ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN CRAIOVA ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA ANNALES DE L'UNIVERSITÉ DE CRAIOVA Series PSYCHOLOGY PEDAGOGY AN - V, 2006, nr. 13 – 14 ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN CRAIOVA ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA ANNALES DE L'UNIVERSITÉ DE CRAIOVA SERIES: PSYCHOLOGY, PEDAGOGY BIANNUAL PUBLICATION, EDITED BY THE TEACHING STAFF TRAINING DEPARTMENT YEAR V, 2006, NO.13-14 REVIEWERS Professor ION DUMITRU, Ph.D. (The West University) Professor ELENA JOIŢA, Ph.D. (The University of Craiova) EDITORIAL BOARD: Professor JOSÉ WOLFS, Ph.D. (L’Université Libre de Bruxelles) Professor ION DUMITRU, Ph.D. (The West University, Timişoara) Professor MIRON IONESCU, Ph.D. (Babeş Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca) Professor ELENA JOIŢA, Ph.D. (The University of Craiova) Professor ION NEACŞU, Ph.D. (The University of Bucharest) Professor DAN POTOLEA, Ph.D. (The University of Bucharest) Reader VIOREL IONEL, Ph.D. (The University of Craiova) EDITORS: Reader ROMULUS CRĂCIUNESCU, Ph.D. Reader IRINA MACIUC, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer VALI ILIE, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer AUREL PERA, Ph.D. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Senior Lecturer CORNELIU NOVAC, Ph.D. EDITORIAL SECRETARY: Informatician CORNELIA BOBOILĂ This volume was approved by CNCSIS code: 35 ISSN 1582 – 313X UNIVERSITARIA PUBLISHING HOUSE, CRAIOVA ____________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS OF THE EDITORIAL OFFICE: THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA TEACHING STAFF TRAINING DEPARTMENT 13, Al. I. Cuza Street Craiova, Dolj, Postal code 200585 Telephone (040)251416574 / 4203, (040)251422567 Web: http://cis01.central.ucv.ro/DPPD E - mail: dppd@central.ucv.ro Authors are fully responsible for both content and translation of texts. SUMMARY THEORETICAL APPROACHES – NEW INTERPRETATIONS IONESCU MIRON The need for an adequate metrics for educational sciences…………………… 5 ILIE VALI New looks in the teaching theory and practice………………………………... 17 POPESCU ALEXANDRINA MIHAELA Styles of leadership in schools. Typologies and criteria of assessing their efficacy………………………………………………………………………… 30 ŞTEFAN MIHAELA AURELIA Strategies of self instruction – tendencies and orientations……...……………. 45 BUNĂIAŞU CLAUDIU MARIAN The curriculum management – considerations on institutional methodological approaches and demarches……………………………………………………. 53 EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE – NEW INTERPRETATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES MACIUC IRINA Teaching religion: problems, dynamics, perspectives………………..……….. 67 DINULESCU CONSTANŢIU Modern typical strategies in teaching, learning and evaluation of history……. 77 GRIGOROIU GABRIELA Self-as-teacher: the choice of a professional identity…………………………. 87 PERA AUREL The signification of logical operations in educational practice……………….. 94 MOGONEA FLORENTINA The implications of metacognition in the process of self-evaluation…………. 106 RESEARCH LABORATORY AVRAM EUGEN, ARMAŞ IULIANA Using students as operators for field inquires – advantages and limits.............. 112 NOVAC CORNELIU Behavioral disorders in intellectual handicaps-psycho-therapeutical implications……………………………………………………………………. 121 PERA AUREL The optimization of cognitive structures and the logical and psychological hierarchy of the learning process……………………………………………… 126 FRĂSINEANU ECATERINA SARAH An optimizer of the self-management of the learning at the university level – preliminary results…………………………………………………………….. 138 MOGONEA FLORENTIN-REMUS Conditions and strategies of preventing the emergence of learning difficulties. 147 MOROŞANU BELA Self, shame and culpability at children argument……………………………... 156 COMPUTER ASSISTED TEACHING AT PRESENT BOBOILĂ CRISTEA The motivation of the students concerning the learning given the tic’ s……….. 161 CATALANO CONSTANTINA Computer assisted learning. considerations and methodology…………………. 175 THE HISTORY AND COMPARATIVE PEDAGOGY TEACHER TRAINING LĂSCUŞ VOICU Ioan Popasu, the founder of romanian orthodox highschool in Braşov…….…. 184 BOOKS AND IDEAS NOVAC CORNELIU The generative character of the constructivist paradigm in the initial formation of teachers………………………………………………………….. 193 MOGONEA FLORENTINA, MOGONEA FLORENTIN-REMUS The pedagogy of the III-rd millenium: questions, ideas, hypotheses, and solutions……………………………………………………………………….. 197 TO THE AUTHORS.......................................................................................... 200 INFORMATIVE THEMES................................................................................ 201 ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA, Psychology-Pedagogy, an-V, 2006, nr. 13 – 14 THEORETICAL APPROACHES – NEW INTERPRETATIONS THE NEED FOR AN ADEQUATE METRICS FOR EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES Professor Miron Ionescu, PhD University Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca 1. The approached issue Founding pedagogy as a science, its scientific development and passing from fundamental science of education to educational sciences system leads to the creation of a modern vision regarding this science. We define today, pedagogy as a specific science to synthesize the education and we speak in consensus about pedagogy’s unity as a science. Pedagogy’s dual state – science and art for education - is today unanimous recognised and valued in theoretical plan for theory and in educational practice. If our specialist’s points of view were always concurrent regarding art state of education, science state of education was subject for controversies. Founding pedagogy as science followed by the general range of sciences continuing general route for sciences development, determined by progressive accumulations for practical educational acquisitions and by elaborations, conceptualizations and generalisations realised also in theoretical plan. Further, the pedagogy developed through offset, in many disciplinary axes and more theoretical and practical disciplines studying permanent development for human personality. This discipline is constituted today in educational sciences system, an open system made by sciences contributing to detailed and complex knowledge of educational phenomena in an intra, inter or trans disciplinary manner. Because we talk about an open system, we can always find branches and enumerate and classify the already defined branches; we know many branches, based on different criteria. 6 Specialists’ systematic studies of educational sciences regarding pedagogy as science: • Passing from pedagogic reflection realised in Antiquity to the institutionalisation of education proposed by Plato • Creation process, to develop and consolidate classic empiric pedagogy, started in XV-XVI centuries, and ended in XIXth centuries, • The tendencies to modernize the pedagogy were realised by pedagogic trends appeared at the end of XIX centuries until the beginning of XX centuries, • Scientific development of pedagogy and its transformation from educational fundamental science to educational sciences system, due to pedagogic research development and other sciences too, the practical acquisitions from education field lead to create a vision on pedagogy as a whole, considered by the professor from Iasi, George Văideanu, as „specific science and education synthesis”. So, the acquisitions from education theory and practice demonstrated contemporary pedagogy unity as science. General preoccupation to create an educational science, a scientific pedagogy, had a main role in thinking priorities and educational practices both at macro and at micro level. So, pedagogy’s evolution in time was extremely significant, passing from an unsure pedagogical thinking to an authentic scientific pedagogy, this emphasises objective knowledge of phenomena and educational processes which formulates truths, norms, rules, predictions. Nowadays, pedagogy has the following three dimensions correlated with theoretic and descriptive sciences – because it has the duty to treat the real thing, normative science – because it has the duty to deal with what should be the ideal and action technique – which has to deal with practical realisation. So pedagogy’s tasks are: the descriptive task, the normative-prescriptive task and the practical task. Pedagogy’s dimensions and functions were made in a complex process to give it a scientific dimension, a special attention to assure the assignment of an adequate metrics for its study domain, of an adequate system to quantify and to measure educational aspects. In speciality literature, we make the distinction between the two actions considered sometimes superposed, but in a wrong manner (see T.Rotariu, 1994). So, the quantification at a theoretic and methodological level, represents the accentuation of quantitative aspect and of concrete forms of indications in which it manifests and can be perceived; the measuring is the operation which attaches different characteristics, facts, real numbers and so on; taking into consideration the level or the intensity of the evaluated aspect, measuring – numbering intensity expression of the given aspect. The quantifications and the measurement of educational aspects realised with the support of mathematical and statistical device are at the base of pedagogy metrics. The science is dealing with aspects from pedagogy measuring: identifies quantifiable educational aspects, elaborates techniques, instruments and measuring scales, in order to appreciate the degree of precision and so on., for an objective 7 assessment of educational phenomena, named pedagogical metrology (in Greek language „metron” means „measure” and „logos” – „science”). „Didactic metrics” term was proposed with a similar sense. Some authors consider the term restrictive and a
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