LIST OF THE ISP LICENSES Nationwide-ISP Dated: 03-03-2021 Srl Name & Address of Licensee License Number & Period 1. Agni Systems Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(3) Agni/2008-01 45, Navana Tower, 11th floor, Suite-A, Dated: 18-06-2008 Gulshan Avenue,Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212. 2. Bangladesh Telecommunications BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide (6) BTCL/2008-02 Company Limited. Dated: 18-06-2008. Telejogajog Bhaban, 37/E, Eskaton Garden, Dhaka1000. 3. Link-3 Technologies Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(10) Link-3/2008-03 16th Floor, Bulu Ocean Tower, 40 Kemal Dated: 18-06-2008 Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213. 4. Square Informatix Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(16)Square /2003-06 “Square Centre”, 48, Mohakhali C/A, Dated: 18-06-2008. Dhaka-1212. 5. Ranks Telecom Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(47) Ranks Tel/2008-13 Red Crescent Borak Tower (Level- Dated: 18-06-2008 10),71-72 Old Elephant Road, Eskaton, Dhaka-1000. 6. Brac Net Limited. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(51) BRAC/2008-14 Plot-7/1, Block-A, Mohammadpur Dated: 18-06-2008. Housing Estate, P.O and P.S:- Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207. 7. X-Net Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(52) Suite # 1103, Concord Tower, 113 Kazi X-Net/ 2008-15 Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1000. Dated: 18-06-2008 8. Metro net Bangladesh Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(70) 12 Sonargoan Road, Sanartari Tower, 18th MetroNet/2008-17 Floor, Dhaka-1000 Dated: 18-06-2008 1 9. Alap Communication Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(74) Alap/2008-20 Suite#301, Concord Tower, Dated: 18-06-2008. 113 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Dhaka-1000 10. Information Services Network Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide (1)ISN /2008-22 TMC Building (4th floor), 52, New Dated: 18-06-2008 Eskaton Road, Dhaka-1000. 11. Innovative Online Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(48) IOL/2008-26 Jiban Bima Bhaban (5th Floor), 56 Dated: 28-10-2008. Agrabad C/A, Chittagong-4100. 12. Radiant Communications Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide (68) Radient/2008-27, Suit- A3-4 & D3-4, House-15, Road-17, Dated: 18-06-2008 Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka 13. Manor IT Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(46) Manor/2008-51 Level-5, Galleria Shopping and Dated: 19-06-2008. Apartment Complex, Zindabazar, Sylhet. 14. M/s. IDS Bangladesh BTRC/LL/ ISP-Nationwide(59)IDS/2008-35 42, Kemal Ataturk Avenue (Iqbal Centre) Dated: 19-06-2008 5th Floor, Banani, Dhaka-1213. 15. Asia Pacific Communication Ltd BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(56)Asia Pacific/2008-52 Siraj Tower (5th Floor), Ta-114/1, Bir Dated: 19-06-2008. Uttam AK Khandakar Road (Gulshan1-Badda Link Road), Middle Badda, Dhaka-1212. 16. HRC Technologies Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(44) HRC/2008-54. Kaderia Tower, 12th Floor, Ja-28/8/B Dated: 19-06-2008. Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka. 17. Daffodil Online Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(57) DOL/2008-58 64/3 Lake Circuse, Kalabagan, Dhaka- Dated: 19-06-2008. 1205. 2 18. M/s. Societe Internationale de BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(63) SITA/2008-60 Telecommunications Dated: 19-06-2008. Aeronautiques (SITA) Jiban Biam Tower (11th Floor), 10 Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000 19. Telnet Communication Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(66) Genetic Plaza, (2nd floor) Telnet/2008-62 House # 16, Shak Kamal Shoroni Dated: 19-06-2008. Road # 16, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209. 20. Sustainable Development Networking BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(2) SDNF/2008-63 Foundation (SDNF) Dated: 02-07-2008. Firoz Tower, 13th Floor, 152/3-B, Panthapath, Green Road, Dhaka. 21. Amber IT Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(75) dhakacom/2008-64 Navana Tower (7th floor), 45 Gulshan Dated: 02-07-2008. South C/A, Circle-1, Dhaka-1212. 22. BTS Communications (BD) Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(5)BTS/2008-66 Swapnil 4, Safeway Complex(3rd floor), Dated: 22-07-2008 Mirjajangal, Sylhet-3100. 23. Broad Band Telecom Services Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(54) Broad Band/2008-70. Ispahani Building (5th Floor), Sk. Mujib Dated: 18-08-2008 Road, Agrabad C/A, Chittaong-4100. 24. M/s. Nation Communication BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(83) 28/1/C, F-22 (1st floor), R.I. Nation/2008-74 Complex, Toynbee Circular Road, Dated: 11-08-2008 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000 . 25. AsiaTel Network Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(81) Dar-us-Salam Arcade, 14, Purana Paltan, AsiaTel/2008-75 Dhaka1000. Dated: 11-08-2008 26 Always On Network Bangladesh Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(38) AONBL/2008-76 House- CWN(B)-6, Road No-36, Dated: 25-09-2008. Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212. 3 27. Nreach-Net (Pvt.) Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(79)Nreach-Net/2008-77 Nitol Centre (14th Level), 71 Mohakhali Dated: 27-10-2008. C/A, Dhaka-1212. 28. Ranks ITT Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(13) RanksITT/2008-80 113-116 Old Airport Road, Tejgaon, Dated: 23-11-2008 Dhaka-1215. 29. Bijoy Online Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(82) Bijoy/2008-81 52, Gulshan South Avenue, Silver Tower Dated: 23-11-2008 (15th Floor), Gushan-1, Dhaka-1212 30. X-Link Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(84)XLink/2008-82 57/12 West Panthapath, Shonargaon Dated: 23-11-2008 Plaza, (4th floor), Dhaka-1215 31. Alo Communications Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(174) Alo/2013-157 45 Navana Tower, Flat-19/C, 19th Floor, Dated: 19-06-2008 Gulshan, Circle-1, Dhaka-1212. 32. Delta Software & Communication Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(175) DSC/2013-158 Basati Horizon, Suit No. 16/b, Plot No. 21, Dated: 19-06-2008 Road No. 17,Banani C/A, Dhaka- 1213. 33. Genuity Systems Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(58)Genuity/2008-34 Sruti Tower (4th Floor), Plot-8, Block- Dated: 19-06-2008 Ka, Main Road, Section-6, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216 34. Connect BD Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(35)Connect BD/2008-39 Akash Plaza House -21, Room-602, Dated:19-06-2008 Road-7/D, Sector-9,Uttara, Dhaka. 35. BDCOM Online Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(55)BDCOM/2008-50 Rangs Nilu square (5th floor),Sat masjid Dated: 19-06-2008 road,House-75, Road-5/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209 4 36. M/s. Dynamic Analojix BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(87) Dynamic/2009-86 Sylhet Millennium, Level-8, Zindabazar, Dated: 01-04-2009 Sylhet3100 37. Aftab IT Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(88) Aftab/2009-87 Eastern Trade Center (14th floor), 56 Dated: 01-04-2009 Purana Paltan Line, Dhaka-1000. 38. Tackyon Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(92)Tackyon/2009-88 Anchor Tower, 1/1(B) Sonargaon Road, Dated: 07-05-2009 Dhaka-1205 39. Digital Connectivity Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(93) Digital/2009-89 13 Topkhana Road (20/D Rupayan Dated: 20-05-2009 Lotus), Segun Bagicha, Dhaka-1000. 40. M/s. Intech Online Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(91) In-Tech/2009-91 3/1-H Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000. Dated: 24-05-2009 41. Data Edge Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(89) Data Edge/2009-92 Sadharan Bima Bhaban-2 (13th floor), Dated: 26-05-2009 139 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000. 42.. Akceycom Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide (80) Akceycom/2008-98 Batali Hills, Chittagong-4000, Bangladesh Dated: 30-06-2009 Mailing Address: 52, Silver Tower (3rd Floor), Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212. 43. Bangladesh Internet Exchange Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(100) BIEL/2008-100 House#.92, Road#.13/A, Block#.D, Dated: 05-08-2009 Banani, Dhaka-1213. 44. Communication One (Pvt.) Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(106) C.One/2009-101 170/A, Bara magh bazar, Outer circular Dated: 08-11-2009 Road,Dhaka-1217. Effective Period of License: (from 20/09/2009 to 19/09/2014) 5 45. Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited BTRC/LL/Nationwide(108) Registered Office Address: Beximco/2009-102 17 Dhanmondi R/A, Road # 2, Dhaka-1205 Dated: 11-11-2009 Effective Period of License: (from 01/09/2009 to 31/08/2014) 46. M/s. Comilla Online BTRC/LL/Nationwide(103) 333 Jhawtala (ground floor) Comilla/2009-103 Comilla-3500 Dated: 19-11-2009 47. M/s. Winer Communication BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(113) Winer/2009-109 Suite#.2 (11th floor), Eastern View, 50 Dated: 05-01-2010 DIT Extension Road, Dhaka-1000 48. M/s. InComIT Solution BTRC/LL/ ISP-Nationwide(136)InComIT/2010-126 52, New Eskaton Road, TMC Building Dated: 13-07-2010 (6th floor), Dhaka-1000. 49. Zip Net Limited BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(125) ZipNet/2010-118 56 Purana Paltan Line, Dated: 12-05-2010 Eastern Trade Centre(9th Floor), Dhaka. 50. Gram Bangla Systems Limited. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(102) Gram/2010-119 14th Floor, Grameen Bank Bhaban, Dated: 21-06-2010 Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216 51. Aamra Networks Limited. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(132) Aamra/2010-120 Safura Tower (12th floor), 20 Kemal Dated: 30-06-2010 Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka-1213. 52. IP Communications Ltd. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(131) IPComm/2010-121 3RD Floor, 44/9, Panthapath, North Dated: 13-07-2010 Dhanmondi, Dhaka. 53. M/s. BK-Online. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(126) BK/2010-123 47 Khanjahan Ali Road, Khulna-9100. Dated: 13-07-2010 6 54. ICON Infotech Limited. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(130) IconInfotech/2010- 56-57 Motijheel C/A, Shareef 125 Mansion(6th Floor), Dhaka-1000 Dated: 13-07-2010 55. M/s. InCommIT Solution. BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(136) InComIT/2010-126 52, New Eskaton Road, TMC Building Dated: 13-07-2010 (6th floor), Dhaka-1000. 56. University Grants Commission of BTRC/LL/ISP-Nationwide(135) UGCB/2010-127 Bangladesh. Agargaon, Dhaka-1207. Dated: 25-07-2010 57.
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