September 14, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24711 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE RE­ LIST OF COSPONSORS through the 1980s and 1990s. But we must PORT SPECIFICALLY CALLS FOR Thomas L. Ashley, William M. Brodhead, heed the lessons of Three Mile Island and Carl D. Pursell, John B. Anderson, James J. other troubltng reactor incidents of recent MORE TESTS OF AIRBAGS Blanchard, Clarence J . Brown, Lucien N. years. We must insist that these plants be Nedzi, Bob Traxler, Bob Carr, Phil Gramm, made safe, and when they are found to be HON. JOHN D. DINGELL Carlos J. Moorhead, Tim Lee Carter, William unsafe, they ought ·to be closed. D. Ford, James M. ColUns, David Satterfield, MAJOR INVESTMENTS OF MICHIGAN Dave Stockman, Samuel L. Devine, and In addition to the 70 operating plants, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Matthew J. Rinaldo.e there are about 96 nuclear plants under con­ Friday, September 14, 1979 struction. Some will be completed this year; others are in early stages. I belleve that e Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, the De­ NUCLEAR POWER AND ARIZONA plants which have major investments of partment of Transportation Appropria­ money and material should be treated the tions bill, H.R. 4440, for fiscal year 1980 same as those which now have operating is scheduled for Tuesday, September 18. HON. MORRIS K. UDALL Ucenses. With our cosponsors, Congressman OF ARIZONA In each case, plant designs should be mod­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ified to enhance safety and to prevent close JAMES BROYHILL and I Will offer the calls Uke that at Three Mile Island. amendment that provides for an addi­ Friday, September 14, 1979 tional year of testing, research and de­ THE PALO VERDE PROJECT e Mr. UDALL. Mr. Speaker, many of my Some thoughts about the Palo Verde proj­ velopment of passive or automatic occu­ constituents are vitallv concerned about ect: Three of the 96 reactors in the con­ pant protection devices for passenger the continued use of nuclear energy. struction phase in this country are at the automobiles, such as airbags and pas­ After the near-disaster at Three Mile Palo Verde site owned by the Arizona Publlc sive safety belts. Service Company and located west of Phoe­ Island questions about the ultimate nix. More t han $1 billion has been spent on Our amendment is a consumer protec­ safety of nuclear power have to be ad­ tion amendment designed to ascertain these three identical reactors. The proposed dressed, and we have to make some long­ Units 4 and 5 have been cancelled. I favor whether these occupant protection sys­ delayed decisions about plant siting, dis­ completing Plants 1 and 2. Unit 3 is a closer tems, especially airabgs, are in them­ posal of wastes, environmental costs, and call. Because it is part of a single complex selves safe for occupants and whether other important issues. I have prepared on which large and interrelated expenses and their potential effectiveness for reducing a statement outlining my thoughts on llabillties have been incurred, I would favor accident fatalities and injuries is proven. some major questions regarding nuclear leaving it out of any moratorium. The recent evidence has mounted power, which follows: NUCLEAR EXPANSION AND THE PUBLIC showing that there is absolute need for NUCLEAR POWER AND ARIZONA But, the most serious question we face is further research, testing, and develop­ whether additional new plants beyond the ment of the airbag technology before The Issue of nuclear energy to generate 168 I have already discussed should be al­ millions of vehicles are equipped with electricity is not a single question. It is a lowed, encouraged or forbidden. In the Nixon dozen. They overlap and all are being hotly years, our government was projecting and such systems. Contractor tests of ~irbags debated these days. supporting construction of more than 800 for DOT resulted in fires and explosions None of these questions can be resolved by plants by the year 2000. As recently as last of the system which severely burned test shouting slogans or by demanding categorical year, the Carter Administration was talking dummies and made the airbag inopera­ positions on each piece of the puzzle. in t eriOS of 300 or 400 plants by the end of tive. GM tests in early 1979 using pigs as As chairman of the House Committee on the century. surrogates for out-of-position children, Interior and t he Subcommittee on Energy I do not favor constructing any additional and Environment, I am deeply involved and nuclear plants beyond the 168 already under and earlier Volvo tests, show the hazard have a heavy responsib111ty In trying to to children. Seven pigs died as a result construction or in operation. We should hold wisely answer questions about safety, nu­ off encouraging or permitting new plants un­ of fatal injuries in airbag impacts in the clear waste, state vetoes, moratoriuiOS and til our country has made a thorough evalua­ GM tests, which has prompted that all the rest. But final decisions should not be tion of where the future will take u s. The manufacturer to conduct further re­ made solely by me or by the so-called ex­ fact is that nuclear power is unlikely to ex­ search. GM now has delayed its plans perts. They involve all of us and the kind pand unless the American people will accept to voluntarily install some airbags in of society and country we want to pass along (1) living close to nuclear power plants. (2) to future generations. I'm often asked my a system of transporting nuclear materials, early 1981 model year cars due to these position on these complex questions. Here Is problems. More recent GM tests show and (3) a nuclear waste system they can Uve a summary of my present thinking : with. And the truth is that all three are in continuing serious injuries to test sub­ PROMISE OF THE FIFTIES trouble. jects due to this problem. In the 1950s, we decided that nuclear elec­ If we wisely use the operating nuclear Therefore, the extra fiscal year of 1980 tricity was good, feasible, safe and inexpen­ plants, plus the 96 under construction, they testing under our amendment could be sive and that it ought to be encouraged. can serve as a bridge for the next 20 years completed before the Federal Motor Ve­ Our poll tical leaders, the best scientists, all or so to give us the lead time we need to hicle Safety Standard 208 takes effect in saw it as "power for the people," as energy change to a new energy mix based on coal, model year 1982 for large-size cars which for the underdeveloped world and for nations solar, wind, bio-mass, hydrogen and all kinds mandates passive equipment such as air­ not blessed with coal or oil. of renewable, simple technologies. bags or the automatic belts. In hindsight, it is clear that we were too If we go heavy on conservation efforts in The General Accounting Office report optimistic and that we now owe it to our­ every aspect of our lives and in industry and to Congress, "Passive Restraints for l':elves to reassess the whole nuclear picture. transportation syst ems, : t~i n' ·. we c·a get But we are not in a position to make a t hrough those 20 years and be in a position Automobile Occupants-A Closer Look," fresh decision about producing some nuclear to begin a phase-out of existing nuclear as released by GAO July 27, 1979, clearly energy. We crossed that point a long t ime plants, as they wear out. There will be no underscores and strongly supports the ago. As you read this, 12 percent of the elec­ single, quick technological fix for our energy need for adoption of a program which tricity in the United States is being generated problems. Nuclear energy can serve as a our amendment provides, more research, by nuclear power plants. And in some re­ "bridge" to an era of new power source3. That testing and development by the Depart­ g:ons, such as New England and Northern era, I suspect, will hold the answer of n ot one, Illtnois, nuclear power is producing 30 to 50 but several dozen answers--each contribut­ ment and its National Highway 'I'raffic percent of the electricity. We can't undo the ing a small percentage to the solution. Safety Administration. past, go back to the 50s, and start over. Congressman BROYHILL and I have THE BREEDER REACTOR provided each of our colleagues with a LET' S INSIST ON SAFETY In light of the t rouble we have had with Today, we have some 70 nuclear power this first generation of nuclear reactors and copy of the GAO report and urged their plants in operat ion, producing that 12 per­ the unanswered quest ions about nuclear study and support for our amendment cent I mentioned. Realist ically, we must ac­ power, I believe we should call off the Clinch Which is printed in the CONGRESSIONAL cept these plants and acknowledge that they River Breeder react or plant. Its design is RECORD Of July 12, page 18393: will play some part in our electrical systeiOS outmoded. I do support cont inued research • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 24712 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 14, 1979 on a variet y of breeder models and cycles. lifting of price ceilings. Nevertheless, the gasoline, and natural gas; end government Some of them may prove out, but we have Congress acted to loosen natural gas price allocations of gasoline; and abolish as a.
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