, FATA, MEATS, book I ••• • ed ,lamp. Q! Ih ••••h Ut It)od lhrourh AUI. 3. ; VU thraurh ZI tbuDrb Sent. 30: Al 11I,01l(h 1!1 .ood IhtOu,h Oel. 31, and FI faIr lh,o",l1 hI food Ih.ou,h Nov. 3U. 1.1 Ih,.. ,h III be­ come "alld epL. I and are ,ood 'hrouJh Oeo. 31 . SUGAR, litam" Nfl ,.ood throurh A_,. 81 rflr five pound.. Siamp 86 ,oDd Sopl. I Ibro_,b DIO. 81 for DAILY IOWA: Generally fair and rive pound.. 8110£8, book three airplane IOWAN. .tllD,. ,. THE conUoueci warm. :t, H pnd 4 are "MJld Jndetlnlt.f1I)". Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ?IVE CENTS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IO~A CITY. IOWA TUESDAY. AUGUST 28, 1945 TBI. AIIIOClATU- ...SI VOLUMED! NUMBER 286 e .In • U, S. S. ENTERPRISE, SIX TIMES 'SUNK' BY JAPS, SURVIVES Rullian Occupation • Big Occupation Plane • SUNK SIX TIME by Japanese claim, the USS Enterprise Is still Of Manchuria, Korea i F1'rs'l Troops afloat. The "tiglltlngest ('arrler In the fleet" accounted for 911 Jap Fleel Steams I Crashes on Okinawa; • aIrcraft shot down by the mighty rIattop's planes and IrUnll, 71 \ Virtually Completed enemy ships sunk by her pilots and anotlter 19! damared or proba­ • • bly sunk. Photo !I.t right shows where a bomb, dropped by a Jap LONDON (AP)-The Russian In Tokyo Bay SAN:::::;:~il~ob- Prepare·Way plane, landed on the deck of the carrier, rolled a wan, came to a occupation of Japanese-held terri­ ert Shaplen, NBC and Newsweek stop and never exploded. Lower left pho.to showil smoke drifting op tory In Manchuria, northern Korea from the empty eleva lor well of the Enterprise arter her huge for· war correspondent, said In a F M M and southern Sakhalin island ap­ broadcast last night from Okinawa ward elevator had been blown out o.f Its well more than COO reet In parently was com. Ie e yesterday To Land Men (Tuesday Okinawa date) that ap- or ore en, the air, lower photo by a Jap suicide plane. While accumulatlnlr 18 as Moscow reported the round-up proximately 20 veteran communi- of 22 possible combat star for carriers In the Pacific area, the gal­ of 30,000 addilional Japanese pris­ cations men were killed, in a plane lant ship sleamed more than 275,000 mU~lIe equal of 12 times oners. About 10,000 Marines, which cracked up while taking oU Giant Planes Drop around the world at the equator-In pursuit of the foe. Although Moscow's 35-word communique, with the advance echelon for At­ her log Is practically a summar)' of the naval war in the Pacific reported that there had been no Sailon Ready to Go sug! airfield near Tokyo. On Atsugi Airfield, from the sad r~Jl~ desperate beginninc on Dec. 7, 1941, throulrh the changes during the day on the Ashore at Yokosuka Shaplen said among those killed Just Outside Tokyo tide-turning days at Midway a,nd Guadalcanal, nothinlr was toucher Far Eastern front. "The recep­ were men who had been in serv­ than the last 19 a~tion·packed months taking her through the tion of surrendering Japanese WITH THE U. FLEET, ice since the early days ot the units and formations continues." MANILA, Tuesday (AP)­ bloody victory at Okinawa. Tuesday CAP) -A me ric an New Guinea campaign. Consider­ able equipment also was lost, he Th first Am ricsn occupation naval unit steamed into Tokyo reported. fore landed in Japan today at bay today in final preparation U. S., Russian for landings of 10,000 sailors 9 a. m. Tokyo tim (7 p. m. and marines at Yoko. uka naval ~londay central war time). base 'l'hursday (,Japan time). Navy to Let Oul Forty- ight two and four­ The special task force making engin d tran.] ort planes and Relalions Soar this initial entrance into the wat­ ers of the Japanese capital left Its flying fortr . b gan landing anchorage in Sagami bay this 3Million Men at that hour at At ugi airfield, Hit New High Mark morning for the 20-mile trip around Miura peninsula into MINE EXPLODES For Good Will; China Tokyo bay. Hopes to Reduce Size NEW YORK - A JapaDete Pact Is Widely Hailed Headed by Rear Adm. Oscar C. mine ex])loded In TOkyo bay Badger's flagship, the cruiser San To Force of 550,000 Jut nl&'M off the port. aide of WASHINGTON (AP) - Rela­ Diego, 10 ships of the speelal force In Year-Forrestal the United States deatronr tions between the United States rounded the point and went GOtsella, but no damaae W&I and Russia scored a new high in through the narrow Uraga chan­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Secre­ done to the American ship alMl good feeling yesterday. nel, only 2'h miles wide and lined tary of Navy Forrestal sald yester­ no ODe W&l Injured, NBC'. Joe with silent coastal guns. HalnUne reported from aboard This results chiefly from dis- day the navy hopes to reduce to All indications were that the 500,000 men and 50,000 otticerS the G elln. closure of terms of the new Rus- guns had been made Inoperative sian treaty with China. Diplomatic within a year. by removal of breeck blueks as This will mean the discharae of 'officials consider it one of the ordered In surrender terll18. t of downtown 1most important and peace-aiding 2,839,000 men. The navy's present The several battleships followed strength is 3,389,000. Tokyo, with 150 technical spe­ pacts to come out of the chaos 01 cialists. war. the San Diego through Uraga At the same time, Forrestal dis­ To American leaders it means strait. 'fhen came several destroy­ closed at a news conference, the The momentous lIrst arrIval of that widely expressed fears of ers and one troop transport carry­ navy is revising its discharge point ,round personnel, to prepare tor civil war in China, of Soviet land Ing marines who will occupy three system to provide credit for over­ mass arrivals two days hence, oc­ grabs in northeast Asia of a tiny islands in the mouth of Tokyo seas service, a factor omitted when curred as powerful fleet unlta, Moscow campaign to dominate bay. They are scheduled to go the discharge plan was announced headed by lhe 45,OOO-ton battle­ Asia politically, now appear on ashore in ar few hours to see that a few days ago. ship Missouri, rode at anchor in the fact of the treaty to be without Admiral Halsey's orders that the Revise In Two Montha Sagaml b y, nine miles south of foundation. islands be totally neutralized were Forrestal said the pIon would be Atsugl. The pact was halled by Secre­ carried out. revised within abOut two monlhs Fix ommunlcatlonl tary- of State lJyrnes yesterday as Everyone was alert tor the to include the overseas service The advance party at Ataua! an example of "unity and mutual posslbllUy of mln_lther Ja­ credIt. He emphasized that points Immediately set about arrangln, helpfulness." panese or Amerlcan-(the laUer needed for discharge will not be tor American signals and landin, Most significant provisions of dropped by B-29's)_lthoul'h increased when the overseas serv­ procedures for the air armada due the treaty are those calling for minesweepers had spent hours tce is established and the pOint Thursday. Proposes YDung Men withdrawal of Russian troops from searchlnlr for the underseas ex· values of other factors will not be The ThursdllY arrivals will In­ More Poultry, N~w Automobile Price Freshman Manchuria within a short time, plost Veil In 'bls harbor-once decreased, elude General MacArthur and his for ~ccupatiol! Duties and [or full support of the Chung­ the most heavOy mined In the At present, the navy discharge staff. ToBeSameasin.1942 R II ,. king government by the govern­ world. system allows credit for age, The advanced party brou,ht ment at Moscow, which knocks the The ships altered course a few length of service and dependency. In special equipment for Imme­ President Also Urges Bee IN ex IY ear. Eoch Manufacturer I egis ra Ion props from under the Communist times, presumably to avoid dan­ One-half point Is given for each diate cont.act with the advancing Incentives to Boost group in China insofar as any rev­ ger tones. year of age, one-half point for each stapn,. area, rrom which the CHICAGO (AP) - Bigger sup­ To Set Own Figure, olutionary activities are concerned. month of duty since Sept. I, 1939, parb took off. Voluntary Enlistment$. Beginning freshmen in the col­ plies of beef and poultry, and pos- But Raise Unlikely Along with this, two ollieI' de­ and 10 pOints for dependency re­ Atsuel's airfield, like all other WASHING'rON (AP) _ Presi- sibly more eggs also are in pros­ leges of liberal arts, engineering, velopments have raised the tem­ To the Rescue gardless ot the number of depend­ Japanese airfields, is barely large denl Truman decluring fairness to pect for civilians in the near fu- and pharmacy at the UniverSity of perature of official friendship for BALTIMORE (AP) - Police­ ents. enough for American planes. The , .. ture, government orders and mar- WASHINGTON (AP)-The new Iowa are required to report Mon­ the Soviet Union. These are: men, techniCians and doctors at The critical scores for discharge technicians went to work to ren­ ~~~~:tr~I~;~~'ndn:maan~:1 ~~~~~~~I;t~:~ ~etd developments Indicated yes- automobiJe prices will be ap- day, Sept. 17 at 8 a. m., Macbride 1.
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