T^t\ -z. '7^ r : THE WEATHER NET PRESS BUN Forecast by U. 8 . Weather Bureau, AVERAGE DAELV^CmCULATION Hartford. for the Month of October, 1929 Cloudy, probably with rain tonlfht 5 , 5 2 2 Conn. State Library—Cotep. and Wednesday. Membeni of the Aadlt dnrean of CircnlntloB* PRICE I'UHEE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929. FOURTEEN PAGES VOL. XLIV., NO. 37. (Classlfled Advertising on Page 12) SIXTEEN LEAP FROM SINGLE PLANE IISTORMS SWEEP ARNOLD PLANNED SCORES OF ISSUES BRITISH ISLES; SLUMP IN MARKET QGHT KILLED TO PUT NEGROES ____ -------------------------------------- - —' IN THEIR PLACE Prices of Leading Stocks | OVER 20,000 DEAD Many Are Injured— Enor­ Break Sharply Despite I AFTER BIG BATTLE mous Damage to Proper­ MCMANUS TRIAL Letter lutroduced at Seuate Rally at Opening— Final! — * ty -G a le s Subside as Sun ADJOURNED TODAY H e a r i u g Says Blacks Quotations. J e n Thonsand Killed on r Comes Up. Could Best Be Elimiuated Each Side m Chinese War, New York, Nov. 12.— (AP)— London, Nov. 12.- -(AP.)—Eight; by Electiug Negro Demo­ The Stock Market closed at a Put Over Uutil Nov. 18 Be- persons were killed through acci- j new bottom today after a fresh Japan Reports. flood of liquidation had carried dents and drowning, many were cause of Ilbiess of Im- crats toCougressiu prices of scores of leading Injured, and enormous property! Issues down $1 to $12 a share. damage inflicted in a gale which j Shanghai, Nov. 12.— (AP) — Northern States. Larger declines were recorded lashed the British isles and sur­ portaut State Wituess. In a few ordinarily Inactive spe­ Japanese press dispatches from rounding seas last night and to­ cialties. One hundred stocks Hankow today stated Nationalist day. Washington, Nov. 12.— (AP.) — sold at new low prices for the troops had scored a victory over the Criminal Courts Building. New ear. The ticker was running The lareest number of jumpers ever to leap consecutively from one airplane—fifteen men and a Sirl Conditions became better with The Senate lobby committee today -------------rebellious “People’s* Army” .4°^i are pictured above just before they went aloft over Roosevelt Field, Long Island, to undertake the record- York, Nov. 12.— (A P .)—The trial more than an hour late when the coming of the dawn and the began inquiry into reported plans the closing gong sounded. Mihsien, Honan province, driving) ureaJ^ir feat Within 15 seconds, a giant Sikorsky biplane discharged its human cargo at an altitude of sun late shone brilliantly on scenes of George A. McManus, for the .w. r^.-----'AS 2500 feet and all landed safely. The wholesale plane delivery bettered by four the navy’s mark of twelve. to organize a Southern Republican back the Kuomlnchi^ fojees 25 of wreckage in various places, j murder of his gambler associate miles westward to 'Tehgfeng. rte New York, Nov. 12.— (AP.) jumpers from a single plane, set re6ently. Roofs were broken, chimney pots Rothstein, was adjourned Council ‘MLo hold In line” the south­ "People’s Army” was said to be en­ smashed, bill boards thrown down.! ern states and among other exhib­ Prices of leading stocks broke today until Nov. 18 because of the trenching at Tengfeng. windows blown out and Arm istice' The dispatches sEdd the National­ its placed in the record was a let­ sharply to new low levels for the Day decorations ripped to shreds, j illness of an important state wit- year on the New York Stock Ex­ ists captured Mlhsien only after m- ter under the name of J. A. Arnold, curring heavy losses, and that they MORON ASSAULTS j Ships Suffer j ness. change today when FIFTY YEARS SENTENCE The ill witness is Alvin Thomas manager of the Southern Tariff As­ which followed an opening decline now were throwing in all ppssibl^ sociation, discussing the place of I The small coastwise shipping ap- j better known as “Titanic”* Thomp- quickly petered out. Scores of is­ reserves. 'The advices, anticipated a I peared to have suffered severely, the negro in southern politics. loss of life I son, and alleged to be one of the sues were carried down $1 to $20 still more sanguinary battle at TWO MORE WOMEN I although with little loss oi Uie. whom McManus and In addition a document intro­ a share while American Express, Tengfeng. FOR PROHIBITION AGENT I SailingX bargesDarees wunwith &mall crews 1 nien witn a fpw davs duced into the record, which pur­ making its first appearance since Soldiers Entrenched. ! were badly^^eUd on the -utb | Romstejn ported to give plans of the South­ Jan. 1. dropped $106 a share be­ ern Republican Council said “ the “ One hundred thousand of the “ U l S r n bad a atranuons !? S . Botbstein U nea,,,y to low the previous quotation of $2UO. Kuominchun are entrenching about Grabs at Womeu iu Dark negroes in southern Republican Total sales in the first two hours time eettine three such vessels in-1 McManus. politics can best be eliminated the city,” said the press reports. Accused of Killiug Farmer . _ 1__1 Gne jurorTiir was sworn on motion were 4,234,000 shares as contrast­ STATE COPS FIND through the election of negro Dom­ “The Nationalists are facing a ter­ to the harbor after their crews had Defense Counsel James D. C. ed with 1,644,100 in the same peri­ rific task to capture the place, as Area ou Park Street Last reached the exhaustion point. An­ of -----------^ g-iuor-ioa r Nott 'Ocrats to Congress from St. Louis, od yesterday, with the ticker run­ the terrain favors the defenders.” Duriug Liquor Raid Last other barge, the Marie May, had jn,"the“ ai'l)unce^ adjoumment. I Chicago. Harlem and other color- ning nearly an hour behind the Chiang Kai-Chek, Nationalist BIG BOOZE PLANT her sails blown to ribbons and her ed districts.” It added that “this Night; Get Descriptiou. until 10:30 a. m., next Monday. matter is in capable hands.” market. commander, accompanied by a Ger­ anchor dragged off Dungeness. She Court had hardly opened before New Low Records July; Makes Bitter State- The letter under Arnold's name man military adviser. Is remaining drifted helplessly and her crew Assistant District Attorney George New low records for the year at the front. A second attempted assault on i were in grave danger when res­ was addressed to Vance Muse, a were established by pearly a hun­ Brothers arose and read an affidavit One thousand wounded National­ local women was brought to light cued by a lifeboat. field man of the tariff association. meut lu Court. Believe Bridgeport Head­ j from a Milwaukee, Wls., physician Before presentation of this letter. dred stocks. The list Included U. b. ists arrived at Hankow and also 1,- Thirty of the crew of the Italian Steel Common, American Can, Gen- today when The Herald learned | that Thomas was a patient in the Chairman Caraway had asked 000 Kuominchun prisoners, who steamer Nimbo were dramatically sral Electric, International Harvest­ that a man very evidently a moron j Miserie Accordie hospital there and Arnold if he had assisted luin uigam^-organiz- were interned at Wuchang. Two Chandler, Okla., Nov. 12.— (AP.) ] quarters of Riug Supply- rescued by a lifeline from the cliff er National Biscuit, Sears Roe­ accosted two women on Park ] probably would not be in fat p y ^ | Republican Council ship loads of wounde'’ Nationalists Jeff Harris, deputized Federal dry | top at New Haven. condition to come to New lor ■ ^gg projected, the chairman buck, International Business Ma­ are reported to have arrived at street at about 8:30 last evening. | agent, was sentenced to 50 years In The dirigible R-101 looked spic a week or ten days. | added, “ to hold in line” southern chines. Western Union, May d e­ Woodsung, near here. iug Part of State. One of the women was Mrs. Ray C. I partment Stores, Gillette Safety the state prison today by District Pillsbury, of 101 Chestnut street. I and span this morning after riding Agree to Adjournment .states. Arnold testified he had noth- Unverified estimates from Han­ State and defense counsel then with the formation of the Razor, Commercial Solvents, Air Judge Hal Johnson for the murder ; The name of the other, a young i out the gale at her mooring masr kow stated each side had lost 10, We naturally are delighted at her retired and agrreed to the adjourn- | council, Reduction, Warren Bros., First Na­ 000 killed in the battle o f Mihsien. of Oscar Lowery, Pottawatomie Bridgeport, Nov. 12.— (AP) — girl, has not been learned. A de­ tional Stores, American Pov^^r and scription of the man tallies almost performance which is something nc ment of six days. The Letter McManus, a large florid faced , letter as placed in the record Light, Northern Pacific, Central coxmty farmer during a liquor raid. : w hat is believed by state police to exactly with that given by Miss other airship has ever done,” said Harris was convicted here two a gigantic “alcohol ring" supply- Grace Giglio and Miss Eleanor Bid- an official today. man, sat smiling inside the bar rail | read: Railroad of New Jersey. New York during the days’ short cut session. | went with the darkey today to Central and Missouri Pacific pre­ weeks ago. ing southwestern Connecticut with well when they were assailed on | Passengers on the steamer J aa SENATORS ENDORSE Center street a week ago Friday He was dressed in a blue suit, white , ggg yjgg president Curtis and he ferred. Harris, In a bitter statement be­ liquor, was uncovered Saturday I Breydel from Gstend arrived at shirt and blue tie.
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