Corrosion Resistance of Nickel and Nickel- Containing Alloys in Caustic Soda and Other Alkalies (Ceb-2)

Corrosion Resistance of Nickel and Nickel- Containing Alloys in Caustic Soda and Other Alkalies (Ceb-2)

CORROSION RESISTANCE OF NICKEL AND NICKEL- CONTAINING ALLOYS IN CAUSTIC SODA AND OTHER ALKALIES (CEB-2) A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE USE OF NICKEL-CONTAINING ALLOYS NO 281 Distributed by Produced by NICKEL INCO INSTITUTE CORROSION RESISTANCE OF NICKEL AND NICKEL-CONTAINING ALLOYS IN CAUSTIC SODA AND OTHER ALKALIES (CEB-2) A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE USE OF NICKEL-CONTAINING ALLOYS NO 281 Originally, this handbook was published in 1973 by INCO, The International Nickel Company, Inc. Today this company is part of Vale S.A. The Nickel Institute republished the handbook in 2020. Despite the age of this publication the information herein is considered to be generally valid. Material presented in the handbook has been prepared for the general information of the reader and should not be used or relied on for specific applications without first securing competent advice. The Nickel Institute, the American Iron and Steel Institute, their members, staff and consultants do not represent or warrant its suitability for any general or specific use and assume no liability or responsibility of any kind in connection with the information herein. Nickel Institute [email protected] Table of Contents Page PART I. INTRODUCTION 3 PART II. CORROSION BY CAUSTIC SODA........................... 4 A. Nickel .................................... _ . 4 1. Effect of Concentration, Temperature and Carbon Content ...... _ . 4 2. Effect of Velocity ............... _ ... __ ..................... _ 6 3. Effect of Aeration .•......................................... 6 4. Effect of System Thermal Gradients .............................. 7 5. Effect of Impurities .,. _................. _ ............ _ . 7 6. Effect of Stress ............................................. 8 7. Effect of Dissimilar Metal Contact .. _ ...... _ ...... _ ............. '. 8 8. Cathodic Protection. 9 B. Nickel-Chromium Alloys (Alloy 600) .. _ . 9 C. Nickel·Copper Alloys (Alloy 400, Alloy K-500) ....................... _. 10 D. Copper-Nickel Alloys .... _ ...... _ ............. ___ ............ _ ., 11 Copper-Nickel Alloy CA 706 (90-10) Copper-Nickel Alloy CA 710 (80-20) Copper-Nickel Alloy CA 715 (70-30) E. Iron-Nickel-Chromium Alloys (Alloy BOO) ......... _ .............. _ . .. 13 f. Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steels (AISI 300 Series) . .. 13 G. Iron-Base Nickel·Chromium...copper-MoJybdenum AHoys and Nickel-Base Chro- mium...copper-Molybdenum Alloys .......... _ ....... __ ............. , 15 {Alloy 825. CARPENTER 20Cb-3, HASTELlOY alloy G and cast ACt CN-7M alloys} H. Nickel-Base Molybdenum or Molybdenum·Chromium-lron Alloys. 16 (HASTElLOY alloy C-276, Alloy 625. HASTEllOY alloy B) I. Cast Irons and Ni-Resists .... _ . _ .... __ .. __ . __ . 17 PART m. CORROSON BY OTHER ALKAliES.. ............... .... .... 19 A. Caustic Potash (KOH) . .. 19 B. Ammonia and Ammonium Hydroxide ............................... 20 C. Other Alkaline Solutions of Sodium and Potassium Salts ................ 22 PART IV. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS. ... .... ............... ...... 24 A. Caustic Soda Manufacture . .. 24 B. Caustic Potash Manufacture ..................................... 28 C. Caustic Soda Storage and Transportation .......................... ". 28 D. Soap Manufacture ....................... _ ......... _ . .. 30 E. Pulp and Paper Industry ...... __ ............... _ .. _ . ... 32 1_ Digesters _............................................ ... 32 2. liquor Heaters ............................................. 33 3. Black liquor Evaporators .................. _ . 34 4. Recausticizing ............................................. 34 f. Aluminum Industry. .. 35 G. Caustic fusions . .. 35 H. Petroleum Refining ............ _ .............. _ . _ . .. 36 I. Caustic DescaJing . _ . _ .................... _ . 37 J_ Reclaiming Caustic for Economy and Pollution Control. 37 PART V. WELDING ............. __ ..... _ . 38 A. fabrication of Nickel·Clad Equipment .. _ ..................... " 38. B. Repair of Equipment in Caustic Service ......... _ ...... _ . .. 39 References .......... _ ......................................... ' 40 Trademarks ..................................... ... Inside back cover Table I Nominal Compositions of Nickel Alloys in Use or Corrosion Tested in Caustic Solutions Composition. % M;aterial Hi Fe Cr Mo Cu C Si Mn Otber WROUGHT MATERIALS Nickel Hickel 200 99.5 0.15 - 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.25 - Hickel20t 99.5 0.15 - - 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.20 - DURAH.CKEL· alloy 30t 94.0 0.15 - - 0.15 0.55 0.25 0.25 AI 4.5; Ii 0.5 Nickel-Chromium Alloys .HCOHEL· alloy 600 16.0 7.2 15.8 - 0.10 0.04 0.20 0.20 - H.MONtC· alloy 75 71.4 0.5 20.5 - - 0.10 - - Ii 0.l5; AI 0.15 Nickel-Copper Alloys MONU· alloy 400 66.0 1.35 - - ll.5 0.12 0.15 0.90 - MON£!.,• al'lI1 K.SO!!:. 65.0 leO - - 29.5 0.15 0.15 0.60 AI 2.8: Ti 0.5 Copper-NiCkel Alloys Copper-Nkke:1 allo, CA 706 10.0 1.25 - - 88.0 - - 0.3 Pb 0.05 max; In 1.0 rna. Copper·Nickel alloy CA 710 20.0 0.75 - - 78.0 - - 0.4 Pb 0.05 rna.; Zn 1.0 max Coppef·Nlekel alloy cA 715 30.0 0.55 - - 61.0 - - 0.5 Pb 0.05 max; In 1.0 max Iron·Nickel-Chromium Alloys 'NCOLO"- alloy 800' 32.0 46.0 20.5 - 0.30 O.M 0.35 0.75 - Stainless Steels AISI Type :202 5.0 67.0 18.0 - - 0.15ma. 1.0 max 8.1 N 0.25 max AISI Type 31)2 9.0 70.5 18.0 - - 0.15 max 0.5 1.5 - AI5ITy,•. 304 9.5 70.0 18.0 - - 0J)8 max 0.5 1.5 - AISI TYlle 304l 10.0 69.0 18.0 - - 0.03 max 0.5 1.3 - AISI tYPe 316 13.0 65.0 17.0 2.0mi.. - O.OS max 0.5 1.7 AISI tJllO 316l 13.0 65.0 17.0 2.0 min - 0.03 max 0.5 1.8 - AISI Type 309 13.5 60.5 23.0 - - 0.20 malt 1.0 max 2.0m3X - AISI Type 310 20.0 52.0 25.0 - - 0.25mn 1.0 max 2.0ma. - AISI Type 330 35.0 41.0 1.5.1) - - 0.25 rna. 1.0 rna. 2.0 mal - AISI Type 347 11.0 68.0 18.0 - - 0.08mu 1.0 max 2.0mu Cb;-Ta IOxC min AISI Type. 438 - Bal 17.0 - - 0.12 max - - - Iron Base Nicket·Chromium-Copper-MoIybxlenum Alloys c;"'Rn'n:~- Stainless No. 20 <1' 29.0 43.0 20.0 2.0 min 3.0m;n 0.07 max 1.0 0.8 - CARPEfC-r£R' Sta,"t~$s No. 2OCb-3 34.0 39.0 20.0 2.5 3.3 0.01 max 0.6 08 Cb+Ta 0.6 Nickel Ba';'e l'bn-Chromium·MoIybdenum Anoys 'HCOl.OY- a!Joy 825 41.8 30.0 21.5 3.0 1.8 0.03 0.35 0.65 AI 0.15: Ii 0.9 HAST£LLO.. " alloy G 45.0 19.5 22.2 6.5 2.0 0.03 0.35 1.3 W 0.5; Cn ,. Ta 2.12 HAST£t..~OY· :alloy C ~2) ~.O 5.0 15.5 16.0 - 0.08 max 1.0 rna. 1.0 max Co 2.5ma<; W 4.0: V 0.4 max HASTELLO.. - alloy C·2l6 54.0 5.0 15.5 16.0 - 0.02 max 0.05max 1.0max Co 2.5 rna.; W 4.0: V OA max 'HC_I:L- alloy 625 60.0 5.0ma. 21.5 9.0 - 0.10 max 0.5 max 0.5 max Cb- Ta 3.65 Nickel Base Molybdenum Alioy ..ASULLO'\'- alloy B 61.0 5.0 1.0 max 28.0 - 0.05 max - - Co 2.5 rna.: V 0.2·0A; P 0.025 rna.; S 0.030 max CAST MATERIALS Nickel America.. Casti"e Institute ACI CZ·l00 95.0 min 1.5 max - - - 1.0 max 2.. 0 1.5 max - Nickel·Ch.romlum·fron Alloy ACI CY·40 70.0 9.5 15.5 - - 0.3 3.0 max 1.5 max - Nickel-Copper Alloys Hickel·Copper alloy 50S 64.0 2.0 - - 29.0 O.OS 4.0 0.80 - ACI "'-35 64.0 3.5 max - - 29.5 (1.35 mall 2:.0 mat 1.5 max - Stainless Steels ACI Cr-8 19.5 66.0 9.5 - - 0.08mllll: 2.0m,n 1.5 mall - ACI Cf·8M 19.5 63.0 10.5 2.5 - OJl8 max 1.5ma. 1.5 max - ACI CA·tS 1.0 max 83.0 12.8 Q.5max - 0.ISm3l 1.5mu 1.0ma. - ACt HA - 87.0 9.0 1.1 - 0,20mu' ).0 rna. O.S - Iron Base Nickel-ChromiUm-CjPper Alloys I wo...... tn:· Stainless 24.0 48.0 20.0 3.0 1.75 0.1)7 max 3.3 0.6 - ACI CN-7M "'0 29.0 44.0 20.0 2.0 mill 3.0 min 0.01 milx 1.0 UiJlnax - Nickel Base 'ron-Chromium·Molybdenum Alloys CHLORIM£T" 3 I 60.0 2.0 18.0 JUt - 0.01ma1l 1.0 1.0 - ILLIUM' alloy to 56.0 6.5 22.5 U $.5 0.20 0.65 1.25 - Nickel Base Molybdenum Alloy .' cHt.o,nMII!T· 2 63.0 3.0ma. - 32.0 - 0.15 IIIa~ 1.0 1 ..0 - Nic,kel Base Sitleon Alloy "AS.TEL~OY· alloy D 82.0 2.0lllllx 1.0 rna. - 3.0 O.l?max 90 0.5·1.25 Co 1.5 max Nickel Alloyed Cast Irons NI·Res)st Type 1 15.5 69.0 2.2 6.5 2.8 2.0 1.2 _.- HI·Ru;st Type 2 20.0 70.0 2.2 - 05ma. 3.0 max 1.9 1.2 - HI-Resist Type 3 30.0 62.0 3.0 - O.Sma. 2.6ma. 1.5 0.6 - Ni·Resist Type 4 30.5 55.0 5.0 - 0.5 rna. 2.6 mal 5.5 06 - Ni·Resist Type D2 20.0 72.0 2.1 - - 3.0 max 2 ..f 0.9 -- HI·Resist Type D3 30.0 61.0 3.0 - - 2.6 max 2.2 O.Sma.

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