WESTFIELD LEADER Tkm Uading And Mo* Wlddy OrtuUfd WmUy Nemptytt fa Vnlo* County »«•»*• « anena Clua Matter •VTY.E1GHTH YEAR—Wo. 62 Post Oflc*. WMtlali. H. i. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY,.THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 19S8 PuMlal K*»rrrur flTkurtOu r Jxpect Large Increase Woman's Club Fair Sept. 24 Boosters to Hold 0 School Enrollment To Have Christmas Theme Annual Meeting Goal Of $228,918 Set "Christmas Eve in September" Handmade articles will be fea will be celebrated by members of tured as well as toys and book! Next Thursday Are You Eligible? the Woman's Club of Weitfield for children, costume jewelry, For United Fund Drive ip487SoFar and their friends at the club- stationery, Christmas cards, wrap- . ABJ syr»ai was house, 318 South Euclid avenue, pings and decorations. There will Public Invited To r Last Year, tend •• «• awl Mhif Wednesday, Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. be a garden spot containing Afri- Discuss Plans For Pollen Count AB|. U.U MlitM la raU ia to 9 p.m. The fair will be staged can violets and other plants and taw SBWUI KIW*| alactiaa t» as the final event of the summer an art studio. At the bake shop Sports Activities Given For Week Dr. TisMer Named Assistant ; , Ewan Reports W a«U Ocl. a, Miw Fraacn campaign and will provide an op- an assortment of cakes, pies, Palrco, tccrcUry »l th* Basra portunity, for the purchase of cookies, casseroles and other The Westfield School Booster The pollen count taken dur- Chairman of October Campaign £ •t Edacatira jut •aa Christmas presents for all mem- homemade goods will be avail- Association will hold its annual ing the past week by Joseph l-toui of 6,922 pupils have en. bers of the family. able. In addition there will be a meeting Thursday, Sept. 11 at i Mottley, health officer, 1B as L ;„ Westfield public school! pantry shelf featuring imported p.m. in the WaUiink- Room of the follows compared with last Westfleld's second United Fund campaign will bo conducted in - * Members and their friends are October with a goal.of $228,018, it was announced tMi week by WII" kith open Monday, Dr. «. N. invited to be guests of the club delicacies as well as homemade Municipal Building, it was an- year: no, supervising principal, re- Orientation Day jams, jellies, pickles and pre nounced today by Edward B. Hoi Ham H. Baumer, president of the United Fund Board M Trustee*- for coffee from 10 a.m. to 12 1058 . 1957 At the same time Baumer announced that Dr. Max Tilllltr, • rtii to the Board of Education noon or for tea. from 2-5 p.m. serves. schuh, pnesidenf. Weatfielders are fMitr night He compared the Set For Staff invited to attend the 'session at Thursday •..-...:..•. 12 ; 38 of Merck Sharp t Dohriie Research Laboratories, will at'rVa aa-l Z, with «,435 pupili regiatercd An added attraction will be the which officers will be elected for 'Friday....:....:..! ........38 • 45 general chairman of titt opening d«y last year and presence of a fortune teller who '19S8-69 season and plans dis- Saturday '... ...'...18 ; 22 ppaigng . The appointmenppt a4 ,bi that the predicted enroll' has gained considerable recogni- cussed for supporting school sports mund R. Beckwlth Jr., at giwutfv" Part of Program tion through her annual appear- S'uhsay ..' ..,.'....;.. 29 25 Kt for this year waa 6,»p5. activities and stimulating: greater : hairman wag announco« laat-.'- fiB»l figures, Dr. Ewan atraued For New Teachers ances at. numerous fund-raising interest iby ' everyone in town in 'Monday ....':...' :.....'.33 30 ' | not be available until the functions in the Metropolitan area Tuesday: :..J..:..'...-..78 : 31 and 'on Long Island. ; the school sports program, Mr. Dr. Tighter served as a memawH kwli open, An extensive four day orienta Holsehuh said. ".Yesterday ". 40 112. >f tha special advisory eomKtt£"V He said the breakdown of the tion program began Tuesday for One of the most unique features According to the president, "the ee of citliena appointed by thof"-^ irellces shows 4,094 in the ele- teachers new to the Westflelt will be an antique mart on the Boosters" principal objectives of United Fund laat year to deter- ' nttry schools, 804 in Edison Schools and will be culminated to second floor of the clubhouse. Sev- encouraging wider participation in nine the allocation of fuada con* inior High; 763 in Roosevelt morrow with a general orientation eral dealers as well as members sports by all the children in high Announce iilbuted for cancer and polio pur*- --. nior-High and 1,261 in the sen- day for the entire staff,, it was an and friends of the club will have school and junior high schools and loses, ."; • l high school. nounced today by Dr. S. N. Ewan antiques for sale. Miss Alice gaining more active backing for "The same 14 igenelea ant! -.: Thi total school staff this yeir Jr., superintendent of schools. Mathews of the Keriolet Kitchen school sports by the citizens of Hans For UF ograms which bantAud] fraa.' : 10 number 425, he aaid. includ- "Combining' the orientation pro- and M)ss Wulda Rosencrantz of Westfield are good for the (own, the succeitful United Fund caM« - 12M on the teaching italf. This gram with a general staff meeting the Dutch Oven will show a sev- for the school syntem, for the par- >algn In 1957 are inelndad In tkil . ill provide a ratio of one teach- will serve as a fitting climax for enteenth century kitchen featur- ents and for thc boys and girls Poster Contest rear's drive," Baumer said. Tha ' to 21.3 pupils, according to Dr. the new teachers' introduction to ing early American furniture, themselves. ;oal of $228,918 or 1,1 per cant / nn. the town of Westfield and to the igher this year in because of ln« ' (Please turn to page 2) "Thc Booster executive commit- A United Fund potter contest Be pointed out that school en- IrVestfteld Schools," said Dr. Ewan tee consist! of 35 men who volun- open to all Westfleld pupils from' eaied needs on tha part of some ' Jlment has doubled in the pait Working under the genera teer many hours of their own time kindergarten through high school " tho agencies. i yetrs with 3,484 pupils reg- chairmanship of Herbert F. Kin to plan and direct such Booster was announced this week by Al- The agencies and programs and itred in 1947-48. Tha ratio of dolph Jr., Washington Schoo Garden Club Sets activities as scholarships, trophies fred H. Meyer, Westfleld United eir share of the campaign goal , ipils per teacher then -was one principal, A staff orientation com- and plaques for members of all Fund publicity chairman. c: mittee spent many months in plan- •ckcr to 23.3 pupils, he said. EDWARD CRUBMAN sports teams, a fall sports dinner The contest, stressing the theme Boy Scouts of America, $16,- Xn. Helen M. Douress was ap- ning a program Involving com Year's Program for team members and coaches, "How the United Fund Helps 20; Cerebral Palsy League of rinted to teach fourth grade inmunity leaders and organizations. and an annual spring dance. Also, Westfleld," to run from Sept, 6- Inlon County, $7,000; Westfleld iferson School. A graduate of On Tues'day the workshop was much is done to co-operate with 26, will have as the grand prize, Community Center, $11,404; Di»- renton State Teachers College,opened with remarks by the super- Name Crubman First Meeting To school officials in improving serv- two round-trip tickets by air to LWVtoOpen llct Nursing- Association, $10,- i formerly had taught in Silver intendent of schools followed by Be Held Tuesday ices, facilities and equipment for Washington, D.C; and two days in 34; Girl Scouts of America, »16,- •rings, Md. Some brief explanatory state- 3rd Ward Leader the school sports programs." a Washington hotel, A second il4; Union County Muntal Health Kiss Lila Schwartz was hired ments by Mr. Randolph. Follow- prize, two round-trip helicopter Finance Drive Usociution, $9,000. teich art in Edison Junior ing their remarks, the new teach- Mrs. Donald L. Ferguson, pro- Mr. Holsehuh pointed out that tickets from Newark Airport to Also Union County Psychiatric "the more support and co-oper»- k School. Holder of > iB.S. ers and their buddy teachers were Democrats Make gram chairman of the Garden Idlewlld, will be open only to lltnlc (formerly Mental Hygiene • iptt from Pratt Institute, she given a tour of Westfield with Club of Westfield, today announc- L'on given the Booster executive pupils from kindergarten through Annual Campaign Illnlc), $5,000; American Red committee by merchants, business u his done graduate work in stops at the Municipal Building New Appointment ed the calendar for the year with the sixth grade. Winners of both To Seek $1879 ;i-<™, $25,155; Union County At-. (tiers College, Columbia Uni- for talks by Mayor H. Emerson the first meeting Tuesday at the men and parents, the More success prizes will be accompanied on the sociation for Retarded Children, home of Mrs. R. R. Winklepleck, nity, and previously taught in Thomas, other municipal leaders Edward Grubman has been ap fully thc committee can carry on trips by a parent ' $2,500; USO, $2,380; Youttf 106 Efflngham place. "Hunting and expand its work. All fund Next Tuesday evening thc das City schools. and the librarian, Miss Shirley pointed Democratic leader in the Contest plans call fqr only orv League of Women Voters of West- Men's Christian Association, $41,- Third Ward of Westfleld, Ernest Western Wildflowers" will be dis- for the Booster program come en 702; Young Women'* ChristlaB Wright.
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