Report poda-HReport aollputuoD Committee CONSENT CALENDARCALENDAR April 4,4, 20182018 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EPORT OF COMMITTEE The CommitteeCommittee on on Health, Health, Human Human Services Services and and Elderly Elderly Affairs toto whichwhich was was referred referred SB SB 549-FN-A, 549-FN-A, AN ACTACT (New(New Title) Title) relative relative to to plans plans of of safe safe care care for for infants affectedaffected by by substance substance abuse abuse or orwithdrawal withdrawal symptoms from from prenatal prenatal drug drug exposure exposure or fetalor fetal alcohol alcohol spectrum disorder. disorder. Having Having considered considered the the same, same, report report the samesame withwith the the following following amendment, amendment, and and the the recommendation that that the the bill bill OUGHT OUGHT TO TO PASS PASS WITH WITH AMENDMENT. FOR THE COMMITTEE Original: House House Clerk Clerk Cc: CommitteeCommittee Bill Bill File File COMMITTEE REPORT Committee: Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs 'BillBill Number:Number SBB5549417NAZEI 549-FN-A Title: (New Title) relative to plans of safe care for infants affected by substance abuse or withdrawal symptoms from prenatal drug exposure or fetal alcohol spectrumspectrum disorder. Date: 'April4,April 4, 20182018 Consent Calendar: CONSENT Recommendation:Recommendation. OUGHT TO PASS WITH AMENDMENT 2018-1339h STATEMENT OF INTENT The Department of Health and Human Services reported to the Committee on Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs that this bill was required to meet federal reporting requirements. The committee amendment removes any motivation for at-risk mothers to give birth outside of a hospital setting where appropriate care can be given, addresses medications prescribed for legitimate medical reasons, and attaches the plan of safe care to mandatory reports of abuse. The committee recommends Ought to Pass with Amendment. Vote 13-0. Rep. William Marsh FOR THE COMMITTEE Original: House Clerk Cc: Committee Bill File CONSENT CALENDARCALENDAR Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs SB 549-FN-A,549-FN--A, (New (New Title) Title) relative relative to to plans plans of of safesafe carecare forfor infantsinfants affectedaffected byby substancesubstance abuse or withdrawal symptoms from prenatal drug exposure or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. OUGHT TOTO PASS WITHWITH AMENDMENT. AMENDMENT. Rep. William Marsh for Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs. The Department of Health and Human Services reported to the Committee on Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs that this bill was required to meet federal reporting requirements. The committee amendment removes any motivation for at-risk mothers to give birth outside of a hospital setting where appropriate care can be given, addresses medications prescribed for legitimate medical reasons, and attaches the plan of safe care to mandatory reports of abuse. The committee recommends Ought to Pass withwith Amendment.Amendment. Vote 13-0. Original: House Clerk Cc: Committee Bill File Rep. M. MacKay, Hills. 30 Rep. W. Marsh, Carr. 8 April 3, 2018 2018-1339h 05/04 Amendment to SB 549-FN-A 1 Amend the bill by replacing all after the enacting clause with the following: 2 3 1 New Sections; Protection for Maternity and Infancy; Plan of Safe Care. Amend RSA 132 by 4 inserting after section 10-d the following new sections: 5 132:10-e Notification of Substance Exposure. Health care providers involved in the delivery or 6 care of infants born with and identified as being affected by substance abuse or withdrawal 7 symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure or a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder shall notify 8 the department of health and human services of the occurrence of such condition in the manner 9 prescribed by the department, irrespective of whether the infant was born in the hospital or other 10 setting. 11 132:10-f Development of a Plan of Safe Care. When an infant is born with and identified as 12 being affected by substance abuse or withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure 13 or a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, the health care provider shall develop a plan of safe care, in 14 cooperation with the infant's parents or guardians and the department of health and human 15 services, division of public health services, as appropriate, to ensure the safety and well-being of the 16 infant, to address the health and substance use treatment needs of the infant and affected family 17 members or caregivers, and to ensure that appropriate referrals are made and services are 18 delivered to the infant and affected family members or caregivers. The plan shall take into account 19 whether the infant's prenatal drug exposure occurred as the result of medication assisted 20 treatment, or medication prescribed for the mother by a health care provider and whether the 21 infant's mother is or will be actively engaged in ongoing substance use disorder treatment following 22 discharge that would mitigate the future risk of harm to the infant. A copy of the plan of safe care 23 shall be included in the instructions for the infant upon discharge from the hospital or from the 24 health care provider involved in the development of the plan of safe care. The plan of safe care 25 shall not be submitted to the department unless it is pursuant to RSA 132:10-g or the department 26 makes an official request for a copy of the plan in compliance with confidentiality requirements. 27 132:10-g Mandatory Reporting. When a health care provider suspects that an infant has been 28 abused or neglected pursuant to RSA 169-C:3, the provider shall report to the department of health 29 and human services in accordance with RSA 169-C:29. If the infant has a plan of safe care 30 developed under RSA 132:10-f, a copy of the plan shall accompany the report. 31 2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage. SB 549-FN-A relative to plans of safe care for infants affected by substance abuse or withdrawal symptoms from prenatal drug exposure or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. OTP/A 2%-61"351'119'1) 15-0 Consent Calendar The Department of Health and Human Services reported to the Committee on Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs that this bill was required to meet federal reporting requirements. The committee amendment removes any motivation for at-risk mothers to give birth outside of a hospital setting where appropriate care can be given; addresses medications prescribed for legitimate medical reasons; and attaches the plan of safe care to mandatory reports of abuse. The committee recommends Ought to Pass with Amendment. Rep. William Marsh for the Committee COMMITTEE REPORT REPORT COMMITTEE: S BILL NUMBER:NUMBER: 9-/q,C Y ri\) TITLE: 6C&e.144-)uke e I 4,F)w O'T-r Sce671(e- CC /V_ e DATE: CONSENT CALENDAR:CALENDAR: YES YES 14 NONO ElEl 111 OUGHTOUGHT TOTO PASS PASS r Amendment No. No. SOUGHTOUGHT TO TO PASS PASS W/ W/ AMENDMENT AMENDMENT 2“')2 (')/.1 ) 1212 1/ 74 El111 INEXPEDIENTINEXPEDIENT TO TO LEGISLATE LEGISLATE Li INTERIM STUDY (Available(Available only only 2nd 2nd year year of of biennium) biennium) STATEMENT OF OF INTENT: INTENT: --PH1.0DHHC rerefe o.o/ieci / /k 11(. a .E:74-- 144+ -/-171s--71-17 ,g- 4,114/i/ i7tAC,) (Ne „,,,Pe„A ±+0 rm ee If f(Oo../h„ Afrty •c\e.i\eLii/e_vvrevri, 1 1/e-04 e4.41 , CONicoh",4„, ; -Hee eeGl vvie.,e,c)e vue44 v\e-imou-es7\e-frvi out-es GiCr 1vi,110 t/i4 AUG 0 A vci-1-10,-;-1)0-1 bPvi-f 64a4- - riskrisk 0,4e_ is +D-6 9I 9 vy bi (-11-1 ,ef• 04c)-C2 01a A oscov r I / se 1±,ILI-) 14(45 (A)( here kete ow/174W/Dp Gilt--k_ Cci\e_ fL cafrkCc! tyk 17e of r11'e+1 ooidPeSge-sldpesses :lieyvv. off cciA avASos re.SC-;'1 1,7ee d A.) )914)eY-1-;-; c'i-e we of1 mac. I 1\e_c(\e- "s A00 s s° ; avl a{ GIigGliq G4ates eS ->1-114? e.e f p160 1.71 So0, -Ce,4.. c.,G, act Pe_ +i) r4c,rvi6vi ci64-1) ce64--Dri / j ref 0// -kk 0o(-P-- (P- , 3)14SI1S recrec. G 0.01 vv1 4am evals e,,,A OT0TP P //n /9 COMMITTEE VOTE: VOTE: rs 00 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED • Copy to Committee Bill File • Use Another Report for Minority Report Rep. For thethe Committee Committee l(A)Aht.L.-rte) t- Mr440-14--CLI1V---Cli Rev. 02/01/07 - Yellow Rep. M. MacKay, Hills. 30 Rep. LeBrun, Hills. 32 March 23, 2018 2018-1206h 05/04 Amendment to SB 549-FN-A 1 Amend the bill by replacing all after the enacting clause with the following: 2 3 1 New Sections; Protection for Maternity and Infancy; Plan of Safe Care. Amend RSA 132 by 4 inserting after section 10-d the following new sections: 5 132:10-e Notification of Substance Exposure. Health care providers involved in the delivery or 6 care of infants born with and identified as being affected by substance abuse or withdrawal 7 symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure or a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder shall notify 8 the department of health and human services of the occurrence of such condition in the manner 9 prescribed by the department. 10 132:10-f Development of a Plan of Safe Care. When an infant is born with and identified as 11 being affected by substance abuse or withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure 12 or a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, the health care provider shall develop a plan of safe care, in 13 cooperation with the infant's parents or guardians and the department of health and human 14 services, division of public health services, as appropriate, to ensure the safety and well-being of the 15 infant, to address the health and substance use treatment needs of the infant and affected family 16 members or caregivers, and to ensure that appropriate referrals are made and services are 17 delivered to the infant and affected family members or caregivers.
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