District Project Description BE 2017-18 DIR LOWER DA15D00011-Construction of Boundary Wall inLivestock Hospital 1,058,052 in Dir Lower DIR LOWER DA15D00012-Repair/Rehabilitation Govt: Offices atTimergara 250,000 headquarters DIR LOWER DA15D00016-Construction of group letrin at GGPSChakdara No.1 395,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00021-"Water Supply to GGPS Shorshing, GMSMisyalor and 911,000 GPS Talow" DIR LOWER DA15D00028-Construction of examination Hall in GHSShamshi 718,315 Khan DIR LOWER DA15D00029-Construction of room in GHS Shagokas 1,595,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00031-Group latrin at GHS Tawda cheena VCTowda Cheena 108,300 DIR LOWER DA15D00036-Construction of additional class room inGMS Baroon 315,690 DIR LOWER DA15D00038-Construction of 01 No. additional roomand Group 598,000 latrine in GPS Stanadar Balambat DIR LOWER DA15D00040-PCC Road to GGHS Rehanpur and GGHSBiarai 450,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00041-WSS to GPS banda Charirago VC Ghwurgay 500,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00042-WSS to GGHS Nary Tangy and GGHS Biarai 600,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00043-Construction of addional class room inGHS Khad 132,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00045-Construction of Guest Gallery/PCC ofground GHSS 156,260 Khall DIR LOWER DA15D00046-Levelling of Assembly ground at GPSShalfalam 69,140 Khall/Shalfalam DIR LOWER DA15D00048-Construction of Group Latrin at GPS JahDehri VC 295,000 Adokay DIR LOWER DA15D00049-Blance work of rooms in GPS Luqman BandaNo.2 146,280 DIR LOWER DA15D00050-DWSS GPS Safaray and Boundary wall GMSKamal 705,450 Khel Tall DIR LOWER DA15D00052-Construction of 1 No. additional classroom in GPS Sia 43,260 Gawnai DIR LOWER DA15D00053-Construction of 1 No. additional classroom in GMS 310,470 Razagram DIR LOWER DA15D00054-One additional Class room in GMS TaktakVC Atoo 135,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00055-Group Latrin in GGPS Redgay VC Kotkay 395,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00057-Construction of additional room & staffroom at 505,000 GGPS Markhanai DIR LOWER DA15D00060-Repair/ Boundary Wall of GPS Lalo VCNabatai 88,750 DIR LOWER DA15D00065-Additional class room and Group latrinGPS Rash 520,680 Dehrai DIR LOWER DA15D00066-Water Supply to GGHS Main Kalay 340,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00067-Contruction of Group Latrin at GGHS MainKalay and 200,000 GPS Doba DIR LOWER DA15D00068-Construction of 2 Nos of rooms in GPSLoi shah 208,120 Takoro DIR LOWER DA15D00072-Additiona Class room in GPS Kulalano 81,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00073-WSS in GPS Pitao VC Kulalano 395,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00074-Construction of 1 No Addational Classroom at GPS 91,000 Ghwara Banda DIR LOWER DA15D00075-WSS GGMS Shontal VC Shontala 200,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00076-"Construction of Group letrin at GHSDamtal, GPS 530,000 Mozian Banda & GPS Surkh Dehrai" DIR LOWER DA15D00077-"WSS in GGPS Qila Kambat, GPSChupraqa,and GPS 795,000 Khargai" DIR LOWER DA15D00078-Additional Class room GPS Sharbani 200,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00081-Construction of Group latrins GGMS Khema 690,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00086-Construction of Women waiting room atBHU Asbanr 110,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00090-Waiting room for women in BHU Nasafa 140,980 DIR LOWER DA15D00091-Waiting room for women at THQ ShamshiKhan 200,111 DIR LOWER DA15D00092-Construction of room in THQ Talash 225,723 DIR LOWER DA15D00093-Repair/Rehibilitation of Civil DispensryBagh VC Bagh 800,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00094-Construction of Labour room at BHUKharkay Siar 53,234 DIR LOWER DA15D00095-Construction of Car Parking Shed at DHQTimergara 109,831 DIR LOWER DA15D00096-Boundary wall & repair of BHU Assegay 109,831 DIR LOWER DA15D00097-Construction of 1 No. room at CivilDispensary 170,768 Munjai DIR LOWER DA15D00099-Group Latrin at Civil DispensaryHajiabad 387,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00101-Construction of labour room of BHUHayserai 179,322 DIR LOWER DA15D00104-Construction of female waiting room atBHU Luqman 48,000 Banda DIR LOWER DA15D00105-Waiting room/ repair in BHU Toormang 683,760 DIR LOWER DA15D00106-Waiting room at BHU Chinarkot Munda 710,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00107-Repair of Civil Dispensry Manayal 720,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00108-Repair/ Rehabilitation of BHU Beshgram 715,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00112-Installation of transformer and Internal 800,000 Electrification in Munda Hospital (Replaced with) /Solarization of Munda Hospital DIR LOWER DA15D00113-WSS to BHU Main Kalay 795,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00115-WSS in BHU Tangi Payeen UC Sadbar Kalay 800,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00116-Construction of Group letrin at MayarHospital 400,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00119-Repair/ Rehibilition and Water supply ofBHU Damtal 368,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00120-WSS of BHU Baloda VC Baloda 738,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00122-Construction of 2 Nos rooms /BoundaryWall and 925,800 PCC of access road to District women resurce Centre Timergara DIR LOWER DA15D00127-PCC Of Chatpat road VC Chatpat 370,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00129-PCC Road/ culvert Badwan Darbar 1,200,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00142-Widening/PCC of Shingri Bala to MajeedGhat Road 228,504 DIR LOWER DA15D00144-Improvement/ Widning of Sar Banda road (Replaced 102,203 with) / Improvement/Widening ofDamamo Road DIR LOWER DA15D00149-"PCC Kandaro, Nary tangy and KasGhwargay 1,000,000 Moranai Road" DIR LOWER DA15D00154-PCC road Zarooshsh VC Atoo 650,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00156-PCC road Khyber Mohallah Kumbar 100,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00169-PCC / Shingle road Dinjarai 346,702 DIR LOWER DA15D00170-Shingle road Tango Kandaw & Walo TangayVC Walo 366,838 Tangay DIR LOWER DA15D00174-WSS Shamlai VC Chatpat 62,290 DIR LOWER DA15D00175-"Rehabilitation of DWSS Mandi, Dheraiand Sehsada" 394,720 DIR LOWER DA15D00176-Extension of DWSS Shawa and Tazagram 119,470 DIR LOWER DA15D00177-"DWSS Kaskai, Shorshing, Khawas Khwar,and 826,740 Kashmir Khwar/Booth Qila" DIR LOWER DA15D00178-Rehabilitation of DWSS Khanpur 583,690 DIR LOWER DA15D00179-WSS Ouch and Gul Abad 395,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00180-WSS at Chikho and Khair Abad 346,580 DIR LOWER DA15D00181-WSS Nasafa VC Nasafa 857,500 DIR LOWER DA15D00183-"Extension of WSS scheme at Bajawro,Barikot and 308,090 Chino " DIR LOWER DA15D00184-WSS Otala VC Otala 105,240 DIR LOWER DA15D00185-DWSS Tawda Cheena 64,800 DIR LOWER DA15D00186-DWSS at Danwa 105,870 DIR LOWER DA15D00187-DWSS Shingri and Khwar Quarter 956,840 MohallahTimergara DIR LOWER DA15D00188-"DWSS Asselo, Assegay and Rabat" 465,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00189-WSS scheme at Baroon 785,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00190-"Extension of DWSS jabagai Payeen,Dhandona and 201,300 Dehrai" DIR LOWER DA15D00191-WSS Anangoro Khwar Gul Shah VC Awarabad 767,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00192-"WSS Shako , Baria Darmal and wondesalajbok" 335,130 DIR LOWER DA15D00193-DWSS Sangolai payeen 255,030 DIR LOWER DA15D00194-Water Supply Schemes for V/C MonsoorAbad and 26,460 Koz Kalay Sacha DIR LOWER DA15D00195-WSS supply scheme Barkalay Khal 188,740 DIR LOWER DA15D00196-"DWSS safaray, Luqman Banda, Adokay &Kamar 10,410 Tall" DIR LOWER DA15D00197-"WSS Toormang, Siar, Gownai and DoolaiKandaw" 130,930 DIR LOWER DA15D00198-DWSS at Mula Patay VC Razagram 39,880 DIR LOWER DA15D00199-WSS Taran Bala VC Kotkay 221,310 DIR LOWER DA15D00200-Repair of DWSS Nimaz Kot 785,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00201-Extension of WSS Mastorai VC Kargha 242,940 DIR LOWER DA15D00202-DWSS Sangato VC Shagai 266,020 DIR LOWER DA15D00203-DWSS Kas Bucha Khel 222,280 DIR LOWER DA15D00204-"DWSS Barjam, Kulam Dara & Makhai" (Replaced 785,000 with)/ WSS at UC Khazana DIR LOWER DA15D00205-DWSS at Garrah (Replaced with) / WSS at UC Gosam 776,200 DIR LOWER DA15D00206-WSS Munda Musa Abad VC Munda 204,530 DIR LOWER DA15D00207-WSS Barikab and Budonai Shekhan 790,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00208-WSS to Shago/Sro Khwara Anagoro (Replaced with)/ 248,760 WSS at UC Khazana DIR LOWER DA15D00209-WSS Godar in VC Godar 204,880 DIR LOWER DA15D00210-WSS Gandehray VC Badin Gandehray 1,085,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00211-WSS Swara Ghwandi Gatkay VC SwaraGhwandi 199,390 DIR LOWER DA15D00212-Extension of DWSS Juni Kalay/ Mayar 87,290 DIR LOWER DA15D00213-WSS Kulalan VC Kulalan 785,800 DIR LOWER DA15D00214-"WSS Ajabay, Ali Sher, sorano, VCShontala" 290,940 DIR LOWER DA15D00215-WSS Ghwara Banda and Gular Shpano Kasay 82,850 DIR LOWER DA15D00216-"WSS Shamshi Dehrai, Lekore and SurkhDehrai" 790,000 DIR LOWER DA15D00217-WSS Lajbang Temtai Gawardesh VCGawardesh 205,160 DIR LOWER DA15D00218-WSS Gorgiya VC Tangay 586,270 DIR LOWER DA15D00219-Water supply schemes at Khungi 168,332 DIR LOWER DA15D00220-Extension of WSS at Zoormandi VCZoormandi 79,040 DIR LOWER DA15D00221-"WSS Munjai, Sarbanda and Odigram UCMunjai" 177,560 DIR LOWER DA15D00222-"WSS Rani, Baroon and Watangy Payeen" 192,720 DIR LOWER DA15D00223-WSS Khema Gedaro VC Khema and Redawonnear 2,250,200 Degree colloage Timergara. DIR LOWER DA15D00224-Extension of DWSS to Arshad ZamanKoorona 18,480 DIR LOWER DA16D00001-Construction of Boundary Wall for Farm Service 2,000,000 Centre Timergara DIR LOWER DA16D00002-Conservation/Protection of AgriculterLand through 6,000,000 Soil Conservation Structure in Dir Lower PH-II DIR LOWER DA16D00003-Improvement/ Linning of Water Couses andSource 9,000,000 Development in Dir Lower DIR LOWER DA16D00004-Replinishment of Public Water Bodies inDir Lower 500,000 DIR LOWER DA16D00005-Bred Improvement Programme forArtificial 700,000 Ancimination DIR LOWER DA16D00006-Installation of Salar System inVeternary Hospital 300,000 Timergara DIR LOWER DA16D00007-Promotion of Sporta Activities in DirLower PH-II 1,500,000 DIR LOWER DA16D00008-Promotion of Youth Activities in DirLower PH-II 1,500,000 DIR LOWER DA16D00009-Promotion of Raw Material/ CCTV Camerasto the 1,500,000 Existing 08 No.s Dastakari Centeres in Dir Lower DIR LOWER DA16D00010-Balance Work of Examination Hall in GHSAdam 800,000 Dherai UC Badwan DIR LOWER DA16D00011-Construction of 01 No. Additional ClassRoom in GHS 800,000 Shawa UC Tazagram DIR LOWER DA16D00012-Construction of 01 No. Additional ClassRoom in GHS 800,000 Dherai Kashmir UC Asbanr DIR LOWER DA16D00013-Construction of 01 No.
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