3518 THE -LONDON GAZETTE, 27 JUNE, 1952 " Now therefore, we, the said Church Commis- divides close numbered 60 on the map from close, sioners, humbly recommend and propose that from numbered 58 on the boundary which .divides the and after the day of -the date of publication in said parish of Dunston from the said parish of the London Gazette of any Order of Your Majesty Metheringham and extending thence south east- in Council ratifying this Scheme the boundaries wards along the said wall or fence to the wall or of the said parishes of Middle Rasen Drax with fence which divides close numbered 58 from close Middle Rasen Tupholme and Market Rasen shall numbered 59 and continuing thence generally south be altered in the manner described in the Schedule westwards along the last mentioned wall or fence and delineated on the map annexed to this Scheme. and along the walls or fences which divide closes numbered 56, 54 and 51 from closes numbered 57, " THE SCHEDULE. 55 and 73 and continuing in the same direction to "The territory (shown by the pink colour on the a point in the middle of Prior Lane and continu- map annexed hereto) to be annexed to the parish ing thence north westwards along the middle of of Market Rasen: — Prior Lane to a point opposite to the north eastern " All -that part of the parish of Middle Rasen end of the wall or fence which divides close- Drax with Middle Rasen Tupholme which is numbered 48 from close numbered 74 and con- bounded on the north by the parishes of Kirkby tinuing thence generally south westwards first to cum Osgodby and Usselby, on the east by the and then along the last mentioned wall or fence parishes of Walesby and Tealby, on the south by and then along the walls or fences which divide the said parish of Market Rasen, and on the closes numbered 48, 45, 43, 38, 37, 79, 83 and remaining side by an imaginary line commencing 197 from closes numbered 75, 88, 87, 76, 86, 44, at a point opposite to the southern end of the 85, 77, 78, 39, 84, 306, 305, 304 and 295 and wall or fence which forms the western boundary continuing in the same direction to a point in the of the house and premises known as Clare Lodge middle of the Dunston to Metheringham Road and on the boundary which divides the said parish of continuing thence southwards along the middle of Market Rasen from the said parish of Middle Rasen the last mentioned road to a point in the middle, Drax with Middle Rasen Tupholme and extending of the bridge which carries the said road over the thence northwards first to and then along the said Great Northern and Great Eastern Joint Railway wall or fence and continuing thence generally in Line of the British Railways (Eastern Region) and the same direction in a line parallel to and at a continuing thence north westwards along the distance of 142 yards from the western side of the middle of the said railway line to a point oppo- Market Rasen to Caistor Road to the boundary site to the north eastern end of the wall or fence which divides the said parish of Middle Rasen which divides close numbered 205 from close Drax with Middle Rasen Tupholme from the said numbered 204 and continuing thence generally parish of Kirkby cum Osgodby." south westwards first to and then along the last mentioned wall or fence and the walls or fences And whereas the provisions of the New Parishes which divide closes numbered 205, 207 and 208 Measure, 1943, relating to the preparation and sub- from closes numbered 206, 209 and 211 and con- mission of this Scheme, have been duly complied tinuing in the same direction to a point in the with: middle of the Lincoln to Sleaford Road and con- And whereas the said Scheme has been approved tinuing thence northwards along the middle of the by Her Majesty in Council. said road to a point opposite to the north eastern Now, 'therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the end of the wall or fence which divides close num- advice of Her said Council, is pleased hereby to bered 213 from close numbered 212 and continu- ratify the said Scheme, and to order and direct ing thence generally south westwards first to and that the same and every part thereof shall be effec- then along the last mentioned wall or* fence and tual in law immediately upon the publication of the walls or fences which divide closes numbered this Order in the London Gazette pursuant to the 213 and 215 from close numbered 214 to the said Measure. eastern wall or fence of close numbered 217 and And Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is continuing thence north westwards along the last pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forth- mentioned wall or fence to the boundary which with registered by the Registrar of the said Diocese divides the said parish of Metheringham from the of Lincoln. F. J. Fernau. said parish of Dunston." And whereas the provisions of the New Parishes Measure, 1943, relating to the preparation and sub- mission of this Scheme, have been duly complied At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 24th day with: of June, 1952. And whereas the said Scheme has been approved PRESENT, by Her Majesty in Council: The QUEEN'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the WHEREAS the Church Commissioners have duly advice of Her said Council, is pleased hereby to prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a ratify the said Scheme, and to order and direct that Scheme bearing date the 12th day of June, 19S2, in the same and every part thereof shall be effectual the words and figures following, that is to say: — in law immediately upon the publication of this " We, the Church Commissioners, acting in pursu- Order in the London Gazette pursuant to the said ance of the New Parishes Measure, 1943, have pre- Measure. pared and now humbly lay before Your Majesty in And Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is Council the following Scheme for altering the boun- pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith daries of the parishes of Dunston and Metheringham registered by the Registrar of the said Diocese of both in the diocese of Lincoln. F. /. Fernau. "Whereas we are satisfied that it is desirable that the boundaries of the said parishes should be altered in the manner hereinafter mentioned: "And whereas the Right Reverend Maurice, At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 24th day Bishop of Lincoln, consents to the proposed arrange- of June, 1952. ments (in testimony whereof he has signed this PRESENT, Scheme): The QUEEN'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. "Now therefore, we, the said Church Commis- sioners, humbly recommend and propose that from WHEREAS the Church Commissioners have duly and after the day of the date of publication in the prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a London Gazette of any Order of Your Majesty in Supplementary Scheme bearing date the 12th day of Council ratifying this Scheme the boundaries of the June, 1952, in the words and figures following, that said parishes of Dunston and Metheringham shall is to say: be altered in the manner described in the Schedule "We, the Church Commissioners, acting in pur- and delineated on the map annexed to this Scheme. suance of the Union of Benefices Measures, 1923 to 1936, with the consent of tile Right Honourable and "THE SCHEDULE. Right Reverend William, Bishop of London, (testified' "The territory (shown by the pink colour on the by his signature hereto) have prepared and now map) to be annexed to the parish of Dunston:— humbly lay before Your Majesty in Council the fol- "All that part of the parish of Metheringham lowing Supplementary Scheme for making certain which is bounded on the north by the parish of additions to the provisions of an Order in Council, Dunston and on the remaining sides by an imagin- dated the fourth day of October, 1951, and published ary line commencing at a point opposite to the in the London Gazette on the 12th day of the same north western end of the wall or fence which. month for effecting the union of the benefice of.
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