E1366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 5, 2018 CONGRATULATING THE PASCUA Rising to the rank of Colonel, his assignments TRIBUTE TO FERNANDO MIGUEL YAQUI TRIBE ON ITS 40TH ANNI- included; Chief of Staff of the deployed 101st NEGRON RODRIGUEZ VERSARY Airborne Division Task Force in Kosovo; Com- mander of the 101st Airborne Division Garri- HON. RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA son at Fort Campbell, Ky.; Chief of Staff and HON. DARREN SOTO Deputy Commander of the Joint Readiness OF FLORIDA OF ARIZONA Training Center at Fort Polk, La.; senior bri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gade observer/controller at the Joint Readi- Friday, October 5, 2018 ness Training Center (JRTC); and Com- Friday, October 5, 2018 mander of U.S. Forces in the Balkans (Bos- Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nia). Mr. Fitzgerald also commanded the 1st Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, I want to honor congratulate the Pascua Yaqui Tribe on its Battalion, 50 8th Infantry (Airborne) during Op- Fernando Miguel Negron Rodriguez, as a dis- 40th year anniversary of being federally-recog- eration Just Cause. tinguished leader in Central Florida for His- nized. Mr. Fitzgerald was appointed to the Senior panic Heritage Month. Fernando Miguel The Pascua Yaqui tribe descended from the Executive Service after 30 years of Active Negron Rodriguez, was born and raised in the Uto-Aztecan people, who occupied a large Duty service as an Army Infantry Officer. He town of Cayey, Puerto Rico. He is the father area of the Southwest regions and west coast has led organizations at every level, culmi- of Fernando M. Negron Santos and Karina of Mexico. Yaqui culture and spirituality are nating in his assignment as the Vice Director Isabella Negron Santos. He is the son of the important elements to the tribe. The Pascua of the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organi- legendary TV personality and radio Icon, Yaqui tribe is best known for the deer dancer zation (JIDO). Miguel Angel Negron. and Pascola, along other cultural ceremonies Mr. Fitzgerald served with distinction as the As one of the most popular radio hosts in and Yaqui symbols such as ‘‘Our Father Sun;’’ Deputy Director for Interagency and Inter- the Hispanic community in Central Florida. To the Tribe has successfully preserved its cul- departmental Cooperation at the Joint Impro- say that through his veins runs radio, it’s an tural relations through valued oral lore vised Explosive Device Defeat Organization understatement. throughout the years. Today, the tribe has (JIEDDO) and was the Department of Defense For the last 20 years, he has been the host communities spanning across Southern Ari- Executive Manager detailed to the FBI’s Ter- to Que´date con Miguel Radio, he is known to zona surrounded by richly vegetated and sce- rorist Explosive Device Analytical Center many as a great communicator but also as nic desert lands. (TEDAC), Quantico, VA. There he supported someone very passionate about the Hispanic The Pascua Yaqui Tribe provides unique in- TEDAC’s mission to eradicate the lED threat community and educating voters in our region. sight that adds diverse cultural heritage to Ari- by providing scientific and technical exploi- Fernando M. Negron has become an influen- tation, actionable intelligence, timely re- zona’s desert community. The tribe is well- tial and respected personality in local politics sponses to requests and forecasting world- known for its design and manufacture ceremo- as well as national politics. Every day he uses wide threats. While assigned to JIEDDO and nial paraphernalia such as artistic Baskets, his experience to shine light at problems that JIDO, Mr. Fitzgerald has deployed multiple reed crowns, wood mask carving, rattles, affect the Hispanic diaspora in Central and times to both Iraq and Afghanistan. His most stuffed-deer heads, and notable arts unique to South Florida. the Pascua Yaqui Tribe. At present, there are recent deployment to Iraq in 2016 was as the about one hundred hamlets and villages within Senior Coalition Advisor for the security of the Yaqui territory, assigned for political, reli- Baghdad. His 2014 deployment to Afghanistan f gious, and ritual purposes. The linguistic clas- was as the Senior Coalition Advisor/Mentor to IN MEMORY OF VAIL JOHNSON sification of the Tribe is a surviving language the Afghanistan National Security Advisor. derived from the Cahita ethnicity, one that the Prior to JIDO, Mr. Fitzgerald served at the Yaqui and Mayo people still preserve. The Department of State, where he was the Chief HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS of Staff for the Bureau of Resource Manage- Yaqui were, and part still remain, settled agri- OF TEXAS culturists, depending on summer rainfall due ment. His State Department duties also in- to the desert lowlands. cluded two 18 month tours in Afghanistan and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, please join me and all of Ari- Iraq, where he served as the senior State De- Friday, October 5, 2018 zona’s Third Congressional District in express- partment representative responsible for Af- ing our sincerest congratulations to the ghanistan Police Reform and as the political Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to Pascua Yaqui Tribe on their 40th anniversary advisor (POLAD) to Task Force 714. honor the life and memory of Vail Johnson, a as a Federally-recognized tribe. I am grateful Ray Fitzgerald is the best friend a young girl from my district who passed away for the Pascua Yaqui Tribe’s dedication to Warfighter ever had. He is a passionate, self- unexpectedly on August 31, 2016 from a heart their culture and representation of the South- less leader who has devoted his life and ener- condition. west Native American roots. gies to ensuring Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Two years after her death, the North Texas Marines receive the best possible training, f community is continuing to honor her life equipment, intelligence, and tactical support. through the work of Friends of Vail. This foun- MR. RAY FITZGERALD’S REMARK- While serving with JIDO, he has applied his dation, established by Vail’s parents Susan ABLE SERVICE TO HIS COUNTRY extensive military background and knowledge and Chad Chance, has dedicated a new out- to a myriad of material and non-material prob- door classroom at the Pilot Point intermediate HON. MO BROOKS lem sets. His tenure spanned some of the school in her memory. Through the Friends of most dangerous and critical periods in our Na- Vail foundation, her family has donated funds OF ALABAMA tion’s fight against terrorism. As an aside, Mr. to other community needs both large and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fitzgerald never avoided a difficult task or as- small. Friday, October 5, 2018 signment, tackled every complex problem, and consistently made a difference for deployed The foundation’s work is a testament to an Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I Warfighters. extraordinary child. As a fourth-grade student rise today in order to recognize the remark- Our Nation’s history is grounded in the ef- at Pilot Point Elementary School, Vail was able career of a great American, Mr. Ray Fitz- forts of those like Ray Fitzgerald, who have known for kindness and generosity. She loved gerald, a distinguished member of the Senior served this nation with great distinction. He horses, softball, and the color green. A bright Executive Service, upon the occasion of his exemplifies what it means to commit one’s life student and writer, Vail also competed nation- retirement after 46 years of selfless service to to his country and has more than earned our ally as an equestrian and began playing soft- our nation. A highly respected leader, Ray admiration and respect. Mr. Fitzgerald leaves ball. Fitzgerald has made immeasurable contribu- a legacy of service that will most certainly Two years after her loss, Vail Johnson is re- tions to the warfighter and the military commu- serve as an inspiration to others for years to membered as a girl who brought love and joy nity as a whole. come. to others wherever she went. She is deeply Mr. Fitzgerald had an exemplary military ca- My fellow colleagues, please join me in con- missed, and her generous spirit will not be for- reer. Upon graduating from the University of gratulating Mr. Ray Fitzgerald as he enters the gotten. I extend my deepest condolences to Alabama in 1972, he entered the U.S. Army. next chapter of his life. her family, and all who knew and loved her. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:38 Oct 06, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC8.005 E05OCPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS October 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1367 CONGRATULATING DAVID ROLF serve open space within Boulder, Aspen, Key- pared to continue and expand upon this suc- ON HIS RETIREMENT stone, Denver, and even Wyoming. Thorne cess. This accomplishment will be recognized has also raised money for programs to pre- by the MEDC on October 9 at Bessemer City HON. ADAM SMITH vent infrastructure from building on lands, and Hall Auditorium. has even made personal investments in own- Mr. Speaker, day after day, the city of Bes- OF WASHINGTON ing property to preserve the beauty of our nat- semer continues to set a positive example of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ural landscapes. Today, Thorne works with what can be achieved when the people of a Friday, October 5, 2018 two different programs at Yale University: the community work together for the common Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I External Board of the Yale Institute for Bio- good. It’s my honor to congratulate them for rise today to honor my friend, David Rolf for sphere Studies and the Leadership Council for receiving RRC certification.
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