» • j - ■ - v ” ; - READ THE TBEWBATant. AVSBAGB OAILI GD^CmATION Forecast of 0 . & Weather. Bareaa, for the Month-ol Aogaatf 198S Bartforji- ' , 5 , 1 5 4 Geaerany fair atfd eo<^r toalfht : Member of the And[t Borean aad Ihim day. \ ttf Gbeolatfcnw. e o e im nuir C ■ * (Claspified AdvertteinR oa Pace 1&) (TWENTY PAGES) VOL. LIL, NO. 300. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1933. O’BRIEN NOMINATED I MORE STATES Stator Davis Goes To Trial Agrain COUZENSSCORES EPIDEMIC IN CUBA FAVOR REPEAL; JUDGE’S ACnON BY TAMMANY HALL ATBAMPROBE REPORTED AS REBS 5 M O ^ TO GO DEFY GOVERNMENT But the Tiger Loses Out FEDEMIOFFKM Idaho and New Mexico Join Michifan Senator Declares When Prial Defeats Har­ CETS DEATH THREAT 29 Others to Change Dry He Was Prevented from DETAHIRS AGREE Widespread Outbreak of man as Controller— Other Laws— Virginia to Vote (dving AD of His Evidence ONATRADECODE Malaria Add to Island’s Tammany Defeats. ‘Madime Gim’ Kelly Writes Next. At tbe Recent Hearing. Sufferings — Prominent Hiat He WiD KiD Mao New Yort Sept 20.—(AP)— i • Havana Newspaper taDs By Akssoelated Press Detroit, Sept. 20.—(AP)—U. S. Now Up to General Johnson Mayor John P. O’Brien, the number The score card in the fight over Senator James Couzens in a state­ one candidate of Tammany Hall, Prosecnting Bailey. repeal reads today: ment today declared that Judge to Decide— Price Control Hernandez Revolt "'Open won a walkaway nomination for Harr^B. Kelwan, who sat as the re­ mayor in yesterday’s Dembcratic Repeal 31, prohibition, 0. cently-closed one-man .Grand Jury primary election, defeating Con­ Oklahoma CJity, Sept. 20.— (AP) Idaho and New Mexico, voting Clause Simplified. * Civfl War” — Rebels Rt” gressman Loring M. Black and As- —The life c Joseph B. Keenan, as­ yesterday, approved the proposed investigating bank closings -here, 21st Amendment, which would semblyman Jerome G. Ambro by ap­ sistant attorney general leacUng had prevented him from giving fur­ strike the 18tb Amendment from ther testimony before the jury on ported Surrounded. proximately 3 to 1. the Nation’^ drive against crime, Washington, Sept 20.— (.AP) — The vote (3,727 out of 3,794 elec­ Uie Constitution. the Detroit Bankers .Ck)., holding tion districts); O’Brien 271,109; has been, threatened by George This placed the repeal forces in*' company for the First National Two codes of fair competition, one Black 95,173; Ambro 27,209. (Machine-gun) Kelly, kidnaper and a position where they can spot the Bank. covering the general retail trade and Havana, Sept 20.—(AP)—Wide­ prohibitionists three states between Tw the scalping of Black and Am­ bandit, it was learned on good au­ In a length} discussion of the ac­ the other drug stores, were made spread outbreaks of malaria were bro, however, the Tammany braves now and November T, and still have tivities of the Grand Jury and the thority today. National prohibition out of the Con­ public today by Deputy Adminis­ added today u> the burden of suf­ lost some head feathers. Their prin­ possibility of a payoff to depositors Keenan received the threat in an stitution in December. trator A. D. Whiteside of the NRA fering CXiba. Many towns in the cipal disappointment was accom­ of the closed First National and the ftimnaii letter from (Chicago at the The next state to vote is Virginia, island reported numerous cases of plished by Frank J. Prial who won Guardian National Bank of Com­ with the announcement that they end of yesterday’s Federal ' court Oct. 3. Florida votes Oct. 10, and the disease, and conditions were es­ nomination as controller. Prial de­ merce, the Senator charged that were now up to Hugh S. Johnson session, in which Harvey Bailey, six more—North and South Caro­ pecially bad at Cienfuegos. feated the Tammany choice, John Judge Keldan had restricted his tes­ for decision. Albert Bates and ten other prison­ lina, Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania As finally drafted the codes car­ This new affliction came as the N. I^arman. _ timony,- in bis second appearance government headed by President The vote (3,729 out of 3,794 elec­ ers are on t-ial, for the kidnaping and Utah—November 7. The anti- ried the much controverted price of Charles F Urschel, oil million­ prohlbitibnlsts need only five of b^ore tbe jury, to a reply to bank- control provision framed so that Ramon Qrau San Martin was doing tion districts): Prial 238,127; Har­ en who had denied the truth of aire. them to obtain the 36 states needed every merchant vould be reQuired to its utmost to hold power against man, 150,880. statements, he made In a previous an opposition determined to oust it McOooey's Choice Kelly, accused by the govern­ to amend the Constitution. keep his minimum prices at ten per ment of having aided Bates in car­ If they get the five, they expect appearance. cent above “wholesale delive^ and as that opporition movement Harman was the persontd choice Had the Evidence crystalized into virtual civil war. o f John E. McCkx>ey, B rooklyn ally rying out the Urschel abduction, the formEdities of ratification to be price” of any merchandise except and his wife are both at large. concluded in December. He said he had a large amount of for spedal sales. Various and conflicting reports of John Curry, Tammany chief. came from the bill country of Prial, previously had virtually the Like another letter likewise pur­ evidence he intended to introduce, Whiteside told newspapermen this porting • to ’ ave been written by - , IN IDAH O but that Judge Keidan told him he could in no sense be construed a Camaguey province, where solders, solid support of the city’s civil serv­ students and workmen were' at­ ice employees—^policemen, firemen, Kelly ind received by the Daily Boise City,* Idaho, Sept. 20.— On trial for violation of the Federal lottery laws, United States Senator felt that such a presentation would price fixing provision since no profit could enter a retail transaction im- tempting to stamp out tbe rebellion school teachers and others—^from Oklahoman, at Oklahoma City, yes­ (AP)—^By a vote of approximately James J. Davis of Pennsylvania here is.shown (left) leaving Federal “cause the bankers to again reQuest less the merchant obtained 25 per hv^ded by Captain Juan Bias Her­ . whose ranks he has risen politically terday, the Keenan threat bore the five to f''iu:, Idaho today had court in New York with his cotmsel. A previous trial, involving his con­ a chance to be heard and further finger orints to identify-the writer. ranged herwlf alongside the 29 duct of charity drives in the capacity of director general of a fraternal delay the conclusioi. of the Grand cent above wholesale price. nandez, the “(5uban Sandino.” and in vdiose cause he has constant He said its value would rest pri­ The general staff reported that Called Authentic other states that had previously de­ order, resulted in a mistri*d nearly a year ago. Judge Johnson Hayes Jury.” ly fought. Ordinarily the civil serv marily in limiting retailers losses (japtain. Bias and his 500 followers ice employees are ^ e backbone of Federal authorities were non­ clared for repeal of the Efighteentb (lower right) of Greensboro. H. C , is hearing the present case. ITie Senator expressed his “sin­ committal about identification of Amendment. and preventing continuance of “loss had been surrounded in the vicinity Tammany's voting strength. cere regret” that Judge Keidan did leader” seUing by which merchants of Moron, but this report was not Other Tammany defeats included the finger prints, but it was leam- Returns In yesterdaj^s election not in his findings after the con­ attract customers with low priced confirmed from any other source. the shelving by Democrats of the from 568 or tbe state’s 819 pre­ clusion of the bank investigation, (ContiBiied <m Page Sixteen) cincts in 48 ol the 44 counties, gave Rumors that a battle had occurred 14th Assembly District of Thomas “express any view with respect to (Oontinned on Page IMxteea) were officiEdly, dented. M. Farley district leader, the a total of 50.643 for repeal Qnd 37,- the orgy of high finance in the 743 against SEC. W CE FAVORS In Civil War place going to Michael T, McCar- management of the banks whose af­ In only 11 of Ue state’s 44 coun­ “We are in open civil wari’ said ron. Farley, former sheriff trf New fairs came before him.” EU Mundo, prominent Havana news­ York coun^, was removed from of­ ties was the vote agsdnst repeal. DAVIS CONTINUES The findings ot.the ' judge, made paper. fice by Franklin D. Roosevelt, then Boice and Pocatello the two AUSTRIA MENACED CONT OLLED INFLATiON Monday night a:^r tbe cmicluaion Efforts to combat the outbreaks governor, ^following disclosures largest cities in the state, voted v'fi of malaria were carried on against made- at Seabury investigation for repeal. <s>- of Senator Couzens’ testimony, were a r m s CUT TALKS The 21 delegates elected will that there was no evidence of crimi­ .diffierffties in some places. Thus at into city Ifrairs. BY MARTIAL U W Nusva.Getona, on the Isle of Pines, ‘Tlnbox” Farley ■meet here OcL 17 to record formal­ nally or moral turpitude in the con- ly •I<£EfiM*n ratification of the 21sf ItnuJT Iiat Attempt to ITb H AR1F(^ ^AGES '^diict at the banks, and that the in- Ariigglsts refused to fuinlsb sanita­ As a cons^uence of the, Seabury Vi f- tion officials with further supplies ■ .1 Amendment.
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