908 ROM TRADES. [soUTHElL~ Home for Deserted Cats & Cats' Board- Watson J. 61 Knight's Hill road, West DavidsonJ.3+6Coldharbourla.Brixtonsw ing House (Henry J. Ward, sec.), Norwood sE Davis :Misses Emily & ~Iargaret, 3-t9 Battersea Park road sw Battersea Park road s w Hospitalfor Horses (Hy. Benj. Greening Boulton & Paul,Norwich; price lists free Dewar .Alfred, 73 & 75 High stl"f'.et, M.R.c.v.s.),NewParkroad,Brixtonsw Wandsworth sw Royal South Metropolitan Hospital for HORTICULTURAL IMPLE- Dubois E . .A.3&5 Lewis gro. LewishamsE Horses, Dogs, Cats, Hirds & other MENT MANUFACTURERS Elliott Herbt. .A. 94 Bedford hl.Balham sw .Animals, Nursery arches, Brixton . ' Ely J.13 Wimbledon Hill rd.Wimbledon roads w Coppm G. & Sons, .Addmgton, Croyd_on, Errington Chas. 12 High st. Kingston Temporary Home for Lost & Starving patentees & sole makers of th~ lm- Fisher James E. 28 High street, Sutton Dogs (Henry J. Ward, sec.), 4 Hat- proved Tree-pruners, as used m all Fleming, Reid & Co. 5 South side, Clap­ tersea Park road, South Lambeth s w the Royal & London, !?arks & .gardens ham Common s w; 95 North end, throug-hout the Umted Kmgdom. Croydon; 40 Weston st. Norwoods E HOM<EOPATHIC CHEMISTS. Made in sui~able lengths fro'? 4.ft. up & 23 Camberwell green sE to 2oft. Pr1ces free on apphcatwn. Fountain & Co. I9 Tranquil vale, See Chemists-Homreopathic. Blackheath s E HORTICULTURAL SUN- Fox & Co. 7 George street, Croydon HOP GROWERS. '" . DRIESMEN,r Fo:-: & Son, 69 High road, Lee s E Iles '' 1lham S. & Co. \\ arner road, Fnsby Thomas & Co. 5 The Parade, May Geo. Gray's farm, St. Paul's Cray, Camberwell sE; flower pots, glasses, Norwood road, West Sorwood sE St. 1\fary Cray May Thomas, Chalkpit farm, St. Paul's peat, loam, sand &c.; & Sunderland Fryer I\IissS.65So. Island pl.N.Brixtonsw wharf, Peckham sE Fulker Charles, 67 North end, Croydon Cray, St. Mary Cray Parker James, Beulah crescent, Thorn· Game Daniel, 82 .Anerley roads E Vinson Oswald, St. Paul's Cray, St. ton Heath Gibbons John T. 86 High st. Croydon Mary Cray HOSE MAKERS Giles & Edwards, 150 High st. Pckhm SE · Gill H. Willoughby, I5 St. John's his w HORSE DEALERS. Merryweather & Sons Lim.Green- Glover Wm. Stockwellst. Greenwich S:i! Beeton Robert, IO Bynes road, Croydon ll wich road s E & 63 Long acre w c Godelmann Nicholas, 7 The Parade, Burden & Son, 127 Clapham road s w Shand, Mason & Co. 75 Upper l\Iason's hill, Bromley ChapmanW.E.99 Union rd. Claphm s w Ground st. Hlackfriars rd. London sE Uomm Francis W. 27 High st. Croydon Eastwood William, Long la. Bexley Hth Gould E. Wrexford & Co. I3 High st.. Gryspeerdt E. 32 Lansdowne rd, Crydn HOSIERS & GLOVERS. Croydon Hampton H.53 North st.W~nds:wrth sw .Abbott Brothers, 279 Lavender hills w Gr~er George, 4 Hill street, ~ichmond Hart John, London road, :Norb1ton .AllmanEdwd. u 2High st. W.NorwoodsE Gr1sson Robert John, 41 H1gh street, Lee Moses, l\Ierchland road,New Eltbam An sell W. J. 65 Lordship la.E. DulwichsE South N orwood s E Mil~er E. 101 Farmer's rd.Cambe~well SE Baker W. F. 297 Battersea Park rd. s w Hamer M;s.M. 63 High st,- Syden~am s:s Smith J. 14 Ingl~borough r?. Bl"lxtn sw Baker William, 24 George st. Croydon Harvey ~m. Henry, I88 Tuls_e H1ll s w Straw C.27&29~1Itcham la.Streattlamsw Harnes & Co. s7 High st. Clapham s w Hearn Wltr. 69 Streatham H1gh rd. sw Taylor Chas. 25 Lavender ter. Battersea Barrett & Fiske, 79 Brixton roads w Henderson A. E. & Co. 8g & 99Hye lane, Vervaeke Victor & Co. London nl.Crydn Bayliss Wm. 54 Hare street, Woolwich Peckham SE Beacock Charles, ISO Lewisham High Henman E. J. 35 Westow hi.Norwoodffi HORSE SHOE MAKERS. road, New Cross sE Hickey Bros. 35 .Falcon rd.Battersea sw 1\Iail Horse Shoe s,·ndicate Lim. (The), BeamontJn.Alfd. 245 Battersea Pk.r?sw Hillier Ueor¥e, r8 Bro~dway, Bromley Ford's place Ch'urch rd.Battersea s w Bec~ett Henry, I3 the PaYement, "ool- Hodgson & .Short, 20 H1gh st. Putney ' WICh road, New Charlton HodgsonHarry B. 101 Church st. Croydn Bennett Edwin C. 27 Church st. Croydon Hooper S. F. 47 High st. Peckham sE HORSE SLAUGHTERERS. Bethell G~orge, I & 2 Hinton terrace, Hope Brothers, 22, 2+ & 26 Londott Bryant John, Keston, Beckenham Hint on road, Camberwell s E street, Greenwich s E Clark Wm. Western road. Merton Blackmore & Todd, London rd.Norbiton How Charl e, I Broadway & 14 Wimble- Croydon Public Slaughter Houses,Cuth- BlencoweFras.28Lordshipla.E.Dul\\chsE don Hill road, Wimbledon bertroad, Croydon Blick John. 235 Clapham roads w HydeWm.H.2IHigh st.Wandsworth s w Gosling Chas. W. So Villas rd.Plumstead Bon Marche Lim. 456 Brixton road s w Jefferies .A. H. 255 Wandsworth rd s w Harrison, Barber & Co. Limited, Factory Bond Chas. 2B, Lewisham High road, Johnson Sdy. I26 Rnshey grn.CatfordsE lane, Croydon; Blackwall la. Green- New Cross sE JohnstoneBros.231 StreathamHigh rdsw wich SE & (W.C.Milestone,manager), Bond Chas.8~Iontpelier dale,Blackhth sE Jordan W. L. 66 High st. Sydenham SE Garratt lane, Wandsworth s w Bott E. P. 1o6 Beckenham rd. Penge sE Julian John Doubleday, r8+ Coldharbour- McGill Geo. Woolwich rd. Bexley Heath Brooke Miss Emily. 3 The Promenade, lane, Camberwell sE Rains bury J.rooA,Woodbne.gro.Pnge sE London road, Bromley King .Arthur, 100 High st. Peckham sE Roff Wm. Thos. 35 Brighton rd. Croydn Brown & Son, 28 Clapham road s w King George, 78 Brixton roads w BrownMrs. EllcnR. 1ooGeorge st. Croydn King Henry H. 3B, George st .. Woolwic() HORSE TRAINER. Bruce Robert, 78 High st. Clapham s w Lambert .A. 237 Streatham High rd. sw Hill George, 6 Banstead road, Sutton Callaway P. & Co.62~High st.S.Norwd SE Larkin William, So Battersea rises w Cannon Geo. 176 London road, Croydon Lea Chas.Wm. 63 .Atlantic rd.Brixtonsw HORSE CLIPPER Carter G. & Sons, 72 & 74High st. Wands- Lev~rJ. I I 1Lavend~r rd.N w. Wr;dsw~hsw . · . worth sw Lewm C. I02 Wellmgton st. "oohnch Hennmg O.W. 4 Blackwallla.Greenw1Ch Carter George, go & 92, I31 137 & I39 Lightup R. I77Trafalgar rd.GreenwchsE Rye lane, Peck ham ~faitlandBros.29oEarlsfield rd. Wndswth HORSE CLIPPER MANUFR. Chace Brothers, 21 Peckham rye sE Marchant Bros. 4 Queen's Parade, Martin Robt. 1 The Village, Old Charlton Chapman :Mrs. J. 46 Portland road, Balham Hill s w South Norwood Matthews Thos. Geo. Broadway, ~Iain HORSE-FLESH DEALERS. Chapman Wm. 12 Thames st. Kingston road, Bexley Heath Sta d w J ' w td d F tHl, Cbarmar. Thos. G. Manchester house, Mayman J. 183 High st. Battersea sw n e~ · ·4° . as a 1er · ores SE Bexley Heath Miles Waiter, so Church st. Woolwicb. Tong\\ m. 3° Brmnt st. Peckham sE Cherry&Son,52 London st.Greenwich SE Moore Jas. 141 York rd. Battersea s w URAL BUILDERS Cheste~ l\Irs. Charlotte, 10 High street, ~funday Hobt. Upper green, Mitcham H ORTI CULT · Tootmg Graveney s w N evell Chas. Hy. 78 Balham H1gh rd s w BurtonThomas&Son,Gravel hl.Bxly.Hth ChildG.H.&Son,18.Atlantic rd.Brixtn sw Nottingham Hosiery Company, 21 Dashwood .Arthur & Sons Limited, Chitty Bros. 1 Queen's road, Batterseasw Electric avenue, Brixton sw; (Charles Elm grove, Wimbledon Colgate Wm. 29I Crystal Palace road, .Albert Latter, manager), 3 George st. Hayward G. & Co. 359A, Brockley rd sE East Dulwich s B Richmond; 105 High st.Clapham sw.t Knight William, & Co. Rustic works, CollingwoodJas. 88High st.Lewisham sE 230 & 232 Rye lane, Peckham sE; Southborough rd. & Mason's hl.Bckly Collins Bros. 2 Lewisham bridge, Loam- (Herbt. Scharrer, manager , 63 LangbeinW nzel. 49Southville,S.Lmbthsw pit Vale, Lewisham s E Westow hill, Norwood sE Priddis W. 383 & 385 Battersea Prk.rd sw Cooney Edward & Sons, 43 & 45 London Oliver Frank, 278 Clapham roads w Rendle William Edgecumbe & Co. street, Greenwich sE Parsons A. W. 38 & 39 High st. Bromley Queen's road, llattersea s w Cooper Chas. F. 82 St. George's road, Paxton Bros. 52 .Artillery place, Woolwich Rose &Sons, 147, 149&15I Beulah hill.N or- Peckham sE Perry C. 7 Beaconstield buildings, Lee wood & Streatham Railway Stations E Copus Wm. John, 312 & 314 Battersea road, Blackheath sE StevensRobert,75 Simpson's rd.Bromley Park road s w Pickford & Newton, 69 High st_ Croydon TalbotLeonrd.7fA,Nutcroft rd.Pckam sE Crook Edward, 125 High st. Putney sw Pitts A. 103B & 103c, Queen's road, Turrell & Sons, Selhurst road, South Cro<:s James, 2 & 3 Bank buildings, Peckham sE Norwood sE& Stanstead rd.Forst.HlsE Church street, Camberwell sE Pratt E. G. 2 Coldharbour Ia.Cmbrwll ss .
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