Index A application services 183 overview of COSIP model 179–184 address resolution protocol (ARP) 145 support and training 183 advanced television systems committee (ATSC) technical infrastructure 183 134 Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) advanced very high resolution radiometer 270 (AVHRR) 5 Committee on the Peaceful Use of Space Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) 196 (COPUOS) 285 amateurs satellite corporation (AMSAT) 151 common foreign and security policy (CFSP) announcements of opportunity (AO) 259 194 Antarctic Treaty 240 Commonwealth Scientific and Research Orga- Apollo 268, 277, 346, 356 nization (CSIRO) 6 apparent bandwidth asymmetry 145 communications systems 53–57 applied physics laboratory (APL) 258 base transceiver station (BTS) 56 Argentine Association for Space Technology centre national d'etudes spatiales (CNES) 55 (AATE) 151–153 command center terminal (CCT) 55 Associated American Artists (AAA) 333 emergency management by satellite communica- tions (EMERGSAT) 54 B geostationary (GEO) 55 hand held user terminal (HHUT) 55 bit error rates (BER) 143 intermediate mobile terminal (IMT) 55 Bogotá Declaration 239 low Earth-orbit (LEO) 55 broadcasting-satellite services (BSS) 132 Prévention et Anticipation des Crues au moyen des Techniques Spatiales (PACTES) 54 C real-time emergency management via satellite (REMSAT) 54 carbon nanotubes (CNTs) 317 Conférence Européenne des Télécommunica- Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) tions par Satellites (CETS) 196 337 conference of the parties (COP) 216 clean development mechanism (CDM) 218 Cospas-Sarsat system 69–88 coalition of space Internet providers (COSIP) cosmicheskaya sistyema poiska avarinyich sudov model 169–186 (COSPAS) 70 Copyright © 2008, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. Index GEOSAR system 80–81 observing system (EOS) 267 local user terminal (LUT) 72–88 system science pathfinder (ESSP) 27 4 low-Earth-orbit (LEO) 72 Economic and Social Council of Asia and the MEOSAR system 81–83 Pacific (ESCAP) 212 frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) 83 educational objectives 152–168 time differences of arrival (TDOA) 83 Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) 221 search and rescue (SAR) 70 emergency search and rescue satellite-aided tracking (SAR- locator transmitter (ELT) 69–88 SAT) 70 position indicating radiobeacon (EPIRB) 69 system concept 71–72 mission control centre (MCC) 72 environmental management 31–34 personal locator beacon (PLB) 71 air pollutants 32 rescue coordination centre (RCC) 72 disposal of wastage 32 remote sensing in urban areas 31 cost underground composition of urban areas 32 commercial off the shelf (COTS) 263 water usage 32 factor 175 of exploration 244–245 European extravehicular activities (EVA) 244 Commission (EC) 190 intravehicular activity (IVA) 244 Defence Agency (EDA) 195 defence equipment market (EDEM) 199 crew exploration vehicle (CEV) 265 Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO) 196 D programmes 190–192 Galileo project 190 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency GMES & Earth observation satellites 191 (DARPA) 135 launch vehicle support 191 demand factor 175 space exploration 191 Deutsche Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt Aurora 191 Science Foundation (ESF) 190 (DLR) 196 security development of satellite and defence policy (ESDP) 194 communication 133–134 research programme (ESRP) 195 data networks 134–135 Space digital Agency (ESA) 188–208, 217–226, 241–256 divide 171–186 Research Organisation (ESRO) 196 video broadcast (DVB) 134 space sector 188–190 direct benefits 24 2 telecommunications standards institute (ETSI) disaster management 36, 45–46 142 data collection and detection subsystem 45 union deprivation module 38 military disaster module 38 committee (EUMC) 194 evacuation module 38 staff (EUMS) 194 management subsystem 45 Union (EU) 188–208 resource allocation module 38 experiments in art and technology (EAT) 336 shelter supplies module 38 exploration mission directorate (EMD) 265 transport module 38 extraterrestrial projects 235–236 E F Earth Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 302 -centred-Earth-fixed (ECEF) 9 6 femtosatellites 151 observation (EO) 209–226 summit 218 First Space Regime 230 Index fixed-satellite services (FSS) 13 2, 175 differential GPS (DGPS) 103 foreign and security policy 194 GNSS surveying 103 framework precise positioning service (PPS) 103 agreement (FA) 195 single point positioning (SPP) 103 programmes (FP) 193 GLONASS 105–130 frequency division multiplexing (FDM) 142 infrastructure 100–104 full cost accounting (FCA) 263 global positioning system (GPS) 101 GPS III 105 future GPS IIR-M and GPS IIF 104 markets 248 principles of operation 94–96 of the small satellites 166 problem areas 97–98 stakeholders 245–246 dual use: military vs. civil 100 trends 57–62, 252 regulatory issues 99 HAP communications 57 security issues 98 satellite-HAP-sensors network (SHSN) 62 positioning system (GPS) 90–130 tracking and data relay satellite (TDRS) 61 satellite systems (GNSS) G global positioning system (GPS) standard positioning service (SPS) 103 Galileo water cycle (GWC) 2–7 joint undertaking (GJU) 121, 198 graphic information system (GIS) supervisor authority (GSA) 121 computer-assisted GBSS Association 176 cartography (CAC) 27 geographical drafting (CAD) 27 data 30 Greater Earth 286–292 natural resources 30–31 green house gases (GHGs) 220 information systems (GIS) 4, 213 group on Earth observation (GEO) 218 geostationary orbit (GSO) 132 geosynchronous orbits 233 H global hypertext transfer protocol (http) 138 broadband satellite system (GBSS) 174–186 coordinating actors (GCA) 181–183 I Earth observation system of systems (GEOSS) 218 importance of connectivity 172–174 mobile personal communication services information (GMPCS) 134 & communication technology (ICT) 115, 169– monitoring for environment and security (GMES) 186 189 fixed line telephone networks 17 2 navigation satellite systems (GNSS) 89–130 mobile telephones 172 applications and services 92–94 personal computers (PC) 172 civil applications 93 technology software 23–41 military applications 93 data mining 24 scientific applications 9 3 data warehouse 24 components and segments 96–97 GIS database 24 Galileo 89–130 text database 24 commercial service (CS) 109 intellectual property rights (IPR) 242 safety of life (SoL) 109 Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Com- global positioning system (GPS) mittee (IADC) 288 Index International challenges 269–279 Association of Astronomical Artists (IAAA) 336 imperatives 272–274 Space Station (ISS) 242, 265 market evolution 247 Telecommunication Union (ITU) 285 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) international 337 launch services (ISL) 246 mean time between failure (MTBF) 262 policy for disaster management 64–67 Measurement Engineering Australia (MEA) 8 telecommunication union (ITU) 132, 170 medium-Earth orbit (MEO) 132 Internet microsatellites 151 applications 140–141 military programs 333 engineering task force (IETF) 138 protocol (IP) 138 minisatellites 151 relay chat (IRC) 183 ministry of environment (MOE) 220 technologies 137–141 mobile-satellite services (MSS 132 OSI model 137 Montreal Protocol 215 intersatellite service (ISS) 132 Moon Irwin, Robert 337 Agreement 303 Treaty 284 J multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) 209–226 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Murray-Darling basin (MDB) 2–18 217–226, 243 jet propulsion laboratory (JPL) 258 N L nanosatellites 150–168 National landing rights 177 Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Laurie Anderson 343 192, 217–226 Law of the Sea 240 Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) 220 Liability Convention 303 Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) local 274 information utility (LIU) 169–186 Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration institutional actor (LIA) 181 (NOAA) 6 location based services (LBS) 118 Research Council (NRC) 190 Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) national policy 264 336 natural resource management 19–41 low knowledge-based system for natural resources Earth orbit (LEO) 233, 299 management (KBSNRM) elliptical orbits 233 significance 3 4 wireless technology 34 M nongeostationary orbit (nonGSO) 132 macroprojects 228–240 O an illustration 234 assignment 235 onboard processing (OBP) 132 concept 228 open access service (OS) 123 magneto plasma dynamic engines (MPDs) 316 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) 221 man-computer interactive data access system operational system 73 (McIDAS) 6 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) management 74 Index International Maritime Organization (IMO) 73 R International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 74 operative structure 154–158 regimes 228–229 diagram in blocks 155–161 hegemonic cycle 229 energy management system (µC power manager) institutions 229 157 norms 229 main program 157 organizations 229 periodic execution subroutine 158 principles 229 transmission and operative control system of the rational egoists 229 satellite (µC satellite control) 155 rules 229 Outer Space Registration Convention 303 Law 238 remote sensing 211–226 Moon Treaty or Moon Agreement 239 res communis 283–292 Outer Space Treaty 239 Rescue Agreement 303 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of research space centers (RPC) 246 States in the Exploration and Use of Outer reusable launch vehicles (RLVs) 293–295 Space, including the Moon and Other Celes- rex communis 283 tial Bodies 238 rule of three Ps 282 Treaty 303 Russian Space Agency (FSA) 245 P S packet identifier (PID) 14 2 satellite passband 175 -WiMax
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