<4 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. May 4, 19S8 HOMES IN D U STR IAL CARS FM S M i FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE B U IC K Som araet 1985. 2 VERNON. Home In per­ S IZ Z L IN G 30 00 souare MANCHESTER. Indus­ Route door, automatic, olr, 6 foot, 8 room Contem­ A SpedoK trial, office, commer­ Nleti^ fect location for child­ excellent condition . ren. Chormlno 3 p o ra ry ! 3 'h baths, a w cial space. 2400 square family room, library, " M E p m ir ' feet. Loading dock. Bast otter over $6200. bedroom Ranch on cul- 649-7737 attar 6:30pm.- de-toc. Sunny, well morbletloors, let black Woodland Industrial ‘RamboV Burns It’s got a foot planned kitchen, large master bedroom bath ROOFMB/ MISCELLANEOUS P ark . 643-2121. DAYSuiTW SirRTri contfortoble flreploced with double lacuzzi I CHILOCARE 8HMN6 8EH VIC E8 speed. Looks great, under attack /3 in the door /17 living room, finished Reduced for Imme- runs fine. $700 firm. dlote sole. $ 4 2 9 ,9 0 0 . W ANTED Telephona 647-7397. basement and central LICENSED DaycoiV hen r e t i r e m e n t L iv in g air conditioning. A fan­ Blanchard & Rossetto A BATH Hoan lamonMaNT TO RENT OLDS 98, 1972. Excellent Realtors," We're Sel- openingt In giuf Mdh- SMlaa- Oaeta- iMtaeanwnt Everything provided tastic buy I $149,900. chester home, infonta WtaCamSPaan for your comfort oven running condition. Klernan Realty 049- llng Houses" 6 4 6 -2 4 8 2 .0 (LING HOUSE or Duplex tor Wall maintained. Ask­ welcomed. Coll 646- Na 4aa Taa aia ar Taa Small nursing sorvieo. Rotes couple and 2 small 1147.n YOU'LL truly appreciate 4651. FteWn th^' imallbst repair to ta% taalar CNIm ii Wieaimt reasonable. Coll 649- ing $700. 649-4235. tte largeat renovation, we « AASBlkBP b4 IbAsyrbIIbbsR children for June 1st. ^ the art of stenciling 2358. Call Mike 654-5053 r M a n c h e s t e r , v d i s - dfter you see the mag­ will do a complete |ob. Start cover the Difference" ONI 721-0781 A jv N m ^ ^ ^ days. 509-1711 nificent country de­ to flnlsh. Fi«e aiatimatea, evenings. LIPM AN # 1 In this 7 room Colonial signs found throughout LAWN CARE R enovatioiii/niis featuring country kit­ Custom Intsrloa 6 fexlailor this adorable 6 room Hsritagi K I^M ^ R E A T R ie / PalnUng • Ceding Repair a VOLKSWAGEN chen, 3 nice bedrooms, Cape on Benton Street. 1V6 baths, recreation B a G i G t ^ PLUMBHHI , Rsnaw a Fttwar WtaMng $7 Bulek NMara, bnmaouMa 2-3 bedrooms, updated LAWN Coma yitH our ahowroom at: Area Eat/msfaa ■ Loaded, 'lASao room, potlo, tool shed. both, fireplace, hard­ Merchandise Nice aulet setting on o MOW ING 182 W, Middle Tpke. iMurud a Sunlor pJbeounla aa Subaru QL 3 dr, Sllvar, S tp, wood floors, large new M .M V ID 8 0 N 4 WD, AM-PM, 48095 cul-de-saci SISO's. deck for warm weather Dependable Bervloe. riiNMMigi, rsaapfiQ, mfng vBmoB 646-22S3 Century-21 Lindsey Naw InalalMlona. Rapalra, aeTrana Am, Wk, •10.786 enloyment. Perfect Call for Free Eadmalae. 86 Toy. Taroal, 8 dr, rad, *6688 Real Estate. 649-4000. □ shape Inside and out I OialM Oaanad. Saihroom 6 KNohan RamodaUng PATW DOOR BLASS FURNITURE aa (2) Taroala 4 dr, AT, 4e3«e ilanrbpalpr $ 1 4 4 ,9 0 0 . Jackson 8, 6 4 4 - 6 8 6 8 JUST ReducedI Make on FAIWAN8iCII00ELiN8 Sandea la Our Butlim t SpSSill • HMaaO. 86 (XiUaaa CIsrra bm, 46396 Jackson Real Estate, a a e • e-9 9,.$,a e e e f’e e t QUEENSIZE Woterbed offer. Exceptionally 647-8400.O RfliOM.'MflRiGflA GBGlWa’fGOllfIGi Bua. Fhona 7 4 2 -S 8 5 2 lor raplaoaiiiaia fttanaarC Slallt 34 Volvo DL 4 dr, bm, AT, 43086 large 3 bedroom Split. a Over to yaara expedanee. complete. Dark pine, 4 84 VW QLI48736 Over 1700 Souare Ft. of LOOKING FOR good PJ*i PhiMbhig 8 HMtiiig drawer base, matching S3 VW Camper AT, 46883 Thursday, May 5, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Viliage Charm 30 Cents news? Look for the many XMHi WsVWwa via' Sollera, pumps, hot ACCENT GLASS 00. nightstand and chest of home In fine condition. drawers. $500 or best 34 VW RabbH, 46K, •3806 An excellent value. FOR SALE bargain buys advertised water tanka, new and 32 Bulek Skylark, 43286 In the clossified columns 647-0140 otter. Coll after 4pm. D.W. Fish Realty, 643- B Y O W N E R ;. • repiBcamants. 1591.0 today.. MRHIORS • MIMIOIS 568-1903. 24 TallastI Tsirit, Rts. S3 6 Room, 3 BR Ranch FREE eSTIM A TES . Orlghtan up your hontSUV- VsTSOS, CT a S 4S -2638 with 1 car attached gar­ ' naaaenably prtead, TV/STEREO/ ' Jack J. Lappen age on K aero. Remo- G M i l T U W N 643-Q649 / 228-96ia^ rafaranoaa. Inourad* dalad kitchen, bath and a Over 20 yaara axparlanea. APPLIANCES DiRosa holds out hope on Highland Park Realty^ aummor room/braeza- INI8CELLANE0U8 ★ way with alldara out to N/kMBvou!^^ 18EBWCE8 ACCENT GLASS CO. BLACK and white porta­ M a n c h e s te r Nebism Ws RSMs 6 gis4 NMIsisIss 6 Fofher 8> Son Polntlno • When a house iin*l a patio. Largo living room 647-0146 ble television, 2 stereo By Andrew J. Davis divided under the plan. January to reopen the school only "There's always hope.” she within the next five years. goes into effect in July, includes and Popirlno. Romo- sets with extension house, irs a home. W e have with firoplaca. FInlahod • a im BMiriiif sMsbib and fiMis ODD lobs. Trucking. Manchester Herald DiRosa said Wednesday he is grades kindergarten through said. "Everyone who signed that School Superintendent James about $128,000 for initial renova­ vdr.872-ro7. speakers. 646-6077. a nice home on Curry Lane baaomont with roc CaHi47-nf6 Home repairs. You 'working towards reopening the third with the remaining grades petition has hope.” P. Kennedy said Tuesday that tion costs. in Manchester whicn is a room, laundry, work name it, we do It. Free LYNCH There is still a chance that school. opening in successive years. The decision to only reopen while negotiations are continuing Even if the tenants are able to quiet cuMe-sac o(T Nutmeg B A B BMNTIIiQ ahop and atoraga room estimates, insured. 643- CONCRETE e n M A P i iIINERY Highland Park School can be “ I'm working toward that end. If Etespite the protest of parents, the partially was made so the with the current tenants, as well move, the real test will be in next D rive. with walk-out hatch. Ex­ BOOKKEmie/ 0304,___________________ _ This home has 8 rooms, 4 0B|MNICIGBIA BIMf BgGBfiBBOBtfa TOOLS If this name is reopened to Grades Kindergarten I can accomplish that within the school was closed in 1984 because school’s current tenants — the as with the town to put the day year’s budget. Kennedy said. The terior paint and ahuttera MGOMETAX HAWKES TREE SERVICE of declining enrollment. town Recreation Department. bedrooms, 2Vt baths, a 2car now In 1987. Walking Lew Prteas end FuRy inatwed. through 6 in 1989 as many parents next five weeks remains to be treatment program in the toWn- school administration projects it ra W BSlMffNI^M Ouekal, truck a oMppar. stump GRANITE Or marble sur­ not on your garage and is a pillared diatance to Buckley arova, oCdltlana S Sseka. Jock want, said Manchester Mayor seen," he said. Gail Collins, one of the parents Visiting Nurse & Home Care of owned Bentley School, there is would spend $523,900 to reopen raisM ranch. There*s a tamoval. Free aallmataa^ Hammarlna 4 saw cuMtna. face workplate. In­ Peter P. DiRosa Jr. The five-week time frame who submitted a petition to the Manchester Inc., and one of the currently no new news to report. the school to grades kindergarten gorgeous inground pool School. Great locatloni BARBARA RAY NEIL 64B4136 Spaolal conaMaratlon for spection grade for car, you Beautifully maintained bookkeeping FREE ESTIMATES. The school is slated to be DiRosa referred to was the school board asking that the school system’s day treatment The possibility of reopening the through 6 in the 1989-90 school with a unique concrete tidafly and Iwndleappad. ie% tXaeaeal far Sealer CWieiie small home machinist fence. Sliders to a (to be home, move right In. SERVICES or lathe operator. probably paid reopened only to kindregarten . amount of time before the school school be opened fully, said, she programs — would have time to school fully was one of the budget if that plan were adopted. built), pressure treated Muat aee to appreciate. BsaktHfiBG Mf fHipW IROOFMB/ 647-7SS3 647-9289 Never used or un­ through Grade 3 in 1989 under a board reviews its initial decision had not heard of DIRosa’s com- find new homes. The district is reasons why the town Board of Most of the money in the 1989-90 deck. Then's a Hreplace kwilBtiBBBa faMtaWAg PAyrsH ••••••••••••••• crated. $250 or best too much!! anticipating that between 350 to Directors Tuesday passed the $36 Prieod right at aa4 aaamrtz taaaa. vote by the Board of Education. to reopen the school in stages in nnents. She said parents have not budget is for staff, he said. “ You and a ceramic floor in the otter. 646-7233. That vote has sparked protests by June. given up hope that the school 500 new elementary school stu­ million school budget as is.
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