5090 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1858. North London, Paddington, Richmond, Hampton parish of East Moulsey on the plans, to be depo- Court, and Kingston Railway. sited as hereinafter mentioned, and which said last mentioned intended railway will pass from, in, (Incorporation of Company for making railways through, or into the several parishes and places of from the North and South Western Junction Twickenham, Teddington, and Hampton, in the Railway and the Great Western Railway, and county of Middlesex, and East and West Moulsey, the Great Western and Brentford Railway to in the county of Surrey, or some of them. Richmond, Hampton Court, and Kingston : 5. A railway commencing by a junction with the power to make working arrangements with other last-mentioned intended railway (No. 4), at a point Companies; running powers over the Great about twenty-three chains from its termination in Western and Brentford Railway ; provisions as the parish of East Moulsey, and terminating by a to the use of stations, &c., of the London and junction with the Hampton Court branch of the South Western Railway and the North and London and South Western Railway, at a point South Western Junction Railway, and also as to about seventeen chains from the station at Hampton transmission, &c., of traffic; amendment of Court, in the said parish .of East Moulsey, and Acts.) which said last-mentioned intended railway will be OTICE is hereby gaven, that application is wholly situate in the said last-mentioned parish. N intended to be made to Parliament in the 6. A railway commencing by a junction with the naxt session for leave to introduce a Bill, and to said intended railway (No. 3) at its point of termi- pass an Act to make and maintain the railways nation in the said parish of Twickenham, and ter- hereinafter mentioned, or some of them, or some minating at Kingston, in a field belonging to part or parts thereof, together with all proper sta- Samuel Matthews, and in the occupation of Charles tions, works, conveniences, and approaches con- Phillips, and numbered 2 in the parish of Kingston nected therewith (that is to say) :— on the plans to be deposited as hereinafter men- 1. A railway commencing by a junction with the tioned, and which said last-mentioned intended rail- North and South Western Junction Railway, in the way will pass from, through, or into the several parish of Ealing, in the county of Middlesex, at or parishes and places of Twickenham, Teddington, near the point of junction of the said railway with Hampton Wick, and Hampton, in the county of the loop line of the London and South Western Middlesex, and in Kingston, in the county of Surrey, Railway, at or near the Kew station of the said North or some of them. and South Western Junction Railway, and termi- 7. A railway commencing by a junction with the nating at or near a point about lO^chains measured said intended railway (No. 3) in a market garden along the loop line of the London and South belonging to Sarah Ginman and Thomas Longhurst, Western Railway, north eastsvard from the bridge trustees of William Allsop, deceased, and in the which carries the road from the Coach and Horses occupation of Daniel Alexander, and numbered 30 public house at Brentford end to Sion Hill, over in the said parish of Twickenham on the plans to the said loop line, in the parish of Isleworth, and be deposited as hereinafter mentioned, and termi- which said intended railway will pass from, in, nating by a junction with the Windsor branch of through, or into the several parishes, extra-parochial, the London and South Western Railway, about ten and other places following, or some of them—viz., chains on the west side of the Twickenham station, Baling, New Brentford) Hanwell, Old Brentford, also in the said parish of Twickenham, and which and Isleworth, all in the county of Middlesex. said in tended railway will be wholly-situate in the 2. A railway commencing by a junction with the said parish. Great Western and Brentford Railway at or near 8. A railway commencing by a junction with the a point about 19 chains north-west of the bridge said inteuded railway (No. 3), in a market garden which carries the said Great Western and Brentford belonging to Robert Pulsforc!, and in the occupa- Railway over the loop line of the London and South tion of Henry and George Knevett, numbered 3 Western Railway in the parish of Isleworth, and in the parish of Twickenham, on the plans to be terminating on the south side of the road leading deposited as hereinafter mentioned, and terminating from Isleworth to Richmond, at a point about 20 by a junction of the said inteuded railway (No. 2) chains from Richmond bridge, in the parish of in a market garden belonging to George Cole, and Twickenham, and which said last mentioned in- in the occupation of Henry and George Knevett, tended railway will pass from, in, through, or into and numbered 7 in the said parish of Twickenham, on the parishes or places of Isleworth and Twickenham, the plans to be deposited as hereinafter mentioned, or one of them, in the county of Middlesex. and which said intended railway will be wholly 3. A railway commencing by a junction with the situate in the last-mentioned parish. said last mentioned intended railway (No. 2), in or 9. A railway commencing by a junction with the neara field belonging to Robert Pulsford, Esq., and in said intended railway (No. 2) in a field belonging the occupation of George and Henry Knevett, num- to his Grace the Duke of Northumberland, and in bered 112, in the parish of Isleworth, on the plans the occupation of Walter Stanborough, and num- to be deposited, as hereinafter mentioned, and ter- bered 79 in the parish of Isleworth, on the plans to minating in or near a field belonging to Charles deposited as hereinafter mentioned, and terminating James Freake, and in the occupation of Richard by a junction with the loop-line of the London and Gunner, and numbered 100, in the parish of South Western Railway at a point about twenty-six Twickenham, on the said plans hereinafter men- chains west of the Isleworth and Spring-grove station, tioned, as intended to be deposited, and which said in the said parish of Isleworlh, and which said last- last mentioned intended railway will be wholly mentioned intended railway will be wholly situate situate in.the said parishes or places of Isleworth and in the parish of Isleworth aforesaid, Twickenham. -\ 10. A railway commencing by a junction with 4. A railway commencing by a junction with the the Great Western Railway at a point about forty- last mentioned intended railway (No. 3) at its six chains east of the Hanwgll station, and termi- "_ point of termination in the parish of Twickenham, nating by a junction with the Great Western and • in the county of Middlesex, and terminating in or Brentford Railway at or near where the occupation near a field belonging to John Turner, and in the road (belonging to the Earl of Jersey) from Wyke- occupation of Jacoh Hoare, in the parish of East green crosses the. said Great Western and Brentford Mouiscy, in the county of Surrey, about 30 yards Railway in the said parish of Isleworth, and which ' from the foot of the bridge across the River last-mentioned intended railway will pass from, Thames, at Hampton Court, numbered 20 in the through, or into the several parishes and places.
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