HAPPY FEEr A collection of folk dances and singing games enjoyed at Northland Recreation Laboratory during a ten year period. Published by Northland Recreation Laboratory 3100 West Lake Street Minneapolis 16, Minnesota $1.00 a copy post paid HAPPY FEET, 1959-03 Northland Recreation Laboratory, Minneapolis, Minnesota Here are some additional dances for whi.ch directi.ons do not appear. You will find. them of the same caliber as the rest of the dances, and very usefulo WORLD OF FUN RECORDS (Can be ordered from The Methodist Publishing House, Rush Street Chicago Illinois. Directions are included) M101 Cshebogar, Kalvelis lVll08 Seven Jumps, Crested Hen Hol-d1-ri~di~a, Seven Steps Gustav 1 s Skol, Korobushka Ml02 Galway Piper, Come: Let us Be Joyful M109 Chri.stchurch Bells, Black Nag Danish Schotti Ace of Diamonds Circassian Circle, Cumberland Square 8 Ml03 Captain Jinks Irish Washerwoman MllO Spinning Waltz Newcastle, Hopak Ml04 Campto-wn Races, Popl Goes the Weasel Road to the Isles Sicilian Circle Red R~L ver Valley JVI,lll Ten Little Indians Tune, Oats, M105 Weaving, Circle Peas, Beans; Mulberry Bush, Chimes of Dunkirk Rig-A-Jig-Jig Ml.06 Trallen, La Green Sleeves Mll2 Alabama Sent My Brown Jug Trip to Helsinki Sandy Land, Turn The Glasses Over Ml07 Little Brown , Firemen 1 s Dance Ten Pretty Girls, Waltz of the Put Your Little Foot Bells, Lili Marlene, Great Big House .in New Orleans DANISH .FOLK DANCES -- as by Peter Olsen here, bu,t are found vri th cornplete directions and accompaniment i.n: A WORI,D OF SONG--SUPPLEMENT OF SCANDINAVIAN SINGING GAMES AND FOLK DANCES, Available at: A WOBLD OF Grand View College Book Store, Grand. View , Des Mo}nes, Iowa, Price 75¢ Bleking F'1188, V ~6165 Lotte Walked ist Tod) Carousel RCA V 45- F 1183 HMV GB 8840, V 45-6170, F 1419 Crested Hen M 108, HMIT GB 2707, F1194, Napoleon MH 1054 v 45-6176 . Norwegian Mountain March F Dance of Greeting F' 1187, V 45-6183 'l 20-151, v 45-6173 Ace of Diamonds F 1176; lVl 102, 45·-6169 Roselil No record--use song Feder Mikkel 1~' 1098, HMV GB 8840 Shoemaker Dance F 1187, V 45-6171 French Reel v 18-6oo, F 1510, F 1509 Sisken Fidelity 5001 Gusta.f 1 s Skoal F , lVl 108, V 45-6170 Swedish Masquerade F 1097, Ml:I 1015 Harvest Song No record--use song 'I'otur JVIH 1021, K 135, (Il038) The Hatter F , YD:-i 1110 Varsovi.enne F 1165, F1034, M 107 Little Man in a Fix :MH. 1054, HMV GB 8839 Vossevangen No record--use song HAPPY FEET, 1959-03 Northland Recreation Laboratory, Minneapolis, Minnesota INDEX Topical List Of Dances Used At Northland Recreation Leaders Laboratory Reprinted from Notebooks since 1948 Record list has been brought up to date (March 1959) by courtesy of: Louise Music Shop 678 Grand Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Tel. CApitol 5-0456 All records are available at the above address, but records listed in parentheses () are hard to obtain and will not be available when stock is depleted. Records B----Beltona M----Methodist World Of Fun C----Columbia Mac--MacGregor CAP--Capitol MH---Michael Hermann, or Folk Dancer D----Decca OT---Old Timer F----Folkraft R----Rondo Ford-Henry Ford S----Sonart I----Imperial SC---Scandinavian K----Kismet SHAW-Lloyd Shaw HMV--His Master 1 s Voice V----Victor L----London W----Windsor Sectional Index Section I ......•.. Aids for the Leader, Page l-5 Section II •....•..•/';,. Glossary of Folk Dance Terms J Page 6-8 Section III ..... o • Singing Ga."!les, Page 9-18 Section IV ..•.••.. Popular American Novelty, Round Dances and. Mixers, Page 19-25 Section V .......... Waltzes, Page 26-31 Section VI. •.• o ••• Folk Dances as taught by Peter Olsen and others, Page 32-53 Section VII. o •• o •• Folk Dances as taught by Paul and Gretel Dunsing, Page 54-67 Page Page 13 Ach Ja MH 1110 22 Calico Kicker (I 1012) (BR 475) 25 Altai W 7601, Mac 642, Shaw 2-114 3'7 Canadian Barn Dance Mac 631, 58 Alunelul MH 1120 C DX 1191, B 2453, Cap T 10-014 41 At The Inn M~ 1022, M 115, K 135 11 Captain Jinks M 103, MH 3013 40 Bachelor's Waltz Fidelity 5001 Mac 609 44 Badger Gavotte F 1416, Mac 610, 43 Cherkessia K 130 F 1094, Ford 110 46 Circassian Circle F 1115, F 1167, 48 Big Circle Mixer M 102, Any country "Good Rumore", EMV B2215, F 1087 square tune 33 Circle Hopak M 110, K 106 56 Black Earth Circle MH 1128 45 Corrido (I 1137), Harmony 1037 30 Black Hawk Waltz (I 1006) 21 Cotton Eyed Joe M 118, F 1035, 39 Boston Two Step (I 1093), F 1158, F 1124, Mac 6o4, Shaw 201 MH 3001, Mac 309, C DX1191 27 Croatian Waltz V 25-3025 11 Ja Sam 67 British Grenadiers - Contra MH 1518 Sirotan 67 British Sorrow-Contra Ca1ler 1 s Choice­ 66 Doudlebska Polka MH 3016, F 1413 Cap., T 10014, side one, band 4 41 Dutch Foursome L 734, M 118 9 Brown Eyed Mary F 1186, OT 8005, 63 Ersko Kola MH 3020 MH 1106, M 117 31 Family Waltz MH 1057 HAPPY FEET, 1959-03 Northland Recreation Laboratory, Minneapolis, Minnesota Page Page 48 Fallen Timber 42 Rheinlander Polka OT 8005, 37 Fi.retur F)ra MI:I 1101 I ) , SC 1108 \ 22 :B"i ve Foot 'I''v~TO W 7619 J Sbm-r 12 ) 35 Road To The Isles 1005), Mac 688 F 1416J ]' 1095, Mac 728, NIH 5883 61 Gaestlaender Waltzer 9) 36 Roberts F 1161, W 7607, B 2457, 35 B F M 121 ) 50 Royal Errrpress Tango K 147, C DX 2.4 Glow Worm W (I 1044) 1218 16 Good Ladies lV!H 44 Russian Two Step F 1169, K 101, lQ Grand March Sbmr MI:I 1058 65 Grand MI[ 30 St. Bernard Waltz V 79321 52 Green S,1,ee\Tes M 11 FromFrisco to Ca:p.n F 1162, 55 Grosser AchterrJL>rl Mli I ) 6'7 Haymakers Sauerlaender Quadrille lifo, 5 JvlH 1129 26 Iri. sh Waltz Shaw 109 32 Se1lengers Round F 1174, 17 I 1 ve Been Work:i.n 1 Railroad v 20-445, v 27-298 MI:I Serenade JI1H 1127 66 ,Johnsons Special-Contra JVII:i Sextur MI:I 1021 Hornpipe~: 29 Skaters Waltz V 35-798, C 36-494 27 Ski. Lodge Waltz 25-1013, (Clarinet Polka i_n 3/4 time) 35 18 Skip to my Lou F 1192, MI:I 1110, 50 F 1153 F 1103 54 Lamidbar JIIJH 1093, Spinning Waltz M. 110, Mac 607, Israel ) I,:i.li .Marlene Mac Stopp Galop M 114 64 1 S Tromt w:&n Babeli MH 1114 Dance-Any good. Sch, F' 49 Tango Waltz K 158, C DX 1218 v )+5-6181 21 'l'en Pretty· Girls F 1036, M Ga.rden.s ~u ~!lac 6o4 Mazurka Wa ..ltz - Any good Ha,mbo, .lVIH 2002 20 Texas Schottische 11 Mil, Sch" JIIII:i ME 2004 D~25062y Ford 33 Mei sd:ti Putz D]_ (I 302), 45 To Ting MI:I 1013, S 303 MH 1017 9 Tra-La-La-La, Yes Sir V Wi.d.ow Waltz i\tlac , Sha>;r 101 39 Triple Schottische­ '7 Mexican vJ"altz F' 1093_, 1\fti l016 }l[ac 406, (I 1035), V I Milano Kolo - Stanchel 1011 32 Virginia Reel Mac F 1245) Brool<:.s v 45 1312 Moss Roses F 1092 29 w Nebesco Kol:o F M::-I Neda Gri ·vne MH 53 ll Oh Susannah F' Nac 28 Oslo Waltz MI:I 3016 51 Pant Carlan Wyn··" 1 s Wool) V 9893HM'l 38 Parisian Polka K ]V1"Ji 20 Patty Cake Polka F 1124, :B' 1260) Sha\AT 149 10 Pmr Pa1,;r Patch F , lV!H 12 Pig In 'rhe Parlor JVIFI ll.08 38 Polka Sextur F MH 1021 15 Po11y Doodle J:i, 43 Progressive Two :F' 1161 63 Raksijaak Mil HAPPY FEET, 1959-03 Northland Recreation Laboratory, Minneapolis, Minnesota 'I'HE LEA.DEH AS A PER.SON 1, Enjoy yourself. Teach :folk d.anc:ing becau;se you love it wholehearted1.y yourself, and are genuinely enthusiastic about .tt and.. earnestly wish to share that enthu­ si.asm. with others o 2, Teach only dances which you.. kr1.mv perfectly., It may otb.erw-:i.se result :Ln a very fru.strating experience for you and. a d.is13ppoi.n+;i.ng one :fo:r beginners i.n the group, 3 0 Remember folk danci.ng is a group experienc.e J and you. as the leader are only the means by \lihich a va1ue;bl.e and vit;:a,l acti.1r1.ty is introduced to and enjoyed by a group, 4. It. i.s :Lmpo:rtant to nurture a f'eel:L':lg of' jolly fri.endsh:Lp in the group, Be :r·elaxed.J be naturaL Use a few tried. h1L"'D.orous e:x:press:l.ons, but use them sparingly, 5, Have endless patience and. u:oJ.:Lmited good tn.:tJ:n.our and. enthusiasm, Some physical endurance helps too, It is taken :for granted that you can keep ti.me and step to music. 6, Never l.ose s:i.ght c:t' the :i.m:portanc:e of the i.nd.::l.vidual doing the danc.e, Be ho::lpful., encouraging., ne"1rer spot-l:ighting mistakes, ne,.re:r embarrasstng an awk,ATaed beginner, 7, The :microphone is an extension of ·your natt~.:raJ.
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