Bihar Rural Roads Development Agency (An agency of Rural Works Department, Govt. of Bihar) LetterNo.BRRDA(HQ)cTSI.ry-803/2016-Part-38- L1l7 end. patna,Dared:- O\.Og-ZoLo Praveen Kumar Thakur Engineer-in-Chief-Cum- Additional C.E.O BRRDA, Bihar, Patna To, Branch Manager, ICICI Bank Limited, Boring Road Branch, Patna Sub. :- List of Authorized Signatories for operation of A./c No. 040401010714 of Bihar Rural Roads Development Agency, Patna (Gramin Tola Sampark Nischay Yojna hogramme Fund Account). Sir, Please find enclosed the list of authorized signatories (R.W.D Works Division Wise) who will jointly operate the above mentioned account. The up to date total withdrawal limit for the specified period with name of payees for R.W.D. Works Division has also been indicated respectively. Particulars Amount (Rs.) Rupees in words Previous limit of Withdrawal 18339086602.00 One Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Three Crore Ninety Lakh Eighty Six Thousand Six Hundred Two Only Increase in limit of Withdrawal 246669698.00 Twenty Four Crore Sixty Six Lakh Sixty Nine Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Eieht Only Decrease in limit of Withdrawal 0.00 Zero. Up to date limit of Withdrawal 185 85756300.00 One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Eight Crore Fifty Seven Lakh Fifty Six Thousand Three Hundred Only Encl : as above List of divisions. Yours faithfullv fu*,*tc^0* (Praveen Kumar Thakur) Engineer-in-Chief{um- Additional C.E.O BRRDA, Bihar, Patna Memo No. : BRRDA (HQ) GTSI.IY -80312016-Paft3S-+lPatna,Dated " O\. o 3 .2t) Lo Allotment is being released with the following conditions:: 1. Payment should not be made in the works which have adverse remarks by IE/PQI{/Any other authorized inspection officer or team till rectification and regrading. 2. Required three essential inspections in the schemes must be done within next two months. 3, Before making payment to the contractor, Executive Engineer must be satisfied with the quality of theconcemed work. EE must also ensure that there is no ATR pending in that scheme. 4. Allotments are strictly only for the work as per list enclosed 5. The total payment must not exceed the amount sanctioned. 6. All the concemed PIUs are directed to submit monthly accounts and utilization To BRRDA. 7. Diversion of Allotment is Strictly Prohibited. Copy to:- All C.Es., S.Es., Accounts Offrcers, Budget Officer, RWD,A.O BRRDA, IT Manager, R.W.D patna. Ex. Er._ Araria, Banoi, Belsand, Benipatti, Benipur, Bettiah, Bhabhua, Bhagalpur, Biraul, Chakia, Dalsinghsarai, Daudnagar, Dhaka, Forbesgani, Harnaut, Jainagar, Jamui, Katihar, Kishanga-n;_t, Kishanganj_2, Madhaura, Mahua, Masaurhi, Mahnar, Muzaffarpur West, Narkatiaganj, Nimchak Bathani, pakridayal, Paligani, Phulparas, pupri, Rajauli, no.."r, SI"n".o, Sheohar, Sherghati, Simri Bakhtiyarpur, Siwan-l, Siwan_2, Supaul, Teghra, Triveniganj , Udakishunganj, Virpur for information and necessary action. ;0*,.* @raveen Kumar Thakui;- ' $- c"/ woixS l.miTm - I UFtcd.t t timh ot L lot rvhidEyJ Dlelrlct lEt. En./o-A.o.l 1 2 I 5 li 1 I I 10 Md. Sh.lque X.r. AJ.y Iutn.r Mandal GopalXum.rs.h Ar.ri. Colslructlon PYt. t rd. S.ntosh XumarSh.Ft Sur.jmatl Connruction R.njcet Xum.r R.njan S.nJ€s Shukl. Arhl.h n nd X.l.rl.nd slnth 5rl Afiind Md. S..x.r ALm Rupc€. Twerttyfiye Cror. Sirty 1 xum.r/&hok 2ir9471154 r.lh S.vcn\()m Div. Ar.ria V.8, Bulldcon 550@ 0 2.ffi7115A 31.03.2020 Xumar rhour.nd On Hundr.d M/S l(om.lConnrudion Sixty Eght Only Am.n Ra, M/S Sathl Construdion E n lndi. Connruction Mdsh.lqu. R.r. Slnry lumar llh.lh l(um.r Md. tft lJlar.l.m T,A,S.R. Connr.dor m.Ltd M/S SurF Cart.tr'xtion l.r S.tr. S.inm Build.n hd.[rd. Md. Zaf.r Alem Ch.nd.n lum.r Slnth hdr. ghurh.n Y.d.v M/t Sury. Construdion M/S (onr.l CorBt Uction Gaynon. lntr. T.rh Pvt.ltd Tanmay Xumar Das Anll Xum.r gn3h Anlt Xum:rSin3h Shlv SatlConnruciion M/S ArF Ensin .nru R.i (um.r M€hr. rohnand Slngh Ashokf,unEr Anit Xunrar A3hl$ Xum.r Gupta Sh.rhlahushan Xum., Om Sai Conn uctlon Ah.r.t R.trn P.ndly D.S Co,lstru.tion & Compafly ,rr-- a,/ M/S Sathi Crrlstrudion Sn Arvind I'Jp.aa Sa{enryfhra. R.W.Dwo*s S.S Co6truction 2 AIada 72794949 Crore Tw.nv{inc Lald )iv. rorb6Fnj | 5t5Bm 7329,5749 |1.C}.2020 lumar Shaina Pr.m lfurn r onyliva Thousand Sevan lundEd Eorty t{in. Only Ar.r. St r Conshrtion Md Rd. ,{.m Rei6h (umar Dln 6h lh. Mthl16h Krmrr Suppll.B e Bullda! Connn.lion R.k6h no.h.n Sinlh Morh.rr.f tlay.t nahsh xum.r Aahirh lurlar Bh.r.ti An'rt lunrar Top tln Sa6i..a lumar H.rendr. xum.r Elshwat Sh.mbhutu.rsl4h ,k s.tF s.ir.m Bulld.6 hrLltd M/s T. P.ColEt^rtlon Unlbulh Cllrinrtlon Pv.Ltd Anu, Xishor! sinlh V,B. ,uildcon xoshl Constru.tion Pr.d.Gp xum.t Vllarh tunEr V!nn. lnItn trlcndra Xunur Prtal Fr.m sh.nLr Dhndi ln irflr.n O.lrllop.rs F l!rin ah lum.r M.nd.l l.lanlrh Xumar L l.llnll xumar F ium.d Vinl. HllIlndr. Pr.sad L l, Imlc3h ruIn r Slnth s,l rrruarrar Rup€6 Elclr€n Cmr! IUhll€.hu.r Sh.nn R.vrd.t/sd ThlrtyfiY. Lakh Forv{ill! lj 1qr972088 ,5Tr242 0 113s49330 31.03.2020 3 (l.horluIrl.rSi4h ThorE rd Thr.! Hundred d Div. D.udn.gar Purncth xum.r ll Il rty OnlY v'rn' ltd. iadm H.sml |] t w.n i.J Conrrructl On A.t Ltd L M/S Wo*t I M.lrdh EqlrErdttt M/5 R.x Coninxtion Traddlll CorBtn ctl,on ?Yl Lld M/S L.lshtL CoErru.tlor lit ndl. l(umar Md. Shoh.ll M.tl P.rv.tl Dlvi Oithtal Co6lru.rion Arvlnd xum.r AbtEy A*.ni Xrnt R.y M/5 Om Cor6truction c-w @-/ I R.h.h Xum.r 9nJry l(urnar Sh.rn M/S Xum.rTr.dtns Co. X.lsh.n Xurnrr ,h. Slpin (um.r 5d Rrm S.s.l nup.€. Fon €n CrorE 4 8€guraai M.nJu Dcyl sin3h /sri 878/14085 FonyEtht t.th Tw.lve Div.r.fhn 698t72 0 l44,t;2t,s7 31.08.2020 Dh.eal S.ur.bl ShFm Suid.r Xulll r Ihousand Elftn Hu.ar€d tlfty Sey.r OnV Arbind Xuh., S.nl.y Xum.r silrth Rrlesh ltum.r Slnth Ikanl R.y M/5 ,.i Thrkur 8.b. Connruction WS Pramod xum.rSinth It.vin Pa3ad Sin3h Rup€c5 One Cror! Sn Hndy.nand Gour.v s.3.r Tw.nrylwo L.kh 5 thaialpur M.hto Srl Anll rzr8912 Div. Bhrtalpur / l llo2lo 0 12Zl9t:U ThiM{in Il|oE nd On 31.(B.2020 ConstrucllY! Hundr€d ru.rfi ruo Only .arv lhr llpin (um.i P.th.k ,.yShenLrrhe Md. $dhir Rup€!. Four CroE Orrbhent tum.r/9i 6 ShtvTeo L.kh tlimtv iM Div. $$xn !l9tt0 0 ir529!r0s7 31.03.2020 Blnipur S.nFy xum.r Rlf.z Ahrh.d ,iousand ttfty Sgrln R.hl Only 9 orh xumar Jha Md. AnLur nthrlr.n lntekhabalem Mrnoi Xum.r Sinfh S.Y.v, connruction Pr,t.t td Bhin Y.d.v i.Yind.. &ni.r i.vi t j lunEr R.l ,lmid.rY.d.v Ashot Xum.r Th.kur R.m ah.rosh M.hto Zub.lrAh.md Ad.6h ltlrm.n Const. M/S Mithlh Erllcrprlles Bril bhr.nh.n SlnSh R.k .h lum.r rh.hr Pr.bh.t l(u r,h. ,.y Pr.k 3h gnlh 9nhv Rup€6 Eight en CroE Darbh.ng 7 s.l saniay DtErnEndrr 172!t3956 rorty L.kh Ethtyrwo Div. Bir.ul / Xumar Yed.v 1t948400 0 $40&3s5 31.03.2020 Xum.r R.hl Thou!.nd IhEe Hundrcd s.nto.h rum.r .lh. Fifty 5L Only Ard.Rh Iirm.n Cont. P.nLy XuIn r lh. AFy Xum.r Jh. i.j ium.r slrrEndra XunarS.h.ni S.nj.y ltum:r lhr R.m 5h.tarM.hto Rem Pr.r.d Srh R.tn Xumar Ch.udh.ry rt Subh.sh tum.rlh. Ran.n nd Slngh Ratn.sh Xufil.r Sinth Arjun slnth Dh.nrEndra Xum.r R.m.n ltu,n r Ch.udh.ry AniuItulur Srnt. Gir. Dcvl n Yl Pr.brh Rubl lumrri S.t rdr. Xum.r M/S Shlr. Ent rprls€. Rauthan Xlrmai Amlt Xum.r Suranda xsmar M/S 8.iang Constructlon M/5 trkshltr Const. Pr.rh.nt Sri M.noJ RuF.. Eght€€n Cror! xum.1/5rl rol.rtrr.ri lnf r.cors M.ttd 8 G.y. 182015745 ,54251fl Ihlrllfive L.th tltM{lnG OiY. 0 rBs5t252 3l.Ot.2020 Sh€[t!.ti P.nLi Kum.r Oifip rurn r Thousand Two Hundr.d $na Fifty rwo OnV Jit.ndra Kurnar M/S n.x CDrirt. Anll Kum.r Si.lth Dh.n ni.y l.l 6udl tum.n Ra16h Chaub.y Mithll..h Xumar Y.dav Sobh. Slnrh M/S Ma. Xom.li Construcilon. Alot luIn r R.i..v Xum.r bplld.o Pr.r.d Sudhir Xuh.r R.l lai xum:r Anil Xum.r Snn.Bhdu D6,i D?vandra luinar Awlnd (um.r (Arr.l) Sml.
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