san josé evergreen COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD 2014 Meeting Minutes Click on specific date to view minutes - Press Home key on your keyboard to return to this page. January 14 June 10 January 28 July 8 February 11 August 26 February 11-Attachment September 9 February 25 October 14 February 25-Attachment October 28 March 11 November 11 April 8 November 25 April 22 December 5-Special Meeting May 13 December 9 May 27 Minutes of the Governing Board Meeting January 14, 2014 A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER President Lease called the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board of the San José-Evergreen Community College District to order on Tuesday, January 14, 2014, at 4:30 p.m. at the District Office Board Room, 4750 San Felipe Road, San Jose, CA 95135. Board Members Present: Ms. Mayra Cruz Mr. Balbir Dhillon Ms. Maria Fuentes Dr. Jeffrey Lease Ms. Wendy Ho Mr. Craig Mann Mr. Rudy Nasol Board Members Excused: None B. APPROVAL OF CLOSED SESSION AGENDA M/S/C (Cruz/Nasol) to approve the Closed Session agenda. Board vote was as follows: Trustees Cruz, Dhillon, Fuentes, Lease, Ho, Mann and Nasol voted yes. C. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION AGENDA There were no public comments. D. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION TO CONSIDER AND/OR TAKE ACTION UPON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS The Board recessed to Closed Session at 4:30 p.m. to consider the following items: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9(c)) CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code Section 54957.6) Minutes of January 14, 2014, Governing Board Meeting District’s Negotiator(s): Kim Garcia Employee Organization: CSEA CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code Section 54957.6) District’s Negotiator(s): Kim Garcia Employee Organization: M/S/C E. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION The public session was reconvened at 6:05 p.m. Board Members Present: Ms. Mayra Cruz Mr. Balbir Dhillon Ms. Maria Fuentes Dr. Jeffrey Lease Ms. Wendy Ho Mr. Craig Mann Mr. Rudy Nasol Mr. Alex Ward Board Members Absent: Mr. Zohaib Javed 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Lease led the Board and members of the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. President Lease announced that, due to changes in the Brown Act effective January 16, 2014, each Board member vote will need to be indicated at meetings and recorded in the minutes of the meetings. Therefore, for each vote at board meetings, the Trustees will raise their hands to indicate a yes vote, no vote or abstention. The Chancellor’s Office will work with ITSS staff to put into place an effective device to display each vote during meetings. However, to be cost effective, it would be best to wait until the district moves into the new building to ensure the device properly fits the dimensions of the new board room. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA M/S/C (Mann/Cruz) to adopt the agenda as submitted. Board vote was as follows: Trustees Cruz, Dhillon, Fuentes, Lease, Ho, Mann and Nasol voted yes. Advisory vote was as follows: Student Trustee Ward voted yes. ii Minutes of January 14, 2014, Governing Board Meeting 3. ANNOUNCEMENT OF REPORTABLE ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION There were no reportable actions. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA The Board heard a public comment from Mr. Larry Harris, who shared a personal letter from an ill friend and stated his hopes for the new year. 5. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 10, 11 AND 13, 2013, GOVERNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES M/S/C (Mann/Ho) to approve the above listed meeting minutes as amended. Changes were made to the December 11, 2013, meeting minutes, in two areas. On Page 2, Board ends policy statement, Number 2 - statement was changed to read as follows: Students will have the language proficiency skills to succeed in college. On Page 2, Board ends policy statement, Number 3 – statement was changed to read as follows: Students will be able to be successful in transferring to a four-year institution. Board vote was as follows: Trustees Cruz, Dhillon, Fuentes, Lease, Ho, Mann and Nasol voted yes. Advisory vote was as follows: Student Trustee Ward voted yes. F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT AGENDA M/S/C (Ho/Mann) to approve the Consent Agenda as amended: Item F-8 was removed from the agenda for discussion and separate vote. Board vote was as follows: Trustees Cruz, Dhillon, Fuentes, Lease, Ho, Mann and Nasol voted yes. Advisory vote was as follows: Student Trustee Ward voted yes. 2. MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL ACTIONS The Board approved the Management Personnel Actions as submitted. 3. FACULTY PERSONNEL ACTIONS - REGULAR The Board approved the Faculty Personnel Actions-Regular as submitted. 4. FACULTY PERSONNEL ACTIONS – EVC ADJUNCT FACULTY The Board approved the Faculty Personnel Actions-EVC Adjunct Faculty as iii Minutes of January 14, 2014, Governing Board Meeting submitted. 5. SUPERVISORY-CONFIDENTIAL PERSONNEL ACTIONS The Board approved the Supervisory-Confidential Personnel Actions as submitted. 6. HOURLY, STUDENT WORK AND VOLUNTEER PERSONNEL ACTIONS The Board approved the Short-Term Hourly, Substitute, Professional Expert & Athletic Support Services, Student Assistant and Volunteer personnel actions as submitted. 7. CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL ACTIONS The Board approved the Classified Personnel Actions as submitted. 8. MSC AND EXECUTIVE MANAGERS SALARY SCHEDULE INCREASE AND MSC DOCTORAL STIPEND This item was removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion and separate vote. 9. RATIFICATION OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS The Board ratified the contracts and purchase orders for the period of November 10, 2013 through December 9, 2013, as noted in the documents attached to the agenda. 10. STUDENT HEALTH FEE INCREASE The Board approved the Student Health fee increase of $1 per semester to $19 effective Fall 2014. 11. NON-RESIDENT TUITION RATE AND STUDENT CAPITAL OUTLAY FEE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-2015 The Board approved the non-resident tuition rate of $199 per semester unit and the capital outlay fee of $4 per semester unit for Academic Year 2014-2015. 12. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR BID PROPOSAL #13-1016 – PARKING PERMIT SERVICES FOR SJECCD The Board awarded the contract of Bid Proposal #13-1016 – Parking Permit Services for SJECCD to Turbo Data Systems, Inc. and Credentials Order Processing Services, Inc. 13. ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDS – ELECTRONIC TRANSCRIPT IMPLEMENTATION The Board accepted $15,000 awarded to Evergreen Valley College by California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office for implementation of the Electronic Transcript Standard. iv Minutes of January 14, 2014, Governing Board Meeting 14. AMERICAN COLLEGE DANCE FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION – WESTERN REGIONAL CONFERENCE (SJCC STUDENTS) The Board approved San Jose City College dance program students to travel and attend the American College Dance Festival Association – Western Regional Conference on March 12-15, 2014, at Arizona State University. 15. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL FOR EVC STUDENT The Board approved out of state travel for EVC student/athlete Darlene Rodriguez. 16. CURRICULUM RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERGREEN VALLEY COLLEGE The Board approved a new certificate program submitted by Evergreen Valley College. F. 8. MSC AND EXECUTIVE MANAGERS SALARY SCHEDULE INCREASE AND MSC DOCTORAL STIPEND Trustee Fuentes inquired why the MSC group is the only constituency group submitting salary adjustments at this meeting. Chancellor Cepeda answered that the MSC group was the only group ready to submit its proposal. Vice Chancellor Garcia stated that the FA is currently in final negotiations, and the CSEA Board will be sunshining their proposal at the next board meeting. Trustee Dhillon stated that he didn’t understand how 3.5% plus 2.37% equals the 4.5% approved by the Board. Chancellor Cepeda answered that a pool of money was offered to each constituency group, including the MSC as a meet and confer group, based on the 4.5% increase determined by the Board. MSC President McKee explained that all MSC members would not receive the additional step this year (the 2.37% increase) as all members are not already at the last step of their salary schedules. She had worked with the Payroll Department to determine the cost of moving eligible members to the next step; and what has been presented to the Board, a 3.5% salary increase with the remaining funds used to create an additional step amounting to 2.37%, is in line with the funding allocated by the district. However, even though all MSC members would not immediately benefit from this additional step, it was important to MSC members to add an additional step to the salary schedules so that the group is comparable to other constituency groups. Eventually, every member would benefit; but an even more important reason is to have a competitive salary schedule, which would enable the district to recruit and retain excellent administrators. M/S/C (Fuentes/Mann) to approve the MSC and Executive Managers actions as submitted. Board vote was as follows: Trustees Cruz, Dhillon, Fuentes, Lease, Ho, Mann and Nasol voted yes. Advisory vote was as follows: Student Trustee Ward voted yes. v Minutes of January 14, 2014, Governing Board Meeting G. MEASURE G BOND PROGRAMS CONSENT AGENDA 1. ADOPTION OF THE MEASURE G BOND PROGRAMS CONSENT AGENDA Before the approval of the Measure G Bond Programs Consent Agenda, Trustee Ho inquired about the vetting process for selecting this vendor and if Milpitas Unified School District was consulted as part of the vendor selection process. She also inquired if Milpitas Unified would share in some of the costs associated with the needs assessment. Vice Chancellor Coen answered that per the Ground Lease and Joint Use Agreement of June 11, 2013, between SJECCD and MUSD, Article 5.3.2, an Educational Program Committee consisting of three members from each district was established on September 4, 2013.
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