LITERARY FESTIVAL Talks, readings, and unique encounters. A four-day long celebration of literature. TRADE FAIR The most important event in the Nordic region for people in the publishing industry. GÖTEBORG SOUTH KOREA Human and Humanity – the 2019 Guest of Honour explores what it means to be human. BOOK FAIR 2019 26–29 SEPTEMBER EXHIBITION THE SWEDISH CENTRE & CONGRESS GOTHENBURG Welcome Göteborg Book Fair | 2019 3 Welcome to CONTENTS Guest of Honour: South Korea 4 Göteborg Book Fair! Become our Guest of Honour 5 Each year at the end of September, Northern Europe’s Focal Themes 6 largest cultural event takes place: Göteborg Book Fair. Rights Centre 7 Over 1,000 journalists monitor the occasion, over 300 Seminars 8–22 seminars are offered, over 700 authors and commentators Participants 23 participate, over 100 international leading authors and over 800 exhibitors are on location. And you are most welcome here. General information: Göteborg Book Fair is a unique book fair: at its core is For tickets, opening hours and further information visit the meeting between authors and readers. Over 80,000 www.goteborg-bookfair.com visitors meet their favorite authors, buy books and Forthcoming fairs discover new literature. Rights are negotiated and we 2020: 24–27 September 2021: 23–26 September honour the written word. Both the book industry and 2022: 22–25 September 2023: 28 September–1 October general readers attend Göteborg Book Fair. Teachers attend too as well as librarians, fans of fantasy and feel- Göteborg Book Fair would like to thank all exhibitors, publishing good books, alongside eminent agents and publishers, houses, institutes and organisa- tions for their contribution to this parents with children, poets, literary authors and the year’s seminar program. Swedish crime fiction elite. Each year we highlight subjects focusing on literature, reading and contemporary issues. In 2019, we send our special greetings to the Guest of Honour, South Korea, a country with a splendid culture and body of literature. Moreover, this year’s book fair puts additional focus on gender equality as well as media and information literacy (MIL). GÖTEBORG BOOK FAIR A warm welcome to Göteborg Book Fair! Göteborg Book Fair SE–412 94 Göteborg, Sweden +46 31 708 84 00 www.goteborg-bookfair.com Oskar Ekström [email protected] Program Director Frida Edman Publisher: Frida Edman Book Fair Director Editorial team: Oskar Ekström, Elin Hellström, Johan Kollén, Anneli Jonasson, Henriette Andersson, Martina Jeansson, Annica Andersson, Maria Rogstad Norberg Translation: James Garrabrant Graphic design: Aoki Graphic production: Jussi Öhrvall Cover illustration: Jisu Choi PHOTO: SVANTE ÖRNBERG SVANTE PHOTO: Print: Billes 2019 4 Göteborg Book Fair | 2019 Guest of Honour 2019: South Korea A WHOLE WORLD HAS its eyes on this year’s theme country. From South Korea comes a swell of pop culture, film, food culture and not least literature, with several authorships that have garnered attention for their ground-breaking stories from contemporary Korea. The country’s school results top interna- tional comparisons. Korean society is characterised by innovation and technological development at the abso- lute vanguard of the world – but also strong traditions. At the same time, the nuclear scare casts an enduring shadow over South Korea, and several historical Illustration: Jisu Choi events have made deep impressions in Words: Oskar Ekström the nation’s collective memory. These are, succinctly put, good con- country’s modern history, politics and it to the Swedish system with, among ditions for an exciting fair theme. culture. The question of conditions for others, one of Korea’s foremost school And South Korea will assume a prom- humankind will recur in several literary experts, professor Okhwa Lee. inent position at the Book Fair. Some seminars, among others, In Human Life in South Korea is of course char- twenty Korean authors, researchers and Time and Social-Historical-Public acterised by the Division of Korea in cooks will be attending, allowing the Trauma with the Booker Prize-winning 1948 and the subsequent war between audience to see and hear, smell and taste author Han Kang and others. In Femi- North and South Korea. The brutal Korea at seminars, on stage and in the nism in Korean Literature and its Future, dictatorship that arose in North Korea large theme stand. The common thread Swedish and Korean authors will throws a dark shadow over the region, of the theme is Human and Humanity, a discuss the feminist trend that defines and the country’s possession of nuclear concept revolving around the question current, Korean publishing. weapons has created a forceful, geo- of what it means to be human – in South political tension stretching far beyond Korea and in the world. SOUTH KOREA CONTINUOUSLY ranks the Korean Peninsula. Be sure not to at the top of international comparisons miss the seminar, Peace on the Korean THE INTRODUCTORY SEMINAR, The of educational systems. In several sem- Peninsula and the Future of Humanity. Human Condition in Korean Society inars we will look more closely at the will offer a compelling insight into the Korean school system, even comparing THE SOUTH KOREAN theme is the result of a close and fruitful cooperation between the Book Fair and our Korean partners: the Korean Publishers Asso- ciation, Literature Translation Institute 2019 marks 60 years since Sweden of Korea, and the Writers Association and South Korea established diplomatic of Korea. We would therefore like relations. Naturally, celebrations of to express our immense and earnest 60th the 60th anniversary are particularly thanks for their wonderful work on the anniversary lively in South Korea! What’s more, their program. concept hwangap means that you have A warm welcome to discover this lived an entire cycle according to the zo- diac, and that a new cycle is beginning. year’s Guest of Honour at the Book Fair – South Korea! Become our Guest of Honour Göteborg Book Fair | 2019 5 PHOTO: ANNA SIGVARDSSON HÖGBORG ANNA SIGVARDSSON PHOTO: BECOME OUR GUEST OF HONOUR Every year Göteborg Book Fair welcomes a guest country which presents its literature and culture at the Fair and gives it a new face. Ways to participate “Voices from…” A guest country at Göteborg GUEST OF HONOUR participation contributes to the establish- Book Fair can also partici- ment of international cultural relations and promotes cultural pate at a smaller scale with exchange, dialogue and tourism. This is an excellent oppor- the aim of raising interest in tunity to get to know new authorships from different parts its contemporary literature of the world and it is also a great opportunity for buying and and writers, promoting book selling rights. exports to the Nordic region, and vice versa. Larger scale OVER THE YEARS we have welcomed countries such as Brazil, participation is to be the the UK, the Netherlands and Flanders, Estonia, the entire Guest of Honour at the Fair, continent of Africa, and countries with the same language and smaller scale participa- such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland to mention a few. tion is to be a “Voices from country”. In recent years GÖTEBORG BOOK FAIR is one of the biggest book fairs in we’ve presented Voices from Europe and is the largest cultural event in the Nordic countries. Iceland, Catalonia, Ireland, It gives access to the Nordic market and provides a meeting Italy and Bangladesh. The place for publishers, literary agents, media, institutes, organi- “Voices from country” sations, writers and readers. 1,000 accredited journalists cover participates with a stand Göteborg Book Fair, generating approximately 7,000 articles, and a cultural program. TV and radio spots. It is the event with the largest media cover- age in Scandinavia. 6 Focal Themes The Book Fair puts focus on themes that are current in our time. In 2019, light is being shed on gender equality, one of today’s key social justice issues, as well as media and information literacy (MIL), the competence needed to navigate the information landscape. ILLUSTRATION: JISU CHOI JISU ILLUSTRATION: Media and information literacy (MIL) Gender equality SOCIETAL DEVELOPMENT HAS in recent decades been shaped THIS YEAR’S BOOK Fair helps invigorate the dialogue on by the vigorous expansion of digitisation. The flow of infor- gender equality in conjunction with the centennial for mation has fundamentally changed. Today, a large part of universal and equal suffrage in Sweden. both private and public discourse occurs through media. The gender gap has shrunk throughout the world for We are surrounded by media and messages, and we also quite some time now, but it is still a far way off before contribute to the flow. The internet and social media have the balance of power between the genders is completely arisen, giving everyone the opportunity to be publicists. levelled. 108 years at today’s pace, according to World This is why it is more important than ever that everyone Economic Forum. MeToo, the increasing online hate has the ability to absorb information, put it into context and towards women, and new debates on abortion rights show decide whether it is correct. Understanding the flow of news that gender equality must continuously be defended and and information is the core of democratic discourse. Being emphasised. Literature can help us with that. knowledgeable about media and information is today’s way of being generally knowledgeable. PARTICIPATING IN THE gender equality theme are, among others, the British authors Caitlin Moran and Helen THIS THEME IS presented in cooperation with Region Västra Pankhurst, great-granddaughter of the suffragettes. Other Götaland, the Swedish Teachers’ Union, the Swedish Library participating international authors, who in various ways high- Association, UR (Swedish Educational Broadcasting Com- light gender equality issues and inspire change, are Samar pany), the Swedish Media Council, and the Commission for Yazbek, Gemma Hartley, Kate Davies and Jamaica Kincaid.
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