PBOCEEDINGS OF THE YORKBHIBE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOL. 31, PAST 4, NO. 19, PP. 437-443, 13TH MAY, 1959. INDEX TO VOLUME 31 Accounts, 1956, 68-9; 1957, 322-3. Calciferous Sandstone Series, 304-9. (See also Balance Sheet, and Calcite, 355 ff. Income and Expenditure.) Calcite Mudstone group, 254. Albian, 179. Caledonian folding, 56. Albian-Cenomanian transgression, Callovian clays, fauna, 168. 176. Candleseave Limestone, 24. Alteration, of anhydrite, 357; of Caninia zone, 237. Lake District lavas, 45. Capillary action in sands, 362. Amphiboles, 385 ff. Carboniferous rocks, Geological Anatase, 385 ff. Survey on, 374-8. Angulatum Beds, 161. Carboniferous Slate, 252. Anhydrite, 354 ff. Carden, 405. Annual Report, 1956, 65-78; 1957, Carstone, 178 ff. 319-30. Cauda gatti, 9, 23. Apatite, 385 ff. Cave Oolite, 164 ff. Askrigg Block, 1, 79, 92. Caveside Gill, 17. Assemblage of microplankton from Ceaseat Beck, 87. the Shineton Shales (Tremado- Cemented shear-planes in the cian), 331-49 (Pis. 16, 17). Pleistocene Middle Sands of Avonian, 235 ff. Lancashire and Cheshire, 359- Aysgarth, 148. 66 (Pis. 19, 20). Cenomanian, 179 ff. Central Province, L. Carboniferous, Bakelite resin for impregnation, 281-92. 363. Chalk, E. Yorks., 179. Balance sheet, 1956, 70-1; 1957, Channel sandstones in Yoredale 324-5. Series, 103, 119. Bealsbeck, 197. Charnia masoni gen. et sp. nov., Beilby Wood, 384. 212 ff. Beverley, 190; Barracks pit, 179 ff. Chamiodiscus concentricus gen. et Black Fell, 25. sp. nov., 213 ff. Black Scar, 3. Charnwood Forest, 211; golf course, BLACK, W. W., on the structure of 211. the Burnsall-Cracoe district and Cimmerian folds, 170, 174. its bearing on the origin of the Cleavage in tuffs, 62. Cracoe knoll-reefs, 391-414, (PI. 22). Cliffe Hill quarry, 160, 161. Blaeberry Beck, 6, 7, 9. Coal Sills, 7. Borrowdale Volcanic Series between Compaction of Bowland Shales, Wastwater and Duddon Valley, 407-9. Cumberland, 39-64 (PL 3). Cop Gill, 19. Boulder Clay, E. Yorks., 190 ff.; Coral beds, Yoredale Limestones, Lanes, and Cheshire, 359 ff. 117, 120. Boundary stream, 19. Coralian, 169; limestone, 169. Bowland Shales, 82 ff., 407 ff.; Correlation, Carboniferous, 231-40. overstep, 82. Coxwold-Gilling fault-trough, 351, Branch Gill, 24. 358. Brian Grain, 24. Cracoe, 82, 83, 391; knoll-reefs, Brookite, 385 ff. 391-414. Bucklandi Beds, 161. CEAMPTON, C. B., on the heavy Buried Cliff, E. Wolds, 194. minerals in the Magnesian Lime• Burnsall, 391. stone of Yorkshire, 383-90 (PI. Butterhaw, 405. 21). 437 438 INDEX TO VOLUME 31 [vol. 31 Craven Lowlands, ? Tournaisian DOWNIB, C, on an assemblage of present, 253. microplankton from the Shineton Cravenoceras cowlingense, 4, 20, 27, Shales (Tremadocian), 331-49 82, 84. (Pis. 16, 17). Cretaceous stratigraphy, Market Drewton, 163 ff., 199. Weighton to Humber, 178-82. Drewton Stray Fault, 182. Crinoid banks, 97, 118, 120. Duddon Fault, 59 ff. Crow Limestone. 13, 85; faunal list, Duddon Hall Tuffs, 41, 49 ff. 35. Duddon Valley, 39. Cumberland, 39. Dun Fell field meeting, 72-4. Cyclothems, Yoredale, 94 ff.; mech• DUNHAM, K. C, discusses D. anism, 131-4. Moore's paper, 145; leads field Cymopolia, 215. meeting to Dun Fell, 72; to Middleton-in Teesdale, 326. Daddymea Edge, 19. Et, basal unconformity, 396-8. Dalefords, 361 (PI. 19). East Grain, 6. DE BOEB, G., Guide to the geology Eastfield quarry, 160, 165. of the area between Market Eastgill head, 24. Weighton and the Humber, 157- EDWARDS, W., on the Geological 209 (Pis. 8-12). Survey in Yorkshire, 367-81. Deepgill, 6, 9. Elbolton, 402, 405. Deepgill Sike, 4, 17, 19, 20. Ellerker, 200. Delta beds, facies of Yoredale Ellerker Beck, 160, 163 ff. Series, 127 ff.; of Millstone Grit, Elloughton, 166, 198; quarries, 88; in Strines Reservoir, 149; Visean, N.W. Ireland, 266-72. 160 (PL 11). Denudation in catchment areas, Environment, Lower Carboniferous, 228 ff. 154. Devoke Water Fault, 60. JEomarginifera sp., 3. Diastrophism, mid-Dinantian. 259- Epidote, 385 ff. Erosion on Millstone Grit, 149. 61. Erosion surfaces, E. Yorks., 185 ff. Dibunophyllum bipartitum, 94. Erratics, 189 ff. Dibunophyllum zone, 239. Erythrospongia, 94, 109. Dimorphoceras, gen. et subgen., Eskdale granite, 62. 219-20; Eumorphoceras pseudobilingue, 3. D. (Dimorphoceras) kathleenae Everthorpe, 200; railway cutting, Moore, 220 (PI. 14); D. (D.) Kathleenae var. leitri- 160. mense nov., 220 (PI. 14); D. (Metadimorphoceras) hodsoni sp. nov., 223 (PI. 14); Faraday Gill, 8-10. D. (M.) aff. denticulatum Schmidt, Faraday House marine band, 10. 223; Faraday House Sill, 9. D. (Paradimorphoceras) looneyi Faults, on Askrigg Block, 33; Phillips, 222 (PL 14). Burnsall-Cracoe region, 401; in Dimorphoceratidae from the Upper glacial sands, 362; Market Weigh• Visean shales of County Leitrim, ton to Humber, 182-4. Eire, 219-26 (PL 14). Ferriby foreshore, 203; boats, 204. Dimorphoceratidae Hyatt, 219 ff. Ferriby Red Cliff, 196. Dinantian, 235 ff. Field Meetings, 1956, 72-78; 1957, Diornatosphaera angusta gen. et 326-30. sp. nov., 345 (PL 17). FIEMAN, R. J., on the Borrowdale Diornatosphaeridae fam. nov,, 345. Volcanic Series between Wast - Dogger, 163, 164. water and Duddon Valley, Dolomite, 355 ff., 385 ff. Cumberland, 39-64 (PL 3). Donations, 66. Five Yard Limestone, 85, 93 ff., DOSSOR, J., leads field meeting to 112; cyclothem. 113: faunal list. Holderness, 77. 138-44, no. 19] INDEX TO VOLUME 31 439 Fluorite, 385 ff. Haploecia straminea, 166. Folded Permian gypsum of Ripon Hardraw Limestone, 93, 393. Parks, Yorkshire, 351-8 (PI. 18). Hardrow Scar ( = Hardraw) Lime• Folding, on Askrigg Block, 32; stone, 92 ff., 99 ff.; eyclothem, Burnsall-Cracoe district, 399-401. 101; faunal list, 138-44. FORBES, B. G., on folded Permian Hawes, 148. gypsum of Ripon Parks, York• Hawes Flags, 107. shire, 351-8 (PI. 18). Hawes Limestone, 94, 95; eyclo• FORD, T. D., on Pre-Cambrian them, 96; faunal list, 138-44. fossils from Charnwood Forest, Hearne Beck, 16, 24. 211-7 (PL 13). Hearne Beck Limestone, 23. Fordon field meeting, 74. Heavy minerals in the Magnesian Fossdale Gill, 17, 19. Limestone of Yorkshire, 383-90 Fossil lists, 34-6, 138-44. (PL 21). Fossil Sandstone, 22; faunal list, 36. HEMINGWAY, J. E., leads field meeting to Fordon, 74. Hercynian faulting, folding, 32-3. Gale Sike, 6, 8. Hessle, 179, 190; railway cutting, Garnet, 385 ff. 194. Gayle Limestone, 93 ff., 96, 393; Hessle Clay, 190, 195 ff. eyclothem, 99; faunal lists, 138- Hesslewood quarries, 195. 44. Himanthalia, 215. Gayle Shale, 96. Hind Hole. 10. Geological Survey in Yorkshire, Hind Hole Beck, 10, 13, 17 ff. 367-81. Holderness field meeting, 77-8. Geomorphology, E. Yorks., 185 ff. Holme-on-Spalding Moor, 189, 200. GEORGE, T. N., on the Lower Hoods Bottom Beck, 13, 17, 20. Carboniferous palaeogeography of HOPKINS, W., discusses D. Moore's the British Isles, 227-318 (PL 15). paper, 145. Girtyoceras Pcostatum, 3. Hotham, 160, 161. Girvanella, 94; band, 93 ff. Howgate Edge, 15. Glacial geology, E. Yorks., 189-202. Howgate Edge Grits, 5 ff. Glacial gravels, E. Yorks., 193 ff.; Hull Corporation pit, 194. sands, 359 ff. Humber, drainage system, 185; Glauconite in Crow Limestone, 13. fault, 182, 185. Goniatities falcatus, 99; sphaericos- Hurlet transgression, 309 ff. triatus, 99. Hydraulic Limestone, 163, 164. Goodham Gill, 6, 9, 14. Hystrichosphaeridae, 333 ff. Goodmanham, 162, 170, 178 ff., 191. Hystriehosphaeridium Deflandre, Grainy Gill, 8 ff., 15 ff. 334 ff.; Grassguards Fault, 60. H. cristatum sp. nov., 338 (P. 16); Grassington, 82 ff., 393. H. cf. digitatum Eisenack, 337 Grassington Grit, 82 ff., 396 ff. (PL 16); Great Scar Limestone, 93 ff., 95; H. hirsutoides Eisenack, 335 faunal list, 138-44. (PL 16); Great Shunner Fell, 10, 15 ff., 84. H. h. var. hamatum nov., 335 Great Sleddale, 10, 18, 33, 83. (PL 16); Great Whinscale Rhyolite, 41, 46. H. longispinum (Eisenack), 335 Green Crag fault, 60. (PL 16); Greenhow, 81. H. I. var. uncinatum nov., 337; Guide to the geology of the area H. multipilosum (Eisenack), 337; between Market Weighton and H. cf. polygonale (Eisenack), 337 the Humber, 157-209 (Pis. 8-12). (PL 16); Gunnerside, 148. H. ramusculosum Deflandre, 338 Gypsum, Permian, fibrous, 356-7; (PL 17); non-fibrous, 353-6. H, trifurcatum (Eisenack), 339; H. tuberatum sp. nov., 338 (PL 17); Haematite, 386. H, veliferum sp. nov., 340 (PL 17); Hangingstone Rocks, 211. H. sp., 340 (PL 16). 440 INDEX TO VOLUME 31 [vol. 31 Impregnation of sands, 363. Leiofusa Eisenack, 345. Impure produetal limestone, Yore• Leiosphaeridae Eisenack, 344. dale Series, 92. Leiosphaeridia Eisenack, 344; L, Income and Expenditure, 1956, fragile sp. nov., 344 (PL 17); L. 68-9; 1957, 324-5. spp., 345. Ireland, framework, 263 ff.; Tourn- Leitrim, Co., 219. aisian, 242 ff.; Visean, 263-81. Lenses, fossiliferous in Chalk, 180. Iron, minerals, opaque, 386; oxides, Library of Yorkshire Geological cement, 361 (PL 20). Society, 65-6. Isopachs, Caleiferous Sandstone Lime-Plate, 117. Series, 308; Dibunophyllum zone, Limestones of Yoredale rocks, 121-5. Wales, 284; Lower Visean, N.W. Limonite, 386. Ireland, 267; Namurian beds, Lingula band in Uldale Sill, faunal Askrigg Block, 11, 12, 16, 20, 22; list, 34. Seminula zone, S. Wales, 261; List of Members, 415-35. Upper Bowland Shales, 397; Lithofacies maps, 148 (PL 5). Visean, Northumbrian trough, Little Weighton pits, 179 ff. 298; Yoredale beds (PL 5). Long Gill, 15, 19, 86. Lonsdaleia floriformis, 94. Lovely Seat, 26. JAMES, A. V., leads field meeting to Lower Andesites, 41. Fordon, 74. Lower Bowland Shales, 407. JOHNSON, G. A. L., discusses D. Lower Carboniferous palaeogeo- Moore's paper, 146; leads field graphy of the British Isles, 227- meeting to Dun Fell, 72. 318 (PL 15). Jurassic rocks, south of Market Lower Chalk, 179. Weighton, 159-70; sedimentation, Lower Estuarine Series, 163-4. 171; thinning, 173; work on, 378. Lower Howgate Edge Grit, 18, 84.
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