Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 32, Number 21, May 27, 2005 lyzed larger sections of the CDU, especially those that dislike the party’s top candidate, Ru¨ttgers, for his radical budget- Interview: Elke Fimmen cutting propaganda, and therefore, the CDU election cam- paigning was slowed down. The Schwarzenegger Effect LaRouche Forces Take On The drastic drop from a CDU lead of 11% over the SPD, to only 5%, within the last four weeks of the campaign, is generally attributed, by CDU party members and voters alike, The Neo-Cons in Germany to the increasing unpopularity of Ru¨ttgers. And that also has to do with the second initiative launched by the Bu¨So/LYM Elke Fimmen, a long-time leader of the LaRouche movement concerning Ru¨ttgers’s enthusiasm for California Gov. Arnold in Germany, was one of the authors of Deutschlands Neocons: Schwarzenegger, who is on the record for his pro-Hitler re- Wer fu¨hrt den neoliberalen Grossangriff auf den sozialen marks. Ru¨ttgers was the target of a cartoon that was popular, Bundesstaat?)(Germany’s Neo-Cons: Who is out to destroy not only at campaign events of the SPD, but at those of the the federal social state?), a book released in January by the CDU as well. The cartoon gave the latent anti-Ru¨ttgers senti- Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party (the Bu¨So). She re- ment among voters the right name at the right time. plied on May 18 to written questions submitted by Katherine The leverage which the Bu¨So/LYM campaign developed, Notley. was paid prominent tribute in an election special of the main state electronic media, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, which in EIR: There is a big fight in Germany now, typified by Social early May portrayed the Bu¨So as “a small party with a seismo- Democratic Party Chairman Franz Mu¨ntefering’s defense of graphic capacity.” The Bu¨So also received positive coverage the German Basic Law articles, that make the general welfare in the state’s leadingnews daily, the Westdeutsche Allgemeine the state’s prime responsibility, even over so-called “property Zeitung, which on May 13 wrote: “The Bu¨rgerrechtsbewe- rights.” It states that property’s primary responsibility is to- gung Solidarita¨t (Bu¨So) is the only party in Germany that ward the general welfare. campaigns for the reindustrialization of the Ruhr Region into The Bu¨So’s book came out quite a bit before the public a powerhouse for technology.” fight broke out over Article 20 as the pillar of Germany’s But programs alone, good as they may be, cannot trans- “social market economy.” Tell us, what sparked the decision form the political scene sufficiently in a state like North to write this book? Rhine-Westphalia, the electorate of which has been forced Fimmen: This need to defend the German Constitution, the through more than 30 years of de-industrialization. The for- Grundgesetz, and its pivotal organization around the concept mer powerhouse of the productive German industry is now a that Germany is a “democratic and social Federal state” (Arti- region with more than 1 million unemployed, while 70% of cle 20) was exactly the key argument of our book. Back in those who still have a job are working in the service or enter- January, we were the only ones attacking by name those fi- tainment/media sectors. From their state of depression and nancial predatory speculators, who with globalization are de- frustration, voters can be elevated only through Classical cul- termined to eliminate the principle of the common good and ture, through irony—which is what the LYM has done, in the institutions of representative government, and go for direct contrast to the counterculture presented by the other the imposition of fascism again. In our book we expose the parties. international financial interests behind these various neo-con The LYM has played Classical music from their campaign and neo-liberal “reform” front organizations, and attack the sound cars, and has sung Classical and traditional songs with supranational International Monetary Fund and European modified lyrics. For example, the miners’ anthem, “Glu¨ck- Union/Maastricht dictatorships, which are ensuring the pri- auf,” was used in the Bu¨So campaign television spot, with macy of so-called “independent central banks” and their mon- new words. One of the favorites is the LYM song, “Ho¨rt doch etarist dictates. endlich auf zu jammern, sei nicht la¨nger Untertan,” which Most important, in the beginning of this year, the means, “Once and for all, stop that complaining, stop being LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) and Bu¨So, which is led the serf that you have been.” American spirituals like “Oh, by Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, started an election campaign Freedom” also are popular in the campaign. in the former industrial heartland of Germany, the state of The outcome of the election will influence the rest of North Rhine-Westphalia, to put forward our program for pro- Germany through changes in the SPD-CDU national balance ductive state credit generation to reindustrialize the Ruhr area, of power. But the debate on the essentials of economic and and revive this area as a motor for an overall reindustrializa- financial policy, which the LaRouche movement has cata- tion of Germany—a New Deal Policy for Germany, in the lyzed, is the most important achievement of the election context of a New Bretton Woods financial system. We chal- campaign. lenged the Social Democratic Party [SPD] to stop its suicidal 48 International EIR May 27, 2005 © 2005 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. austerity policies, and defense of globalization. Also, the dan- ger of bankruptcy of GM and Ford was put on the table, since both firms—Opel in Bochum and Ford in Cologne—employ thousands of German workers, and a collapse of both firms in the United States would be a tsunami for Germany, as well! Then, in April, in the context of the intensifying financial instability around GM and Ford and the other speculative debt bubbles, SPD Chairman Mu¨ntefering finally broke the neo- liberal, monetarist dominance in Germany: He attacked the international hedge funds and mega-speculators as “locusts,” which destroy the productive capacities of nations, and he identified some of these funds by name, which obviously drew a huge outcry from the relevant people. He also put the debate on a principled level, as we had been demanding all along, by referring to the German Constitution, which says that “prop- erty obliges”—that is, whoever has property, is also obliged to serve the common good with it. Violation of this principle can even lead to expropriation. Round-tables, talk shows, the Elke Fimmen (right) with Helga Zepp-LaRouche. The LaRouche party in Germany, the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (Bu¨So), media, starting from morning radio to the late evening news, has taken off the gloves in its campaign against the German neo- had lulled people into belief in the “inevitability” that there is conservatives. “just no alternative to reforms and globalization”: that people just have to accept job and/or income losses, drastic social cuts, and so on. It should be also mentioned, that in this situation, various foundation, which for years had employed a house historian, politicians began to quote the social encyclicals and the late who wrote two books attacking Roosevelt as being responsi- Pope John Paul II, to underline that “man belongs at the center ble for World War II. He also hushed up the company’s own of economics,” and that it is the “image of man” which is at big business during the Nazi period, which continued after stake here. It was only the Bu¨So up to that point that had been World War II with a British license. formulating these views in the public debate. So, it is quite obvious, that the LaRouche-led fight of While all of this is very important, the real concern of the the Democratic Party against Bush’s privatization rip-off of international financial synarchists, is to stop the LaRouche Social Security, the reference to the principles of FDR’s poli- “New Deal” policy from being implemented. At the end of cies, and the overall growing resistance to the fascist imperial April, the mouthpiece of the Mont Pelerin Society in Ger- policies of the current U.S. Administration, are the crucial many, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, launched two arti- factors in creating maneuvering room and optimism in Ger- cles in a row, attacking Lyndon LaRouche by name for having many, as in other countries. The situation is now wide open reinvigorated the FDR New Deal concept again in the United to shift Germany, which is of strategic importance for the States, and Bu¨So Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche for situation in all of Eurasia, into the direction of the LaRouche- having introduced this dirigistic concept of state credit gener- New Bretton Woods orientation, which is what the Bu¨So and ation into Germany. The article’s author quite hysterically LYM are working on at present. accused the SPD of reviving the New Deal, which he calls “polite fascism”! EIR: Tell us about the history of the German neo-cons. Who This freak-out appeared in the context of reviewing a new are their friends, both in Europe and the United States? How book that equates FDR’s New Deal with Hitler’s and Mussoli- do they collaborate? ni’s fascism, and refers to the “fear for democracy” of FDR’s Fimmen: It is important to realize, that in the U.S.
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