The Novato Historian The Quarterly Publication of the Novato Historical Guild, the Novato History Museum, and the Hamilton Field History Museum Preserving Novato’s History News Section Contents ©2018 Novato Historical Guild, Inc. April - June 2018 The Novato Historian Volume 42, Number 2 It’s Third Grade History Tour Time Again! By Laurie O’Mara Well, the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming and once again Novato’s third graders are enjoying time traveling back to the early days of Novato thanks to the fabulous third grade docents at the Novato History Museum. Thanks to the historical knowledge and generosity of docents: Carol Aregger, Sharon Azevedo, Mary Bicknell, Celinda Current, Joan Davis, Diane Goebel, Laurie Gratiot, Betty Jordan, Bobbie Kettler, Lauren Long, Jim McNern, Cindy Motsinger, Stan Palmear, Anne Russell, Susan Trumbull and Laurie O’Mara, third grade classes are able to visit our wonderful museum from March until June and are transported back to the 1800s and early 1900s with the help of our wonderful exhibits and lively tours to the Carlile House, The First Train Depot, The Novato House Hotel, The Fashion Shop, Mr Carlile’s Hardware Stores, Novato’s first bank and so much more. The Buggy Room, Doll House, Train and Dairy exhibits in the museum are huge hits. In the Buggy Room, students can imagine what it would be like to be a child working on the family farm or dairy in 1899. At the school exhibit they are Sharon Azevedo and Laurie O’Mara. Continued on Page N-5 New Museum Display Featuring Novato’s Dairy Ranches A new exhibit at the Novato History Museum features the history of dairy ranches in Novato. The display case features the different brands of dairy products produced in Novato, as well as County Fair trophies awarded for excellence in dairy products and dairy cows. Visitors can learn about the 4-H program for rural youth and learn to identify the different breeds of dairy cows. A map of Novato on the wall shows where all of the dairy ranches were located and guests can find out if they live on the property of a former dairy ranch. The new display was put together by Edna Manzoni. Novato History Museum’s Dairy Ranch exhibit N-2 The Novato Historian April - June 2018 The Novato Historian President’s Corner Published March, June, September and December by the Novato Historical Guild, Jim Crumpler a California 501(c)3 non-profit corporation formed on November 18, 1976. President, Novato Historical Guild Contents © 2018 Novato Historical Guild, Inc. Guild Mission Statement What’s New at the Guild Our Mission is to collect, preserve and make reasonably available to the public, exhibits and information related to the historical and social development of the Novato valley, Hamilton Field and the adja- Hope everyone that was present at the have been “J.B. Burdell.” Thank you, cent North Marin area. March Members Meeting, at The Marga- Charmaine! Novato Historical Guild 2018 Officers ret Todd Senior Center, and enjoyed the This started me thinking, I wonder if President Jim Crumpler presentation by Paul Drexler as much Anna Morrison would have caught this Vice President as I did. Paul gave an entertaining talk Secretary Sharon Azevedo error if she had still been a part of our Treasurer Kathryn Hansen on the scoundrels and hooligans in San Thursday “proofreaders” as she was for Francisco’s colorful history. years! More thoughts....did Anna Mor- Board of Directors Sharon Azevedo Pat Johnstone The speaker for the June Member’s rison know Charmaine Burdell? Were Ray Dwelly Susan Magnone Meeting is our own John Geoghegan. they members of the same generation? George Gnoss Edna Manzoni Kate Johnston Mike Read John, an accomplished author, will be giv- One final thought: no Burdells are ing a very informative talk on Japanese buried in Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, submarine activity off the California coast History Museum Managers they are all buried in the Mountain View Hamilton Field Ray Dwelly during the Second World War. I heard this Cemetery in Oakland. Novato Susan Magnone talk previously and was amazed at the Thanks to Soroptimists of Novato number of subs and the the duration of Honorary Historian and Novato Community Television for their presence off our coast. Bill Almeida producing a video of our very talented Committee Chairs I recently received a very interesting Laurie O’Mara. Lori, in full costume, Finance Kathryn Hansen letter...from Miss Charmaine Burdell is doing her famous tour of “historical“ Fund Raising All Board Members (great, great, great Granddaughter of Gift Stores Pat Johnstone Novato. The video runs about 27 Governance George Gnoss Dr. Galen Burdell). The hand written minutes and should be available for Hospitality Sharon Azevedo letter concerned an error that we had viewing on YouTube in a few weeks. Judi Brady made in the January-March Historian. In closing, I would like to thank all of The article in question was “Novato’s Historian/Mailing Jim McNern our volunteers for doing what you do, Membership Edna Manzoni Treasures - Pioneer Memorial Cemetery without which we wouldn’t have open Nominating Susan Magnone -Simmons Lane”. The error was in listing Oral History Madeline Martin museums, Third Grade Tours or the His- the Directors of the Novato Cemetery Publicity Sharon Azevedo torian. Public Outreach Jim Crumpler Association (1899), one of which we School Tours Laurie O’Mara incorrectly listed as “S.B. Burden.” Hope to see you all at our next Mem- Sunshine Diane Campbell As Charmaine pointed out, it should bers Meeting on June 16. Newsletter Editorial Board Yvette Borloz Jim Crumple Jackson Jim McNern Mike Corlett Mike Read Typography, Layout, Composition Carol Aregger Deadline for the September 2018 issue is August 1st. City of Novato Staff Recreation Operations Manager Elizabeth Tran Address Changes The Novato Historian is mailed by bulk mail and will not be forwarded by the Postal Service. Please notify us promptly of your address change at Novato His- torical Guild, P.O. Box 1296, Novato, CA 94948. The March General Membership Meeting featured guest speaker Paul Drexler, crime historian. April - June 2018 The Novato Historian N-3 Novato-50 Years Ago (April, May, June 1968) by Yvette Borloz Jackson It’s April Showers that bring May nue. All proceeds from the annual who led the field; councilman Doug- Flowers & June has lots of gradu- event will be used in the club’s city las Merrill, who was close behind, ations & weddings too. Here are a beautification projects during the and Joseph Gargiulo, principal of few memories from Spring of 1968, coming year. the school districts continuation hope it jogs your memory, as it does school. Voting at nine polling places mine. Let’s face it, the only jogging ● The weather became a major were 3123 voters out of 7644 reg- I get is when I am writing this arti- topic of conversation here this week istered. The percentage voting was cle. I hope I have helped you with when I long, cold dry spell was bro- 40.9, with the highest reached at your exercise program. I remind you ken by a two day storm that got San Marin where 49.8% voted at the again that the following items are underway Monday and reached San Marin No. 3 fire station. Semi taken directly from the pages of the its height last night, dumping 2.08 official results of the election were Novato Advance, although some inches of rain and doing some dam- Mayor Womack-1378, Councilman are abridged to give me space for age. Merrill-1326, Gargiulo- 1097, Rob- more items. Hope you enjoy. ert Lagle-1013, Wilfred Lieb- 943, ● Three Novatans and a fourth, Wayne Hathaway-811, Donald Tel- ● President Johnson’s announce- who formerly lived here, received ford-760, Joseph Bonomolo-621. ment on Sunday that he will not seek “Grand Cross of Color” awards in re-election caught the nation by sur- a recent ceremony held at Druids ● Alice Jean Sandbach, 63, a res- prise. Opinions differ on the sincer- Hall in Novato for members of ident of Novato for 25 years, suf- ity of Johnson’s move, but there was the Order of the Eastern Star and fered a heart seizure at 8:35 p.m. almost unanimous agreement that International Order of Rainbow for last night while sitting in the lobby of Johnson’s withdrawal makes Rob- girls. The recipients were Mrs. Murl the Community House and was pro- ert Kennedy a shoo-in as the Demo- S. Mahler; Ellen Bussman, Marilyn nounced dead on arrival at Novato cratic candidate and the next Pres- Waldrop, and Mrs. Roger Hicks. General Hospital shortly before 9 ident. However, most of those we The Grand Cross, highest award p.m. The couple was waiting for the talked to would like to see Eugene given by Rainbow Girls, signifies council to dispose of the proposed McCarthy as the Democratic nomi- distinguished service to the Rainbow dog leash law before taking up the nee. Girls organization. question of the 66- unit mobile home park, which the Sandbachs have ● The citizens beautification advi- ● Novatans were shocked and con- been attempting to establish on 11.8 sory committee, which met for the cerned over the assassination of acres in San Marin. The city plan- first time Monday night, got off to Dr. Martin Luther King last week, ning commission Monday night, a memorable start with a message but outside of the anxious gazing at echoing it’s unanimous negative vote of encouragement from the mayor, newspaper headlines and viewing of on January 22, turned down a new advice from the city manager, the television programs, life pretty well design for the Sandbach plan, again requested support for the proposed went on as usual here in Novato, unanimously, because of the cuts dog control law, a plea for help with like most white suburbia, is removed that would be required and in the the wildflower project, and a 30 min- from the direct anguish of racial con- hilly terrain.
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