Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC Ithacan, 1931-1932 5-19-1932 The thI acan, 1932-05-19 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1931-32 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1932-05-19" (1932). Ithacan, 1931-1932. 28. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1931-32/28 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ithacan, 1931-1932 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. SEE!! MAY 19, 20, AND 21 "THE !\JEW LADY "THE NEW LADY BANTOCK" BANTOCK" D:\~Cl!IIG CHORUS ~• I AN ENGLISH COMEDY THE ITHACAN ' Official Publication of the Students of Ithaca College Issued in the Interests of the U11dergraduates and Alumni THE ITHACAN: THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1932 (Yearly subscription, delivered $2.00) VoLUMB II·· (Single C.Opy Sc) , • I Fa Pupils Pre- Double Cast To Portray Comedy, .\:SNOFNl'EJIE~T IIthaca College Weekly And Annual 9th Tournament Y 'TheNewLadyBantock'byJerome E . O Ithaca College annual com• Responsible To Governing Boards To Embody Full sent ro1ca n m1•11cement will take place 011 Little Theatre Production to be Given This Thursday, June the 10th instead of on ,June the 13th as bas been an• Student Council Votes in Favor of Constitutions for May Friday, and Saturday; Special Student Rates; 15 nouncl"d, so as to avail more The Ithacan and· Tlze Cayugan/ Concurrent Meet­ Week Of Events Sunday, 8 Chorus Girls to Appear In the Show students the op11ortunity to attend, The exerciMes which ing of Newly Elected Board Takes Place May 15th Entertainnwnt, I>iseussions, and Performance, the Fourth In The will be 1,•hen in the First 8l•lected Lecture!l to be College Series; Marked An interesting feature in the by Miss Cecilia· Kiefer, a senior, .m~thodist- Episropal Church Both official student publica- Johnson, trcarnrer of the college; will begin at ten o'clock in the Sp1111~or!'d IJy College . By Excellent Work Ithaca College production of The in the routine steps needed for this tions of Itha.ca College arc rear- anrl 11i~s Powell. the college dean New Lady Bantock to be presented unusual scene. Before coming to morning, Tl~e Westminster SENIORS CONDUCT (.'lwir and the Ithaca l'ollege ganized to comply with the articles of \1·omen. The first meeting of the S('HOOLS TO C0lll'£TE on the evenings of May 19, 20 and Ithaca as a student, Miss Kiefer Symphony will take part in ~·mbodied and set forth in their re- go\'e~ning boards occured a week 21 at the Little Theatre, is the in­ had several years of professional th1• progn1m. 'flu• speaker ior ~pectin consfitutions which have ago , Vednesday afternoon for the The presence of rather do;btful experience as a stage dancer. tlle morning will · be nn• The ninth annual Little Theatre troduction of a dancing chorus in been. recenth' adopted. Clarke purpose of appointing the new edi- weather was keenly noted inme what is othenvise a "straight" Two complete casts have been nounced in the next i~o;ue of Tournament conducted by the Tiu, Ithacan, 11aynard, th·e retiring editor-in- tor-in-chief~ and business managers poorly· attended fourth of a series selected to interpret The New Speech and Drama Department of drama. It so happens that the plot chief of The Ithacan, has been in- ai 1'/u; I thrzrrm and the CaJugnn. of interesting and educational con­ Lady Ba11tock. They are as fol:­ lth.aca College, will take place the which Jerome K. Jerome designed :;trumcntal in bringing about 'the ..\t thi, time, Emil Purga and \Vil­ certs prepared and supervised , by lows: Edwin \Vhittaker and Rich­ \\'eek of 1-lar 23, with an estimated for his four-act comedy requires the change in the government of the !iam Bagley were selected to man­ Jay W. Fay. This concert was unexpected appearance in the fash­ ard Seiler as Martin Bennet; Flor­ attendance of 200 High School stu­ Gertrude Evans two publications. It is quite ap- a~e Tllf Itharrm, and Adelbert the second appearance of the Ith­ ionable Bantock home of a group ence Gillette and Roberta :Murray, dents, teachers and principals. parent that Tlze I tlzacan and Cay- P'urga and Edwin , Vhittaker \\·ere aca College Symphony Orchestra of chorus ladies from a London in the title role of Lady Bantock; Granted Leave This tournament, which was in­ 11ga11 board~, with their fair student selected to take charge of the Cay­ in public. · musical show. The situation is Paul Devine and Joseph Short as augurated nine years ago with an The laymen were initiated into doubly comic when the audience Lord Bantock; Art ·Shepherd and l>irt·<·for oi PnbJicify Bureau, .\Jso and faculty representation, and ugmz. · initial attendance of representa­ with the aid oi definite constitu- The CaJuga11 constitution is the mysteries of musical form and realizes that the chorus has come John Brown in the role of Dr. :Xational l'resillent oi S, .\. I, tives from four High Schools, has development by the simple and to congratulate their former assoc­ Freemantle; Nancy :\Iorabito, To \'isit Gt (']mpters tional statutes will be a·ble to govern identical with the one adopted for grown under the direction of Miss elucative comments of Mr. Fay. iate, "Fanny", who is now none :\•1artha Littler, Laura Knipe and these publications on a more logi- ·TJ11, ftlzara11. only that the appoint­ Gertrude Evans, into one of the The opportunity' to witness- the other than Lady Bantock. Priscilla Houston as the two Ben­ Dr. Leonard B. Job, President cal and business-like basis. The ment oi the photographic editor, a outstanding projects in the interests development of Beethoven's genius Fifteen girls· from the Depart­ net sisters; and Richard Jones and of Ithaca -College, announced school officials who are members of position which doei not exist on the of high school dramatics and pub­ the student publication governing staff of the weekly, is made at the lic speaking sponsored by the Speech from week to week is very unusual ment of Drama are being trained (Continued on page four) Thursday that a leave of absence, and constitutes a musical training effective at the end of the current boards are: President Job; :\Ir. {Continued on page two) and Drama department of this that few students ever realize. te.rm, had been granted ::\liss Ger­ college. The Third Symphony ( Heroic) Lautner Pupils Are CORTLAND BEATS trude Evans, director of the pub­ Heretofore the contest has con­ was completed in August, 1804. licity bureau of the college. Miss BASEBALL TEA~l A 1· S . p sisted of a one-act play and public This is a colossal work of immense Recent Recitalists LOCAL TRACK 1"1EN Evans requested the leave because T\VICE VICTORIOUS nnua en!or rom speaking contest last year nventy­ proportions, one of the longest of The Cortland Normal track of the increasingly laborious de- _ Meets With Approval five schools were represented in the String Ensemble Accompanies mands of her office as national Pres­ The Ithaca College baseball play and forty-seven in the speaking the whole series, and marks the be­ team defeated the Ithaca College ginning of the second period, the Jleistersinger Excerpts In nine ,rnn its third_ game of the sea­ l'auJ Sabin's Jla11h11ttan 'l:01H•r contest. Acting upon the sugges­ track _men Thursday in a dual meet ident of the Sigma Alpha Iota fra- Orchestra l>Jeases J)aneers complete emancipation from the The Finnie at Cortland, 57 1-2 to 55 1-2. ternity, to which organization she son F ridav afternoon at Oneonta, tions made and approved at the last .\t C'rl'SCt'llt· traditional structures. Here we can The Ithacans drew seven of a wishes to dcrnte her entire time when the}' defeated the Hartwick Tournament and later endorsed by observe for the first time the real On Friday evening, May 6, in possible thirteen first places but during the next year. nine ,vho had previously defeated High School authorities in New The Senior Ball'was.gi~·en at the Beethoven painting, the gigantic the Little Theater, Joseph Laut­ were unable to "·in enough second ~\1iss Evans is a graduate of Ith­ St. Stevens, Panzer and Albany York and Pennsylvania, the proj­ contours of 'his hero on a vast tonal ner presented his students in a pro­ and third positions to cop the event. aca College, having coinpleted Pharmacy. Crescent ballroom .on Friday, llay ect was augmented by a Little The­ canvass. gram of selections from operas. Lefty Harner had a great day the 13th, from I I until 3 A. l-1. atre Conference and a long play R her four-vear course in the conser­ Beethoven d~liberately set out to _The. program consisted of scenes or ced, \VestdervGelt, Ebb, Caltlha- vatory where she majored in. voice in the pitcher's box. He limited the In spite of the proverbial super­ conference. Keen interest has been han, Seitz an reen were e . -- portray in this symphony his. con- port10ns of scenes ~rom four operas, members of the Blue and Gold and piano. As an undeq?adua~e Hartwick batsmen to three bingles stition attached to the day, Friday sho\\'n in both these new features. during the entire seven innings he the 13th greeted and bid a happy Teachers of oral English- and Dra­ ception of a great humanitarian before ~ach_ of which Mr•. L_autner team to take first places. All of she was u?usually promment III hero, which he fondly hoped was gave historical and descriptive re­ .
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