_______________________________MacCormac College_____________________________ MACCORMAC COLLEGE E-catalog 2013-14 Academic Year Updated February 2014 Volume 110 DOWNTOWN CHICAGO 29 E. Madison Street Chicago, IL 60602-4405 Phone: (312) 922-1884 Fax: (312) 922-4286 http://www.maccormac.edu COLLEGE VISITING HOURS Contact the Office of Admissions for campus visitations. Appointments for academic advising and financial aid counseling also are available. (312) 922-1884 MacCormac College is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, a commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools _______________________________e-catalog 2013-2014____________________________1 _______________________________MacCormac College_____________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Academic Calendar 5 Academic Dishonesty 36, 37 Academic Information 20 Academic Standards 24 Academic Probation and Suspension 27 Accreditation 1, 4, 11 Adding Courses 23 Adjunct Faculty 92 Administrative and Student Services Staff 90 Admission Requirements 13-14 Advising 20 Alcohol Policy 36 AP Credit 22 Approvals 11 Associate Degrees 47 Attendance 21 Auditing 21 Board of Trustees 90 Bookstore 18 Business Administration 48-49 Cancellations 23 Career Services 12 Children in Class 38 CLEP Credit 22 Code of Ethics, MacCormac College Administration 84 College Visiting Hours 1 Competencies 8 Course Descriptions 61-81 Course Overload 25 Court Reporting Program 50-51 Credit by Examination 21 Criminal Justice Program 52-53 Dean’s List 26 Directions 82 Disclaimer for Academic Programs 46 Disruptive Behavior 35 Diversity Statement 32 Dropping Courses 23 Drug Policy 35 Emergency 31 Employment for Students 12 Entrepreneurial Studies Program 54-55 Executive Officers 90 _______________________________e-catalog 2013-2014____________________________2 _______________________________MacCormac College_____________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Faculty (Full-time) 91 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 24 Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) 15 Federal Pell Grant 15 Federal Parent Plus Loan 17 Federal Perkins Loan 17 Federal Student Loan/Direct Loan Program 16 Federal Work-Study Program 17 Final Grades 26 Financial Aid Appeal 17 Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress 17 Financial Assistance 15 Founders Scholarship 19 Gambling Policy 36 General Education 43-45 Grade Appeals 26 Grade Reports 26 Grading Policies 26 Grading System 25 Graduation 31 Grants 15 Grievance Procedure 33-34 History 9-10 Illinois Articulation Initiative 46 Incompletes 29 Independent Study 21 Institutional Memberships 11 Internship 86-89 Library 39-40 Loans 16-17 MacCormac Honor Scholarship 18 Medical Leave Policy 24 Medical Office Technology Program 56-57 Military Friendly Institution 22 Mission Statement 7 Monetary Award Program (MAP) 16 Non-Discrimination 32-33 _______________________________e-catalog 2013-2014____________________________3 _______________________________MacCormac College_____________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Paralegal Club 39 Paralegal Studies 58-60 Parking 82 Phi Theta Kappa 39 President’s List 26 Probation 27 Refund Policy 29-30 Registration 20 Repeating Courses 29 Resource Policy 37 Scholarships 18 Sexual Harassment Policy 38-39 Student Government Association 39 Student Code of Conduct 34-35 Student Family Scholarship 18 Student Loan Code of Conduct 83 Students with Disabilities 32 Suspension 26, 33 Textbooks 18 Threat to Safety 35 Transcripts 41 Transfer Articulation Agreements 42 Transfer of Legal Specialty Credits 22 Transfer Credit from MacCormac College 31 Transfer Credit to MacCormac College 22 Transfer Scholarship 18 Tuition 93 Values Statement 7 Vision Statement 7 Voter Registration Day 85 Withdrawal from a Course 23 Withdrawal from the College 28 MacCormac College is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, a commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 30 N. La Salle Street Suite 2400 Chicago, Il 60602-2504 800-621-7740 e-mail: [email protected] _______________________________e-catalog 2013-2014____________________________4 _______________________________MacCormac College_____________________________ MacCormac College Academic Calendar 2013-2015 MacCormac College reserves the right to change the Academic Calendar without notice Fall Semester (15 Week) 2013-2014 2014-2015 Student Registration Week M-F August 26-30 M-F August 25-29 New Student Orientation (Mandatory) Tu August 27th Tu August 26th Faculty Orientation W August 28th W August 27th Labor Day Holiday (College Closed) M September 2nd M September 1st Day and Evening Classes Begin Tu September 3rd Tu September 2nd Late Registration Week T-W September 3-11 T-W September 2-10 Last Day to Register and Drop/Add Classes by 5 pm W September 11th W September 10th Late New Student Orientation (Mandatory) Th September 12th Th September 11th Midterm Week M-F October 28-Nov 1 M-F October 27-31 Midterm Grades Tu November 5th Tu November 4th Last Day to Withdraw with a "W" grade W November 6th W November 5th Thanksgiving Holiday (College Closed) Th-F November 28-29 Th-F November 27-28 Finals Week W-Tu December 11-17 W-Tu December 10-16 Last Day of Fall Classes Tu December 17th Tu December 16th Final Grades Th December 19th Th December 18th Spring Semester (15 Week) 2013-2014 2014-2015 Student Registration Week M-F January 6-10 M-F January 5-9 New Student Orientation (Mandatory) W January 8th W January 7th Faculty Orientation Th January 9th Th January 8th Day and Evening Classes Begin M January 13th M January 12th Late Registration Week M-W January 13-22 M-W January 12-16 Martin Luther King Holiday (College Closed) M January 20th M January 19th Last Day to Register and Drop/Add Classes by 5 pm W January 22nd W January 21st Late New Student Orientation (Mandatory) Th January 23rd Th January 22nd President's Day Holiday (College Closed) M February 17th M February 16th Midterm Week M-F March 10-14 M-F March 9-13 Midterm Grades W March 19th W March 18th Last Day to Withdraw with a "W" grade M March 24th M March 23rd Spring Break M-F March 24-28 M-F March 23-27 Last Day of Spring Classes M May 5th M May 4th Finals Week T-M April 29-May 5 T-M April 28-May 4 Final Grades W May 7th W May 6th Commencement F May 9th F May 8th Summer Semester (12 Week) 2013-2014 2014-2015 Student Registration Week M-F May 12-16 M-F May 11-15 New Student Orientation (Mandatory) W May 14th W May 13th Faculty Orientation Th May 15th Th May 14th Day and Evening Classes Begin M May 19th M May 18th Late Registration Week M-W May 19-28 M-W May 18-28 Memorial Day Holiday (College Closed) M May 26th M May 25th Last Day to Register and Drop/Add Classes by 5 pm W May 28th W May 27th Late New Student Orientation (Mandatory) Th May 29th Th May 28th Midterm Week F-Th June27-July 3 F-Th June 26-July 2 Midterm Grades Tu July 8th Tu July 7th Independence Day Holiday (College Closed) F July 4th F July 3rd Last Day to Withdraw with a "W" grade W July 9nd W July 8th Last day of Summer Classes M August 11th M August 10th Finals Week T-M August 5-11 T-M August 4-10 Final Grades Th August 14th Th August 13th _______________________________e-catalog 2013-2014____________________________5 _______________________________MacCormac College_____________________________ MACCORMAC COLLEGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO AMEND, CORRECT, OR CHANGE THE 2013-14 E-CATALOG AT ANY TIME MacCormac College reserves the right to change, without notice, any statement in this catalog concerning, but not limited to, rules, policies, tuition, fees, curricula, and courses. MacCormac College reserves the right to add or delete courses in a program or to modify the sequence of any program when enrollment, staffing, or curriculum development so dictate. MacCormac College reserves the right to modify the published schedule of any program of study at any time that enrollment, personnel, or facilities so dictate. The 2013-14 e-catalog is not intended to be a complete summary of all of MacCormac College’s policies and procedures. All programs of study at MacCormac College are under continual review and subject to change. Students currently enrolled at MacCormac College who began taking classes under previous college catalogs are ‘grandfathered’ under the catalog that existed at time of enrollment. Students who enroll at MacCormac College for the first time beginning Fall Semester 2013 will be governed by the 2013-14 e-catalog and new program curriculum requirements, regardless of application or admission date. Students who return to MacCormac College within a two-year period, and stay in the same degree program as when they left, may complete either the program requirements from the catalog of the year they began at MacCormac College or the catalog in effect when they re-enter. Students who wish to remain with the MacCormac College program requirements from the original date of entry are subject to any changes. MacCormac College reserves the right to eliminate, alter, or modify any of the rules, regulations, policies or procedures relating to the relationship of students to the College, it being understood by the students that said rules, regulations, policies and procedures do not constitute a contract between the College and any student but rather constitute a statement of the College as to the manner in which the College administers its programs at any given time, subject to change without notice at the sole discretion of the College at any time and from time to time. _______________________________e-catalog 2013-2014____________________________6 _______________________________MacCormac College_____________________________ MISSION DOCUMENTS The statement of Mission, Vision and Values was adopted by the Board of Trustees of MacCormac College on November 10, 2011. MacCormac College Mission: MacCormac College is a private institution whose mission is to provide a transformative educational experience to its diverse student body in an environment that encourages, empowers, and nurtures students and promotes learning. Our comprehensive academic programs challenge students to excel in their academic and career pursuits and prepare students to be lifelong learners and responsible citizens in a global society.
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