,! C ASS CITY C HRONICLE ~rOLUME 31, NUMBER 40. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1937. EIGHT PAGES. t at the ceremony. They were at- /Lapeer; and Mr and Mrs. Charles TQnEEnpnCATUC .I.kilUt£LJ.l 0-L .L~t:::;£'~rLU, Both the bride and her sister, celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Tall- Mrs. Kilbourn, wore blue crepe. madge, it being their fifty-fourth A wedding dinner was served in wedding anniversary and all their IN TUCOLA l a6 li ,j lP FROT TR[l[ i their honor on Christmas Day at children being present. the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Chauncey Walker. Guests FOLLOW-UP OF UNITED Two Other Children Seriously besides the bridal party were Mr. Reported Accidents Traced to Injured at Watrousville and Mrs. Arthur Englehart, Mr. ACTIVITY OF CHURCHES Auto Mishaps in County and Mrs. Frank Englehart, William on Saturday. Englehart, Mrs. John Englehart, AS a follow-up of the united ac- Number 198. Miss Mabel Hickie, all of Deford; tivity of the Cass City churches in Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Layman, the NationM Preaching" Mission Rosa, eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Yax, Herbert this fall, a united project has been When one con~iders that seven- !vlr. and Mrs. Joseph Kovacs, living Yax and Chauncey Walker, all of arranged for .the winter season to teen deaths in Tuscola county dur- t,~zo miles southeast of Watrous- Flint. provide for further trMning in ing 1936 and 198 accidents may be v}~lle, was fatally injured and her Mr. and Mrs. Layman will make worship and service. A series of traced directly to automobile mis- t~o sislers, Matilda, 12, and Mar- their home in the Herbert Layman twelve Thursday evenings of Fel- haps, Sheriff George Jeffrey is g aret, 10, were seriously injured house, corner of Third and Oak lowship and Study will begin in not amiss in his appeal to people to when ~hey jumped from a moving streets. the Presbyterian church, Jan. 7, at drive carefully, to check their auto h~uck to the pavement on M-8!, on A miscellaneous shower is being 7:45. Each meeting will consist of lights, to keep cars always under Saturday. The injured children planned for Saturday night, to be a brief devotional period followed control and to take no chances. were taken to the Caro Community held at their home. by simultaneous study groups cov- The death on Saturday of Rosa, hospital where Rosa died that Clare W. Horning Dr. H. Theroa Donahue George McIntyre County Clerk ering personal Christian living, 8-year-old daughter of Joe Kovacs, uight. County Coroner Co. Road Commissioner New Testament Bible, evangelism, of Watrousville, brought the traf- The truck from which the chit- Three new men join Tuscola county officialism on New Year's Day. They are Clare W Horn- missions and international rela- fic death toll of the year in the iron jumped was driven by Chas. IVtORENARRIAGE IN ing of Fostoria, Dr. H. Theron Donahue of Cass City and George McI~tyre of Deford. tions. county to 17. Not all of the 198 Abraham~S of 912 Oakley Sg., Sagi- Mr. Horning succeeds Stephen W. Morrison as county clerk, Dr. Donahue takes the place of accidents reported to sheriff's of- naw, a potato buyer. According Dr. Charles N. Race as coroner, and Mr. McIntyre succeeds James Berry as county road commissioner. lice were of a serious nature, yet to Sheriff Gee. Jeffrey, Abrahams None of the retiring officers were candidates to succeed themselves. 4oH Girl% "College severe injuries resulted in many of had stopped at the Kovacs farm Officers in Tuscola county, chosen to succeed themselves at the November election, include these. to buy potatoes and had offered Audley Rawson, state representative; H. Walter Cooper, probate judge; George F. Jeffrey, sheriff; Hope" Calf Permits Other deaths in Tuscola county ~o give the father and three daugh- Arthur Whittenburg, county treasurer; Alger L. Bush, register of deds; Bates Wills, pnosecuting at- in 1936 from auto and truck mis- Watrousville. A Divorce Decree Granted to torney; M. D: err and W. S. RundelI, circuit court commissioners; Roscoe Jo Black, drain commission- ];ers a ride into er; Lee Huston coroner. Her te Enter Me S. Co haps include 16 persons whose Kovacs rode in the truck cab names and places of the accidents md £he girls under a tarpaulin in Every 10 Marriage Li~ are: Six years of 4-H club competi- !:~he rear. Kovacs left the truck l Myrl McMaster, Millington. censes Issued. the group. A chicken dinner was Ernest L. Schwaderer is program leaders has given Mr. McCullough tion in livestock projects has put mile east of Watrousville, telling Gottlieb Ziltano'er, Richville. served at the Home hotel in Care committeeman whose duty it is to an equipment which makes him a enough money in the bank for Abrahams to let his daughters out Paul Trump, Richvi!le. which was followed by a program. provide talemt for the meetings of valuable and thrilling speaker to Louise Porter, 16, Lapeer high at a store in the village, t Mr. Morrison was preser~ted with a Rotary for the next three months. young" people. Mr. and Mrs. Baur, Wells town- Abrahams told the officers later l Applications for marriage li- school senior, to count on entering ship. Gladstone bag by the "court house Activities at the Muskegon State Michigan State college next fall. l~hat he had apparemAy m~sunder-i eenses showed an increase in 1936 Roy Turner, Fairgrove. gang." Convention and the Union Leaders' Recently the Black Angus eatf toed the directions and thought of nearly two per cent over the Truman Ackerman, Jr., Akron. the Tuscola Retreat at Waldenwoods will be which she holds in the picture, won ice was to deliver the girls to Wads-I number issued by 33 Contribute U. B. Clark, Tuscola. shown in motion pictures by Er- the championship honors at the %orth St., Saginaw. When he did I county clerk in 1935. LABOR HEARINGS AT Charles Donne, Almer. to Red Cross Roll nest S. Marks. 4-H show in Detroit, adding more ~iot halt at the Watrousville store, Up to Tuesday, Dec. 29, 324 ap- CARe NEXT WEDNESDAY William Peters, Denmark town- ~he girls jumped from ,the truck, lP licati°ns were made for licenses than $1,000 to her bank account. ship. Appropriately the animal has been ravehing at a rate of 35 miles an while the previous year the num- Thirty-three voluntary subscrip- Donna May Cross, Cass City: ~ Deputy Commissioner McDoug- named "College Hope." ?tour. l ber was 318. tions were made for Red Cross Leonard Baur, Reese. all of the Department of Labor Her ability in livestock work Abrahams proceeded seven miles I In 1936, the circuit court granted memberships in the Cass City P NI ENT [ LiJB Alice May, Ellington. and Industry at Lansing, will con- showmanship was evident a year t() Reese before discovering that I 34 divorce decrees. For every 10 community during the annum roll Laurence Steele, Akron. not in his truck. I marring es in the county one divorce duct hearings in the Tuscola county ago when at the Detroit show she t~ e girls were court house on Wednesday, Jan. 6, call, Mrs. Edward Pinney, local Roy E. Harris, Richville. [~ihen he returned in an endeavor~l occurred, coumty records show. won grand championships for sin- commencing at 2:00 p. m. chairman, reports. William Hass. fo ascertain what had become of i The following marriage licenses The annual meeting of the local he children. after~were] issued in recent weeks: Red Cross society will be held at Abrahams was released John R. Bowyer, 31, Reese; Alice the council rooms on Wednesday, Mrs. Lewis Law Active ia NEW YEAR GUESTS. /tuestioning by officials. Stuller, 19, Saginaw. Jan. 6, at 7:30 p. m., when officers Ervin Rauseh, 26, Richville; will be elected and reports given. Woman's Study Club and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Dupuis will The following persons each con- spend New Year's Day with rela- anta Claus Was Martha Bielert, 21, Reese. Church Circles: . Edmond LeLouis Dailey, 30, A1- tributed one dollar for Red Cross tives at Standish. Busy .Man Here pens; Violet Pearl Schultz, 18, Un- HIGHEST8iN[ E membership: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Vader are ionville. Gerald Dupuis, C. M. Knapp, E. New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sehwaderer, Maude Wilsey, Funeral services were held at Joe Fulcher at Wickware. Fred Ball, 64, Deford; Mrs. Hat- 2:30 p. m. Wed~?esday in the Pres- Santa Claus delighted the hearts tie Pelton, 53, Deford. Helen Wilsey, Chris Sehwaderer, Mr. and Mrs. John Sovey will Annual Cash Income from P. S. McGregory, Harold Green- byterian church for Mrs. Lewis .)f a large group of children on l have as guests today (New Years) Chmstmas Eve when he and h s Charles Byron Layman, 20, Cass leaf, R. A. MeNamee, P. A. Law, who passed away Sunday City; Helen May Englehart, 17, Farms Promises to Reach morning after a week's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Westcott of helpers distributed 530 sacks of i Deford. Sehenck, Mrs. G. A. Tindale, Eliza- Pontiac. candy and nuts at the municipal I Steve Radick, 22, Vassar; Thurza $80,000,000. beth E. Pinney, Frederick H. Pin- Rev. P. J. Allured, pastor of the hey, H. F. Lenzner, Mollie Lenzner, church, officiated and burial was Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kettlewell! Christmas tree here. It was a hap- l Blackmer, 18, Vassar. will entertain Mr.
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