Plana Chloinne na Gàidhealtachd Integrated Children’s Plan ForFor Highland’sHighland’s ChildrenChildren 22 SUMMARY 2005-2008 www.forhighlandschildren.org “All of Highland’s children have the best possible start in life; enjoy being young; and are supported to develop as confident, capable and resilient, to fully maximise their potential.” “Tha toiseach tòiseachaidh cho math ’s a th’ ann aig clann na Gàidhealtachd; tha iad a’ mealtainn làithean an òige agus tha taic aca ach am fàs iad suas gu bhith misneachail, comasach agus tapaidh agus gun coilean iad na tha nan comas.” Contents Clàr-innse PAGE DUILLEAG 2 FOREWORD FACAL SAN TOISEACH 3 INTRODUCTION RO-RÀDH 4 REVIEW OF For Highland’s Children 2001-2004 LÈIRMHEAS AIR Plana Chloinne na Gàidhealtachd 2001-2004 6 CROSS-CUTTING THEMES TAR-CHUSPAIREAN 7 A’ GHÀIDHLIG SAN FHARSAINGEACHD GAELIC LANGUAGE OVERVIEW 8 STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK: RO-INNLEACHD: 11 The Planning & Operational Structure Structar Planaidh is Obrachaidh 13 Partnership with the Voluntary Sector Com-pàirteachas ris an Roinn Shaor-thoileach 13 Partnership with the Children’s Hearings System Com-pàirteachas ri Siostam Èisteachd na Cloinne 14 Better Integration & Better Services Amalachadh is seirbheisean nas fheàrr 14 Strategic Priorities Prìomhachasan Ro-innleachdail 16 KEY OUTCOME TARGETS PRÌOMH THARGAIDEAN-COILEANAIDH 21 FUNDING: MAOINEACHADH: 23 Resourcing of FHC 2 A’ cur stòrais ri PCG2 26 Development Priorities for FHC 2 Prìomhachasan Leasachaidh airson PCG2 31 CHILDREN ARE SAFE CLANN A BHITH SÀBHAILTE 37 CHILDREN ARE NURTURED CLANN AIR AN DEAGH ÀRACH 45 CHILDREN ARE HEALTHY CLANN A BHITH FALLAIN 51 CHILDREN ARE ACHIEVING CLANN A BHITH A’ COILEANADH 57 CHILDREN ARE ACTIVE CLANN A BHITH ÈASGAIDH 63 CHILDREN ARE RESPECTED & RESPONSIBLE CLANN A BHITH A’ FAIGHINN URRAM IS A GABHAIL CÙRAM 69 INCLUDED CHILDREN: A’ BUALADH AIR CLOINN: 71 At Risk of significant harm A dh’fhaodadh a bhith ann an cunnart 72 Looked After Children Air an coimhead às an dèidh 73 In need of Permanency A’ cur feum air seasmhachd 74 Leaving Care A’ fàgail cùram 75 Young Offenders Eucoirich Òga 75 Experiencing Social, Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties Le Àmhghairean Sòisealta, Tòcail & Modh 76 With Mental Health Needs Le Feumalachdan Slàinte Inntinn 77 Misusing Substances A’ mì-ghnàthachadh Stuthan 79 Young Carers Luchd-cùraim Òg 80 Experiencing Bereavement Ri Bròn 80 In Poverty Ann am Bochdainn 81 Experiencing Homelessness Gun dachaigh 82 Minority Ethnic Communities Coimhearsnachdan Mhion-shlòigh 83 Gypsy / Travellers Dubh-shiubhlaichean / Luchd-siubhail 83 With Additional Health Needs Le Feumalachdan Slàinte A Bharrachd 85 Affected by Disability: Le Ciorram a’ toirt Buaidh orra: 86 Physical Disability Ciorram Bodhaig 86 Learning Disability Ciorram Ionnsachaidh 87 Profound & Multiple Learning Disabilities Mòran Chiorraman Ionnsachaidh 87 Sensory Needs Feumalachdan Mothachaidh 88 Communication & / or Developmental Disorders Àmhghairean Còmhraidh & / no Leasachaidh 90 WEB LINKS CEANGLAICHEAN LÌN 91 HIGHLAND TRENDS PÀTRAIN AIR A GHÀIDHEALTACHD 115 REVIEW OF Local Outcome Agreement (2001-2004) LÈIRMHEAS AIR Aonta Toraidh Ionadail (2001-2004) 133 GLOSSARY CLÀR-MÌNEACHAIDH REFERENCED APPENDICES: A number of key appendices complement this Integrated Children’s Plan. Each contains additional material that relates to service improvement and/or fiscal accountability. These reports, including EC&S Service Plan; SW Service Plan; NPiE Annual Progress Report; Changing Children’s Services Fund Report; National Priorities Action Fund Report; Health Improvement Fund Report; NHS Performance Assessment Framework Report. All can be sourced from the website www.forhighlandschildren.org For Highland’s Children is continuously reviewed and revised as new resources and information become available. Please go to www.forhighlandschildren.org to find the latest documentation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to Maise Mackenzie, Finlay MacNeill and the pupils of Strathgarve Primary School for their wonderful drawings which appear throughout this document. Foreword Facal san Toiseach We are committed to giving every child and young person in Highland the best possible start in life. Helping our children to realise their potential is the key to giving them a sense of self-fulfilment and equipping them well for their future. All of the services that support children, families and young people, play a vital part in unlocking the potential of the next generation. This new, Integrated Children’s Plan, ‘For Highland’s Children 2’ provides the family-friendly routemap that we shall follow over the next 3 years. We are determined that the resources of all our services will be managed efficiently to meet the challenges ahead. Wherever possible, new resources will be identified to address gaps in service provision; and existing resources will be redesigned to serve a changing landscape of population and priorities more effectively. The foundation of future Highland prosperity depends on investment in our communities, in our families, and in our children and young people. We shall ensure that Highland is widely recognised as the best place in Scotland to be young; the best place in Scotland for families – to live, to grow, to play, to be educated, to be fulfilled – and given a helping hand as and when required - to realise their full potential. We are committed to service improvement. ’For Highland’s Childrens 2’ is structured to ensure that our children and young people are: Safe; Nurtured; Healthy; Achieving; Active; Respected & Responsible; and Included. This new 3-year plan builds on success. It builds on a model of increasingly collaborative services - services that are focused on the child and her or his changing needs from birth to adulthood. This is an evolutionary process. Front-line service delivery will become better- integrated; with services for our more vulnerable children and families better-targeted. “The right service to each child at the right time.” The Joint Committee on Children and Young People will use this plan to monitor and review progress, ensuring that “all of Highland’s children have the best possible start in life; enjoy being young; and are supported to develop as confident, capable and resilient, to fully maximise their potential.” Alison Magee, Convener Garry Coutts, Chairman 2 The Highland Council NHS Highland Board Introduction Ro-ràdh For Highland’s Children is the integrated Children’s Services Plan for all children & families in Highland. The plan is a living document: updated, monitored and reviewed regularly - and linked with all related local planning arrangements. This second Plan, For Highland’s Children 2 (FHC2), encompasses the vision and the strategy of Highland’s Joint Committee on Children and Young People. FHC2 focuses on planning and development over the period 2005-2008, and takes forward the intent of the first Children’s Plan, to achieve better services, better-integrated provision, and better outcomes for children and families. FHC2 is a comprehensive plan, encompassing universal service provision for children & families – across the Education, Culture & Sport Service of the The Highland Council (THC) and all Child Health services of NHS Highland - as well as the more targeted services such as Social Work. Effectively, it is the Community Plan for Highland’s Children, Young People and Families. The Scottish Executive’s “For Scotland’s Children” Action Plan continues to act as a local template for better-integrated service planning and provision, particularly for children and families with support needs. It takes account of all the associated key national and local plans and strategies and establishes a coherent vision for children and families in this authority. It sets out the local processes for agencies and organisations to come together to assess local needs; identify priorities and objectives; agree implementation strategies and resources to deliver these; and ensure arrangements for monitoring progress. This summary plan presents the big picture. It illustrates how all agencies will endeavour to ensure that all of Highland’s children have the best possible start in life; enjoy being young; and are supported to develop as confident, capable and resilient, to fully maximise their potential. It includes: G a review of the achievements of For Highland’s Children 1; G an updated strategic framework for integrated services; G seven cross cutting themes for children’s services; G a summary of the key actions to support children in need; and G 50 ‘Key Outcomes that will focus activities and help monitor the impact of FHC2s collaborative effort. The full version of FHC2 provides greater information about each of these elements. It also details the operational plans that support the range of proposed actions, strategies and outcome targets. Greater detail about more specific service needs and delivery are linked appropriately to the principal Service, Agency or Area Children’s 3 Services Forum Plans. Review of For Highland’s Children 1: 2001-2004 Lèirmheas air Plana Chloinne na Gàidhealtachd 1: 2001-2004 The comprehensive review of FHC1, the first Children’s Services Plan for Highland, can be found at: www.forhighlandschildren.org (and is also available in print format). The review document provides a comprehensive commentary on the work taking place across Highland to improve and integrate services for children and families. It evidences an impressive range of activity by practitioners and managers in all of our services and agencies,
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