JANUARY 1, 1993 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 ' • 3 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES 1590*12* 1 01 SUN L 00/00/0° SANIBEL LIBRARY 2«01 LIBRARY WAY ^3957 REF S AN I BEL FL R SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA, FLORIDA IlifllliW New Year brings new resolutions By Maureen Milne Donald Staff Writer For most of us, a New Year brings promises to ourselves of everything ranging from diets to washing the car more often. It is a time when we usually drag out last year's resolutions and reaffirm our pledge to truly keep to them in the upcoming year. But for Sanibel city officials, 1993 is turning up some unusual requests. Council member Daphne Miller is resolv- ing to keep a campaign promise made to Sani- bel resident Mary Maurer. According to Miller, that promise was to fix the clock at Sanibel Square. Bob Janes isn't certain if his New Year's resolution is to "eat less and sleep more" or "to eat more and sleep less." Whichever, it wouldn't seem to matter much considering his second resolution is "hot to make any resolu- tions." ; •"''• MayorMarkWestall is also skeptical about making New Year's resolutions. According to g Westall, just putting them into writing spells . the kiss of death for any thoughts he may have for 1993. He did, however, come up with one that he is What better way to celebrate 1993 to SasAei busy schedules to toast 1993 in traditional is- hoping to keep. "I'm going to try not make any tnan enjoying the natural beawty of the area. land fashion. The two rang out the old and more stupid statements to the press," said Sanibel Mayor Mark Wstall and wife Janie welcomed in the New Year on the grounds of Westall. "But I really don't like saying; that, be-^ • please see page 2A Domino theory wreaks havoc on causeway traffic Monday By MaryJeanne McAward the second, adding there were no Injuries and fic carne to a standstill for one hour, with ho Staff Writer no media release of information. However, movement in any direction. Two technically separate accidents on the the backup on the two-lane bridge was so bad, As a result of the complete stoppage, traffic Sanibel causeway Monday afternoon, Decem- officers worked an hour and a half overtime, was stop and go for two hours. Normal flow ber 29, left no injuries but resulted in a mas- he added. resumed at 10:15 p.m. sive traffic tie-up, according to Duty Officer Due to the accident, Sanibel police extended However, Carol Daniels, one of the accident Supervisor Jack Bradford of the Florida traffic Control hours at Periwinkle Way and victims who limped her two-week old Honda Highway Patrol. Lindgren Boulevard from the usual late after- Accord to her Captiva Drive home at 6:45 Four cars were involved in the first acci- noon duly through 10:15 p.m. Monday evening, after a service station se- dent at 4:01 p.m., Bradford said, and two in According to police, after the accident traf- • please see page 2A Missing pilot given up for dead reunited with WWII buddy By Maureen Milne Donald with a fellow-officer almost a half-decade Staff Writer later. But in this case, it's not a movie plot ... it's real life and it happened right here on Nearly a half-century ago, on May 13, 1944, Sanibel Island. a.B-17 took off from Kimbolteon, England, on Segel, a Toledo resident, has spent the last a bombing mission over Germany. It never re- 13 Christmases in Sanibel. But it wasn't here turned. that Segel expected to run into Wilds, who he It was the 30th and last mission for U.S. Air discovered — several years ago from an Air Force pilot John Wilds. But instead oflanding Force buddy — was alive and living in Florida. back at the airfield in time to be shipped But after trying to track him down, Segel home. Wilds and his crew disappeared. had about given up when he received a letter Robert Segal, the bombardier who usually from Wilds postmarked "Sanibel." Since fi- flew with Wilds, had already completed his 30 nally hooking up after all this time, the two missions and was on his way home. Shortly are finally getting the opportunity to catch up after returning, Segel heard about the missing with one another and do a HtLle reminiscing. plane piloted by Wilds. Time passed, nothing Part of the conversation has centered on was heard and Segel assumed Wilds was dead. Wilds' time as a prisoner of war. He tells of In reality, a German fighter had knocked walking 60 miles in a blizzard from the camp out an engine and damaged a second on the re- in Poland, loaded, on boxcars and finally end- turn trip. The crippled B-17 couldn't keep up ing up in another camp just outside Munich. with the formation and crash landed in a field There is talk of trading with German civilians in Denmark not more than 20 feet from a for food and less than desirable building occupied by the German Luftwaffe. accommodations. Wilds wasn't dead, but he was a prisoner of But probably the most vivid parts of the war. conversation center on the day General George Held at a prisoner of war camp in Sagan, Patton drove a tank through the front gate of Poland Segel couldn't be certain what had the camp. According to Wilds, the prisoners happened to Wilds or his 10-man crew. At had a good idea of what was happening be- least not until December 20. 1992 when the cause all the German guards had disappeared two men shook hands for the first time in 49 that morning. Robert Segel and John Wilds last saw each other in It sounds like something out of Hollywood From there it was finally back to the States 1944 prior to a bombing mission in "Gamecock." v;. a serviceman given up for dead is reunited • please see page 2A NEW YEAR • from page 1 A worrying about calls from the press. promise of change — for the world, for the na- cause I know I'm setting myself up for fail- : ; Councilman Jerry Muerich has a somewhat tion and for Sanibel. Westall was reelected to ure." ' • ' . ' • ••••-' ' . '•• '••'-"'"'•:•: '•. modest resolution for 1993, destined to be un- the city council and unanimously elected City Attorney Bob Pritt has a made a reso- popular with some Sanibel fesidents. His mayor; Miller and Janes were elected for the lution for 1993 at the urging of his wife. Pritt wish is for "a Big Mac, fries and a'Coke." first time to serve on the council. is going to try to spend some time doing some- We'll have, to wait for Wally Kain's resolu- The New Year will certainly herald changes thing other than practice law. Apparently < tions this yeJaT\ Kaih couldn't be'reached this for Sanibel in other ways. Already there are Pritt actually found time to read a novel when - week so maybe^he's .off penning his list.in time plans in the works to open up the city's trans- in the hospital for surgery last March. Now < for the next city ec-urici! meeting. • portation system to competition. he's going to try to read a second without the City Attorney Bob Pritt has changed the a benefit of surgery and the confinement of a There's also been a few anonymous sugges- tions to the general public for 1993. Among seating arrangement at city council meetings a. hospital room. and there is even talk of McDonald's coming LU City Manager Gary Price, who was a tad late them are resolutions to get more involved in city government, to drive safely on Island to the island. in returning our phone call asking for his res- roads and watch out for critters trying to cross Of course, there will be many new issues olution, told us he woke up in the middle of the road, to keep Sanibel clean and, most of and projects before residents in 1993. And no cc the night realizing he'd forgotten about us. It all, to demonstrate courtesy and caring to- doubt each will present a new challenge to all seems particularly appropriate that Price wards each other. concerned. Q wants to sleep throughout the night without It has been an old year filled with the Good luck and Happy New Year, Sanibel! CRASH • from page 1 A cured the vehicle's drooping exhaust system, to the island and braked for stopped traffic. While the trunk of the car Daniels hit — a observed traffic backed up past Sanibel The woman behind her was unable to stop nondescript Dodge of "indeterminate, reason- Elementary on Santbel-Captiva Road. in time and plowed into the back of Daniel's able age" — folded neatly in half and skewed Tuesday morning, Daniels waited at home car, which sent Daniels into another vehicle, sideways, leading Daniels to surmise the rear for her doctor to send her for a chest X-ray. which In turn hit another vehicle. The high- axle may have snapped. She was impressed Although her car was equipped with double way patrol termed this the first accident. with how her spanking-new Honda took the air bags, she was hit in the rear and the bags Then, the man following the woman who accident. did not deploy. She hit the steering column hit Daniels, failed to stop in time and seconds "If you want to buy a car, for God's sake buy and suffered bruises to her chest.
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