MERCANTILE tr - " ALL OVER THE HOUSE. APPRAISER'S TAX LIST. r T'ULTON COUNTY NEWS. 0ktA'AAX'AnAMV,MMM0000H0A0.0J00f00'-000A0.00.0P0Mrt Seasonable Goods 0 A Pep Into the Draining Room of tht MvCnntieliMhurtf. April irt. iflmi. and Prices. Memorial Day. Up to Data Woman. ". he follow In in h II mi uf rm ill iiml w hol.-vil- verniers or (ifivers In iiooK wares, iinrelmu be observed An up to dote woman's dressing dise, uoniUMMliuert or effect r whomever Memorial Day will kind or rmttire, nuliject to n nierrnitttle Ilcon-- 86. W. Reisner & Co. on room la a very paradise. In one tux in Fulton eonnty, PeniiMvlviitilH, returned to by sorvices lathe Court llouso the proper Hiitlmrltle tlierelu, by the iiiuier-MKue- d 0. corner is her bath, a deep mnrblo af- Mereunihe AppruHor lu unit for he ROUSS RACKET STORE May 30, under the auspices of county of r ii. ton uroieMiiitl, mid published iy fair flush with the ground cov- will be de- and the direction of the commtHMionerM uf mild King Post. Addresses ered when not iu use with a chin- county: livered by M. R. Shaffner, Esq., Name of KetallorH. CliiHMllleatlonof uuxtneH, Just secured from New York tho best line of underwear for meu chilla rug. In the other corner AYK TOWNSHIP. Geo. : and Hon. S. W. Kirk. Mrs. stands her dressing table of plain J. C. 5 elder, merrhnndlHC. and ladies that we ever had. Now for prices c: .1. Ij. ft li. S. I'litterson. merolmndlse, FROM W. Keisner, assisted by a choir of white lacquered with Mrs. JefTft-xo- IVek, mere.hundi.se. Iiib Vest BCK wood, its crowd Ladies' (taped Children's with late heel, . .C!)c. will music Peter Kirk, merchandise. young ladies, furnish of bottles, scents, hairbrushes and HKI,KAST TOWNSHIP. neck) 4 to Misses and Youths during service-- . The Sunday jnrs. The mirror is three sided, so Joseph W. LnUe, inerermnrilo. Ladies' Laco Trimmed . ltrothers, merctmiMit.se. Shoes 00 tol.L'0 re- view Motion Schools with their toachersare that a perfect of the lady's W. J. Mellott, nieroliHndls. Bleached 9 1 He. York 0 Vests to 1.25 INew i Ladies' Oxfords 78 to coiffure may be Joseph Mellott, merehuudlH). f quested to attend and assist in the obtained. But it is Mrs. M. Akers. tnerc hundise. Men's Cauzo and W. K. Hurt, inerehundtse. Shirts Ladies Dress and at the cem- in the order of the cupboards mere g distribution of flowers A. Hunyun, hundise. Drawers 23 to 4u. Coarse 85 Ifl.iW nround wo see 1IKT1IKL Shoes, to Philadelphia that true art. Ono TOWNSHIPJ and eteries. Ladies Hosiery, plain and door opens up a vista of shelves, on f'wrnell A Son. merchandise, Boys' Dress and Committee on flowers: Mr. (leore F. 11. Hill, merchundlse. open 0 wiui ii spienaia assortment or summer uress which stand all the boots and shoes, W. F. Golden, merehundKe. Rib, to 23c. Coarse Shoos, 96 to $1.18 Jackson, Mrs. N. Koettger, Wllltitm Ptilmer, merchandise. Goods in silks, woollens and all the nice things in Lou beginning with the satin and silk Win. P. Uordon, merchundlse. Lace Curtains, per pr.,.37 to 85c. Men's Dress and Mm. M. K. MiiiiQ, merehnndlHe. and linen trimming to Mrs. Fred Black and daughter, toys and ending with Polos , cotton summer stuffs with 1 5 the dapper HKUSH CKKKK TOWNSHIP. Curtain 8c. Coarse Shoes 98 to 1.95 llunyan, Mrs. Jus. little boots. On big shelf suit all. It will pay you richly to see our stock ? Mrs. Abram riding one Charles Lynch, merchandise. Window Shades 7 to 25c. : VV. ii L 5c Kuinel, Mrs. K. Kurnel, Mrs. Ma- repose tho hats, each on its own Charles Trunx, merchandise, CLOTHING. 0. .l:.inis spring, a we nave noxning duii.'..nice new siock S. W. Hurt. Jeweler. Men's Sox, 5to 13c. Boys' Knee Pants, 50c. kind, .25c. tilda Holman, Mrs. Chas. Bonder, peg, making the place like some John Plesslnkfer, merchandise. to show you, especially in summer stuffs. Prices garden of flowers. On J nines S. A ken, merchandise. Table Oil Cloth, per yd., .... 121c. Boys' Knee D. fair raised J. K. Jackson, merchandise. Suit Pauts.OO to $1.90 from up. Mrs. Houry Comerer, Mrs. S. groceries, Ladies 25 89c. 4c shelves are placed the fans, spread George Schenck. Corsets, to Boys'3-piec- Suits, 45 to $3.90 D. Mrs.Sal-li- e , DUBLIN TOWNSHIP. .2 Flock, Mrs. T. Fields, out so that at one glanco they can Men's Dress Shirts, . .24 to 05c. I C. Kelly, merchandise. Men's Suits, iiuy be Cook, Misses Nellie Comerer, recognized and chosen. The Charles MeGehee. merchundlse. Men's Work Shirts, . .23 to 44c John K. Speck, cigar. size $2.45 to $0.48 0 Myrtle Comerer, Grace Shimer, shelves for linen are lined with 8. L Huckley, merchundlse. t . Our Notion Scrim for Curtains, per yd., 4c. Stock white satin, and each dainty article Frank O. Mure, merchundlse. Men's Pants, big line, .75 to $1.80 Alice Hamil, Olive Grissinger, Rush M. Kline, merchandise. Jute Rugs, 45 to 88c. is tied with its own pretty pale rib- Harry Humil, clirant. Boys' and Men's Is, perhaps, better than ever. Ribbons, lots of Murnio Grissinger, Kittie Cook, N. It. Henry, merchundlse. Dress Patterns, 10 yds., 00c. bon. The dresses that hang in their G. M, Uoddy, groceries. Overal Is, 25 to 70c and NethaNesbit. A C. McUownn, merchandise 0. own wardrobe are each incased in a Table Damask 20 to 25c. Men's WorkiDg Gloves, 8 to 45c. we sold worse at often. 1 o'- LICKING CHKKK TOWNSHIP have 25c Sorvices to commence at sheath of soft white holland, while Unbleached Muslins, . .4 to 0c. S. K. I'll t num. .merchandise. Men's Dress Gloves, . .45 to 75c. We wish to call the attention of the ladies to clock P. M. the furs are laid reverently in a C M. Dtxon, merchandise, a W. K. Speer, merchandise. SHOES. Men's Mackintos- Elliott Kay, cedar chest. The fair mistress of Scott Drum, merchandise. tele- Charles li. Davis, merchundlse, The greatest hue we have ever ..' D. C. this domain has her private hes,.. ..$1.15 to $2.45 ii House Furnishings, Fleck, HO ROUGH. phone at her elbow, her masseuse McCONNElXSHUIUJ had. Men's Collars, ,4 19c. Abuam Kunyan, John Patterson, merchandise. to beside her and her manicure at her C. li. Steveus, merchant tailor, (0 D. T. Fieliw, (ieo. W. Keisner & Co.. merchandise. HULL & BENDLU, Managers. fingers' ends. Hull & liender. merchandise. 0. Carpets, mattings, wall papers, blinds, etc. Mat- Committee. Siouteagle Brothers, groceries, W. H. Neshit, hardware. tings from 24c up. Carpets 20c up. Wallpa Portrait Dinner Service. Thomas A. Hammil, groceries. 0 A. U. Nace, DangcroiiH If , First empire styles in china are merchant tailor. pers, all prices; a large stock tor immediate deliv N'eultcted. H. C Smith & Co.. merchandise. being brought up to date in an in- John W. Fuuk. cigars. ery; will sell you a tair paper for what you will Bums, cuts, and other wounds ta- John A. Irwin, groceries. a teresting way on modern dinner John W. Grcathead. merchandise. 0 pay in express charges. often fail to heal properly if neg- bles. The fancy for Sevres porce- George Kexroth, cigar. C. C. liender. groceries. 8 lected and become troublesome lain services ornamented with por- J. K. Johnston, mere hand lo. PHILIP F. BLACK, We will make 1 1 Interesting to W. S. Dickson, drugs. wires. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve traits has been revived from the Mrs, M. 11. Trout, drugs. tinware. n Napoleonic epoch. But the fashion Albert Stouer.stoves und prevents such consequences. David Mulloy. groceries. iManufacturcr of has been modernized and not mere- S.A. Nesbit. hardware. 8 where delay has aggravated Mrs. A. F. Little, milliner. Clothing Buyers, ly resuscitated. It is not authentic Miss A. J. Irwin & Co., milliner. llio injury DeWitt's Witch Hazel porcelain sets of the first empire S. M. Hoblnson. groceries. Sash, Doors, Newel Posts, Hand 0 g T. J. Comerer. farming Implements. 0 Halve effects a cure. "I had a run-niu- period which are being sought after W. S. Clevunger & Co.. furniture. ro ww wavw ouuiv vvijr oJvviai vaiuwj j unci so productions Geo, W. Smith, groceries. sore on ray leg thirty years," much as the original Win. Stoucr, furniture. Rails, Stairs, Banisters, Turned g 0 0 of the present day, lately turned out W. M Kennedy, harness. 0 says II. C. Hartly, Yankeetown, Mrs K. M. Gress, millinery. remedie by the Sevres factory, in which the Daniel Grissinger. c: : Iud. "Afterusingmany style in question is renovated. These M. M. Pittman. machinery. g Porch Columns, Po sts, &c. g 0A I Hazel Salve. Geo. W. Cooper, pool table. 0 tried DeWitt's Witch modern portrait services of dining Geo. W. Cooper, inert: hand He. 0. A few boxes healed the sore." are ornamented with Miss Mary Duuiels. milliner. Shoes table china V 0 0 TOD TOWNSHIP. McConnellsburg, Pa. 0 Cures all skin diseases. Piles likenesses of living persons, well John A. Hummil, merchandise. For ladies, misses, gentlemen and boys, at any known women being usually chosen D. Kdward Fore, merchandise. 55 CS yield to it at once. Beware of J. C. Fore, merchandise. 0 price from the best down. in preference to men. One of the Mrs. H. Frank Wlb e, merchandise. 0 0 counterfeits. most curious of these, new dinner TAYLOR TOWNSHIP. 2-- : three-eigh- ; twelve covers and has A.
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