Prelims.qxd 11/10/06 8:21 PM Page i TOURISM AND POLITICS: GLOBAL FRAMEWORKS AND LOCAL REALITIES Prelims.qxd 11/10/06 8:21 PM Page ii ADVANCES IN TOURISM RESEARCH Series Editor: Professor Stephen J. Page University of Stirling, UK [email protected] Advances in Tourism Research series publishes monographs and edited volumes that comprise state-of-the-art research findings, written and edited by leading researchers working in the wider field of tourism studies. The series has been designed to provide a cutting edge focus for researchers interested in tourism, particularly the manage- ment issues now facing decision-makers, policy analysts and the public sector. The audience is much wider than just academics and each book seeks to make a significant contribution to the literature in the field of study by not only reviewing the state of knowledge relating to each topic but also questioning some of the prevailing assump- tions and research paradigms which currently exist in tourism research. The series also aims to provide a platform for further studies in each area by highlighting key research agendas which will stimulate further debate and interest in the expanding area of tourism research. The series is always willing to consider new ideas for innova- tive and scholarly books, inquiries should be made directly to the Series Editor. Published: Benchmarking National Tourism Organisations and Agencies LENNON, SMITH, COCKEREL & TREW Extreme Tourism: Lessons from the World’s Cold Water Islands BALDACCHINO Tourism Local Systems and Networking LAZZERETTI & PETRILLO An International Handbook on Tourism Education AIREY & TRIBE Tourism in Turbulent Times WILKS, PENDERGAST & LEGGAT Taking Tourism to the Limits RYAN, PAGE & AICKEN Tourism and Social Identities BURNS & NOVELLI Micro-Clusters and Networks MICHAEL Forthcoming titles include: Tourism in the New Europe THOMAS & AUGUSTYN Hospitality: A Social Lens LASHLEY, LYNCH & MORRISON For other titles in the series visit: www.elsevier.com/locate/series/aitr Related Elsevier Journals – sample copies available on request Annals of Tourism Research International Journal of Hospitality Management Tourism Management Prelims.qxd 11/10/06 8:21 PM Page iii TOURISM AND POLITICS: GLOBAL FRAMEWORKS AND LOCAL REALITIES EDITED BY PETER M. BURNS Centre for Tourism Policy Studies, University of Brighton, UK MARINA NOVELLI Centre for Tourism Policy Studies, University of Brighton, UK Amsterdam ● Boston ● Heidelberg ● London ● New York ● Oxford Paris ● San Diego ● San Francisco ● Singapore ● Sydney ● Tokyo Prelims.qxd 11/10/06 8:21 PM Page iv Elsevier The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands First edition 2007 Copyright © 2007, Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK; phone: (ϩ44) (0) 1865 843830; fax: (ϩ44) (0) 1865 853333; email: [email protected]. 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Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN-13: 978-0-08-045075-9 ISBN-10: 0-08-045075-X For information on all Elsevier publications visit our website at books.elsevier.com Printed and bound in The Netherlands 07 08 09 10 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents.qxd 11/10/06 8:17 PM Page v Contents List of Figures ix List of Tables xi About the Authors xiii Acknowledgements xix Tourism and Politics: Introduction 1 P. M. Burns and M. Novelli 1 Democracy and Tourism: Exploring the Nature of an Inconsistent Relationship 5 Linda K. Richter Section I Politics, Democracy, and Organisations 17 2 Tourism as Political Platform: Residents’ Perceptions of Tourism and Voting Behaviour 19 Reil G. Cruz and Lisa Grace S. Bersales 3 Privatisation during Market Economy Transformation as a Motor of Development 33 Heike Bähre 4 Group Politics and Tourism Interest Representation at the Supranational Level: Evidence from the European Union 59 Constantia Anastasiadou 5 The Politics of Exclusion? Japanese Cultural Reactions and the Government’s Desire to Double Inbound Tourism 71 Malcolm Cooper, Radaslawa Jankowska and Jeremy Eades Contents.qxd 11/10/06 8:17 PM Page vi vi Contents 6 Taming Tourism: Indigenous Rights as a Check to Unbridled Tourism 83 Freya Higgins-Desbiolles 7 Celebrating or Marketing the Indigenous? International Rights Organisations, National Governments and Tourism Creation 109 Susan Keitumetse 8 The Politics of Institution Building and European Co-operation: Reflections on an EC TEMPUS Project on Tourism and Culture in Bosnia-Herzegovina 123 Tom Selwyn and Jonathan Karkut Section II Scapes, Mobility and Space 147 9 Towards the Responsible Management of the Socio-cultural Impact of Township Tourism 149 Pranill Ramchander 10 Hegemony, Globalisation and Tourism Policies in Developing Countries 175 Andrea Giampiccoli 11 The Politics of Tourism: Ethnic Chinese Spaces in Malaysia 193 K. Thirumaran 12 Preparing Now for Tomorrow: The Future for Tourism in Scotland up to 2015 211 Una McMahon-Beattie and Ian Yeoman 13 Governing Tourism Monoculture: Mediterranean Mass Tourism Destinations and Governance Networks 235 Giorgio Conti and Carlo Perelli 14 The MTV Europe Music Awards Edinburgh03: Delivering Local Inclusion? 263 Gavin Reid 15 The Lost Gardens and Airport Expansion: Focalisation in Heritage Landscapes 279 M. W. J. Spaul Section III Circulation, Flows and Security 291 16 The War Is Over So Let the Games Begin 293 Adrian Devine, Robert Connor and Frances Devine Contents.qxd 11/10/06 8:17 PM Page vii Contents vii 17 Hostile Meeting Grounds: Encounters between the Wretched of the Earth and the Tourist through Tourism and Terrorism in the 21st Century 309 Freya Higgins-Desbiolles 18 Defending Voyeurism: Dark Tourism and the Problem of Global Security 333 Debbie Lisle 19 Rethinking Globalization Theory in Tourism 347 Ana María Munar 20 The End of Tourism, the Beginning of Law? 369 Brian Simpson and Cheryl Simpson Author Index 389 Subject Index 399 This page intentionally left blank Lofig.qxd 11/10/06 8:19 PM Page ix List of Figures Figure 3.1: Flow chart depicting political fields and sector transformation paths, with respect to the reorganisation of sector-specific property rights according to Lehmbruch and Czada. Source: Own depiction (with reference to Gade & Lehmbruch (eds.) 1998). 37 Figure 3.2: The development of the proportion of foreign travel of all holiday travel. Source: Own depiction in accordance with the tourism analysis (RA) of Studienkreis für Tourismus and FUR (Holiday and Travel Research Group), various years. 48 Figure 3.3: A comparison between the number of beds and occupancy rates in the new federal states and eastern Berlin. Source: Own calculations (1992 100), based on: Statistisches Bundesamt (German Federal Office of Statistics): Tourismus in Zahlen, various years. 50 Figure 3.4: A comparison of full occupancy in the hotel industry between the new federal states (and eastern Berlin) and former West Germany. Source: Statistiches Bundesamt (German Federal Office of Statistics): Tourismus in Zahlen 2000/2001, p.135. 50 Figure 3.5: A comparison of beds per capita between the new federal states (and eastern Berlin) and former West Germany. Source: Own calculations, according to Statistisches Bundesamt (German Federal Office of Statistics: Tourismus in Zahlen, various years. 51 Figure 3.6: Own depiction, according to Bähre (2003). 52 Figure 3.7: The Hotel Metropol in Binz on the island of Rügen in 1993 and 2003. Source: Permission to publish granted by Helfer (IGU, 2004). 53 Figure 7.1: The impact of conflicting ideologies on cultural consumption of the indigenous (Keitumetse, January 2006). 110 Lofig.qxd 11/10/06 8:19 PM Page x x List of Figures Figure 7.2: Marketing distortion as reality: Excerpts from Lonely Planet publications marketing the San/“Bushmen” in southern Africa: The marketing phrases hold on to the “difference” as provided for by the “time immemorial” and “scarcity” principles. 117 Figure 9.1: Soweto map (Travel Companion Gauteng, GTA, Johannesburg, 2003). 154 Figure 9.2: Soweto pictures of everyday life and historical landmarks. 157 Figure 10.1: The linkage between hegemony and convergence/ divergence effects. 178 Figure 10.2: Hegemony structure in global tourism. 182 Figure 11.1: The statue of Admiral Zheng He. 203 Figure 12.1: Strategy map. 229 Figure 13.1: The location of Rimini. 236 Figure 18.1: The post-war model of conflict and tourism. 339 Lotable.qxd 11/10/06 8:19 PM Page xi List of Tables Table 2.1: Sampled respondents by barangay. 25 Table 2.2: Respondent voting data. 26 Table 2.3: Factor analysis. 27 Table 2.4: Impacts data analysis. 28 Table 3.1: Travel agencies in eastern Germany in 1991. 43 Table 4.1: Some classifications of interest groups. 60 Table 4.2: Single voice versus common voice. 66 Table 5.1: Number of non-japanese residents in Japan by country 2004. 73 Table 5.2: Inbound tourists to Japan 2000–2004.
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