READ " The History Of American Tr" — SEE PAGE 6 — the PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OFMILITA THE WORKING PEOPLE VOL. IX —No. 30. NEW YORK, N. Y„ SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1945 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Workers in Argentina Crisis In Italy Denounce Wall St. Hundreds of posters denounc­ 14,000 Jam Protest Rally ing “ Wall Street imperialism” appeared on the streets of Sharpens Under Buenos Aires July 19 to ad­ vertise a memorial mass meet­ ing for victims of a recent Chilean copper mine fire. The Against California Fascists posters were construed, says Parri Cabinet AP, as an oblique attack on U. S. Ambassador Spruillc Special to THE MILITANT Braden, inasmuch as the name Peace Scare Hits Stock Market ROME, June 28 — Italy has a new cabinet. Bonomi has of the Chilean firm—Braden LABOR TAKES LEAD IN FIGHT given place to Ferruccio Parri, leader of the Action Party— Copper Company—was featured prominently. the Italian equivalent of the British Common Wealth Party. The company was owned for­ TO STOP GERALD L. K. SMITH The Stalinist and reformist press hail the new government as a merly by the ambassador’s LOS ANGELES, Calif., July 20 — More than “ victory for the working class.” In fact, nothing has been chang­ father. Proclaimed the postera: 14,000 persons answered the call of the anti-fascist ed. A few cabinet posts have been juggled about, the Action “ Braden means exploitation and and "Socialist" parties are now in the government instead of crime in Chile.” united front organized during the past week to dem­ giving "critical support” from without* Otherwise it’s the same onstrate against Gerald L. K. Smith and his fascist old faces and the same old policies—or rather, lack of policies. movement by attending a mass meeting at the Olym­ ■Two issues held up the forma-'?' Premier Demands tion of the new government for were constant meetings between p ic auditorium tonight. the representatives of the six 52 days. First, there was the While the program was largely parties. There were constant question of the premiership. Both Return of Fascist a Hollywood press agent’s dream, comings and goings to and from CIO Takes Lead the Christian Democrats (speak­ with a speakers’ list headed by ing fo r the Vatican) and the the Royal Palace, where the various leaders went to consu’t Empire’s Colonies California Attorney G e n e r a I “ Socialists” wanted the post. In United Front Robert Kenny and including “ re­ Crown Prince Umberto, lieutenant Events in Italy last week cast Parri, representing the radical ligious and political leaders” and of the realm. There were inter­ wing of the middle class, was a glaring light on the reaction­ actors, the thousands present with views between the party leaders pushed forward as a compromise. ary character of Allied M ilitary Against Fascists •less than a week’s preparation Then the fight started all over and the British and American Government and the new pup­ ambassadors. Everyone was con­ By Lois Saunders provided an impressive demon­ again. The Christian Democrats pet regime of Premier Parri stration of the readiness of Los sulted—except the Italian people. LOS ANGELES, Calif., July No one thought of consulting which it supports, besides re­ Angeles workers to struggle vealing anew the revolutionary 19 — The initiative in calling against native fascist movements. (hem about their future govern­ for tonight’s great anti-fascist ment. Everything was done be­ temper of the Italian workers. Meanwhile, at the Shrine audi­ demonstration at the Olympic torium a mile away, Smith ranted hind closed doors, without the In the northern industrial city Knowledge of the people. This is of Milan a 20-year-old anti-fas­ auditorium was taken by the to an audience of less than 5,000 vi hat the Stalinists and “Social­ cist fighter, Fermo Lini, was sen­ Los Angeles Industrial Council, ists” hail as a “victory for the tenced to death by an Allied m ili­ CIO after widespread agitation Fascist Demagogue working class.” tary tribunal on charges of band­ by the Socialist Workers Par­ ing together with other anti-fas­ ty, Los Angeles Local, which REACTION STRONGER cists to kill two fascists and seize called for the creation of a In actual fact, the forces of their property. Lini did not ac­ broad united front of labor to reaction have come out of the tually kill the two men, but wit­ crisis considerably strengthened. nesses alleged that as leader of stop Gerald K. Smith and his I t was precisely such recurrent the band he gave orders fo r their fascist organization. Wall St. Peace-Lovers Horrified The Executive Committee of the (Continued on page 5) (Continued on page 5) Council passed a resolution on “MARKET WRITHES IN PEACE JITTERS “ STOCKS SHAKE OFF PEACE-BID COM­ July 13, calling fo r a mass meet­ . .The stock market could not down yesterday PLEX — WORRY OVER RUMORED OFFER ing. A similar resolution was the Japanese peace rumors . the market had BY JAPANESE DISAPPEARS.. The Japan­ passed by the Hollywood Demo­ Trotskyists Speed Aid ese peace talk jitte rs evaporated yesterday as a cratic .Committee. Almost simul­ a peace scare of considerable proportions . taneously, action was taken by peace reports.. imply fear that th,e Japanese securities market obstacle and stocks managed :ther organizations, the To European Comrades phase of the war may not last long enough. to recover a portion of the sharp losses suffer­ Citizens Political Action Commit (New York Times, July 19). ed in recent sessions.” (N. Y. Times, July 20). tee, the Council for Civic Unity PREMIER PARRI By FARRELL DOBBS and various Jewish organizations. and the ■ Socialists” , again pushed Campaign Director 500 ORGANIZATIONS forward their respective candi­ A general sentiment to raise as quickly as possible the full Wright Workers Take Protest Plans fo r a tremendous demon­ dates—this time for the key posi­ stration began to take shape, and amount of the Party’s $5,000 International Solidarity Fund is tion of minister of interior. In within the next 48 hours some GERALD L. K. SMITH view was the forthcoming elec­ indicated by the first reports from the Socialist Workers Party Action As Grievances Pile Up 500 organizations had signified tions for the Constituent Assem­ branches. Reading. Pa. has already sent in its full quota. Allen- their desire to participate. The against “ the Jews and Commun­ bly. The minister of interior town-Quakertown has a score of 67 percent. Both San Francisco WOOD-RIDGE, N. J., July 23 — Seething resentment caused by piled-up grievances of American Federation of Labor, ists” at the Olympic. Demagogic­ would be in a position to mani­ and Los Angeles have sent in almost one-half of their quotas. the workers against the W right Aeronautical Corporation, coupled with the refusal of the cor­ the Railway Brotherhoods, the ally appealing to the aged mem­ pulate the votes. Thus the parties A total of $1,104 has been raised to date by the branches and poration to grant Local 669, CIO United Automobile Workers of America a new contract, preci­ National Association for the Ad­ bers of the Ham and Eggs move­ which constitute the Committee of pitated virtually a 100 percent work stoppage July 20 when the 17,000 workers in Plant No. 7 vancement of Colored People ment and the fanatically religious National Liberation openly show­ sympathizers. ®"=--------------------------------------------- sects who provide the only base Prompt action of this kind is We urge ail Party members walked out. The workers flocked to picket lines in front of the plant in powerful mass were among the organizations ed their distrust of each other. collaborating. he has been able to secure her# Throughout the crisis there urgently required for us to meet and sympathizers — and we ap­ protest demonstration. thus far, Smith screamed: the appeals fo r aid from our An organizing conference was peal especially to the readers of The immediate issue which headquarters of Local 669, the “ There’s ham and eggs fo r Rus« Trotskyist co-thinkers abroad. Irish Aircraft called fo r July 17, and was at­ The M ilitant — to make every touched o ff the protest was the i almost 800 members who packed sia, and ham and eggs fo r Britain, Trotskyists in Europe are sub­ possible effort to respond prompt­ ruthless firing of a union shop tended by more than 300 dele­ the hall, roared a unanimous vote Workers Want Jobs gates. Assemblyman Albert Dek- and now we’re going to get ham jected to arrest and their papers ly to the urgent appeals from the steward, John Potts, without to continue the protest demon­ ker was chairman. Main speakers and eggs fo r America!” IN THE NEWS are suppressed by the puppet gov­ revolutionary fighters abroad. cause and in violation of the un­ Demonstrating for fu ll em­ stration until the discharged were Raymond Booth, executive ernments of the Allied imperial­ ion contract. This was the latest steward was reinstated. ployment, 3,000 aircraft work­ PROMISE TO RETURN ists and the Stalinist counter­ From the Branches ers marched in demonstration director of the Council for Civic ‘Socialism’ for Monarchs revolution. No less than 250 rev­ PICKET LINES GROW Unity, and George Stiller, con­ He announced that he has busi­ Cleveland: “ The Cleveland in Belfast, Northern Ireland “ The jewelled Soviet order of olutionary fighters have been Read the Interview With Represented at the meeting on July 20, and proceeded to sultant, who has been placed in ness in the east that w ill take him murdered in Greece. branch accepts the quota of $75 were union members from all five charge of coordinating plans.
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