Thursday. May 23.1957 Pittsburgh CatbriTfa New Diocesan Priests and Highlights of Their Ordination la •MWtnttr to witneee the oMifmiai W Um 8»eruwit of Holy Oritw. The program will be shown on Channel S throufh Um faettl- tlM of Station KDKA-TV. T» help make Um solemn. boaaUful ritual more nnderttang- able for thoee who wUl view H. the followtaf article. gsoerlbing briefly the hl*hH*hte to wateh for, has been written by Macr. John F. McDowell, ileceesa superintendent of schools, who wlU ho the narrator darin* Um telecast • • By Migr. John B. McDowell (Superintendent of Schools) The ordination ceremony is Inserted in the liturgy of the Mass to recall the fact that the priesthood derives its origin and efficacy from the Sacrifice of Calvary. • The Ordination ceremony begins after "the Epistle of the Mass. Having road the EpisUe, the Bishop begins the Tract, stopping at the last verse. This is the place where the ordination The CalL The names of the candidates are called out by the Archdeacon and as they respond they step forward. Now they are dressed as deacons, which order they have already received. 1 The Bishop then inquires as to the worthiness of the candi¬ dates and instructs the people about their responsibilities to speak up if they know of any reason which would militate against the ordination of any candidate. Then follows an instruc¬ tion to the candidates, in which the Bishop reminds them of the great dignity about to be conferred. Prostration. As the chanters sing the Litany and the choir answers, the candidates prostrate themselves before the Altar. This is done as a sign of unworthiness and an indication of their need for divine assistance. The Ordination. This takes place when the Bishop impose* both hands on the head of the candidate. This imposition of hands and the prayer which is read shortly after this by the Bishop constitutes the essence of the Sacrament. Here they re¬ ceive the complete powers of the priesthood. Certain of these powers are underlined by specific ceremonies which follow. InveeUtnre with the prieetly vestments. The Stole worn over the left shoulder (as the deacon weers it) is now changed by the Bishop so that it falls in the form of a cross as the priest wears it at Mass. The newly ordained priest is vested with n tied up Chasuble. £ , The Anointing of the Hands. The Bishop first anoints the hands of each candidate to indicate the power which the now priest has received to bless in the name of the Church. The power to say Mass. The power has already been re¬ ceived but to indicate its excellence a special rite is employed to symbolize its bestowal. The newly ordained priest again kneels before the Bishop and touches the Chalice containing the wine and water and the paten w#h a host lying on it. The Mass resumes with the Offertory. From this point the KEY. JEROME A. DIXO!* REV. PAUL J. DURKIX REV. B. REV. J. KACZMARCZYK REV. GEORGB T. DeVILLI REV. DAVID C. DIXON newly ordained priests concelebrate the Mass with the Bishop. THOMAS MeC. KXRBT This is their Ordination May 25 for Dio¬ Ordination first Mass. This is the only occasion in the Latin Rite May 25 for Dio¬ Ordination May 25 for Dio¬ Ordination Ordination May 25 for Dlo- Ordination May 23 for Wo* May 25 for Dio- where concelebrstion takes cese of place. It beautifully expresses the Pittsburgh at St. Paul cese of Pittsburgh at St Paul cese of Pittsburgh at St Paul ceee of eeae of Pittsburgh at St Paul eese of Pitfeurgh at St Paul Pittsburgh at St Paul truth that there is but one priesthood and one sacrifice. Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral by Bishop Dearden. Cathedral Cathedral by Bishop Dearden. Cathedral by Bishop Dearden. by Bishop Dearden. by Bishop Dearden. by Bishop Dearden. From St. John Cantius From After the newly ordained from St Anne From St Parish, From St Paul Cathedral Par¬ St Pius V Parish, Mc¬ From Assumption Parish, priests have received Holy Com¬ Parish, Castle Margaret Parish, munion, they walk to the Altar and Sharpsburg. Son eg Mr. and ish, Oakland. Son of MR and Keesport Son of Mr. and Mrs. Bellevue. Son of Mr. and partake of some wine. After Shannon. Son of the late Mar¬ Greentree. Son of Mr. snd Mrs. Mrs. Valentine H. the ablution prayers, the Bishop is seated again before the newly Kaczmarczyk, Mrs. John Lee Kirby, 825 George DeVllle, SI08 Grov¬ Martin P. Dixon, 680 Shade tin J. and Alice Sweeny Dixon. Mrs. Harry ordained J. Durkin, 1998 RD 2, Sewickley. Educated at Morewood er Ave, priests and they make a profession of faith (The Apos¬ St, Oakland. Edu¬ McKeesport Edu¬ Ave, Bellevue. Educated at Educated at St tles this Anne Grade; Warriors Rd., Greentree. Edu¬ St John Cantius Grade, St cated at St Bede cated at St Pius V Grade; St Creed). After they again kneel before the Bishop who Oracle, Pt Assumption Grade; North Ca¬ St Justin cated at St lays his hand on their heads in a High, Mt. Washing¬ Margaret Grade; Mary High and College, Or¬ Peter High, McKeesport; St tholic ceremony expretfKing the be¬ Breeze; St Paul Cathedral High; St Charles Minor ton; St. Vincent St. Fidelis chard Vincent stowal of the power to forgive sin College and Seminary, Herman; Lake, Michigan, and St Grade; Central Catholic High; College and Seminary, Seminary, * Catonsville, Md.; already received. The Chasuble is unfolded and the Seminary, Latrobe; School of St Fidelis College, and St Vincent College and Seminary, Latrobe, and St Charles Sem¬ St Vincent newly ordained priest promises obedience to University of Notre Dame, College and Semi¬ Canon Latrobe. His Bishop. After a brief Law, Catholic Univers¬ Vincent.. Seminary, Latrobe. First Mass Sunday, Indiana, and St. Vincent Semi¬ inary, Philadelphia. First Mass nary, Latrobe. First Mass Sun¬ instruction, the Mass is concluded in the usual fashion. ity of Americs, Washington, First Msss Sunday, May 28, June 2, at 10 ajn. at home Sunday, May 28, at noon at nary, Latrobe. First Mass Sun¬ day, May 28, at 9:15 am. at D.C. First Mass 9:45 Sunday, Msy a.m. at home parish. Offi¬ parish. Officers: Father John day, May 26, at 10:45 a.m. it home parish. Officers: Father home parish. Officers: Father 26, at 10:80 a.m. at homo cers: Father John H. Mark P. par¬ McDonough, Styka, pastor, St John home parish. Officers: Father Flanagan, pastor, St Michael P. Hinnebusch, pas¬ Priests' Relatives Gain ish. Officers: Father Eugene pastor, St Margaret, arch¬ Cantius, archpriest; Father James Pius V, archpriest; Father Indulgence CD. Hanlon, pastor. tor, Assumption, archpriest; W. John F. All Haridns, pastor, St Anne, priest; Father William H. Kaczmarczyk, pastor, Immaculate Conception, Iruin, Regis M. Harmon, pastor, St Esther Cornelius E. Glides, as¬ relatives, including second cousins, of the newly ordained archpriestp Father Richard P. Schroeder, assistant, St. Jos¬ SS. Cyril and Methodius, Fair- archpriest; Father Hugh M. Million, Mali, deacon; Father sistant St Joseph, Verona, Priest may gain a Plenary indulgence. Conditions: assistance at William the Scberer, assistant St Anne, eph, Coraopolis, deacon; Fa¬ chance, deacon; Father Ray¬ Gloninger, assistant St' J. Erkens, assistant, deacon; Rev. Michael J. Rsff- First Mass, Confession, Holy Communion and prayers for the j Syl¬ deacon; Father Joseph H. ther Raymond T. Schultz, as¬ mond Lavelle (newly ordain¬ vester, Brentwood, deacon; Mot Holy Name, Troy Hill, erty, St Vincent Seminary, intention of the Holy Father. Knorr, assistant Nativity, sistant St Margaret, sub- ed, Diocese of Columbus) sub- Father Paul G. Henne, as¬ subdeacon; Msgr. Jacob C. subdeacon; Msgr. Thomas J. All those who devoutly kiss the palms of the hands of the North Side, subdeacon; Father descon; Msgr. Andrew J. Pau¬ deacon; Father Gregory Ro- Shinar, secretary to sistant Our Lady of Grace, Bishop Qulgley, pastor, St Canice, ordained on newly Priest, either the dsy of his ordination or Cyril M. Drsp, assistant, St ley, rector of St Paul Cathe¬ kosz, pastor, St Lawrence, Bower Dearden, preacher. Hill, subdeacon; Msgr. Knoxvllle, preacher. First Mass, may gain an indulgence of 100 days. Thomas, Braddock, preacher. dral, preacher. Cadogan, preacher. William 0. Connare, pastor, St Richard, Uptown, snd di¬ rector of Society Propaga¬ tion of the Faith, Diocese of Pittsburgh, preacher. REV. STEPHEN J. MALOSKT ^EV. THOMAS F. MANION REV. ERNEST C. PAONE REV. FRANCIS L. PUCCI Ordination May 25 for Dio¬ Ordination May 25 for Dio¬ Ordination May 25 for Dio¬ Ordination May 25 for Dio- jdfl cese of Pittsburgh at St. Paul cese of Pittsburgh at St. Paul cese of cese of Pittsburgh st St Paul Pittsburgh at St Paul ffjHH Cathedral by Bishop Dearden. Cathedral by Bishop Dearden. Cathedral Cathedral by Bishop Dearden. by Bishop Dearden. \ REV. PAUL J. SAVAGE From St. Joseph Parish, Clalr- From St. Cotihan Parish, Tur- From St. James Parish, West ton. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Step¬ Ue Creek.'Son of Mr. and Mrs. f™MOithe'ish, Charleroi. If™"Son of Mr.^and Ordination May2S *r Dio- End. Son qf Mr. and Mrs. Ern¬ cese « pitt4burgh * St Paul hen J. Malosky, Ridge Road, Thomas D. Manion of 371 High¬ Mrs. Frank Pucci, 218 Oak- Cathedral by Bishop Dearden. est F. Paone, 141 Wabash Jefferson Boro. Educated at St land Ave, Turtle Creek. Edu¬ Ave, land Ave, Charleroi. Educat- From St. Pius V Parish, Me* Joseph Grade; St Fidelis cated at St Colman Grade j St. West End. Educated at St ed at Fifth Street Elementary * F-®«3port Son of Mr. and Mrs, Minor Seminary, Herman; St Thomas High, Braddock; Du- James Grade and High, St.
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