Spring 2008 OF TECHNOLOGY for K–12 Educators Winning Awards and Competitions Practical Professional Development Resources for 21st Century Skills Worth-the-Surf Web Sites Free and Inexpensive Finds Fund-Your-Dream Grants Respond and win a Canon Powershot A570. See back cover for details. Compliments of PolyVision TS610ET Y*OUFSBDUJWFXIJUFCPBSE with Easiteach®BOE8FCTUFS® *EFBMGPSQPXFSVTFSTXIPQSFGFSUPMFBSO QSPEVDUTQFDJGJDTPGUXBSF $%8( t$BQUVSFBOETBWFVTFBOZESZFSBTFNBSLFST UPDBQUVSFXSJUJOHPSESBXJOHTJOGPVSDPMPST 1PMZ7JTJPO54&5 t-BSHF FBTZUPVTFUPVDIJDPOTBMPOHUIFTJEFPG Y UIFXIJUFCPBSEJOWJUFUFBDIFSTBOETUVEFOUTBMJLF UPJOUFSBDU 4UBOEOPUJODMVEFE Promethean Activboard t3.&BTJUFBDI®FEVDBUJPOBMTPGUXBSFJTJODMVEFE $%8( &MFDUSPNBHOFUJDXIJUFCPBSE XJUINBUI TDJFODF HFPHSBQIZBOEMBOHVBHFBSUT $%8( UPPMTUIBUBMMPXUFBDIFSTUPDSFBUFVOMJNJUFE t&MFDUSPNBHOFUJDNPWFNFOUEFUFDUJPOUFDIOPMPHZ MFTTPOQMBOT t0OTDSFFOUPPMT TVDIBTQSPUSBDUPST DBONFBTVSFEPXOUPBTJOHMFEFHSFF t$PNFTTUBOEBSEXJUI8FCTUFS®TPGUXBSFBOE t'BDJMJUBUFTBMMQPTTJCMFDPOOFDUJPOPQUJPOT64# 4FSJBM #MVFUPPUI®SJHIUPVU BMMPXTZPVUPDBQUVSFZPVSESZFSBTFXPSLEJSFDUMZ PGUIFCPY JOUPUIFBQQMJDBUJPO t$PNFTXJUI"DUJWTUVEJP®TPGUXBSFGPS.BD®PS1$ BMPOHXJUIUIPVTBOET PGSFTPVSDFTBOETBNQMFMFTTPOT t*ODMVEFTVOJRVFCBUUFSZGSFF XJSFMFTTNPVTFQFOBOEBTQBSF PolyVision WT-1410 "DUJWPUFT Walk-and-Talk™Y *OUFSBDUJWF8IJUFCPBSE $%8( %FTJHOFEUPCFFBTZUPVTFBOEXPSLTFRVBMMZXFMMGPS BEWBODFEVTFSTBOEOPWJDFT t1PMZ,FZ™5FDIOPMPHZFOBCMFTJOTUBOUQMVHBOEQMBZ "DUJWPUFT $%8( TPZPVDBOVTFBOZ8BMLBOE5BMLQSPEVDUJOTUBOUMZ FMJNJOBUJOHUIFOFFEUPQSFMPBEPSMFBSOQSPQSJFUBSZ TPGUXBSF PolyVision Walk- Promethean Activote $%8( ™ t*OTUBOUMZTBWFPSQSJOUBOZUIJOHXSJUUFOPOUIF and-Talk 85 Wireless, handheld voting device XIJUFCPBSE PSBEEGSPOUQSPKFDUJPOUPJOUFSBDUXJUI Y UIFUPVDITFOTJUJWFTVSGBDF *OUFHSBUFEQFSTPOBMSFTQPOTFTZTUFNUIBUJTEFTJHOFEUPFODPVSBHFTUVEFOU $ QBSUJDJQBUJPOBOEFOIBODFMFBSOJOH t3FNPUFDPOUSPMBMMPXTZPVUPESJWFZPVS QSFTFOUBUJPOGSPNBOZXIFSFJOUIFSPPN $%8( t%FTJHOFETQFDJGJDBMMZUPXPSLXJUI"DUJWCPBSE t"EEBQSPKFDUPSGPSBOJOUFSBDUJWFUPVDITFOTJUJWF t5FBDIFSTDBOHBJOJOTUBOUJOTJHIUPOBOZUIJOHGSPNXIPIBECSFBLGBTUUP TVSGBDFUPPQFOXFCQBHFT IJHIMJHIUEPDVNFOUT JOTUBOUVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGIPXXFMMBMFTTPOJTDPNQSFIFOEFE BOEJOUFSBDUXJUIHSBQIJDTTPGUXBSFVTJOHZPVS t5FBDIFSTDBODIPPTFCFUXFFOVTJOHUIFTVQQMJFEQSFQSFQBSFEDPOUFOUBOE GJOHFSPSUIFTUZMVT FBTJMZNBLJOHUIFJSPXOXJUIUIFBJEPGUIFCVJMUJO2VFTUJPO.BTUFS8J[BSE t7PUFTDBOCFSFDPSEFECZBOJOEJWJEVBMTUVEFOUPSCZUIFXIPMFDMBTTCZ POFBOTXFSPSBTFSJFTPGBOTXFSTBMMDBOCFTBWFEUPBGMJQDIBSUPS TQSFBETIFFU The help your visual learners need to succeed. The Right Technology. Right Away.™ $%8(DPNt 0GGFSTVCKFDUUP$%8t(TTUBOEBSEUFSNTBOEDPOEJUJPOTPGTBMF BWBJMBCMFBU$%8(DPNª$%8(PWFSONFOU *OD PolyVision TS610ET Y*OUFSBDUJWFXIJUFCPBSE with Easiteach®BOE8FCTUFS® *EFBMGPSQPXFSVTFSTXIPQSFGFSUPMFBSO QSPEVDUTQFDJGJDTPGUXBSF $%8( t$BQUVSFBOETBWFVTFBOZESZFSBTFNBSLFST UPDBQUVSFXSJUJOHPSESBXJOHTJOGPVSDPMPST 1PMZ7JTJPO54&5 t-BSHF FBTZUPVTFUPVDIJDPOTBMPOHUIFTJEFPG Y UIFXIJUFCPBSEJOWJUFUFBDIFSTBOETUVEFOUTBMJLF UPJOUFSBDU 4UBOEOPUJODMVEFE Promethean Activboard t3.&BTJUFBDI®FEVDBUJPOBMTPGUXBSFJTJODMVEFE $%8( &MFDUSPNBHOFUJDXIJUFCPBSE XJUINBUI TDJFODF HFPHSBQIZBOEMBOHVBHFBSUT $%8( UPPMTUIBUBMMPXUFBDIFSTUPDSFBUFVOMJNJUFE t&MFDUSPNBHOFUJDNPWFNFOUEFUFDUJPOUFDIOPMPHZ MFTTPOQMBOT t0OTDSFFOUPPMT TVDIBTQSPUSBDUPST DBONFBTVSFEPXOUPBTJOHMFEFHSFF t$PNFTTUBOEBSEXJUI8FCTUFS®TPGUXBSFBOE t'BDJMJUBUFTBMMQPTTJCMFDPOOFDUJPOPQUJPOT64# 4FSJBM #MVFUPPUI®SJHIUPVU BMMPXTZPVUPDBQUVSFZPVSESZFSBTFXPSLEJSFDUMZ PGUIFCPY JOUPUIFBQQMJDBUJPO t$PNFTXJUI"DUJWTUVEJP®TPGUXBSFGPS.BD®PS1$ BMPOHXJUIUIPVTBOET PGSFTPVSDFTBOETBNQMFMFTTPOT t*ODMVEFTVOJRVFCBUUFSZGSFF XJSFMFTTNPVTFQFOBOEBTQBSF PolyVision WT-1410 "DUJWPUFT Walk-and-Talk™Y *OUFSBDUJWF8IJUFCPBSE $%8( %FTJHOFEUPCFFBTZUPVTFBOEXPSLTFRVBMMZXFMMGPS BEWBODFEVTFSTBOEOPWJDFT t1PMZ,FZ™5FDIOPMPHZFOBCMFTJOTUBOUQMVHBOEQMBZ "DUJWPUFT $%8( TPZPVDBOVTFBOZ8BMLBOE5BMLQSPEVDUJOTUBOUMZ FMJNJOBUJOHUIFOFFEUPQSFMPBEPSMFBSOQSPQSJFUBSZ TPGUXBSF PolyVision Walk- Promethean Activote $%8( ™ t*OTUBOUMZTBWFPSQSJOUBOZUIJOHXSJUUFOPOUIF and-Talk 85 Wireless, handheld voting device XIJUFCPBSE PSBEEGSPOUQSPKFDUJPOUPJOUFSBDUXJUI Y UIFUPVDITFOTJUJWFTVSGBDF *OUFHSBUFEQFSTPOBMSFTQPOTFTZTUFNUIBUJTEFTJHOFEUPFODPVSBHFTUVEFOU $ QBSUJDJQBUJPOBOEFOIBODFMFBSOJOH t3FNPUFDPOUSPMBMMPXTZPVUPESJWFZPVS QSFTFOUBUJPOGSPNBOZXIFSFJOUIFSPPN $%8( t%FTJHOFETQFDJGJDBMMZUPXPSLXJUI"DUJWCPBSE t"EEBQSPKFDUPSGPSBOJOUFSBDUJWFUPVDITFOTJUJWF t5FBDIFSTDBOHBJOJOTUBOUJOTJHIUPOBOZUIJOHGSPNXIPIBECSFBLGBTUUP TVSGBDFUPPQFOXFCQBHFT IJHIMJHIUEPDVNFOUT JOTUBOUVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGIPXXFMMBMFTTPOJTDPNQSFIFOEFE BOEJOUFSBDUXJUIHSBQIJDTTPGUXBSFVTJOHZPVS t5FBDIFSTDBODIPPTFCFUXFFOVTJOHUIFTVQQMJFEQSFQSFQBSFEDPOUFOUBOE GJOHFSPSUIFTUZMVT FBTJMZNBLJOHUIFJSPXOXJUIUIFBJEPGUIFCVJMUJO2VFTUJPO.BTUFS8J[BSE t7PUFTDBOCFSFDPSEFECZBOJOEJWJEVBMTUVEFOUPSCZUIFXIPMFDMBTTCZ POFBOTXFSPSBTFSJFTPGBOTXFSTBMMDBOCFTBWFEUPBGMJQDIBSUPS TQSFBETIFFU The help your visual learners need to succeed. The Right Technology. Right Away.™ $%8(DPNt 0GGFSTVCKFDUUP$%8t(TTUBOEBSEUFSNTBOEDPOEJUJPOTPGTBMF BWBJMBCMFBU$%8(DPNª$%8(PWFSONFOU *OD Welcome to OF TECHNOLOGY for K–12 Educators Table of Contents u Spring 2008 3 Fund-Your-Dream Grants Look for opportunities large and small, conveniently organized by ongoing reviews and specific deadline dates. 15 Winning Awards and Competitions Here are innovative challenges to highlight student talent and lucrative awards to recognize outstanding educators. 25 Free and Inexpensive Finds Build your school and classroom resource libraries with these low-cost, high-quality tools. 36 Resources for 21st Century Skills Peruse this collection of research, interactive Web sites, collaboration tools and more to help you prepare students with the new skill sets required for global competition. 42 Practical Professional Development and Training Here you’ll find online courses, Webinars, workshops, videoconferencing and more to support staff development. 50 Worth-the-Surf Web Sites Use this selection of Web experiences to inform your tech-savvy students and to boost their motivation. 63 Index to Companies and Organizations Publisher: Marilyn Schutz Editor: Linda K. Lindroth Respond and Senior Editorial Contributor: Sandra Mangurian win a Canon Powershot A570. Creative Director: Larry Arendt, Creative Image Graphics See back cover Design Supervisor: Nancy Papciak-Arendt, Creative Image Graphics for details. Cover Design: John Lee, Hayward Blake & Company Production Manager: Jack Tinney, Strathmore Printing Production Associate: Guy Geiger, Strathmore Printing Marketing and Publishing Associate: Jennifer Mondy Business Manager: Pam O’Neil Eastern Advertising Sales: Mariann Gardner, Media Matters, Inc. Webmaster: D. J. Bunge, Excalibur Technology No part of this document may be reproduced in whole, or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieved system, without prior written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission, write to Marketing Projects, Inc., Welsh Center, 1250 S. Grove Avenue, Suite 200, Barrington, IL 60010. Phone (847) 991-8066. Fax (847) 991-8086. Toll Free (800) 650-0034. The Big Deal Book is a registered trademark of Marketing Projects, Inc. Copyright © 2008 by Marketing Projects, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by Marketing Projects, Inc. Printed in the United States of America. 3 Fund-Your-Dream Grants ONGOING OPPORTUNITIES u Teachers who want to use C-SPAN programming video in their class- Grants Fund-Your-Dream rooms can apply for a C-SPAN Archives Grant. You must be a member of C-SPAN Classroom to be eligible. C-SPAN Classroom is a free membership service offering resources to assist educators in using the C-SPAN primary sources to teach civics and U.S. government. Membership is open to K–12 teachers, college and university professors, home-school educators and district-level administrators. Membership benefits include streamed video, downloadable video clips, teaching ideas, programming updates and special offers. Classroom resources are matched to national standards and include lessons, graphic organizers, discussion questions, activity worksheets and quizzes. To apply for a C-Span Archives Grant, simply submit a one-page summary of how you intend to use the video in your classroom instruction, along with your résumé and a list of the video(s) you want (include the ID# and price from the C-SPAN Archives). See the Web site for email and postal addresses. Deadline: Ongoing review; allow 30 days for processing Web: http://www.c-spanclassroom.org/Grants.aspx u Fundraising has probably never been easier than with this Knowledge Adventure Affiliate program for schools. To get started, email [email protected] or call (310) 533-3476 to request a registration packet with all the information needed to become a part of the fundraising program. Once you submit the forms, your school’s name is added to the drop-down menu, and a welcome letter is sent to your school to be duplicated and sent home with your students. There is no paperwork, no door-to-door selling and no product to deliver. Parents, teachers and friends of the school simply go to the Web site, select the school name and buy Knowledge Adventure consumer products, with more than 50 titles to choose from. Schools receive a 25 percent donation from every $25 minimum purchase completed under the school name, and a check is mailed quarterly. A school incentive bonus gives the school a $500 donation of Knowledge Adventure
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