Electrical Review, March Ibth, 1913 » SUNDERLAND EXTENSIONS r L E C r o u H D ID 18 7 2 Vol. CXXXVI. No. 3512 MARCH 16, 1945 9d. W E E K L Y Vm BROOK ALTERNATING CURRENT ONLY FRACTIONAL H.Rj MOTORS SINGLE ♦ TWO &THREE PHASE 1/4 .".T" H.R EX-STOCK -'■X - f : WITH WITHOUT FEET B R 0 OKA/M 0 T 0 R EMPRESS-WORK H U D D E R S F I E L March 16, 1945 II E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w I "tk e . / ¿ S i U S E T H E * 7 ' c * * , ASHTON CABLES C f I E X I B L E S Used in the activities of all the fighting services and various government departments “ A SH TO N ’’ Cables and Flexibles I are in the front line for quality and reliability. There are types and finishes including P.V.C. (Plastics) for every purpose, ail manufactured under the strictest laboratory control throughout. Present supplies available for essential purposes. 1% ACF.I !},{ ,1 ! I I I . Il . I I vvWV> AERIALITE LTD CHESHIRE March 16, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w (THE VALUE O f CONTRAST) Even the raising of water temperature must work against the clock—especially to those who have to work against time in obtaining ample supplies of Hot Water. W e do not decry the virtues of the Coal Range in providing employment for otherwise idle hands. W e simply contrast it with a Heatrae. LEADERS IN ELECTRIC WATER HEATING HEATRAE LTD., NORWICH PHONE : NORWICH 25131 GRAMS : HEATRAE, NORWICH SOUND TERMINAL WITHOUT SOLDER REPAIRS g g g g g S i S S S TneWESTMINSTER ENG.Co.Ltn. Suitable for Telephone Lines Victoria Road, Willesden Junction, N.W.IO FOR CABLES ji| f|, SIZES FROM A N D W IR ES i te i" OF ALL KINDS HOLE ROSS COURTNEY & Co. Ltd. ASHBROOK ROAD, LONDON, N.I9 METAL BODIES to the spec­ ific reaulre- monts of our customers 1500 IcYA Turbo Generator Stator and Rotor Entirely Rewound Makers of all types off re­ petition pro- Makers of Electric Welding Machines, ducts from i—J the bar in all Photo Printing and Process Arc Lamps. a metals “ Partridge ” Pressure Detectors M C Land REPETITIO N LTD. Telephone< Telegrams : Pool Lane Lanqlei| Birmingham. W illesden 1700-1 “ Regency, Phone, London.” * HAZARDOUS SITUATIONS The specially robust construction of PEEBLES FLAMEPROOF MOTORS ensures long years of satisfactory performance in addition to safeguarding life and property while operating under hazardous conditions. 100 &.H.P. 3-phase SO cycle 3,000 volt 743 r.p.m. Totally Enclosed Slip-ring BRUCE PEEBLES & CO. LTD., Induction Motor driving an endless rope haulage in a Scottish Cool Mine ENGINEERS EDINBURGH. T l ’NLJHJ! March 16, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 3 é a ¿y W irin g , M inim um m am tm grr/> LONDON! A W ZELLEY MANCHESTER GLASGOW- 73. G A EA T P E T E R ST., BELFAST-BJRTON-ON-TRENT tYESTMINSTER.SW.I BILL SWITCHGEAR LTD E X E T E R ■SOUTHAMPTON BIRMINGHAM-20 BIACHFIELDS • SOU (4 LINES) 'À 1C HO '' B I R M / N G H A M DAYUGHT fo r fndusw ty S FLUORESCENT LAMP " yard stick o j Good Juqktonq " DELIVERIES FROM STOCK Siemens Electric Lamps & Supplies Ltd. FOR ESSENTIAL 38/39 Upper Thames Streett INDUSTRIAL INSTALLATIONS LONDON, E.C.4 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w March 16. 1945 S im ple March 16, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 5 FORREST INSULATION T E S T SET Self-contained PORTABLE EQUIPMENT T Y P E C T I-B For measuring: high values of insulation resistance up to 40,000 megohms at Test Volt­ A pply for ages up to 5 kV. New Descriptive List Also used in conjunction with BTH Oil Test Cell for testing of Designed to facilitate routine testing of insulation for the Insulating Oil. detection of incipient breakdown, as recommended in Section 8 of ••BRITISH STANDARD CODE OF PRACTICE " BS 1086/1942. WILLESDEN THE BRITISH TH0MS0N-H0UST0N COMPANY LIMITED. UILLESDEN, ENCLAND. A3537 March 16, 1945 6 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w The “ Ha’p’orth of tar ” . • • The genius of a great conductor, Sir, lies in his ego, not in his baton. The inspiration that awakens in living music the soul of a great composer does not depend upon the ebony wand and the silver mount. The a rt .... W e beg your pardon, Sir ? You do not think the twig adds to the finish of the performance ? Even a genius should provide himself with proper accoutrements ? You see no excuse for spoiling the ship for a .. ? Yes, yes, Sir. We see your point. As a manufacturer you would naturally insist that your product’s performance is assured by attention to detail. You would for example specify precision holding components by Newton. You would know that security, speedy assembly—and often safety—depend upon Newton accuracy and dependability. Precisely, Sir, the ha’p’orth of tar .... NEWTON HOLDING COMPONENTS Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Rivets, Precision Covpo nents L. H. NEWTON & CO. LTD., NECHELLS, BIRMINGHAM 7 Telephone: EASt 1551 (16 lines) London, Coventry, Manchester, Bristol, Dublin, South Africa, New Zealand India Precision Speeds Production 7 March 16, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w —;..-v * ■ .. s ¡.'if Si NUTRUNNERS Nutrunners contain those V-..^ characteristics so essential to war- — time production needs. They are capable of really hard work with ^ Vi; freedom from breakdowns and are fitted with the <f> adjustable cushion ®V clutch which permits nuts to be ‘■vV- driven to any degree of tightness. Sizes.range-from 4 1 lbs. weight for ,J6" nuts to large machines of 1|" nut capacity. machines also include . Drills, Reamers, Tappers, Screw - 'V drivers, Grinders, Sanders and Buf- fers’ etc' 8811; 4 Ilf» 1 i m / ? d C, 1. 1 ? FRASERBURGH^ Aberdeenshire CONTRACTORS' tyiJIPMtNT • ROCK DRILLS • DIAMOND DRILLS.- OIL WFLL TOOLS r Kotx/t Sharp & Pa'tntrs 8 March 16, 1945 SMALLER MAGNETS a n d s a m e o u t p u t THE POCKET TESTOSCOPE Size of a Fountain Pen SIZE AS BEFORE but greater OUTPUT A convenient rapid ' TICONAL' GIVES YOU A fault-finding GOOD ANSWER— EITHER WAY instrument Because ‘ Ticonal * perm anent magnets — with a B .H . max. of 4.4 millions— have nearly three times the energy previously for use available from the best commercial magnets, apparatus using these super magnets can be made appreciably lighter on AC and smaller and still maintain the same efficiency. Alterna­ tively the original size can he retained, which gives consider­ ably increased efficiency. ‘ Ticonal ’ magnets are anisotropic, or DC i.e., they possess greatly increased properties along the preferred axis. M uUard ‘ Ticonal ’ magnets were the first Circuits anisotropic permanent magnets commercially available — and are still the Lest. 'T IC O N A L ' P I REG TRADE MARK). for use made by NULLARD TH K VULURD WrRELBaS on 100-750 volts FOR TESTING SWITCHES OPEN CIRCUITS LIVE CONDUCTORS LEAKAGES EARTHS INSULATION VALUES NEUTRAL WIRE POLARITY CONTINUITY, ETC. QIm ^ 0 & < L DRAKE&GORHAM ^"ry any one our depots for WHOLESALE LTD. your electric 77 LONG ACRE, LONDON, W.C.2 tools—they Will help you all they ^can. Telephone : TEMple Bar 3993 C A R D IF F - 22-24, M organ A r c a d e MANCHESTER :29 Piccadilly. BRIG H TO N : 24 Marlborough b ! » ham 8, Snow Hill Place. GLASGOW : 182 St. Vincent Street. BRISTOL : 7, B ro a d Q u ay and 2-4 Church St., Temple. D UBLIN : 2 Church Lane, College 3, Augustine’s Parade "I. High Street Midland Representative : [Green SWAN? e a : ■ 93, B ry n y m o r Road W . T. BOWER, 184 Jockey Road, Sutton Coldfield and I, Northampton Place March 16, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 9 Every Substation Engineer should have this new Publication — THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC COMPANY LTD. — STAFFORD — March 16, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 1 0 AIM HIGH ! Plan to feed the new construction with cRomPTon p t t p & f * CABLES K ; ) CROMPTON PARKINSON LIMITED. ELECTRA HOUSE, VICTORIA EMBANKMENT, LONDON, Vi£2. Telephone: TEMple Bar 59II Telegrams : Crompark. Estrand. London 1945 March 16, 1945 Electrical Review 11 THE SINGLE-DISC POLYPHASE METER d i jn n o V m o in c a n (ye Ei o b ta in e d kw m 9 t ^ u t n t i F.183 FERRANTI Ltd., Hollinwood, Lancs. LONDON OFFICE: KERN HOUSE, KINGSWAY, W.C.2 M arch 16, 194 5 12 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w T O B E ISSUED AFTER T A VOLUME H E W A R 13 M arch 1 6 , 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w have played an important part in the application of synthetic rubbers and ..... • • plastics to cable requirements. Data accumulated by years of research, coupled with the results of numerous experiments and the experience gained from actual installations since the official authorisation of the use of synthetic materials, all contribute to our favour­ able position for future developments.
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