X» «1 » - CONTENTS Page Foreword « o . a . a ar. »»ftea.o.o»»oaaa.»e»«»««ooaoo.oo«9l««o«aa....o...a...o»*ao* 1 Chapter 1 » Procedures prior to application of the TIR Convention .......a 2 I• The government a.aaaaaaoooe.eaaoaaeaaaaoaao.o.oe.e.eoooaoe. 2 A. Accession to the TIR Convention ae«oeoooa.....ee®oo0.o«B 2 B. Customs authorities a..o.9e9aae.«««»eeo9...sa*.»........ 3 C. Authorities concerned with technical inspection of vehl cles ..«».»aaaaaeaaa0a.9oaoa.aaaaoaaoaa...«.«*e«.aa. 3 II. Constitution of a national guaranteeing association by Came jT'S ©oeoo©o©©o©9©©©o©o®©©ooo9©o©©©oooo©©o©9©©o©©9©©®®o ^ A. Surety bond with an insurance company, bank, or financial institution aaa.c.a«eoee«eoooo..o9...e.oaoo.o9 4 B. Deed of engagement with the international guaranteeing association (IRU) .....a«».«..e.....e...........a....... 4 III, The Customs authorities and the national guaranteeing 3SSOC13*tlOn 6«O9O«OteOO9OOOtfO0*0OO99O«OOOO99O«969OOOOOOO*OO 5 A® A^reGTÏÏSTlt o90©O9oeo®ee©ttOoo©©©9Qoo©o©oo©oo9O®o©oo©6©OD©o 5 B « Ds6 d ûf W3.1?l?3irty • *c«9«»9»ooo9Q©ott«©««©oo«o©*ooo<>eeoo©QO 6 Chapter 2 - Operations for application of the TIR procedure »©©«©©©©o©©©©© 7 I« The Customs authorities ©«©•©•©•©••o 7 A0 Regulate the application of the TIR Convention o©©»©.©*© 7 Bo Approve Customs offices,of departure9 en route and of destination •©•©©«•©•©©©©••9©ooeo«oo©o©e©©©o©ooo©©9Do 10 C. Fix9 if so desired, routes and time-limits for 3 ouxneys ...... aaaooooaa.aaea.oeaa.oeaoa.aa.aaaaaeaaaaae 10 D. Train personnel of approved Customs offices ..oa... 10 II. The authorities concerned with technical inspection of VehlCleS «•«»».«**«a.o«a«Baaooooo«oe.eQ9*oaaaaa«aoaa«.«««*. 11 III. The national guaranteeing association and the international guaranteeing association (IRU) ...a.aaaaaaoaa 11 Aa Supervision of admission t>a«eacoaeae.«..*...«.9ec>eaoooo« 11 B a Supply Of TIR carnets ..ftoeaaaaso««eo*.«s.ae.a.eaoaaa.«. 12 Ca Period of validity of TIR carnets eoo................... 12 D a Control of TIR carnets .ao.ao«a.oaeoeaa9«aa*.ao...«aoaaa 12 E. Monthly TIR carnets statistics ..aoa........ 13 IV. The national guaranteeing association and carrier's ........ 1H- A. Financial reliability of transport enterprises 14 B. Declaration of engagement of the carrier with the national guaranteeing association .............aaaa 15 C. Issue of TIR carnets 15 /Chapter 3 - iv - Page Chapter 3 - Steps to be followed for every TIR operation 16 I• The Customs authorities and the. carriers *. <>... 16 A. General aspects .....................aa.aaa.aaaa.a.ao... 16 B. At the Customs office of departure ....a.».......« . 20 C. At the Customs office en route ..a.eo.aaa.eaaooooooeoo.a 22 1. At Customs offices of exit en route <,.aa....aaaao<>oae 23 2. At Customs offices of entry en route <>.»«•.• •<>.<.<><>.». 24 D. At the Customs office of destination ••<>•.•»••••••• ..... 25 II. Technical inspection authorities and carriers o. 28 A. Procedure for approval of vehicles (annex 3) *.aa....... 29 1. Procedure for individual approval „ao... 30 2. Procedure for approval by design type (series of road vehicles) ea.aa.oaoeaaaasooeeooosaaeaoaaocaaeaoa 30 3. Procedure for endorsement of the certificate of approval oo..aaaaaaa. a. e a a a a a e a o.aaaaoa a 31 4. Technical conditions for road transport vehicles (annex 2) eeot>®eoeeoaeoaeoeeea«ooaeaeeooee«oo»eae..ea 32 B. Procedures for approval of containers (annex 7 of the Convention, part II) oa.ae.oeaaaaaoea.eooooa.oaoa.a. 40 1e Approval by design type' ....««eaoa.ooaa.oaaaaoaaaea.a 42 2a Individual approval ..eoa.a.ooo.aaoao.aaaaae.BOQaaaoo 43 3. Certificate of approval for containers aa.<oo.ooa...o 43 4. Technical conditions applicable to containers (annex 7, part I) ....a.. .......... 44 III. The national guaranteeing association and carriers 48 A. Provision of the TIR carnet o.e.aa.a.a.a 48 B. Format and use of the TIR carnet ....a».. a®.a 49 C. Control of the TIR camet ..«.oa.a.aae«.aa.a.....oaaaoa. 50 IV. The Customs authorities, the national guaranteeing association and the carriers •.sa.«eaaaaaae«eaee..a8....oa. 51 A. Provisions relating to the transport of heavy or bulky goo ds .»c..oe.o..eoe<iooeoeeeaoaaeaaeaoeaeaaaaaeeea 51 B« In case of irregularity Or dOUbt a»aeoo.»»eooooe»oeoeo. 53 Ca Rules to be observed in the event of incidents en route 57 Chuter 4 - Matters relating to the general administration of the Convention 58 I. Concession of other transit facilities 58 II. Denunciation of the Convention a 58 III. Disputes concerning the application of the Convention 58 IV. Procedures for amendment, termination and notifications of the Convention 59 /Annex 1 - V - Page Annex 1 - Message from the Executive Branch to the Legislature requesting approval of the TIR Convention «.a......s.a»«.oo<>se.. 65 Io The TIR Convention .. ».«a....... ........a. 68 II« Analys XS at the national level aaaoee.oaaoaaaaaea.aoaaaaeaoaa / 0 Annex 2 - Model surety bond for the Di re et o rate- Gene r al of Customs .»«coo* 74 Annex 3 - Model deed of engagement between the national association issuing TIR carnets and the IRU ..oaaaaaa.o.o.......*«a..<a°a.a. 76 A» Relationship of the Association with the IRU ... ........ 77 B„ Relations of the Association with the carrier o...... 79 Co Relations of the Association with the Customs authorities ... 80 D. Relations of the Association with the insurance Companies concerned ......9««a.a«a«aa«a««oaa«a«aeaa«eo«ao.aa. 81 E o S anct1ons o.oaa9aaaoaaoe.a...aoQO....a.Qa..o.o.ooao.o.Qoooo.a 81 Annex 4 - Model agreement between the Directorate-General of Customs and the national road transport association .................... 84 Annex 5 - Model deed of guarantee by the national road transport to the Customs dep artment ooe»ooaoooo9»oooBoo««»oeoaoaoe9ooeoeoo»o. 86 Annex 6 - Model declaration of engagement of the carrier for admission to the TIR customs regime «.o«eo«eooo.o.«9o.e«e8oaaeeaeoeo.oe.o» 88 Aa Relations of the holder to the Customs authorities .........a 88 B. Relations of the holder with the association issuing TIR carnets ........................ ...... 89 Annex 7 - Certificate of approval for vehicles aa .................... 91 Annex 8 - Explanatory sketches of technical conditions for road transport vehicles and containers .......... «..a 93 Annex 9 - TIR approval plate 104 Annex 10- Certificates of approval for containers .....oaaaeaaa.aaaaeoo.9o 106 Annex 11- TIR camet ....................... 108 /FOREWORD - 1 - FOREWORD The Manual for the Application of the TIR Convention has been prepared by CEPAL as a contribution to the process which began with the Meeting of Ministers of Public Works and Transport of the Southern Cone countries, held for the purpose of securing the application of the 1975 TIR Convention in their countries» The present text is of a provisional character, and it is expected that an improved version will incorporate any comments and suggestions that may be formulated either by the institutions that have collaborated in its preparation or by the users themselves» The manual constitutes a compilation of the provisions of the Convention to which have been added the relevant explanatory notes, the whole being presented in an order designed to show separately the procedures prior to application, those relating to the application proper, the routine to be followed for each transport operation and the aspects connected with the general administration of the Convention. It is hoped that this presentation will help to make the Convention more clearly understood, and that it may also be of use to countries for the purposes of their internal regulations, as well as for the instruction of the customs and transport personnel responsible for everyday operations. CEPAL wishes to stress the invaluable collaboration received from the International Road Transport Union (IRU), particularly with regard to all the material furnished. Special mention must also be made of the co-operation extended by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), by the Spanish Asociación de Transporte Internacional por Carretera (ASTIC), by the Association Française des Transporteurs Routiers Internationaux (AFTRI), and by the central Customs authorities of Spain and France and the Customs offices of Geneva and the Port of Hamburg. Note: Much of this manual has been taken from articles of the TIR Convetion and from its explanatory annexes, whose source is cited in parentheses at the end of the corresponding paragraph -e.g., (ART.52.1) or (Explanatory note for ART.6 in annex 7). /Chapter I Chapter 1 PROCEDURES PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF THE TIR CONVENTION Under this head are included all those procedures which have to be carried out before the TIR Convention is applied. These procedures are of a legal nature, and consist of contracts, conventions or agreements between the parties to the TIR Convention. They must be carried out once only, save in very exceptional circumstances, as, for instance, if a new TIR Convention were adopted, etc. I. THE GOVERNMENT The government of any country desiring to become a party to the TIR Convention shall carry out the procedures listed below; A. ACCESSION TO THE TIR CONVENTION Under the Convention all member States of the United Nations or members of any of the specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency or parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice may become Contracting Parties to the TIR Convention; - by signing it without reservation of ratification, acceptance or approval; or - by depositing an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval after signing it subject to ratification, acceptance or approval; or - by depositing an instrument of accession (ART.52.1).
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