6020 Also a branch railway diverging from the said Upper Penn,.Lower Penn,Sedgley parish, Sedg- main line of railway in the said parish of Stockton, ley, Cotwall End, Upper Gornall, Saint James In the county of Salop, passing thence from, in, Lower Gornall, Lower Gornall, Sedgley town- through, or into the several parishes, townships, ship, Gospel End, the Straits, Brierley, Cose- and extra-parochial, or other places following; ley, Ettingshall, The Holy Trinity Ettingshall, that is to say, Stockton parish, Stockton town- Himley,Holbeach,Kingswinford,Saint)Mary Kings- ship, Stockton, Bonninghall, Norton, Apley, winford, The Oak, The Oak Farm, Wall Heath, -Higford, Sutton Maddock parish, Sutton Maddock Pensnett, Common Side, Shut End, Brierley Hill, township, Sutton Maddock, Brockton, Harrington, Brockmoor, Saint John Brockmoor, Wordsley, Kemberton, and Made.ley, in the county of Salop, The Holy Trinity Wordsley, Quarry Bank, Old or some of them, and terminating in the said Swinford, Old Swinford parish, Old Swinford parish of Madeley, in the county of Salop. township, Christchurch Quarry Bank, Amblecote, Also another branch railway diverging from the The Holy Trinity Amblecote, Audnam, Brettell said main line of railway in the parish of Trysull Lane, Coalbournbrook, Holloway End, Upper or Trysull-cum-Seisdon, in the county of Stafford, Swinford, Lower Swinford, Wollaston, Stourbridge, passing thence from, in, through, or into the several and Saint Thomas Stourbridge, or some of them, parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or other in the county of Stafford; Oldswinford, Amblecote, places following, that is to say, Trysull otherwise The Holy Trinity Amblecote, Coalbourubrook, Trysull-cum-Seisdbn parish, Trysull township, Holloway End, Stourbridge, Saint Thomas Stour- Trysull, Seisdon, Patshull, Pattingham, Claver- bridge, Wollaston, or some of them, in the county ley, Rudge, Shipley, Shipley and Ruclge, Penu, of Worcester; and terminating in the township of Upper Penn, Lower .Penn/ Seclgley parish, Stourbritlge, in that part of the parish of Oldswin- Sedgley township, Sedgley, Gospel E.nd, Tet- ford, which is in the county of Worcester. tenhall, Tettenhall Regis, Tettenhall Clerico- Also a branch railway diverging from the said rum, Compton, Wigbtwick, Pirton and Trescott, last-mentioned main line of railway, in the said Pirto.n, Boveuhill, Bushbury otherwise Byshbury, hamlet of Amblecote, in that part of the parish of Autherley otherwise Aldersley, Wolverhampton Oldswinford which lies in the county of Stafford, parish, Wolverhampton.township, Wolverhampton, passing thence from, in, through, or into the seve- Saint Peter Wolverhampton, Saint John Wolver- ral parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or hampton, Saint George Wolverhampton, Saint other places of Oldswinford, Amblecote, The Holy .Mary Wolverhatnptou, Saint Jarnes Wolverhamp- Trinity Amblecote, and Wollaston, or some or one . ton, Saint Paul Wolverhampton, or some of them, of them in the county of Stafford, and terminating in the county of Stafford, and Pattingham, Rudge, by a junction with theintended Oxford, Worcester, Shipley, Shipley and Rudge, Claverley, or some and Wolverhampton Railway, in tlie said hamlet of them, in the county of Salop; and terminating of Amblecote, in that part of the parish of Old- in the township and parish of Wolverhampton, in swinford which lies in the said county of Stafford. the county "of Stafford. And in the said Bill or Bills powers will be ap- Also another branch railway diverging from the plied for to deviate from the lines laid down on the said main line of railway, in the parish of Dudley plans hereinafter mentioned, to the extent thereon aforesaid, in the said county of Worcester, passing defined, and to vary or alter all such turnpike thence, from, in, through, or into the several roads and other highways, towing paths, streams, parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or other canals, aqueducts, navigable rivers, navigations, places following, that is to say, Dudley, Saint and railways within the parishes, townships, and John Dudley, Saint Edmund Dudley, Saint James extra-parochial or other places aforesaid, or some Dudley, Dudley Castle and grounds, or some or of them, as it may be necessary to vary or alter for one of them, in the county of Worcester; Tipton the purposes of such railways and branch railways, 4 otherwise Tibbingtou, Saint Paul Tipton, Saint or any of them, or the works, stations, and conve- t Martin Tipton, and Dudley Castle and grounds, niences connected therewith respectively ; and also or some of them, in the county of Stafford; and to authorize junctions with the said intended Ox- ' terminating by a junction with theintended Oxford, ford, Worcester, aud Wolverharnpton Railway, as Worcester, and Wolverhampton Railway, in the delinealed on the said plans before mentioned or .same parish of Dudley and county of Worcester. referred to. And also power to construct another main line And notice is hereby also given, that it is of railway or some part or parts thereof, with all intended to apply for power to levy tolls, rates, proper works, stations, and other conveniences or duties for the use of the said railways and connected therewith, commencing in the said town- branch railways, and also for the powers usually ,ship and parish of Wolverhampton, in the county conferred for the compulsory purchase of the lands, of Stafford, passing thence from, in, through, houses, and other property to be described upon 'or into the several parishes, townships, and extra- the said plans, and also for power to vary or extin- p rochial or other places of Wolverhampton parish, guish all rights or privileges in any manner con- Wolveruampton township, Wolverhampton, Saint nected with the lands proposed to be taken for the Peter Wolverhampton, Saint John Wolverhampion, purposes of such railways and branch railways, or Saint Geoi ce Wolverhampton, Saint Mary Wolver- anyof them,and to confer other ri»hts and privileges. hainpton, Saint James Wolverhampton, Saint And notice is hereby further given, that dupli- Paul Wolverhampton, Bilston, Saint Leonard cate plans and sections, describing the line and Bilston, Saint Mary -Bilston,. Stow Heath, Wed- levels of the said intended railways and branch nesfield, Parkfields, Millfields, Cullwell, Penn, railways, and the lands to be taken for the pur-.
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