GENEALOGY OF THE GIL~1AN :H'A~1ILY IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA; TRACED IN THE LINE OF THE HON. JOHN GILMAN, OF EXETER, N. H. BY ARTHUR GILMAN OFGLYNLLYN. ALBANY: J. MUNSELL, 78 STATE STREET. 18G4. ·GILMAN FAMILY IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait on Steel of Prof. Chandler R. Gilman, M. D., of New York. Family Arms, on the title page. &@Bicfoeee ef &t111"12el II. L. ~- ~ilm&n, Ide of Hing­ ham, E1a1sla.nd. @) T AUTHOR'S NorrE. IT is known to many who will see these pages that tlie writer has been engaged for some years in the study of the histoPy of the Family of Gilman. Like many similar undertakings, the investiga­ tion was beguu m·erely as a pastime, and was so pursued until, at the solicitation of friends, arrangements were made for the publica­ tion of such information as should be elicited. In pursuance of this design an outline sketch of the family in America has been prepared and submitted for the correction of errors, and in order that still more history may be obtained. The present outline of the family in England is presented to the descendants of Edward Gilman there for the same purpose. The two parts are to be published together, as soon as it may prop­ erly be done, and the friends in England will assist much in making Vl AUTHOR'S NOTE. the final publim,tlon perfect, by communicating to the author any particulars which may be omitted. The author desires to have the name of ever!/ member of the family, with the following information concerning each : 1. When and where born, or baptized. 2. Biographical sketch. 3. ,vife's name, the name of her parents, with date and place of her birth, marriage and death. 4. N amc in full of all children, with dates and places of birth and death, and all other details usually found in family records. A reference will probably be made in the final publication to such other branches of the family as may exist, and of which the author may become cognizant. The author has lately been put in corres­ pondence .with a member of the family of Gillman of Rock House near Ballinadee, county Cork, Ireland,_ Henry Gillman, Esq., now connected with the U. S. coast survey, and lately of Detroit, Mich., U. S. A. l'tir. Gillman is connected with James -Oillman of Oak­ mouot :, i the others of the name in county Cork. This i;ketch is illustrated with a portrait -0n steel of Professor Chandler Robbins Gilman, M. D., of tl1e College of Physicians and SurgeoH:-;- New York. The portrait is engraved by Ritchie, and is mserted as a sample of the style in which others are to be made for the work, several of which are either finished or in the engraver's hands. r.) 1 • .rwn~ OJ...L-- c,J.· :1-1--V,M. •h (-v\N\,.> A small view representing the rcsi~e11ee of t1-ie lute ~:tmtteli Hey- ~-is inserted, and is from a photograph kindly .AUTHOR'S NOTE. vii furnished by James Feltham of Hingham. Other larger wood cuts are in preparation. The printing, executed by Mr. l\funsell, well known for his success in this peculiar style of work, speaks its own praise. It is proposed to publish a genealogy which shall be a credit to the Gilman name, and a monument to the worth of our ancestors, both in its mechanical execution, and in the intrinsic value of its facts, and to effect this it is necessary that every one should take that interest in the undertaking which will lead him to see that his record at least, is correctly made. All are therefore earnestly requested to communicate what items they can to the undersigned, of whom further information may be had. The family's obedient Servant, ARTHUR GILMAN of Glynllyn. GLYNLLYN, Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass.,} August 1, 1864. AUTHOR'S SKETCH Ol' THE ENGLISH BRANCH OF THE FAMILY. GILMAN FAMILY. ENGLISH BRANCH. 1. EDw.A.RD GrLlll.A.N1 of Caston, who is the earliest known ancestor, was married at Caston, June 22, 1550, to RosE RYSSE. She survived her husband, and his will, which was dated ].<'ebruary 5, 1573, was proved by her on the 7th of July of the same year. By his will he devised his Mansion House in Caston to his eldest son John, and his other different estates, etc., were divided among his three other sons and five daughters. Mrs. Gilman married at Caston April 3, 1578, John Snell, and was buried in CHBton Octob~r 3, 1613. Children of EDWARD GILMAN (1) and wtfe. 2. John2 of Caston. 3. Robert2 of Caston (5) baptized Caston, July 10, 1559; mar­ ried -, irary --, who was buried Caston :March 9, 1618. He is mentioned in his brother Lawrence's will in 1639, and March 2, 1631, he cnfeoffed his son John with lands devised by his father Edward in 1572. He was buried at Caston March 6, 1631. 4. Lawrence2 of Caston (9), baptized, Caston, N6-vember 3, 1561; buried at Caston, Angust 21, 1629; married, Caston, June 20, 1588, Elizabeth James, who was buried at Caston December, 20, 1602. His will is dated August I, 1629, and was proved December 8, 1629. Children of RoBERT GILMAN2 (3) and wife. 5. Robert1 ( 11, 12) of Hingham, married first, Hingham May 14, 161[, Ro)e Hawes; second, Mary--, who survived him and 12 GILMAN FAMILY. proved his will January 21, 1658. He was admitted Hingham Gurneys in 1650, and bought Hingham in 1658. His will was dated September 27, 1658, and proved as above. 6. J];_dward3 (13), married Hingham June 3, 1614, Mary Clark, with whom anct with three sons, two daughters, and three servants he emigrated to America, and became the founder of the Gilman line there. 1. Lawrence1 of Caston, baptized Caston December 1, 1594; was a devisee in his brother John's will in 1639. His own will was proved in 1647. 8. John3 of Caston, baptized Caston February 28, 1598. March 2, 1631, he was enfeoffed by his father of lands devised to him by his father Edward in 1572. Children of LAWRENCE GILMAN2 (4) and wife. 9. Leonard3 baptized Caston August 17, 1597; married, Eliza­ beth --, who survived him, and proved his will February 3, 1634.(?) He was devisee in his father's will of estates charged with annuity to his brother Edward3 (10). His will was dated September 9, 1634, and he was buried at Caston on the 24th of the same month. 10. Edward3 (23), married Caston January 29, 1614, Rebecca Spooner, who was buried Caston December 24, 1620. He was buried at the same place December 24, 1624. Children of ROBERT GILMAN3 (5) and Ro~e Hawes. 11. Daniel1 (24), the third son, and fourth child was baptized at Hingham March 25, 1621; married Bridgett --. [The names of the other children are not known to the author.] Children of ROBERT GILMAN3 (5) and Mary --. 12. Sanmel~ (27), baptized Hingham October 5, 1644; men­ tioned in his father's will in 1658; heir of his mother, Hingham Gurney~, 1684; buried Hingham Septemb!)r 25, 1698. He was married July 1, 1674, at St. Peter's, Hungate, Norwich, to Lydia Williamson, who was baptized at Gedney, Lincolnshire, February 2, 1654, and was buried at Hingham August 7, 1727. GILMAN FAMILY. 13 Children of EDWARD GILMAN 3 (6) und 1d/e. 13. .Afary4, baptized at Hingham, En~., August 6, 1615; ruar­ ried John Foulsham, who came over in the same ship. 14. Edward\ baptized at Hingham, Eng., December 26, 1617; married Ila~ and perished at sea in 16::>3 . .(4 ~."~5-.. • 15. Sarah\ baptized at Hingham, En;., January 19, 1022 . .Further particulars unknown. -.,.. ;r.~,._.,... 16. Lydia4, baptized --; married by .Mr. John Peck, at Hingham, Eng., January 19, 1645, to Daniel, son of :Matthew Cush­ ing, Sr. 17. JoHN 1, born January 10, 1624; baptized at Hingh~w, Eng., .May 23, 'lti2o; died July 24, 1708; married June 30, ]66J, Eliza­ beth, daughter of James and Catherine (Shapleigh) Treworg:ye.* She was born--, 1639, and died SPpteruber 8, Ji] 9. 18. Moses\ baptized at Hingham, Eng., l\lareh 11, 1630; mar- ried--, Elizabeth, daughter of William Hersie, Sr. 19. Son, died young ·and unmarried. 20. Son, died young and unmarried. 21. Son, died young and unmarried. 22. Son, died young and unmarried. ~ .. " Ch{ld of EDWARD G1Ll\IAN 3 (,9) and wife. 23. Edu·ard-1, baptized, Caston, December 30, 1615; received an annuity as lame 9rand-cltild in Lawrence's will in 16.29, and is * NoTE.-1\fr. Aleirnnder Shnpleigh was a merchant and ship-owner, and wns interested in the early settlements in Maine and New Hnmpshire, to which places he sent over his goods in bis own ships. He wns ngent for Sir Ferdinando Gorges and visited this country probably before 1635. He had n son, Major ~icbolas Shnpleigh, a chief man in Maine, and daughter Catheri11e, who married first, lllr. James Treworgye, who died in Newfound­ land before H.i5U. She married second, !llr. Edward Hilton, - of Dover, in 1624, and Exeter 1640- the fatl.Jer of the settlement of New Hampshire. Catherine and James Treworgye hod daughters, Joun, who married John Amerideth of Kit.tery, Me., Lucy, who married Jllr. Thomas Wills of Kittery, and Elizal,eth, who married Holl'. JOHii' GJLMAN, of Exeter, and hnd son Hon. Nicholas Gilman of Exeter, born 16i2, died 1749, Judge of Superior Court, ancestor of Governor Gilman, Senator Gilmnn and of the author hereof.­ See N.
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