PROCEEDINGS of the INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE CUMULATIVE INDEX Volumes 61-70 1951-1960 Compiled by Richard A. Laubengayer Index Committee Nellie M. Coats, Lois Burton Richard A. Laubengayer, Chairman Indiana Academy of Science Indiana State Library 1962 INDEX TO PORTRAITS (Portraits reserved for those who have served as presidents) Cogshall, Wilber Adelman (1874-1951) 61:18 Deam, Charles Clemon (1865-1953) 63:30 Enders, Howard Edwin (1877-1958) 68:33 Friesner, Ray Clarence (1894-1952) 63:32 Huston, Henry Augustus (1858-1957) 67:62 Mahin, Edward Garfield (1876-1952) 62:36 Ramsey, Rolla Roy (1872-1955) 65:31 Wright, John Shepard (1870-1951) 61:31 421 PAST OFFICERS 1951-1960 Year President Vice-President Secretary 1951 W. P. Morgan J. E. Switzer W. A. Daily 1952 P. D. Edwards H. M. Powell W. A. Daily 1953 H. M. Powell A. H. Meyer W. A. Daily 1954 0. B. Christy R. Girton W. A. Daily 1955 A. H. Meyer W. H. Johnson W. A. Daily 1956 R. E. Girton John Mizelle W. A. Daily 1957 W. H. Johnson W. A. Daily H. E. Crull 1958 W. A. Daily A. A. Lindsey H. E. Crull 1959 R. E. Cleland A. T. Guard H. E. Crull 1960 A. T. Guard L. H. Baldinger W. W. Bloom Year Treasurer Editor Press Secretary 1951 F. J. Welcher A. A. Lindsey B. Moulton 1952 F. J. Welcher A. A. Lindsey B. Moulton 1953 F. J. Welcher B. Moulton J. A. Clark 1954 F. J. Welcher B. Moulton J. A. Clark 1955 F. J. Welcher B. Moulton J. A. Clark 1956 F. J. Welcher R. A. Laubengayer J. A. Clark 1957 F. J. Welcher R. A. Laubengayer J. A. Clark 1958 F. J. Welcher R. A. Laubengayer F. N. Young 1959 D. J. Cook R. A. Laubengayer F. N. Young 1960 D. J. Cook R. A. Laubengayer E. Weinberg 422 : INDEX INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE PROCEEDINGS Volumes 61 (1951) —70 (1960) Abandoned railroads, 65:162 Age changes in liver as studied by light Abbott, J. H., 69:162 and electron microscopy, 69: Aboriginal American medicine and 325-331 surgery, 61:49-53 of Tolleston sands, 61:176-179 Academy, The Indiana, from horse and pyramids for Indiana's counties and buggy to jet, 70:194-199 larger cities, 67:187-193 Acer, effect of topography on the dis- Agglutination, red blood cells, 63:60 tri., 61:70 reactions, effect of formaldehyde on Acetate, aluminum solutions instead red cell, 67:98 of ferric in qualitative testing Aggression and avoidance in C57BL for, 66:98 mouse, 67:298 Acetic acid, metabolism in tomato, 62: Aging of reagent solutions in precipi- 101 tation processes, 67:128-134 Acetylacetone, reactions with pheny- Agriculture, Sullivan county, 64:191- lenediamines, 63:110-112 193 Acetyl-coenzyme A and succinate, re- Air-conditioned light rooms for grow- quiring enzyme from Azof abac- ing plants, 63:230 ter, 64:53 Albright, L. E., 65:222 Acetylenic alcohols, determination of Alcoholic beverages and consumption, esters, 66:91-94 64:50 Acid-catalyzed decarbonylation of 2, 4, Alfalfa, insects affecting seed produc- 6 - trimethoxybenzaldehyde, 65 tion, 62:181-197 66 insects, influence of residual and accompanying condensation reac- non-residual insecticides on, 65: tion, 70:99 145-148 anomalous oxidation reaction: 70: yields in southern Indiana from pre- 119-122 dicted soil and plant analyses, Acidophilic granules in basophiles of 61:167-170 laying hens, 64 :256 Algae Aker, R. F., 63:60 Cosmarium botrytus Meneghini, Acorns in Indian diet, 62:56-62 some aspects of sexuality and Actinophage, 63:64 genetics, 64:56 Actinoplanes, unusual keratinophilic growth of, 62:99 microorganism, 63:83-86 lyophilization, 64:61 Adair, R. K., 61:276 of Lake Wawasee, 62:98 Adams, Clifford, 63:198, 201 planktonic myxophyceae, 68:43-57 Adams, J. R., 70:205 some of St. Meinrad area, 69:131- Adams, N. E., memorial, 70:31-32 133 Adams, T., 64:254 Spirogyra, study of variation in, Adams, W. R., Aboriginal American 64:56 men and surgery, 61:49-53; 67: unusual forms from Indiana, 69:119- 90 122 Adelburg, M., 61 :273 Alkali bee, artificially induced nesting, Adye, J. C, 69:100 67:135 Ae, Shigeru Albert, 65:230 Alkylation of 4-Nitrophthalimide, 63: Aedes grossbecki and Aedes aurifer in 108-109 Indiana, 68:149 Allen County, precambrian rocks, 62: Aedes thibaulti Dyar and Knab, in In- 234-243 diana, 70:137 population changes, 62:244-249 Aeolosoma, reproduction of, 63:269 streams, 62:244-249 Aerial applications in agriculture, 69: reaction of the Gabriel synthesis, 150 62:158-159 Aerosol applications, fogging, 61:152- Allen, H. L., Ill, 64:237 158 Allen, M., 62:144; 64:92 Agabus confusus, distribution and Allen, M. A., 64:56 habit of, 62:171 Allen, W. R., memorial, 65:25-26 423 : 424 Alpha—Antimicrobial Alpha-conidendrin, bacterial dissemi- Anthropology (see also entries under nation of, 66:55 following author names, only Alpha particle irradiation of germa- those who submitted manu- nium at 4.2°k, 67:278 scripts included: Adams, W. R.; particles, scattering of 19-Mev, by Blasingham, E. J.; Driver, H. Ne, Al, A and Cu, 66:297 E.; Faulkner, C. H.; Grollig, F. 14 X.; V. Huelsman, particles scattering by N , 63:264 Helmen, R.; Alston, R. E., 64:57 B. R.; Johnston, R. B.; Klinge, Alternate routes of metabolism, 62:64 P.; Martin, F. P.; Murray, R. W.; Neumann, G.; Neumann, Alternation of responses as function of H. W.; Ostertag, W.; Raibourn, hunger drive level, 61:280 D. D.; Wadia, M. S.) Aluminum -bromide -hydrocarbon com- abstracts, 61:46-48; 62:52; 63:45-46; plexes, 63:140-142 64:49-51; 65:48-49; 66;45-46; Aluminum, gaseous lower valence 67:90-91; 68:58; 69:65; 70:46-47 states of, 61:115 Aboriginal American medicine and in qualitative for test acetate, 66: surgery, 61:49-53 98-99 Acorn in North American Indian American cockroach, Periplanata diet, 62:56-61 americana, susceptibility of the Alcoholic beverages in native North ootheca to various insecticides, America, 64:50 68:196-198 Anthropometric traits, 68:59-64. American pharmaceutical association, Australopithecinae among human 62:278 fossils, 63:47-53 Ammocoete larvae of Lampetra lamot- Estimation of prehistoric popula- tenii, 62:318 tions, 69:78-82 Amphibians and reptiles, distribution 14 Field methods and C dating, 61:46 in Indiana and Illinois, 66:328 New archeological material from Amylase, cell-free, of Bacillus stera- Marion county, 62:53-55 rother mophilus, 61:64 New word affiliations of Neolithic bacterial, 62:65 Baikal people, 63:54-56 Analysis by extraction and high fre- Pagan marriage in Guatemala, 68: quency measurement, 66:81-85 70-71 Anderson, C. E. and S. N. Postle- Political organization of Tewa In- thwait, The organization of dians, 68:65-69 root apex of Glycine max, 70 Pottery figurine heads from Mexico, 61-65 66:53-54 Andrew, K. L., 61:273; 62:291 ornaments from Rio Tapajos, Brazil, Andrew, W., Age changes in liver as 67:92-95 studied by light and electron Somatotyping for secondary schools, microscopy, 69:325-331 61:54-61 Anesthetics, fluorine containing, 64:92 Statistical analysis in archeology, Angel site, 64:51 68:65-69 identification of unmodified faunal Sunflowers from Tilarosa Cave, New remains from, 70:46 Mexico, 61:47 Animal activity, use of oxygen disso- Tape recording in anthropology, 61: ciation curve in interpretation, 48 64:258 Wife stealing in central Mexico, 67: Annual rings, relation to multiple 90 flushes of growth in species of Yankeetown pottery, 61 :46 67:104-106 oak, Anthropometric traits, genetic and en- Anthocyanin synthesis, use of tissue vironmental factors, 68:59-64 culture for study of, 66:61 Antibiotic substances from Ranuncu- genetic control of, 64:57 laceae, 70:83-86 Anthophilous insects of Indiana Antibiotics, effect on bacterial reduc- I. A preliminary annoted list of the tion of triphenyltetrazolium Apoidea, 66:125-140 chloride, 62:63 II. A preliminary list of the Diptera Anticoagulant properties of phospho- collected from blossoms, 67:160- 63:127-130 170 rylated proteins, Anthropological groupings, among Antigen-antibody reactions in agar, North American Indians, musi- 64:52 cal styles and, 69:65 Antigens, 61:64; 63:270 methods, use of tape recording, 61 :48 Antimicrobial drugs, 64:53 : : :: Anxiety—Bacteriology 425 Anxiety, instrumental measures of, 61 Audio-visual aids, in teaching general 280 chemistry, 68:121 measurement in clinical situations, devices, in the teaching of general 64:241 chemistry laboratory, 68:121 Aploparaksis, new species from fox Auditory fatigue, relation to Kappa, sparrow, 61:305-307 66:323 Apple scab pathogen, biochemical re- Aureomycin, effects of serum proteins sponse of Mains atrosanguinea of rabbit, 68:139-143 to, 70:53 Aughenbaugh, N. B., 69:184 trees in southern Indiana, insect Australopithecus, its place among hu- fauna of, 68:205-217 man fossils, 63:47-53 variety improvement, current status, Aux Vases sandstone, Putnam county, 68:87 63:203-207 virus diseases, investigations on, 68: Avers, C. J., 61:66 88 Axenic cultivation of planarians, 67: virus diseases, further observations 301 on, 70:54 Azeotropes, estimation of composition, Aquatic plants, Verduin method for 62:144 measuring photosynthesis and Azotobacter, oxidation of acetate by respiration of, 62:105 extracts of, 66:56 Araneology of Indiana, 62:299-317 Azotobacter vinelandii, 64:53 Arawak community, 64:50 Aztec corn festival, 62:52 Archeology, 15 years excavation at one Angel Site, 64:51 Babcock, R. F. and R. B. Fischer, Aleutian, 63:45 Aging of reagent solutions in Marion county, Indiana, 62:53-55 precipitation processes, 67:128- statistical analysis in, 68:65-69 134 Areal differentiation of Indiana coun- Bachman, G.
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