
public £lecWc;K, SMPP^I - GOVERNMENT OF INDIA I.llNISTRY OF WORKS. MINES AND POWER CENTRAL ELECTRICITY COMMISSION PUBLIC ELEGTRIGITY SUPPLY ALL INDIA STATISTICS 1947 PRIOTED IN INDIA FOR THE MANAGFR OF PUBLICATIONS DELHI BY THE MANAGER GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PRESS SIMLA 1949 CONTENTS Foreword iv Reneral Review V—xvU SECTION I—Annual Summary Tables for All-India, Provinces and States 1-10 Details o! Individual undertakings— feECTION II—Provinces 11 Part A—Undertakings in the Provinces generating power at their own stations 12—88 Part B—Undertakings in the Provinces obtaining lulk supplies and distributing power 67-90 SECTION III-Indian States 91 Part A—Undertakings in Indian States generating power at their own stations S2-130 Part B-Undertakings in Indian States obtaining bulk supplies and distributing power 131-138 Index—Alphabetical list of all to'.vns and villages in India havin? an electricity supply with releronces I) the nmler- 139—167 takings serving them. FOREWORD The statistics ielating vO Public Electiicity Supply in India (the Indian Dominion aftei paitition, in• cluding the Hyderabad State i tor the Calendar year 1947 are presented in this volume. During the year under leport, the country was partitioned, as a result ot which a certain number ol undertakings have gone to Pakistan. Since partition, a large number oi States have acceded to the Indian Dominion and cciuJn otliers have been re-grouped or amalgamated with the Indian Dominion. As this process has not re.icbcd a stage ol finality, the States hat^e been arranged rn this book in the same mannei as berore partition. It is, however, hoped that in the next volume or this book, it will be possible to rearrange them in line with the n* w set-up. The General arrangement of the statistical tables closely follows the previous volume, but the following additional features have been included in this book : 1. In undertakings which generate and/or sell energy both as A.C. and D.C., separate data have been shown for A.C. and D.C. 2. Data in respect of connected load have been included under three major groups, in the provinces, States and All India (Table XIX of the General Review). 3. Both the consumer and connected load data have been classified in terms of A.C. and D.C, (Tables XVIII and XIX). A Power Map cf India showing the location or the existing major generaiing siaiions is placed Immediately after this foreword. A list or towns ani villages where an electricity supply was available at ihe end of 1947 is given in the form ot an index. Thanks arc due to the Public Electricity Supply Jndert?king5 for their splendid co-opeiation, with• out which it would not have bosn possible to compils this publication. tvary eflori has b3?n mado to ensure tho accuracy oi the intofmaiion presented heiem, but it is to be notel that the Government of India cannot accepi responsibility fox errois or omissions. Central Electricity Commisiicr, N. N. lENGAJ?. Simla, October, 191'^. C i;.i5n}3r. 7^' SHOWING THE PUBLIC ELECTRICITY SUPPLY POWER STATIONS OF 1000 kW, a ABOVE AND MAIN TRANSMISSION LINES REFERENCE • STEAM POWER STATIONS OIL POWER STATIONS • HYDRO POWER STATIONS •— MAIN THANSMISSION LINES. The Indo P»k.u»n boyf%d»ry iSo-r. on this m»p hai foi re» ^«en d«m»rcjted ii in inter boundir^ the jlijnmeni, therefore is ID *>e rejjrtJed » ipproM.rY>»te >nd n -wt juihor.tit.ve CEHTIWi. ELECTmclTYOCMMISSIOH, SIMU Printed u the Surver o' l"d.» Oflirei H L O J Re| No 2884 HE 48- 1750 GENERAL REVIEW (V) GENERAL REVIEW During the year 1947, the public electricity supply urdertakirgs in Irdia* recorded a fair increfse lo.h in respect of the total istalled capacity of generating plant ard .he to.al kWh generated in spite of .he dis.v.rl€d cordiviors prevailing in various pari* f the country. There wf.;! a marked increase in the sale of electriciy for ligh:ing, hea.irig ard cooking, irrigation, water-works nd electric traction over the previoiis year ; but the energy constmtd by industrial concerrs showed only a very slight increase. The following important imtallations of electrical plant were brought into commission during the year. (1) New Water Wheel Generators-the first 12,000 kW set of the Jog Hydro Electric Project of. he Mysore Goveiiiment— this is the first of four generating units of 12,000 kW each to be installed in the fiis; stage of .his scheme. (2) New Turbo Alternators One 15,000 kW set at the ' B ' Power Station at ALmedalad, one 4,000 kW set at Jubbulpore and one 3,000 kW set at Bezwada, (3) New Boilers—Two of 105,000 lbs. per hour at the ' B ' Power Station at Ahmedabad. AUTHORISED UNDERTAKINGS The year 1947 marked the taking over by Government of a number of Company-operated undertakings. The Cawnrore Electric Hipply Corporation and the Azsmgarh Electric Supply Ccmpany in the U.P., the Madras Electric Supply Corporation in Madras and tie Barrackpore Electric Supply Company in West Bengal, were taken over by the respective Provincial Goverr.menis, while the ftimbay Electric Supply & Tramways Co. was acquired by the Bombay Municipahty. The Delhi Electric Supply and Tramways Co. was also taken overly the State and its management W£s entrusted to theDe;hi Central Electric Power Autlioriiy. The Securderabad fltotribution i'.ystem opera cd by Messrs. British Insulated Callendar's Cables Ltd., came ui:der .he Hyderabad City Undertaking rated by H.E.H. The Nizam s Government. The electricity supply statistics for the year ending December, 1947, relate to 465 authorised urderttkirjs. covering practically public electricity liupply urdertakirgs in Irdia wi.h the prolalle exception of a few very fmall cms. Ircm which noslatistical urns were received. Two now undertpkirgn, viz.. TheDakor-I'mrethElectric Srppty Co. -n EtmUy irdThe Vj'araKanpira ESfectric Supply Co. in Baroda S.ate ccn.menccd operation during the year. The Gordal Siac Goveirmtn, Urdertakirg serving Eftoraji town restarted supply af .er six year'. of Rjoppage. Six undertakings which are rot new ores, ccamtr.ced serding statistical ^urns from 1947 to the office of the Electrical Ccmmissioner (now the Central Electricity Ccmmissicn). I Of the 465 authori.5ed undertakings, 209 are located in the Provinces ard 156 in the Stacs. In ihecf seof 340 urderiakings, liiver supply is derived from their ovra generating stations ard the remaining 125 undertEkirgs ottain lu;k rupply mcst^y frcm liter public utility power stations. Table I below gives a break-down of the authorised urdenakirf i;;n Irdia, tcccrdirg to owner- TABLE I 0«ncrship Xvimbc! of iniil'-rtakinj^s in the Indian J)omi)iion, Jndertakings owntng generating stations (i) STATE OWNED ^ Government ..... 97 Municipalities ..... 14 (ii) COMPANIES . 229 TOTAL 340t Jndertakings receiving bulk supply (i) STATE OWNED : - Government ..... 10 Municipalities ..... 40 (ii) COMPANIES 75 TOTAL 125 GRAND TOTAL 465 *Refeis to the Indi: n Dominion after partition including Hyderabad State. tA'ote22 of these TmdeitakiBgs (10 opeirted by Go-jenuretts and 12 operated bj ComfaDies) also purchase a part of ttcir povrer in bmk, in) The 340 andartakinga referred to in tha'alwve Table owa and oparaie 370 iadividoal power stations, ol which 63 ate steam power itatloaj, 274 aT3 oil powar siationa and 33 are hydro power stations. Table II b3!ow gives the installed capacities ol sieam, oil and hydro power plants in India and the kWh produced by each gro;;; inring 1947 togaiher with the increase over 1946 TABLE II INSTALLED CAPACITY OP GENERATORS GENERATIO>f Typo of P'.)« er Plant Increase in Increase in As at Percentage 1947 as kWli Percentage 1947 as 31-12-1947 of total compared generated of total compared wi' with 1946* 1947 • 194t5* 0.' o/ kW /O /o Millions /o % Steam 757,457 55.56 -f4.45 1,733.080 42-57 -f2.r Oil 97,679 7-17 +6-27 144-802 3-55 -f9.5 Hydro 508,129 37.27 -f4-89 2,194.536 53-88 +5- ) TOTAL 1,363,265 100 00 -f4.74 4,073-318 100-00 +4-7 *Tbe comiurison is in relation to the data for the electric supply undertakings which were operating during 1946 in the territory now covered t the Indian Dominion (including Hyderabad). TabI) HI b3bw :4ive3 the break-down of the inaialled capacity of and ihe electricity production by sieam, oil and hydro pove plants in :-3:nVj ot ownership : - TABLE III INSTALLED CAPACITY OF GENERATION GENERATORS Number of Type oi Power Plant and Ownerghip undertakings owning As at Percentage kWh Percentage generating 31-12-47 of grand generated of grand stations total in 1947 total kW io Millions % ' STEAM-- (i) STATE OWNED— (:',• Goveniuient 19 187,238 13-73 396-282 9-71 (b' Mu'.iicipsHties ....... 1 240 0-02 1-062 0-c; (ii) COMPANIES 36 569,979 41-81 1,336-636 32-81 TOTAL FOB STEAM PLAWT 56 I 757,457 55-56 1,733-980 42-5 • OIL (i) STATE OWNED- 13' Govi'rn;ni>nt ....... 68 30,245 2-22 37-756 0-9S (bi Miuiieipalities ....... 9 4,795 0-35 e-625 0-16 (ii) COMPANIES 190 62.639 4-60 100-421 2-40 TOTAL FOR OIL PLANT 265 97,679 7-17 144-802 3-55 HYDRO (il S"\TE OWNED - (a C'Ovtfin'.n:ut 12 269,629 19-78 1,041-906 25-5i [\, MuincipaUues ....... 4 7,510 0-55 23.190 0-5 (ii) COMPANIES 3 230,990 16-94 1,129-440 27-7C.
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